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Top 10 Tips for Writing a PhD

Statement of Purpose
If you are applying to a PhD program, trying to figure out what to say in your
statement of purpose or personal statement can be the hardest part of the application,
but it is the most important. You are certainly not alone if you are getting stuck on
what to say.
Below are tips for undergraduate and graduate students on writing these essays for
doctoral applications. Many of these tips also apply to writing personal statements
for other graduate program applications.

1. Talk about Yourself

Tell us about you! The whole point of the essay is for you to tell us who you are.
The essay should convey your intellectual trajectory and how to came to the decision
to further your education. Do not waste space telling the university and faculty how
great they are and how much of an honor it would be to study under such brilliant
minds (they already think that). We want to know who you are.

2. Explain Why

Answer the questions: Why do you want to obtain this degree? Why do you want to
focus on this field (e.g. economics, finance, organizational behavior)? Why do you
wish to study at this particular university?

3. Show Fit

Tell us how you fit with our program. Answer the question: Why are you a good
match for this program? While point one says you should avoid showering faculty
with praise, you should demonstrate knowledge of the program. Such knowledge is
available on the program’s website or by talking with people in the program. Your
essay should demonstrate knowledge of the university’s research and how you and
your interests fit with that.
4. Display Your Intellectual Curiosity

What ideas and questions get you excited? Do you truly enjoy doing research? Why?
Give us some examples that display your intellectual curiosity in action.

5. Do Not Focus on Teaching

PhD programs are all about training you to do high-quality, independent research.
That is the purpose. In your statement, an emphasis on a love for teaching can be
detrimental if it comes across as your primary objective. It is true that having a PhD
qualifies you to become a university instructor. However, teaching may or may not
be a part of your doctoral program. Even if it is, the faculty will want to see that you
are focused on research.

6. Include Research Experience and Skill Sets

Help out the admissions committee by highlighting any relevant experience and
skills you have. Be sure to point out any research experience in your essay even if
mentioned on your resume. Such experience, in any context, helps demonstrate your
interests and skill set. Also be sure to mention any other relevant skills for research
that you may possess such as computer programming (e.g. C++, Python, etc.),
software (e.g. SPSS, MATLAB, STATA) and writing. Be sure to highlight any
recognition you received for writing; high level writing skills are a major plus.

7. Address Past “Issues” Directly

If you have any “black marks” on your record, such as poor grades, leaving a
college program or any other issues, it is strongly advised that you address these
head on in your letter. Admissions committees will not react well if it appears you
are hiding or avoiding a topic. Failure is a common event in research. Showing
how you successfully rebounded from setbacks bodes well for you.

8. Proofread, edit, proofread, edit, proofread, edit

This tip, you’d think, should go without saying. But, surprisingly, we often see
sloppily written essays with typos, poor grammar, addressed to a different
university and any other number of mistakes that could have easily been fixed. Be
sure to ask others to proofread these essays for you. A sloppy essay signals you
would be a sloppy researcher.

9. Be Cautious in Focusing Too Much on Work Experience

If you have work experience in the field, please note that this is not always helpful
in applying to PhD programs. If you can link your work experience to your
motivation and the relevant research topics, great! Be sure to do that. Having 5, 10
or 15+ years of experience may make you an excellent employee or manager, but
that does not always translate into the academic research environment.

10. Circulate your Statement

In particular, be sure to share your essays with your recommendation writers. That
helps them write stronger letters of support for you and ensures what they say is
consistent with what you are saying. Furthermore, if you have drafts of your essay
completed early enough, it is reasonable to ask them for feedback. They may not
have time, but most faculty are quite willing to help their former students out if
given sufficient notice.

