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Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden Paul Seligson OXFORD Shove Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden Paul Seligson OXFORD ENGLISH FILE the best way to get students talking English File third edition gives you motivating, enjoyable lessons that work. ‘+ Aproven balance of Grammer, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, and skills. + Engaging topics, tasks, and activities that get students talking on every page. + Acomplete teaching and learning package. re een iTutor > Revise, review, andimprove, with interactive eee ast cteacas Pee ea aaa For students For teachers + Student's Book with IM + Teacher's Book with + Workbook (with or without key) ict oacaes esl eai with and ie 10 PRACTICALENGUISH Episode 1 Hotel problems 12 A Rightplace,wiongperson _pastsimple regular and vreguar verbs _holdays regular verbs: -edeodings 14 B Thestorybehind the photo 8st continuous Preoosiionsoftimeard sentence tress place atin. on 16 © Onedark October evening tine sequencersandcomnectors —_verbphrases wwordstress 18 REVISE AND CHECK 182, 20 A Plans and dreams bre going to lars and predictions) aiports senterce stress and fst speech 22 B Let smect again Present continuous (ture verbs + prepastions eg sounding faenaly Brrangements) riven 24 © whats the word? detining relative clauses ‘expressions for paraphvasing» pronunciation ina Tike for exam. et Sitionary 25 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 2 Restaurantprotlems 26 A Parents andteenagers present perfect + yet. just howsework.makeorde? 4s andale bread 20 _B Fashion nd shopping present perfect or past simple?) shopping cand ch 32 © Lostweekend ‘Something, anything, nothing, ee. adectves ending -edand “hg icy and 34 REVISE ANDCHECK 384 36 A Notimefor anything comparative adjectives and adverbs, time expressions: soend time. senterce stress ey ee 38 B Superiativecities superlatives (+ ever present perfect) describing town or city wordand sentence 40 © Howmuchistoomuch? quantifies. too, not enaugh health andthe body ‘ny ata and © 42 PRACTICALENGLISH Episode 3 The wrong shoes as wil wont (preictons) opposite verbs wont 45 B Hnever forget you will 7 won't ecsons, oars, verb back word stress promises) wo-syliabie verbs 48 © Themesning of dreaming review of verb forms: present, past, adjectives F prepositions the letters ow Srfuture 50 REVISE ANDCHECK 586 ) Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation 2A Howton. uses of the infinitive wth to 54 B Beingheppy ses ofthe gerund arb + ng) 56 © Leamalanguege inamontht have to, dont have to, mst, rmastert 58 PRACTICALENGLISH Episode 4 At the pharmacy vets +n try to, forget weak form of to. inking verbs + gerund theletter! modifiers: 2 it realy, te ‘must, mustnt 60 A Idonrtknowwhat todo! should 62 B ifsomething can gowrong,... {+ present, wil infinitive (fest conditionad 64 © Youmust bemine possessive pronouns 6 | REVISE AND CHECK 7a8 amigas and ws sentence stress tnking ‘adverbs of manner sentence ehythm 6A What would youde? ‘f+ past, would infinitive [necond condtionat 70 B tvebeen at 72 © Borntosing present perfect or past simple? (2) 14 BRACTICALENGLISH Episode S Getting around 3 OF ItYor years present perfect + fovand since obs and words word stress Redofear sentence stress biographies word stress, 7% A Themothersofinvention passive 78 B Could do better sedto a0 Mrindecsive might 52 | REVISE AND CHECK 9810 school subjects verbs: vent, iscove ete 1-00, sentence stress sed to/dlh use to ‘word building: nounformation diphthongs tA Badlosers expressing movement © B Areyouamorning persen? word onder of phrasal verbs 88 C What acoincidence! 50, neither + auniliaies 90 PRACTICALENGLISH Episode 6 Time to go home sports,expressing movement sports Phrasal verbs sinilarties inking sentence stress, 0 and 0 52 A strange but truet past perfect 2B Gossip is good for you reported speech 9 © TheenglishFilequiz ‘questions without aullaries| 98 REVISE AND CHECK 11412 100 Communication 126 Grammar Bank verb phrases sayor tel? m1 Writing 150 Vocabulary Bank 18. Ustening contractions had hadirt double consonants 164 trogularvorbe 166 Sound Bank G word order in questions ¥ common verb pvases, spelling and numbers wat do > vowel sounds, the alphabet youds? mat university. a a ‘common verb phrases & a & & 1 HOME AND FAMILY « Where _ yu from? youborn? ina house or flat? . any bothers nd sinters? any pts? 2.308 / STUDIES What do you Wheredoyou 7+ What school/ university da you___to? + bayou yourjob? + What year youin? \7) + canyou____anyather languages? whit? 1 + Where di you English before? i . = 3. FREE TIME ’ ‘+ What kind of music do you to? + Doyeu__amusical instrument? wn? a Complete the questions with a verb, 1b 12)) Lisenand repeat the Free Time questions. Copy the hth Sentence stress Remember that we usualy stress te important wordsina sentence {the ones that cory mportant formation). and say the other words | less strongly, e.g Where are youfrom? What do youde? What TV programmes do you Do you What kind of books or magazines do you 2 ‘any sport or exercise? What? How often do you___tothe cinema? wnat sd you last weekend? © Inpairs, ask and answer the questions. Can ‘you find at least one thing from each section which you have in common? Cietveinne cy cone 2 GRAMMAR word order in questions a Re-order the words to make questions. born where your parents we 2 where from teacher our is? 3 name your how you do spell? 4 did last you go night out? b> p.i26 Grammar Bank 1A. Learn moreabout word forder in questions and practise i. € Stand up and ask different students the first question until somebody says yes. Then ask the follow-up question. Continue with the other questions, asking different stude Bo you think alot of coffee?™) Yes, Ico. ow many cup ofcoffee do youdrink?) Fiecups day Present | drink a lot of eoffee (or tea)? How many cups..2 go. bed early during the week? What time...? [spend aloug time on Facebook every day? How long..? Past havea big breakfast today? What...? | go somewhere nice on Saturday? Where...? |seeagood film last week? What film...? 4 SPELLING & NUMBERS 2 (W7)) Listenand write six first names, b> Communication What's his name? How do you spell it? A p.100B p.106. © How do you say these numbers? 