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Switching Income into your TRUST

Once you have your TRUST BANK ACCOUNT setup with the EIN, you can now switch your wages and/or
income into your TRUST. Your TRUST ALL CAPS NAME is the same thing as “you” the Individual, and
“your tax ID#”.

If you are a W2/W4 employee that has wages and taxes withheld:
Fill out the form on your computer like the example and then print, and sign/date the bottom. Deliver the
W4 if you are an employee, just like when you got hired, you filled out a W4. The new W4 with any new
information on it (address, "Exempt" or 0 / or 1 / or 2 "allowances" ...or Tax ID #),,, replaces the original or
an old one. You can change your address or number of allowances, or TaxID# anytime or as many times as
you want. You just submit a new form to HR or your employer. Tell them to Process It. Just say “Here you
go, please update and process this, I updated some information on it, the number of allowances to Exempt,
thank you”. Or if you don’t talk to the person in H.R. just put a sticky note on it “Please Process My Updated
W4, Thank you”.

If they notice the SSN # has changed, and bring this up to you in a few days, you simply ask them to
"Process It"... you can for example just say "My accountant and I decided to fill it out that way; please send
it in and PROCESS IT please".

If they cause any pushback saying Well what is blah blah blah.....the ssn# is not the same blah blah
blah........ you can reply with something like: "OK I understand, this is my updated Tax ID #, me and my
accountant decided to fill it out like this. That is my ID # and I’m also updating the # of allowances as you
can see….Can you still P L E A S E "P R O C E S S I T "


On a third or fourth time of any pushback, you can state that you are withdrawing your SSN number and
removing yourself voluntarily from the SS system, as you have a right to do so....your accountant and the
IRS have given you a new ID # to replace the SSN (show them the EIN print out), and that you, your
accountant, and your lawyer all advise that you will use this # since you will not have a ss#.

It works 80% of the time, mostly because they process it without looking too closely. So, do not draw
attention to the ID# or yourself or explain what you are doing prematurely. If it doesnt work then there's
nothing you can do, if they won't process it, then you can do nothing as its up to them, unless you want to
threaten to sue them and/or start to state they are doing something unlawful, this will cause problems with
your employer, so if you like the security of your job, I would not push it.
That's it

If you are a W9 Independent Contractor/Self-Employed that does not have taxes withheld by the
company that pays you:
A W9 is for an Independent Contractor (someone who is NOT an "employee" and already has No Taxes
withheld but has a 1099 information report to the IRS about the Gross amount of "Miscellaneous Income"
and then they are there own business (self-employed) and have to file taxes and deduct whatever
expenses before profit is calculated.… just give or transmit to the company your updated and signed/dated
W9 and ask them to update and confirm to you that they have updated your W9 info.

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