Geo Optional - Class 1 Q

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Class Discussion - Questions

CLASS 1 (Geomorphology)

1. Denudation chronology approach is highly deductive but also suffers from certain
perceptible weaknesses. Explain.
2. The river channel represents a three dimensional form defined by its slope , cross section and
pattern. Explicate
3. Discuss the concept of equilibrium as propounded by Gilbert.
4. The theory of geosynclines interpreted as birthplace of folded belts until a steady flow of
geophysical results from the oceans had seriously weakened the theory. discuss

Class 2 (Geomorphology)

1. If the geomorphic cycle is accepted as valid, the peneplain is a necessary corollary to it.
2. Describe the theories of isostasy based on the principle of buoyancy, the concept of
equilibrium and the isostatic adjustments.
3. Structural and physiographic features of CircumPacific zone are fully as spectacular as those
of better known San Andeas and Alpine faults. Discuss
4. The variations with time of the geomagnetic field, the secular variations, are the basis for the
science of paleomagnetism. Discuss
5. There is uniform development of landforms in varying environmental conditions and there is
insignificant influence of climatic changes in the development of fluvially originated
landforms. Critique the statement

Class-3 (Physical settings and Resources)

1. Geohydrological characteristics with Climate Change can be a potent serious disaster hazard
for the country. Comment.
2. The distribution of rocks of various ages reflected the geographical setting of different regions
in India. Elaborate.
3. Monsoon is the result of the interaction of regional and planetary factors, both at the surface
and in the upper troposphere. Discuss.
4. Though some of the initial structures of Peninsular India have disappeared due to prolonged
denudation, yet the existing structure is competent enough to speak of its morphological
5. Himalayan glacial retreat can have the potential implications on river capture and river
shifting. Discuss.

Class Discussion - Questions

Class-4 (Climatology)

1. Discuss how a warmer climate will affect precipitation and its climatological distribution,
seasonality and the occurrence of extreme events?
2. The urban heat island effect is a critical factor for air quality management and public health
in urbanized areas. Comment.
3. Arctic amplification and consequent changes in the strength and position of the northern
hemisphere jet stream will allow blocking events to become more frequent. Elucidate.
4. Changes in fog frequency have implications for a wide range of sectors, including coastal
ecology, agriculture and urban energy. Explain.
5. Weather systems arise from a hydrodynamic instability of the thermal wind shear associated
with the pole-equator temperature gradient. Discuss.
6. What is the impact of cryosphere on global climate?

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