13 30 76 100 150 375 3 Tel 4 Population: 3 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds, the alphabet 4 Si) Lookat the sound pictures. What are the words and vowel sounds? Listen and check. b> p.166 Sound Bank. Look atthe typical spellings of these sounds, © Add these letters to the citcles EGHIMORWXY z . L . £ i — ee kN d_ 63) Listen and check, Practise saying the letters in each circle te + Doyou normally get in touch with your Friends hy phone, email, or Facebook? + Do you have an iPod or MP3 player? What kind? + Do you often watch DVDs? What kind? + Do you watch the BBC, CNN. or MTV? © Askand answer witha partner. + Do you have any friends from the UK or the USA? € Interview your partner and complete the for firstname address phone number email Bitutory S| G present simple } P final -s/-0s 1 VOCABULARY describing people a (9) Listen toaman describing his girlfriend and tick (7) her picture AH ® sf ay Gk GL V describing people: appearance and personality Charlotte’s choice He doesn't AY em sera iLO ee Me Mw z 1b Listen again. What ewo questions does Luke's friend ask hime How does Luke anewer the second question? ay mamas marred your citi What doos she lok lke? Whats he tke? A A ee ee nee eeecce | mother PAM best friend? | © > p.150 Vocabulary Bank Describing people. 2 READING a Who do you think knows you better, your mother (or father) or your bestfriend? Why? b_ Read the introduction and the first paragraph of thearticle. 1 Whats the idea ofthe experiment? 2 Whois Charlotte? 3. Whoare Aliceand Katie? “4 What do Alice and Katie have todo? Then what happens? © Now read what Charlotte says. Witha partner guess ‘he meaning of ehe highlighted words and phrases. 4 Cover the rext.Can you remember? 1 What does Charlotte like doing? 2. What's she like? 3. What kind of men does doesn’t she like? 4 Who does she thinks going co choose better? Why? (s shetall/ short? What colour hair does she have?) ‘What i she lke? = Tellme what kind of person she's | Osshetriendly?is she shy? In our weekly experiment, single people who are looking for a partner ask their mother and their best friend to help. this woek’s single person is Charlotte Ramirez, a 25-year-old web designer. Her father is Spanisb and her mother is English. She lives in Brighton and she doesn't have a partner at the moment, Her mother, Alice, chooses a man she thinks is perfect for her daughter and her best friend, Katie, chooses another. ‘Then Charlotte goes on a date with each man. Which cone does she prefer? ove going to the cinema, but I often fine staying at home with a good book,’ says Charlotte. “Tm quite friendly and soelabléand | getomell with most people. I think I have a good senseof humour, ‘What kind of men do I like? Woll [like interesting ‘men who can make me laugh. Physically | prefer men ‘with a realy nice smiléwho are taller than me. And T don’t usually like men with beards! like men who ‘areintoliterature and art, and classical music. ‘Tim not sure who is going to choose better for me. Both my mum and my bestfriend know me very | woll. Perhaps Katie could find me a guy who is | physically more compatible, but my mother has | kenown me for longer! - 3 f 4 GRAMMAR present simple ory ry to complete the sentences using the present simple 1 She__havea partnerar the mome 2 She ‘on adate with each man. 3 Which one she prefer? 4+ What kind of men ike? usually like men with beards, In pairs, answer the questions. | Which letter do you add to: most verbs with he, she, and it? 2 How do the verbs below change with he, she, and i? watch [study go have What auxiliary verbs do you use to make questions and negatives with...? a I [you|we they b he [she it > p126 Grammar Bank 18. Learn more about the present simple and pra Can you remember the kind of men Charlotte likes and doesn't like? Look atthe photos of Alexander and Oliver. Find out ahour them. > Communication ‘Alexander and Oliver A p.100 B p.106, Hier mothers Alexander Which man do you think is better for Charlotte? Why? LISTENING ()14}) Listen to Charlote talking about what happened when she met Alexander. What did she think of him? Does she wane osee himagain? Listen again and write down any adjectives, ‘orexpressions that Charlotte uses to describe his appearance and personality (0151) Now repeat for Oliver ‘What does Charlotte decide in the end? Doyow agree with hee? 5 PRONUNCIATION final -s / -es 4 16)) Listen and repeat. SE smate [Sees MKS He works with his parents, aR oe eee She relaxes with boxes of chocolates. oo | He uses glascesto read, b 171) How doyou say the he ste it form of these verbs and the plural ofthese nouns? Listen and check ‘verbs: choose cook go live stop teach nouns: boy class date frend language parent 6 SPEAKING & WRITING a Look at the form below and prepare to give this information about your fiend Rie toe Name Personality + Relationship Single Ovorees — Separated - Age fob ——_} aires ‘Appearance Doesn't ike 1b Workin pairs. Ask and answer about your people. Compare the information, Do you think the two people are compatible? Conte's te name? ¢ > p-111 Writing Describing a person. Write adescription of a person you know: 7 18) SONG Ugly 2 sm Ha G present continuous V clothes, prepositions of place P sand 2 clothes Look atthe pictuces. What ate the models ‘wearing? Match the words and clothes, Ci peots Di shit CO shoes Ose Ditop Di trousers > p.151 Vocabulary Bank Things you wear. Jal and fa! 1 203) Listen to these words and sounds Practise saying them, 1 BB, pm sandslssicat fl a Underline the stressed syllable in the words ‘below. W hich sound dovthey have, Tor 27 ‘actor cinema fst painter th anive fash on werd university Picture working prefer 2 22)) Listen and check. > p.166 Sound Bank. Look at they pial Spellings for these sounds, Askand anwer the questions witha partner. Whar coches do you usually wear? + at work [university schoo! + when you go our at night + when you want to reas atthe weekend Whet's the woman doing? She's standing infront of the window. present continuous Look at the painting on p.9/by the British artist David Hockney (1937-).