Statement of Purpose for PhD

Admission (A Universal Formula)
Formulas are beautiful, aren’t they? Whether the elegance of a binary logarithm or
the universe contained within the laws of thermodynamics, it’s wondrous to see
how much we can explain through gracefully arranged information. Prose writing
is no different. Even with the statement of purpose for PhD admissions, when we
filter our thoughts through an elegant formula, the reactive power can be amazing.
Of course, the opposite is true as well.
If our writing doesn’t conform to the timeless formulas of narrative structure, our words
fall flat. We don’t overcome the activation energy requirement. Our code doesn’t
compile. We submit an essay hoping it convinces some erudite professor that we’re a
worthy student, but it only makes them scratch their chin and flip to the next essay in
the pile.
This isn’t good, friend. Especially considering that for PhDs, writing well is part of the

Luckily, we don’t need to be literary scholars to utilize the eternally elegant

formulas of writing. (I’ve already done that hard work for you.)
Instead, we only need the formula itself, and specific instructions about which
information to plug in. Then we can fully ignite the minds and hearts of PhD advisors.
Sound good to you? If so, keep reading.
It’s time to cause a life-changing reaction.


You may have already read “Structure is Magic,” my article which illustrates how
successful SOPs adhere to the classic “hero’s journey.” You may also have read
my SOP Starter Kit, which describes the 4 questions that every successful
statement of purpose must answer to be effective. Both present the same structural
formula for your SOP:
Section 1 – Introductory Frame Narrative & Academic Goal (1-2 paragraphs)
Section 2 – Why This Program (1-2 paragraphs)
Section 3 – Why You’re (Overly) Qualified (1-3 paragraphs)
Section 4 – Closing Frame Narrative (1 brief paragraph)
You should read those resources if you haven’t (especially the SOP Starter Kit
which basically writes your essay for you). Yet, for our purposes today, let’s think
of the formula like this:

1. Introductory Frame Narrative & Academic/Research Goal

In this introduction, you use a tiny bit of storytelling to make yourself memorable.
You won’t use too much, and everything you write will build toward expressing
your hyper-focused academic goal – your research proposal. It’s not a story of your
childhood. In fact, it won’t mention anything prior to the last few years when you
truly became a researcher. Because that is the story we’re telling – how you
realized that you want to become a professional researcher.
Now, what problems do you want to solve in grad school? How did you discover
these problems? Were you working 20 hours per week in the Xavier Lab at Marvel
University? During an independent study, did you grow fascinated with the way
Latin American literary critics have overlooked certain economic aspects of the
19th-century Belgian slave trade? In the last year or two, you took a mental leap.
You transformed from a talented undergraduate to a burgeoning researcher. In this
section, you tell that story, then end it by stating exactly what you hope to achieve
in your PhD research.
When I ended my career with the California Ballet in 2016, I looked forward to an
academic experience studying the metabolic and neurological systems which had
silently governed my physical reality as a performer for so long. Surprisingly, the
opportunity proved more rewarding than I could have imagined. The perseverance
I cultivated as a ballerina proved essential as I immediately dove into the
Psychology, Biology, and Philosophy curricula at Stark University, and I soon
developed an interest in the neural regulation of metabolic development. After
joining Dr. Jean Grey’s research lab in my sophomore year (a position I have
maintained ever since), I had the great fortune of studying the effects of obesogenic
diets on conserved signaling pathways governing metabolic regulation in
Drosophila melanogaster. Through this work, I have become singularly fascinated
with the myriad factors that contribute to the growing obesity epidemic, and its
developmental origins in particular.
The questions that underpin our work in the Grey Lab are compelling. How do
critical or sensitive periods of neuroendocrine development contribute to long-
term functioning in animals and humans at the behavioral and cellular levels?
Interestingly, current research at Gotham University seeks answers to these very
questions, and that is precisely why I apply as a PhD candidate to the
interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Neuroscience.
2. Why This Program
This section is all about “fit.” This is your proof that “University X” is the perfect
place for you to achieve the goal you expressed in the previous section. As you
write, you’ll notice an elegant logical flow from the previous section. You’ve just
told the reader: “this is my goal.”
Now, you’re telling them: “…and University X is the ideal place for me to pursue
this goal, because…”
(Notice how the formula works? The seamless logical and narrative transitions are
the magic behind it all.)
So, what do you say in this section? You describe the professors with whom you
hope to work. You’ve already emailed them. You’ve already read their recent
research. Now, in 2-4 sentences, you describe how your Academic Goal from
Section 1 is uniquely related to their current work. You’ll engage with that work
intellectually. You’ll link it to your own proposal. Then, you’ll repeat this 1-2
more times for each professor who you believe will be a great mentor. All the
while, you’ll emphasize exactly what you want to research for the next 5 years.
At GU, I hope to continue elucidating hypothalamic metabolic circuits, and
exploring how obesogenic diets affect long-term developmental outcomes in
relation to the normal functioning of the satiety hormone leptin. I am quite
interested in the work of Dr. Jonathan Crane, whose research on the development
of hypothalamic circuits, and how they regulate feeding behavior, has been critical
to my understanding of sensitive periods for the trophic actions of leptin in the
brain. I believe my experience with quantitative immunohistochemistry and RT-
qPCR make me well qualified to contribute to such research. In fact, Dr. Crane’s
continuing work on the molecular signals connecting postnatal overnutrition to
abnormal development of hypothalamic circuits represents questions similar to
those that drew me to studying the neurobiological aspects of feeding and
development. It also defines the kind of work I hope to accomplish as a doctoral
candidate. While Dr. Crane’s investigation into the necessity of LepRb for typical
hypothalamic development is fascinating, I am interested in studying the role
LepRb and its developmental actions might play in leptin resistance and obesity in
Additionally, Dr. Otto Octavius’s research on the effects of high developmental
sugar consumption on memory circuits is fascinating to me; it dovetails nicely with
my experience using high-fructose corn syrup diets to mimic obesogenic
conditions, while using both behavioral and molecular assays such as weight, food
intake, and RNA sequencing to investigate physiological and neural changes. For
these reasons, I believe I would be a great fit in either the Crane Lab or the
Octavius Lab, given my experience researching metabolic development at both the
behavioral and cellular level.
3. Why You’re (Overly) Qualified
This section is your “Greatest Hits” list. In it, you provide relevant proof that
you’re ready to succeed as a professional researcher. What is relevant proof? Your
excellent undergraduate grades – that’s a good start. Specific research skills you’ve
acquired (here’s a list for STEM students, if you’re unsure). Any unique
accomplishments you’ve achieved, such as presenting at conferences, co-authored
papers, time you’ve spent in journal reviews, or awards from national academic
You will not mention anything unrelated to your potential as a researcher, like your
job as a campus tour guide or volunteer work at homeless shelters. Admittedly,
non-academic achievements can be important in showing that your values align
with the department. But since the SOP has a strict word limit, such stories cause a
bad reaction in our formula. They distract the reader from your TRUE academic
talents, and thus, they’re best left as a side note in your CV or topic of discussion
in your interviews.
The only way you would mention something “non-academic” is if it relates
uniquely to your research. For example, if you’re pursuing an Art History PhD
specializing in Buddhist architecture, and you’re dual-citizen in India and Hong
Kong who doesn’t need to apply for visas to conduct field work, then you have a
competitive advantage over others.
Having averaged 25 research hours per week during the last few academic years,
and up to 50 during the summers, I believe I have acquired all the necessary tools
to succeed as a graduate student at GU. I lead the developmental subdivision at
the Grey Lab, a project investigating how the timing of a high-fructose diet during
development affects cellular and behavioral outcomes in adult Drosophila as it
relates to unpaired 1 – the Drosophila analog of leptin – and its downstream
JAK/STAT signaling pathway. In investigating this evolutionarily conserved
circuit, I created a new experimental protocol for carrying out developmental
feeding experiments with Drosophila larvae, as well as performing behavioral
assays related to feeding such as weight, two-choice feeding preference, and
capillary feeding assays. Additionally, I have performed dissections and imaging
with destabilized transgenic fly lines to quantify neuropeptide-f and STAT92E
expression at both the cellular and terminal levels, hoping to elucidate the
potential role of SOCS36E in receptor functioning. This work has lead to me
identifying a unique obese phenotype related to early dysregulation of unpaired 1,
of which I was slated to perform RNA sequencing prior to COVID-19 related
Pursuing these research projects as an undergraduate has been a monumental
task, I admit, so I am proud to have maintained a 4.0 GPA, all while achieving
numerous successes in my second major, Philosophy. Having coauthored a paper
in the American Journal of Bioethics, as well as winning the California
Philosophical Association’s undergraduate award and presenting at their annual
conference, I am all the more confident in my readiness to succeed at GU.
4. Closing Frame Narrative
This is the end of your journey, friend. This is where you compile the code. This is
where you make the calculations work.
In this section, you’ll briefly refer back to the story you told in the introduction.
This is important. It involves a literary technique called “circularity,” which gives
the reader an emotional sense of completion. They’ll feel like they’ve read
something elegant, something composed by a truly talented writer. If you don’t do
this, the essay will feel dry – like a movie with an anticlimactic ending.
You’ll also reaffirm your academic goal and remind the reader that University X is
the perfect place to achieve it. You may also end by stating your career aspirations.
Want to pursue a tenure-track teaching job? Work in R&D at SpaceX? Tell them
When my career in ballet drew to a close, I looked forward to fully devoting my
time to the study of the human brain’s infinitely curious adaptive processes. Now, I
find myself in a similar situation, once again eager to devote myself to the study of
the developing brain and how it governs metabolic regulation. The rigorous
standards of The Grey Lab, along with Dr. Grey’s strict belief in personal
responsibility, have shown me that (like dance) true intellectual contributions are
only possible through perseverance, determination, and a ruthless eye for
weakness in both experimental design and execution. Balancing laboratory
workloads with a full schedule of undergraduate classes has been a taxing
endeavor, but this too has been essential to my growth as a researcher. Today, I
look forward to the new intellectual challenges that Gotham University will
provide, and I am sure that I will discover new passions, curiosities, and questions
as I prepare for my hopeful career in academia, as a professor.


