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Write the sentences into REPORTED SPEECH.

1. She said "I can get home on my own".

She said that__________________________________________________________________.

2. They said "We haven't been to an art gallery for ages".

They said that ________________________________________________________________.

3. The police asked me "When did you leave the house this morning?"

The police asked me ___________________________________________________________.

4. He said "I'll think about it."

He said that __________________________________________________________________.

5. I asked the waiter "When is the dinner served?”

I asked the waiter _____________________________________________________________ .

6. Dad asked "Did you find my glasses?”

Dad asked me ________________________________________________________________ .

7. He asked me "Do you understand all the rules?"

He asked me _________________________________________________________________.

8. She asked me “When will I see you again?"

She asked me ________________________________________________________________.

9. My parents said "We are going on holiday tomorrow."

My parents said that ___________________________________________________________.

10. She said "Wait until I get back!"

She told him _________________________________________________________________.

11. My sister said "I always eat lots of fresh fruit and salad."

She said that _________________________________________________________________.

12. The workers said "We won't have enough time to finish the job."

The workers said that __________________________________________________________.

13. The passenger asked "Could someone help me with the luggage?"

The passenger asked __________________________________________________________.

14. Mom said "Don't worry!"

Mom told me _________________________________________________________________.

15. Jack said "We must leave soon."

Jack said that _________________________________________________________________.

16. She said "It's been a long time since I had such a good meal."

She said that _________________________________________________________________.

17. They wanted to know "What time does the party start?”

They wanted to know __________________________________________________________.

18. The guide said "The weather may get much worse."

The guide said that ____________________________________________________________.

19. The boy asked the tour guide “Where is the main tourist office? “

The boy asked the tour guide ____________________________________________________.

20. She said “Let’s go out!”

She suggested ________________________________________________________________ .


1. She said "I can get home on my own".

She said that she could get home on her own.

2. They said "We haven't been to an art gallery for ages".

They said that they hadn't been to an art gallery for ages.

3. The police asked me "When did you leave the house this morning?”

The police asked me when I had left the house that morning.

4. He said "I'll think about it."

He said that he would think about it.

5. I asked the waiter "When is the dinner served?”

I asked the waiter when the dinner was served.

6. Dad asked "Did you find my glasses ?”

Dad asked me if I had found his glasses.

7. He asked me "Do you understand all the rules?"

He asked me if I understood all the rules.

8. She asked me "When will I see you again?"

She asked me when she would see me again.

9. My parents said "We' going on holiday tomorrow."

My parents said that they/we were going on holiday the following day.

10. She said "Wait until I get back!"

She told him to wait until she got back.

11. My sister said "I always eat lots of fresh fruit and salad."

She said that she always ate lots of fresh fruit and salad.

12. The workers said "We won't have enough time to finish the job."

The workers said that they wouldn't have enough time to finish the job.
13. The passenger asked "Could someone help me with the luggage?"

The passenger asked if someone could help him/her with the luggage.

14. Mom said "Don't worry!"

Mom told me not to worry.

15. Jack said "We must leave soon."

Jack said that they had to leave soon.

16. She said "It's been a long time since I had such a good meal."

She said that it had been a long time since she had had such a good meal.

17. They wanted to know "What time does the party start?”

They wanted to know what time the party started.

18. The guide said "The weather may get much worse."

The guide said that the weather might get much worse.

19. The boy asked the tour guide “Where is the main tourist office? “

The boy asked the tour guide where the main tourist office was.

20. She said “Let’s go out!”

She suggested going out.

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