{n pats, describe the man and the woman, + What do they look lke? + What are they wearing? + What are they doing? Underline the correct form of the verb, present continuous oF present simple 1 Inthe painting the man isn't wearing [doesnt wear shoes, 2 Inthe UK women often wear J are wearing big hatsat weddings. 3 Inthe painting ashi 4 My son usually sits siting at the hack ofthe class so that the teacher ean'tsee hie, cat sit [is sitting om che man's knve > p.126 Grammar Bank 2C. Learn more about the present continuous and practise it Look at the piceures on page 4. What are the people wearing? What are they doing? 1 24)) Look at the puinting of Mr and Mrs Clar-and Perey on p9 and listen to the audio guide. Focus on the people and things in the paintings they are mentioned. Listen again, Markthe ses T (true) oF F (fase) 1 Percy isthe nameof dhe cat 2. Mrand Mrs Clark made clothes For Famous people. 3 The painting shows their iving 4 The paineingis quite small 5 Celiais pregnantin the painting. 6 Oszieis puting his fet inwo the carpet because he is col 7. The position of the couple inthe painting is unusual 8 The open window isa symbol of the lore between the 9 The eat isa symbol of infidelity 10. Celia and Ozzie later gor divorced. 11 Celia dowsn' like the painting 12 Ouzie Clark died in 1998 Celia today. Me and Mrs Clark and Percy (1970-71) 5 prepositions of place ‘@ Look at some sentences which describe the painting. Complete them with a word or phrase from thelist, in (2) on x2) under infrontof behind between rextto ontheright onthelaft inthe middie the eso sand the man is 1 Therearetwo people 2 The woman ie standing sitting 3 of the painting, ‘woman. theres an open window. ‘the man and the 4 Awhitecarissitting. the man, 5 Theresa carpet the man’s chair. 6 There's telephone the floor__the sman’schair. 7 the telephone there's lamp, 8 ___the woman there's table, anda save with Flowers i 1b 1.259) Listen and check. Then cover the sentences and lookat the painting, Say where the things and people om David Hockney Tate Gallery, London 6 Describing a picture (a painting or photo) When we describe a picture we normally use: «+ There's / There areto say what sin the picture, eg, Thereis a table anda vase with flowersinit. Theroare | ‘two people. + The present continuous to say what the people are doing, eg. The woman s standing and the man's siting + Sometimes we combine There is and the present continuous, e.g. There is woman standing near the window. ‘4 > Communication Describe and draw A p.1008 p.106, Describe your picture for your partner to deav. b_ In small groups, ask and answer the questions, 1 Which of the three paintings in this lesson doyou prefer? Why? 2. What pictures or posters do you have on the wallin your bedroom or living room? 3 Do you havea Favorite painting? Whar? Can you dleseribeit? 4 Da youu haves favourite painter? Who? 5. Dayou (or did you) paint ordraw? What kind of things? =| 4 Hotel problems 1 GI INTRODUCTION @ Look tthe 20 2 127)) Cover the dialogue and watch or listen. Who does Rob call? W a 1b Watch ortisien again. Complete the You Hear phrases »)YouHear Yousay Hel, reception your Hello, This is room 613, How cant There's a problem with the air conditioning. isnt working, and its very hot in ray room, merry sit somebody up tolook ati right aos. nu Thank you. 000. ception. Hello. tr sorry to bother {you again. This room 613, ‘have a problem with the iF cant get a signal ‘ow cant help you? Fm sorry sic nu youthroughtolT. Thanks. © 128)) Watch or listen and repeat the You Say phrases. Copy the ehythm. On | A There’ a problem with the airconditioning. 8 Il send somebody to look at it wl We use + verb to offer to do something 4. Practise the dialogue in 2b with a partner, © Inpairs, roleplay the dialogue, A (hook open) Youare the receptionist. B (book closed) ‘Youare a guest. You have two problems with your room, (chink about what they are). A Offer to de something about B's problems. You begin with Hello, reception. £ Swap roles, 3 Qa 1 293) Thar evening Jenny goesto the hoelto meee Robs and they gocout fora drink. Watch of listen and mark the sentences Tor F 1 Rob says he doesn't like the herel 2 Jenny is going to show him round the city tomorrow. 3. Rarhara is fenny’s bass 4 Rois hungry 5 I's four in the morning for Rob. 6 They're yoing w mect at eleven, 7 Jenny thinks that Roh isgoingto pet est. Watch or listen again. Say why the F sentences are false. Look at the Social English phrases. Can you remember any ofthe missing words? Social English phrases Jenny Here you tlast. ob tobehere Jenny Do youhave a view? Jenny Barbara's forward to meeting you. denny You be really tired Rob | guess youre Rab By the 7 Jenny i's to see you tao. 1.20)) Watch or listen and complete the phrases, Watch or listen again and repeat the phrases. How do yousay them in your language? Bony [1 tetsobosy about roti eg in ahold [ater seeing [geet atiand wt ouvert see fran tne r past simple: regular and irregular verbs V briidays aoa P regular verbs: -edendings ‘olay? went to venice with some Friends Right place, wrong person 1 VOCABULARY holidays a Inone minute, write down five thi ; ; The place is perfect, Mangaongionnun theo the weather is wonderful, witha partner. but you're with the wrong person, a holiday can be a disaste b> p52 Vocabulary Bank Holidays. ~ eet Uh Joe 28,a fight attendant Last October | went on holiday to Thailand fortwo weeks with my grfrend, Mia, ‘The holiday began well We spent two days ¢_ In pairs, interview your partner sith the holiday questionnaire, Ask Why? My perfect summer holiday {in Banghok and saw the Floating Market athe Royal Palace ut things went ‘Which do you prefer? ‘wrong when we left Bangkok. I wanted ‘going abroad or going on hotiday in your country ‘to stay in hostels, which were basic ving by car bus, plane or tin but lean, but Ma sid they were too ic ea iach es coves st uncomfortable and so e stayed in uite evel Leo a ‘expensive hotels. | wanted to experience stayingin hotel (or apartment) or going camping the ical atmosphere Dut Mi unt wanted 0 sunbathing, gong sightseeing or going forwalks go shopping | thought knew Mia very well but you dort know a person hot, sunny weather of cool, cloudy weather Sn you travel with them. was awfll We argued abou everything sing with fends oF going with your family for our las four days we went to Ko Chang, a beautiful sland, was ike being in paradise. The wether was lovely andthe beaches were wonderful butwe ist sunbathed without peaking, We spent our lastnight Back n Bangkok and we wen for a drink wih ome Astana They mere realy 2 READING & SPEAKING tea anda sorte firing vio hbo Tat ested ‘ en we atved at Heathrow apo" a Work in pairs. A read about Joe's holiday you don't oe 2 nextday we decided to breakup. Bread about Laura’sholiday. Find the Person until YOU rcok mincredsof photos, tut when! got, raed eryoeTbnst 5 travel with them 9 home lidn¥ show them to anyone 1 Where dl he/she goon holiday? $$$ 2 Who didhe j she go with? Laura 26,anurse 61'd love to go back 5 Where did he/she say? Last sping my best iendtabelleand to Venice one day... 44 What was he weather lke? booked oloyinVerice Wererted but without Linda. 