For PhD applicants, few things can bungle an application like long, meandering,
and un-focused accounts of past research projects.
If you’ve mixed up all the proper SOP ingredients, pipetted them carefully into
your literary test tube, and…blah…nothing happens, this is usually the reason.
In the example above, you’ll notice that the applicant NEVER ONCE mentioned
any specific, singular project on which she worked. She described the
problems they tackled. She described her role in the lab, new protocols she
developed, and the most relevant skills she acquired. But never once did she make
the mistake that hundreds, maybe thousands of applicants make every year: writing
200-word paragraphs that describe nothing more than the facts of a research
“At University X, I spent eight weeks working on a project titled ‘Algorithmic
stability for adaptive analysis of fart expansion.” First we did A (etc etc). Then, we
did B (blah blah blah). Then, we did C (yawn). Then, we did D (tear out hair).
Through this project, I acquired relevant skills in teamwork and the Washburn-
Bunting Method.”
Don’t confuse the “Statement of Purpose” with the “Research Statement” that
many programs require. This latter statement DOES require you to list the facts of
your research, even though it should still focus on the problems and their
For example, the PhD program in Biomedicine at the University of
Pennsylvania provides the following prompt:
Please provide a description of your research experience(s), including the goals of
each project, approaches used, results obtained, and implications of the
findings for the project and the field at large. You may choose to describe a single
research experience or several experiences, but please limit your statement to
around 1000 words in length.
The SOP is not a Research Statement. Much like the tricky Diversity Statement,
Research Statements are all about the past. The Statement of Purpose, however, is
all about the future.
So, don’t fall into the trap of drowning your essay in meaningless laboratory
details. It’s not an info dump. I repeat: the statement of purpose for PhD
admission is not an info dump. It’s an argument. It’s elegant writing. It’s a
carefully measured formula.
You can avoid this problem by adhering to the rough word-total percentages
illustrated in the graphic above:
Frame Narrative & Academic Goal – 20-25% of word total
Why This Program – 30% of word total
Why I’m Qualified – 30% of word total
Closing Frame Narrative – 15-20% of word total

