DrumlineHandout 1

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Name: ___________________

Guided Viewing Handout
Music Appreciation

1. What is happening in the opening scene?

2. At the end of graduation, the principal says, “Always remember, you can ________.

3. Who does Devin talk to at the ticket counter?

4. What school is Devin going to?

5. How do the band members get woken up in the dorm?

6. What is the concept of the band? “One ________________, one _____________.”

7. What section is the “heart and the soul… without it, the band doesn’t move or come alive.”

8. What does the section leader call Devin in the drum room?

9. What shirt color do newbies in the band wear?

10. What happens during the scene where Ironman (the section leader) and Devin are playing
drums together?

11. The and director says, “You have to learn to _____________ before you can lead, Mr.

12. Can Devin read music?

13. How many times does the car honk for Devin after his audition? What does this mean?

14. Does Devin make the drumline? What rank does he earn?

15. What are three instruments that you see on the band field?

16. What happens when Jason gets challenged?

17. Does Jason win or lose the challenge?

18. What’s Devin’s new job?

19. What color are A&T’s uniforms?

Name: ___________________

20. What does Devin do during the drumline feature at the game? Does this make the band
director/section leader happy? What happens to his after the game?

21. What is Sean’s new job after the game?

22. What happens when Sean puts a piece of music on Devin’s stand at band rehearsal?

23. What color does the Morris Brown band wear?

24. What happens to Devin at the next game? Is he performing?

25. While Devin is loading the bus, what happens?

26. What is the band director’s name for A&T?

27. What does Dr. Lee tell Devin in his office?

28. What does the rival band director ask Devin to give him?

29. What does Devin’s dad mail him?

30. Who helps Devin learn to read music?

31. Why did Earnest disappear?

32. Does Dr. Lee let Devin back into the band/onto the drumline?

33. Does Jason win his challenge the second time around?

34. What is happening at the BET Classic?

35. What two schools are in the drum battle at the end of the BET Classic?

36. Who wins the drum battle at the BET Classic?

37. Did you like or dislike this movie? Explain.

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