9 5 Why didnt he /she enjoy the holiday? a small apartment for aweek with fantastic view ofthe canals. A the last moment another felend Lind, b Nowtellyour parmerabourthe holiday you asked she cold come to, We feltsrryfor et because she had read. Use questions 1-5 t0 help you. problems with her boyfriend, so we sad yes. ‘Venice was magical andthe weather was perfect, bu the holiday was a © Real your partner's text. In pais, guess ‘Ssarter or onesimple reason: Linds wat romean! She ht good jb 20 the meaning ofthe highlighted words and She's not poor, but she just dda want to pay for anjthing, When we went phrases, Whose holiday do you think was ‘sightseeing she diet want to go to any museums of galleries that cost worse? Why? ‘money. When we went ona gondola she complained that Teas very expensive. When we went to have lunch or dinner she always wanted to go to cheap restaurants or ‘she bought pizzas and ae them nthe flat ut the night | Have you ever hada holiday that you didn't enjoy invited her and Isabel out on my birthday she chose the Se Treat ‘most expensive things on the menu! The worst thing was ae thatalthough isabelle and paid forthe apartment. Lins never once bought usa coffee or drink Tove to go back to Venice ane day..but without Lins, ee 3 LISTENING a )34)) Youare going to listen to Mia and Linda talkingabout the holidays. Firs listen to Mia. Does she agree with Joc about the holiday? bb Listen again. What does Mia say about...? 1 her relationship with Joe before they went 2 the places where they stayed 3 talkingto other travellers 4 photos: 5 going on holiday witha boyfriend © 35)) Now listen to Linda, What's her opinion of the holiday? Then listen again, ‘What does she say about... 1 Venice 2 what they did there 3 the cost ofher holiday 4 hernext holiday 4 Who do you sympathize with most, Joe or Mia? Laura or Linda? 4 GRAMMAR past simple: regular and irregular verbs 4 What the past simple of these verbs? Arethey regular or irregular? Check your answers in Joe's rent begin leave want be}. stay think know argue sunbathe take Now underline the past simple|# verbs in Laura's text, What are the infinitives? € Find and underline two past simple =Iverbs inthe ewortexts. How do you make =land{7 inthe past simple...? + with normal verbs + with wae were + with could _ > p-128 Grammar Bank 2A. Learn more about the past simple and practise it 5 PRONUNCIATION regular verbs: -ed endings 37%) Listen and repeat the sentences, We booked a hala We walked around hetown ‘We sunbathed on the beach We argued about everything. We rented a fla ‘We decided to break up, 1b Say the past simple of these verbs. Ia which onesis ed pronounced ‘id’? ‘arrive ask end invite lke love need pak stat stay © 383) Listen and check, PD aagslr pat snp verbs Ramat thet we dort rrrealy pronaunce the ein The-adendng's usualy pronounced or. The erence between thes endings very sm Wemlypronouncetheein-edwhenthereisatoradbefret, | ‘eg. wonted, ended with these verbs: ieanlaonties ae | 6 SPEAKING a Look at Your last holi yy below. What are the questions? b_ Think about your answers to the questions. YOUR LAST HOLIDAY 1 Where / 90? 2 When / go? 3 Who / go with? 4 Where / stay? 5 What / the foed like? © What / the weather like? 7 What / do during the day? 2 What / do at night? 4 / have a good time? 10 / have any problems? © Workin pairs. Ask your partner about his / her holiday: Show interest in what hie J she says,and ask for more information. Then swap roles. (D> Unetul anguage for showinginterest. ] ‘Realy? Wow Fantastic! reatote | ) Ohno! How awful etc. | |__ (2 Was it expensive? Why? What happened? etc. oD 6 past continuous V prepositions of time and place: P sentence stress, Look ata photo which news photographer “Tom Pilston took in 2008, What do you ing? think is happs Read Tom's description of what happened ‘on the night he rook the photo. Were vou right? Read again and answer the questions, Why did Tom Pilston poo Chicago? 2 Why couldn'the cake a photograph of ama? 3. What was the weather lik 4 Where dd hetake this photo? 5 Where cul the people see the election results? 6 Wayhe 7 Whathappened when Obama won? srry that he couldnt go inske the Why doyou think the photographer thought his photo was better than a photo of Obama himself? Do you agree? past continuous Look at the highlig from the text, Do they dese hhappened...? 4 afier he ook the phoro bb atthe same time ashe took the photo ed verbs in an extract tions that When |took this photo everybody was Taking atthe TV screens waiting for the election results. Some people were quietly helding hands and smiling ~ others were tense and nervous. > p.128 Grammar Bank 28. Learn more bout the past continuous and practise i 1 41)) In pairs listen to the sounds and make a sentence using the past continues and the past simple (They were paying terns (erent stator oven What was, happening? penne’ people were waiting for the rests, |:0 photograph Barack Obama and his family in the Convention Center, but when | gat there | discovered that didn't have. ‘my ress pass and! couldn't go inside. | walked around the park Dutside the center. although it was Novernber it was a warm night. ‘The atmosphere was wonderful. When | took this oto everybody was looking atthe TV screens waiting for the election results. some ‘people were quietly nolaing hands ana smiling - others were tense and nervous. They felt that itwas their moment. Suddeniy I realizes that tis ‘was a better place to be than inside. Iwas watching Obama's victory through the faces ofa these people, African, Hispanic, Chinese, white, ‘At about 11 ocock the results were announced, ard everybody went mad, People started laughing, shouting. and crying. But when Obama made his speech they all became quiet and emiational. There was only ‘one place to be on the planet that night ~ and | was there, O: 4th November arrived in Chicago late in the evening. | wanted 3 at, in, on a Which preposition do you use before...? 