Writing is no different than any other intellectual field. A great many brilliant
people worked across the centuries, testing all sorts of ideas and techniques,
finding some that worked and some that exploded in their face.
Even Einstein made mistakes. But no one remembers mistakes. No one saves
shoddy peer-reviewed papers that don’t stand the test of time, just like no one
saves SOPs from students who didn’t get admitted. Yet, Einstein’s name is
synonymous with “genius” because he found a way to describe the universe with a
formula that even schoolchildren know: E = mc2.
Now, you understand the (seemingly) simple formula that makes great essays
work. You might not recognize the elegance in it, the circularity, the balance, the
woven thread of narrative, but it’s stood the test of time. And if you experiment
with it yourself, pouring in your own unique ingredients to see how they react, at
the very least you’ll save yourself a great deal of time and trouble.
At the very most? Well, you might ignite that magical reaction where a professor
finishes reading, runs her hands through her hair, and says to herself: “Whoa, this
one is special.”

SOP for PhD - Leverage Edu

It’s never easy to get into a renowned university’s PhD program. When faced with
a vast number of papers and short deadlines, applicants must exercise extreme
caution. The SOP for PhD programs is particularly significant in the never-ending
collection of records; it is the only document that you can personalise and include a
separate qualification to the admissions committee.
A PhD SOP is mainly concerned with research. The SOP should demonstrate the
candidate’s analytical capacity, time-management skills, results, analytics, and
reasoning skill. There will be two key points that would grab the interest of the
readers. They’ll look to see if you have the potential to apply as a scholar and if
you’ll contribute significantly to the university’s prestige. Second, they will assess
how your research goals align with those of the organisation, as well as how your
research topic can be applied by the university or department.

How to write a great SOP for PhD?

Statement of Purpose for PhD at MIT

How to write a great SOP for PhD?

About the fact that the format of a PhD SOP is similar to that of other courses’
SOPs, there are a few things to keep in mind when composing one.
1. Make a statement for yourself

Tell the admissions committee about you! The whole point of the SOP is for you to
tell them who you are. The essay should convey your intellectual trajectory and
how to come to the decision to further your education. Do not spend time
reminding the university and faculty how wonderful they are and what an honour it
will be to learn under such bright minds; they already believe it. They want to
know who you are.
2. Explain Why

Answer the following questions: Why are you interested in pursuing this degree?
Why do you want to specialise in this area? Why do you want to attend this
university in particular?
3. Show Fit

Tell them if you think you’d work into their curriculum. Answer the following
question: Why do you think you’d be a good fit for this program? While point one
says you should stop lavishing praise on faculty, point two says you should prove
that you understand the curriculum. Such information can be found on the
program’s website or by communicating with participants. Your SOP should show
that you are familiar with the university’s research and how you and your goals
integrate into it.
4. Include your research experience and skill sets in your SOP

Highlight some related expertise and knowledge you have to support the
admissions committee. Even if your study background is mentioned on your
resume, make sure to include it in your SOP. Such training, in any sense, aids in
demonstrating your skills and desires. And be certain to note all other research-
related skills you have, such as computer programming, software, and writing.
Make a point of mentioning every writing award you’ve received; excellent writing
skills are a huge bonus.
5. Directly address previous issues

If you have any negative marks on your record, such as bad grades, dropping out of
college, or any other problems, you should answer them directly in your message.
If it seems that you are ignoring or avoiding a subject, admissions committees may
respond negatively. In study, failure is a normal occurrence. It’s a good sign if you
can demonstrate how you bounced back from defeats.
6. Proofread, proofread, proofread!

