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Explore the potential opportunities to employment with the arrival of wide-spread

automation in business?

1. Background
Nowadays the automation is becoming increasingly popular and more and more take
over the mechanical human work. The author Yarlagadda (2017) in her research write that
according to recent employment studies, 88 percent of job losses can be linked to more
efficient and effective production enabled by AI automation. This is because the automation
significant reduce humans' errors, irregularities. Thus, by analyzing how much work is
already changed by automation and how fast it happens, the inference should be done how
high or low the employment opportunities are.
2. Questions
In order to investigate potential opportunities to employment, the following questions
should be put forward:
1) How fast automation spreads in business?
2) What is the opinion of an entrepreneur about automation? Is it better for them to
have the work done by a human or by machine?
3) What skills a person needs to increase his employability?
3. Data collection
Data collection will consist of two types of methods. The first one will be to carry out
the survey to ask businessman it is more beneficial for their business that the same job work
human or automation and what characteristics of an employee determine his choice to hire
him. The second method will be to observe how quick the automation spreads in business.
It is difficult to say how many responses are needed because the more the better but all the
research will be conducted in a five - year period.
4. Methodology
The obtained data will be analyzed step by step. Firstly, the survey results will be
gathered and the inference about the answers in questions: Is it better for a business to
have the same job done by a human or by automation, and what features of an employee
influence his decision to hire him. Second, would be gather the results from observations
and make a conclusion about automation increase in five – years period. The last step will
be to analyze all this information and to gather it in one to make inference what are the
employment opportunities according to the opinion of entrepreneurs and automation
spreading. The prediction is that the employment opportunities will decrease.
5. Research contribution
This study will contribute to social development because it will show employment
opportunities in business and how fast automation will change human in mechanical works.
Also, from this study, it will be possible to predict which jobs will be more popular and
which occupations to choose for young people to rise the possibility to find a job in the

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