1 adate (e.g. 4th November) 2 atime (eg HT o'clock) 3 the morning. the afiernoun, ete 4 a room or building (eg the Conver on Center) 1b. Check your answers toa in the rest, What preposition da you use with? F amon (eg, January) 2 the weekend 3 home, work, school ¢ > p.153 Vocabulary Bank Prepositions. Do part d- > Communication at, in, on Ap.200 8 p.106. Answer the ‘questions with a preposition and s time or place. - 4 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress 43!) Listen and repeat the dialogue. Copy the rhychm 1A Where were youat six o'clock inthe evening? 8 Iwas atwork. ‘A What were you doing? | 8. Iwashaving meeting withthe boss bb Inpairs,cake turns toanswer the questions about yesterday 630am. 1L00am. lunchtime 400 pm. 600pm._10.00 pm. midnight where wereyouat 630) ( was at home intnemorning? ) (se hat were you doing?) x LISTENING 4 Lookata famous photo which wason the cover of many magazines around the world inthe 1960s. Where do you think the people are? What do you think is happening? bb Read the beginning of a newspaper article. Why do you think cost afortune’? is called" he image that € 44) Now listen tothe woman in the photo talking about it. Were you right? 4. Listen again. Choose, b, ore 1 1m 1968 she 1 wasn't interested in polities b wasacommunist ¢ wasan anarchist 2. She loved the atmosphere because all the students were fighting for peace b democracy © freedom 3 She was siting on a friend’s shoulders a because she was tired b totake photos © sothat she could see better 4 She was carrying the flag because a shewasa leader in the demonstration 'b somebody gave itto her © she brought itwith her lied six @ Doyou think she is sorry that she was inthat phowo? SPEAKING & WRITING Talk to partner. Give more information if you can, | Do you have a photo you really like? Who took it? ‘What was happening atthe time? Do you upload photos onto Facebook or other internet sites? What was the last photo you uploaded? 3 Do you have: yoo asthe screen saver on your ‘computer or phone? What isitof? 4 Do you havea favourite photo of yourselfasa child? ‘Who cook it? What was happening when they took it? What were you wearing? 5 Doyou haveany photos in your bedroom or living room? What are they of? {6 Do you know any other famous historial phocos? Who or what are they of? > p.112 Writing My favourite photo. Write a description of your favourite photo. {aroline de Bendern was born in 1940. she was the ‘granddaughter of Count Maurice de Bender, arch aristocrat ‘who owned alot of property in Paris and Monaco. Although be had other grandchildren, the Count decided to leave all his money to Caroline. never knew why says Caroline. Perhaps because | was pretty’ He paid for her to go to very expensive schools in England ‘and he hoped that she would marry wel, perhaps a member of a European royal family. But Caroline was a rebel, She went to New York and worked there for a short time as a model. Then, in 1968 ‘when she was 28 years old she returned to Pais 6 time sequencers and connectors V verb phrases P word stress GRAMMAR time sequencers and connectors 41.451) Read the story once. Then complete it with a word or phrase from the box. Listen tothe story and. check After that Next day One evening in October Suddenly Twominutes eter When With a partner, answer the questions. Why did Hannah goand speak w famie? Why cl Jamie play Blue As Your Eyes? What happened when Hanna left dhe dub? Whar was the restaurant Hike? Where dd they go every evening after that? 6 What was the weather like that evening? 7 Why was Hannah driving fst? 8 Why dida'e she see the man? From memory complete these sentences from the story ‘with so, because, or although. Then: ‘with the story 1 She was going very fast 2 ___ the food wasn't very good, they hada ‘wonderful time 3. Hewas wearing dark coat, Hannah didn’t see him at first. > p-128 Grammar Bank 2C. Learn more about time sequencers and connectors and practise them. smplete the sentences in your own words. Then compare with a partner. 1 They fllin love on their First date. Two months later. 2 Iwent to bed eatly ast night because 3. The weather was beautiful, so we decided. 4 Teas really cold chat night, and when I woke up next morning. 5 Although we didn't play well inthe final fi Iwas driving along the motorway listening tothe radio, Suddenly One dark October evening Why was she was going Wery 25E? "Because she was ina husy. annah met Jamie in the summer of 2010. Itwas Hannah's 21st birthday and she and her friends went toa club. They wanted to dance, but they didn't lke the music, so Hannah went to speak tothe DI. This music is awful. she said, ‘Could you play something else?" The DI looked at her and said, "Don't worry, Lhave the perfect song for you" 1 Two minutes later he said, ‘The next song is by Scouting For Girls. It's called Blue As Your Eyes and it's for a beautiful girl who's dancing over there’ Hannah knew that the song was for her. 2 Hannah and her friends left the club, the Dd was waiting for her at the door. "Hi, T'm Jamie; he said to Hannah. Can I see you again?’ So Hannah gave him her phone number. 