This tip, you’d imagine, should be self-evident. Surprisingly, we also see poorly
published essays with typos, bad spelling, addresses to a particular university, and
a variety of other errors that could have been easily corrected. And sure you have
someone else proofread these papers for you. You’ll be a messy scholar if you
write a sloppy SOP for PhD.
7. Be wary of putting so much emphasis on work experience

Please keep in mind that prior work experience in the profession is not necessarily
beneficial when applying to PhD programs. It’s fantastic if you can link your job
experience to your inspiration and research topics. Be certain to do so. While
having 5, 10, or 15 years of experience can make you a great employee or boss, it
does not necessarily apply to academic study.
8. Share your Statement

Be sure to share your essays with the people who will be writing your
recommendations. This allows them to write better letters of support for you and
guarantees that what they say matches what you say. Furthermore, it is fair to ask
for input on your essay draughts if you get them finished early enough. They may
not have time, but most teachers are prepared to support their former students if
they are given sufficient time.

Statement of Purpose for PhD at MIT

I’m applying for a Ph.D. program in Computer Science at Massachusetts Institute
of Technology. Theoretical Computer Science is the discipline in which I am most
interested. Design and Analysis of Algebraic, Combinatorial, and Number
Theoretic Algorithms, as well as their implementations, are of particular interest to
me. Theory of Computation, Complexity Theory, and Geometric Algorithms are
some of the other fields that I am interested in.
My long-term ambition is to be deeply interested in research and teaching in a field
that I really enjoy. I look forward to being involved as a faculty at a well-renowned
university. A Ph.D. in one of the above fields will be an important first step toward
achieving this goal.
My father is an involved scholar in Applied Mathematics, and both of my parents
have Ph.D.s in Mathematics. From the time I was in elementary school, this
instilled in me a passion for mathematics. On the other hand, I count myself
fortunate to have been born into the generation that was first to ride the
technological train in India. As a result, I’ve grown up with computers in several
ways, and I’ve seen all of the changes as the age of innovation and creativity has
advanced. These two factors have combined to spark my interest in theoretical
computer science.
I participated in the International Mathematical Olympiad in high school and was
given a gold medal for my exceptional results. I also participated in the Math
Kangaroo competition and earned a level 11 test score of 110. I was introduced to
simple Combinatory, Graph Theory, and Number Theory as a result of this
involvement at a young age. Furthermore, the rigorous preparation and selection
program I attended honed my problem-solving skills and increased my confidence.
It has also piqued my interest in problem solving and led me to become a frequent
reader in many periodicals’ Math problem solving pages.
The National Board of Higher Mathematics chose me as one of 18 undergraduates
from across India to enrol in their nurture scheme, which runs concurrently with
my formal undergraduate education. The three-year collaboration with the
prestigious Tata Institute of Fundamental Research’s School of Mathematics has
provided me with a solid foundation in advanced mathematics. This year, I’m
studying Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Number Theory, and Functional
Analysis as part of my degree. My mathematical experience would ideally be
helpful in my studies.
At BITS Pilani University, I am a senior undergraduate student majoring in
Computer Science and Information Systems. This department appealed to me
because of its academically stimulating climate, excellent professors, and wide
range of classes, many of which have a definite mathematical bent. Discrete
Structures, Data Structures and Algorithms, Design and Analysis of Algorithms,
Theory of Computation, and Operations Research are the five theory courses in
which I have earned a AA grade score. Now that I’ve gained a solid base in various
fields of computer science, I’m confident that Theoretical Computer Science is my
strong suit. In this area, I find that my inspiration, as well as my aptitude, is the
Because of their many beautiful findings and various applications to real-life
problems in Databases, Operating Systems, Graphics, Compilers, and other areas
of Computer Science, I find Algorithms and Complexity Theory to be the most
appealing areas of Computer Science. I’m excited by the incredible scope for
science in these fields that has been shown to me in previous studies, and that’s
what I want to do for the rest of my life.
I am persuaded that a career in research and teaching in Theoretical Computer
Science is the best one for me because problem solving is the most exciting and
satisfying experience I have ever had, and it is an important part of such a career.
I’m excited to add to a subject that has taken me so much satisfaction. I’m also
excited to be a part of the instruction, because teaching a subject improves one’s
own knowledge of it.
Theoretical Computer Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology is among
the best in the world. A chance to work with this community will be a dream come
true for any aspiring theoretician.
I’ve discovered that MIT can provide me with the ideal atmosphere for focusing
my mental energies into independent studies after carefully studying the
department’s brochures and seeking guidance from the institute’s faculty. I am sure
that I will be able to meet MIT’s high standards; my strong participation and
excitement in my undergraduate studies, as shown by my being ranked first in the
institute, can suffice as proof that I possess the requisite qualities.
With my long-term aspirations in mind, my immediate ambition is to obtain a
Ph.D. in Computer Science. I understand the level of commitment, perseverance,
and determination required for a successful career in research and teaching. I
assume that my upbringing has equipped me not only technically, but also
mentally, for such a profession.
I am looking forward to entering your department as a graduate student and
developing a long and mutually beneficial relationship with you.