2 Jamie phoned Hannah and invited her to inner. He took her toa very romantic French restaurant ‘and they talked all evening. though the food wasn't very {g00d, they had a wonderful time. + Jamie and Hannah saw each other every day. Every evening when Hannah finished work they met at 5.30 ina coffee bar in the high street. They were madly in love, 5 Hannah was at work. As usual she was going tomeet Jamie at 5.50. It was dark and it was raining, She looked at her watch. Itwas 5.20! She was going to be late! She ran to her car and got in. At 5.25 she was driving along the high street ‘She was going very fast because she was in a hurry. « ‘a man ran across the road. He was wearing ‘a dark coat, So Hannah did't see him at first. Quickly, she put her foot on the brake. er 2 PRONUNCIATION word stress D) stress intwosyabie words Agprotnately 0% of two syable words are Sessedon the fst syle, Most two-ylate noun and adjectives are Siessedonthe fro slate moter tap However may twrs lab vers aod prefestionsorconsacorsaestressedon | __ fhbtecond sya gave, bei Pie a Underline the stressed syllable in these words from the story: across after again allong although aw ful be(cause birth\day evening invite perfect seicond bb (4/491) Listen and check, 3 VOCABULARY verb phrases a Make verb ph anda phrase from box 2. Allthe phrases are From the story wses with a verb from box invite somebody to dinner 1 invite have 9 along the high street eas ‘somebody your rect ‘email/phone number five ‘sone take across the road wait inahury te inacoffeebar play for somebody leave the club verylate un somebody toner somebody toa restaurant wonderful time remember the verb for b Coverbox I. Try ceach phrase, 4 SPEAKING & LISTENING a Read the story of Hannah and Jamie in T again, In pairs, use pictures 1-5 to retell the story. Try touse b phrases in 3. connectors and the v © There are two different endings tothe story. Havea class vote. Do you want vo listen to the happy ending or the sad ending? 4 (4)50,51;)) What do youthink s going to happen in the ending you have chosen? Listen once and check. Listen again. Ifyou chose the happy ending, answer the questions in > Communication Happy ending p.101. Ifyou chose the sad ending, answer the questions in > Communication Sad ending 109. 5 s2i) SONG Blue As Your Eyes 2 A GRAMMAR any brothers or sisters? a Haveyou b Doyou 2 lase night? a Where you went b Where did you go © Where you did go 3 Mybrother football, a docsn'tlike bdon’tlike ¢ doesn’ likes 4 Her parents __ a small business. ahas b haves ¢ have 5 1___tomusic when 'm working. a neverlisten b don'tnever listen ¢ listen never 6 Inthe picture the woman _a blue dress. a wears b wearing. c iswearing 7A What___?B Timlooking for my keys. a youaredoing b doyoudo ¢ are you doing 8 She's atuniversity. She _history. a ‘sstuding b ‘sstudying ¢ studying 9 We___to Malealast August a were bwent c did go 10 saw the film, bue|__—_ i. a didntliked bh doweliked didn'elike 11 When Igothome my parents ___ on the sofa. a weresitting b wassitting ¢ weresiting 12. Whar__at 1 pm? You didn’tanswer my call. a youweredoing b youwasdoing ¢ were youdoing 13 She couldn't see him because she —__ her glasses. a wasn'twearing b didntwear ¢ didn't wearing 14 Wewenttothe cinema. _ we decidedto go fora walk: a After b Then © When 15. Wehadagreattime, __ the weather wasn't very good. 2-50 b because ¢ although © Doyouhave VOCABULARY a Complete the phrases with a verb from the list. book do dive invite leave look play stay take wear 1 A Whatdoyou __? B T'madoctor. 2A Whatdoesshe like? B. She's tall and lim, 3 Shedoesn’t usually __ jewellery, only her wedding, ring. 4 A Did you ___any photos? B No, didn't. 5A Wheredidyou__?-_B Inasmall hotel. 6 Did you your fights online? 7 A Lev's your parenttodinner. B Good idea. 8 A Areyougoingro____ there? B No, we're going to get the train. 9A Goon! AsktheDJto__oursong!_ BOK. 10 A Whattimedo we need to B About 7.00. Our flights at 9.00. b Complete with at, in, or on. | The meetingis _ March 1th. home tomorrow? 2A Where's Mum? B She's the kitchen. 3 Hewasborn__ 1989. 4A Where the dictionary? B it’s the shelfin my room. 5 Mark's nor back yet he's still__ school. 6 Weavery quiet town, especially —___ night. 7 Wewent holiday to Malka last year. & Ged ihe won thats diere Uaraight long blonde beard 2dlever lazy generous funny 3 fiiendly mean seupid ‘unkind 4 dress shire tights tie 5 socks gloves trainers sandals 6 mecklace bracelet ring scarf 7 windy foggy dirsy sunny 8 basic dirty uncomfortable uxurious PRONUNCIATION 1@e 6 1 v 2B shire shorts work ‘curly 3 fa! chooses languages Hives glasses 4 GB weigh eight — kind ——night 5 Bah pimer eainessaiesiy ows Underline the stressed syllable, Talkative 3 prefer 5 comforlaible 2 moultache 4 disgusting CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a Read the newspaper article once. Does the journalist ‘think that taking photosin museums isa good thing or aabad thing? b Read the article again, Mark the sentences T (true) or F(false). 1 The journalist saw tourists taking photographs of works of rt in Rome and New York. 2 When he first saw people taking photos in the MOMA, he didn't understand whae they were really doing, Thenhhe realised that the photographers wi looking atthe paintings. 4 They were taking phocos because they wanted t0 look atthe paintings later. 5 Later a couple asked him to take a photo of them in front of a painting, 6 Hesuggests two possible ways of solving the problem. © Look ar the highlighted words in the text. Guess their ‘meaning from the context. Check with your teacher or witha dictionary. ‘ago. in St Peter’ Basilica in Rome = a erOwa of people standing round Michelangelo's Peta, taking photos with thei cameras and mobile phones. Then las week | saw itagain atthe Museum of Modern Art (the MOMA) in New York. At firs, wasn’ too worried when I saw people photographing ‘he paintings. twas abit ieitating, but that was al. Iedida't rate me angry. Then the sad truth hit me. Most of the people were aking photos without looking atthe paintings themselves Prope were pushing me, not because they were trying to get beter view ofthe ert but because they wanted to make'sure that ao one blocked their photo. Wasi possible that perhaps they were taking the photos so that they could admire the palntings better when they got ome? This was very improbable. ‘Tey were not thereto see the paintings, but to take photos to (ove that they had been there Ts first time I noticed this phenomenon was afew years ‘Tent got worse. Now people were taking photos of their partners or friends who were posing next, orn front of some af the mast famous paintings. Neither the photographers nor {he person they were photographing had looked atthe atitslf though saw that sometimes the read the label to make sure thatthe artist really was famous. At least nobody asked me to luke a picture of them together, smiling infront of a Passo! think that photography ia museums shouldbe Bann, but also havea less drastic solution | think that people who vant to take photo ofan exhibit should be forced to look tit ist, for atleast one minute GBCAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE? (4)53)) In the street Watch or listen to five people and answer the questions, SHaRe Justin Joanna—=‘Sarahuane avid Andy 1 justin 2 looks like his mother bb looks like his father © doesnt look like his father or his mother 2 Joanna's favourite paintingis of a alandseape b aperson © ananimal 3. Sarah Jane's last holiday was a__holiay. a beach b walking © sightseeing 4 David a takesa lot of photos b isinalot of photos has lot of photos on his phon Andy says a he enjoys erying atthe end ofa film bb he thinks fils witha sad ending are more realistic © most of his favourite films havea sad ending CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? Do the tasks with a partner. Tick (7) the box if you can dothem, Can you...2 1 © askand answer six questions about work / studies, family, and free time activities 2 Ll deseribe the appearance and personaly ofa person you koow well (F describe a picture in this book and say what is happening, what the people are wearing. et 4 DBaskand answer three questions about recent holiday 5. CJ describe a favourite photo and say what was happening when you rook k 6 Cl aay thre re sentences using the connector sa, because. and although UB short fims & photographer Watch and enjoy aim on iTutor, G be going to (plans and predictions) V airports P sentence stress and fast speech 1 airports When was the last time you were aan airport? Was it ro travel somewhere (where?) oF to meet Someone (who?)? : LLookat the aieport signs and ‘match chem to the words and phrases below Ve yr) Baggage deop-off Baggage reclaim checkin customs Departures Ci Gates Cuts passport conta Ca serrnt \ [roars Orretey 1.54%) Listenand cheek. Then cover the words and look at the symbols. Remember the words, and phrases What are you going to do there? mm going to teach English 2 4 Look atthe three travellers inthe picture. Who do you thinkis...7 What are their plans? What are their dreams? 1g 5h eee apeta rising OSes ate asting people sbout er ave! ples 155i) Listen and check your answers toa. Then listen again and complete the chars | Where to? [other information EE Seo | Ores lvia Matthew | | 3 GRAMMAR be going to (plans and predictions) 56) Look ar these sentences from the airport incerviews and complete the he goingto « verb. Then listen and check. ips with a form of English to young children, ' 2. How long there for? 3 les winter in Austealia now, 50 quite cold 4 __ youat the airport? 5 msure a great time. bb In pairsdecide ifsentences J~Sare plans or predictions about the future. Write PL (plan) or PR (predict > p.130 Grammar Bank 3A, Learn more about bbe going to and practise it 4 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING sentence stress and fast speech a )58)) Liscemand repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm. 1 What are you going ro do tonight? 2 Are yougoingso sees film? 3 Pmgoingrocooks meal foryou 4 tthink ws going rain. 5 Wearen’t going w haves holiday thisysar. P Fast speech: gone Wen people Spek fast they often pronounce going to Se gerne ya, 0g What are you gang to 60? coun ke wat are you gona do? 501) Listen and writ © > Communication What are your plans? A p.101 Bp.107, Interview each other about your plans 5 READING 2 Whatis your nearest airport? What’sit like? What can you do there while you'te waiting for a flight? Read an article about the top airports in the word. Which isthe best aieport(s) if you...? hhave a medical problem would like to see a film want to do some sport or exercise need to eave your dog forthe weekend are worried about getting lost wantto sleep between flights ‘would like to see the city between flights Pumice = airports are anightmare —long queues aC) EU ola ‘when you checkin and gothrough security and an even longer watif your fight is delayed. But there are some airports where you can actually enjoy yourselt Allgood ‘irports have excellent facilities for business people and children, free WA, restaurants cafés, and shops. But the best alrports have much more. SINGAPORE AIRPORT is paradise for lower lovers, as thas an indoor orchid garden! Italso has a rooftop swimming pooland free sightseeing tourfor people who have atleast five hours towat or their connectingfight. IF you like computer games, you'll never be bored at HONG. KONG INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ~there are dozens of free Playstations allover the terminals! I's also good for people ‘with no sense o direction ~ there are‘Rrport Ambassadorsin red coats, who help you to get from one place to another. SEOUL AIRPORT isthe place torelax. You cango tothe jrdresserand have beauty treatments oramassage. Sports fans can also play golf at ther 72-hole golf course! MUNICH AIRPORT helps tokeep passengers entertained with ‘3 60-seat cinema and non-stop fms There is alsa free coffee ‘and tea nearallthe seatingareas, andlots of free magazines and newspapers. Ifyou worry about your health andlike tobe near medical services at alltimes, OSAKA AIRPORT in Japan isthe perfect place towait, as thas a dentist and doctor’ surgery. And for ‘People with animals, there is evena pet hotel! Ir youhave long wait between fights at ZURICH AIRPORTin Switzerland, you can rent day rooms with theirown bathroom and kitchen and wake-up call service, So you cn have a shower “and then sleep peacefully until youhave to board your fight, wes related to ¢ Look at the highlighted words and ph airports and guess their meaning. Roleplay witha parene A imagine you ae at one of these airportsand your flight is delayed for three hours. Balls you on your mobile. Tell B where you are and what you are going todo. Then swap roles. Do the same with other airports. 