How important is a PhD SOP?
When there is nothing else to distinguish you from the other candidates, the
admissions committee will always turn to this section of your application. If it’s
well-written, it could also help you get a spot if the rest of the application isn’t up
to scratch.
When can I begin writing a statement of intent for a PhD program?
A strong PhD declaration of intent does not appear out of anywhere. To create
something that can get you recognized, you must put in a lot of effort and
dedication. You can begin at least 3 to 4 weeks before the deadline, if not sooner.
What should be the length of a statement of purpose?
Per program has its own set of implementation specifications, so make sure to read
them carefully and follow their clear instructions. The average length of an SOP is
between 500 and 700 lines.
What is the intention of the PhD Statement of Purpose?
Although your GPA, GRE ratings, and previous work experience are all relevant,
the admissions committee will want to see if you will integrate into their
curriculum. This is where the mission statement comes into play. You must
demonstrate how well you can fit into their scheme and what you can add to it.
Is it possible to give the same statement of purpose to each program to which I
Your statement of intent for PhD admission, as your statement of purpose for MS
in computer science admission, should be closely adapted to the program to which
you are applying. However, if you’re applying to a variety of different services,
this can be a time-consuming process. The majority of people tailor a part of the
statement to illustrate their preferences while leaving the rest unchanged. Having
said that, the more you portray the program’s goals, the better your chances of
success would be.
Who’s going to read my PhD SoP?
Admissions officers are normally faculty members who are interested in seeing
how well you can blend into their divisions.
Is it necessary for me to make a clear comment on what I want to research?
The committee will be looking for a candidate who has a good understanding of
the research topics they want to pursue. Over all, they’ll like to know if they’ll be
able to supply you with the assistance you require. You do not, though, need to be
as specific about your study area, and you will be free to adapt it later if your
priorities change.
What details can I provide in my statement?
All of the following should be included in your statement of purpose:
-What piques your curiosity in your area of study?
-What are the fields of study that you want to pursue?
-What kind of research have you already done?
-What abilities do you possess that will assist you in completing this program?
-Why are you interested in working on this particular program?
-What do you like to do with your degree after you have it?
Is it necessary for me to include individual members of the faculty in my
Yeah, naming particular members of their faculty for whom you are involved in
collaborating will support your submission. It’s also fine to email them directly and
ask them questions about their research and current and future ventures.
How should you wrap up your PhD SOP?
The easiest way to finish or conclude your PhD SOP is to outline all you’ve written
in three to four sentences. Furthermore, if you believe there is anything that can
clearly influence the selectors’ decision when reflecting your job graph and
personality, make a note of it in your SOP.
We hope that this blog has aided you in beginning to write a PhD SOP in order to
apply to your dream university. If you’re still uncertain about what priorities,
aspirations, and other core elements to include in an SOP, our experts at Leverage
Edu will help you explore your talents, interests, and motives to help you craft a
better SOP.

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