6 v60)) SONG This is the Life > Ee V verbs + prepositions, eg. arrive in P sounding friendly 1 READING & LISTENING a 61 ow do you say these dates? Listen and check ‘3dMay 12th August 2012 3ist December 2216 5/2 20th July 1998 1b Ben and Lily are old friends from university: Read their Facebook messages and number them in order. cc Lily Varnell Great. 'm going to book my tickets tomorrow, and then Ian let you know my fight times. Ben West ‘OK. Why don't you phone me nearer the time, atthe end of April? Then we can fix day and a time to meet. iknow a great Lily Varnell ] HiBen! No news from you forages. How are | ‘things? Are you stil working at Budapest University? have a conference there next ‘month and | thought perhaps we could ‘meet. love to see you agai Ll. oi sme It depends on the day. m going to Vienna ‘one day that week, but it's not very far ~ Fim coming back the same day.'m sure Wwe can find atime that's good for both of Lily Varnel W's from 3rd to 7th May, but | don't know imy travel arangements yet. What are you doing that week? Are you free anytime? Ben West Lily! Great to hear from you, Yes, fst atthe university here and it's going very ‘well - Budapest Isa wonderful city to lve in. When exactly isthe conference? ly Varnel G present continuous future arrangements) Rem gn-X~1 a=) 2-110) When are youleaving? on monday, and tm coming back on Friday, Read the messages again in the right order, Why does Match che highlighted wordsand phrases to their « intouch with Ben? What arethey planning 1 for along time 2 definite plans for the Future 3 Ieontinue to be 4 maybe 5 the two 6 todecide sth (ex. day / date) (462)) Lily phones Ben and leaves him a message Listen and complete her flight details. ee ees YOUR RESERVATION NUMBER IS: ISCS2L Going out: Flight EZY4587 Date: Depart London Gatwick at 11.10 Arrive Budapest at Going back: Flight EZV4588 Date: Depart Gudapest at Arrive London Gatwick at 18.10, Hotel reservations: Six nights at Hotel 2 GRAMMAR present continuous (future arrangements) a In pairs, underline five present continuous verbs in the Facebook messages. Which two are about now? What time period do the other three refer to? 1631) Look arthree exteacts from the message Lily leaves Ben, Can you remember the missing verbs? Listen and check Lem from Gatwick with Easyit. tm at Budapest airport at 14.40, 3 tm atalovely old hot © > p.130 Grammar Bank 38. Learn more about the present continuous for future arrangements and practise it. 4 ¥65)) Lily phones Ben when she arrives at the hotel, Listen to the conversation. What day do they arrange to meet? € Listen again. Complete Ben's diary for the week. seeing Pau! £ Cover thediary. Work with a partner and what's en ding Chan what's on sun?) (“ne ing on Monday? io § 66) Listen. What happens when Ben and 3 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING sounding friendly 41671) Listen to another dialogue. Then listen again and repeat it sentence by sentence. Tey to copy the speakers’ intonation. ‘A Would you tke to go out for dinner? B Fdloveto. ‘A Are you free on Thursdoy? £8 Sorry, Fm going to the cinema. 'A What about Friday? What are you doing ther? B Nothing. Friday’ Fin ‘A OK. Let's go tothe new talian place. 8 Great Practise the dialogue with a partner. Try to sound friendly. Complete your diary with different activities for three evenings. “Talk to other students. Try to find days when you are both free and suggest doing something, Write it in yourdiary. Try to make an arrangement with a different person for every night, Are you few onFiayevering?) (Yes ar Would youlike togo tothe cinema? ») (Yes, rélove ta, VOCABULARY verbs + prepositions Look t things Lily and Ben say. What are the missing prepositions? 1 Iedepends the day 2 marriving — Bulapestat 14.40 3 Paul invited me dinner ages ago. > p.153 Vocabulary Bank Prepositions. Do part 2 (Verbs + prepositions). ‘Complete the questions with a preposition, Then ask and answer witha partner. 1 Whar do you usually ask 2 Who doyou think should pay 3, Who do you normally speak something? 4 Doyou spend more money Doyou think e's possible to fall meeting them face-to-face? if you go toa cafe with friends? the meal on a first date? when you're worried _ clothes or __ gadgets? somebody without WRITING >> p.113 Writing An informal email Write an email about travel arrangements. o> El G defining relative clauses V expressions for paraphvasing: like, for example, ete What's 2 P pronunciation ina dictionary surgery? iViat-leecm ual-M (el Keg tesa place ‘where you can see doctor or dentist. 1 LISTENING 3 VOCABULARY paraphrasing 4 Doyoulike playing word games ike a What do you usually do if you're talking to someone in English Scrabble or doing crosswords? Look at the and you don’t know a word that you need? Scrabble letters on the page. How many ‘words of four or more letters can you make in three minutes? 2 Look upthetranslaton on your phone b Try tomime the word € Try twexplain what you mean using other words youknow. b @2i) Listens the introduction toa TV 4 game show, What's the word? How do you play the game? (216)) Complete the useful expressions with these words. Then, listen and check ¢ (3) Now listen to the show, Write down Siege Ter Be. sepsis ees Somebody something, somewhere 1 Useful expressions for explaininga word that you 2 don’t know: 011 Vis | aperson who works 3 hospital ‘ 2 te [thing which we use for everything nowadays. 5 3 | aplace where people go when they want to 6 something. Qi) Listen and check your answers. 4 Wsa__ oF gadget. 5 isthe of dark 6 Ws light, but you use co describe ba 2 GRAMMAR 7 Ws tointlligent defining relative clauses 8 Foe ou dothisto the TV a Look at three sentences from What's the © Complete the definitions for these words. word? and complete them with who, which, SDV kexsonevdy or where. 1 [E, 2 anare gallery ¢’ssomewhere 1 Iessomething people use tospeak 3 acamera Ir'ssomething. toanother person. 4 alife Iesakind of 2 Irsaplace people gowhen they want to go shopping, 3 Itssomebody works in a hospital b_ Read sentences I-Sagain. When doweuse 4 SPEAKING who, which, and where? sunbathe Forexample, you do this, 6 curly I’sthe opposite > Communication What's the word? A p.101 8 p.207,Play agame © > p.130 Grammer Bank 3C. Learn more and define words for your partner to guess hour defining relative causes and | practise them = ~ aH — Biter, wie ose 5 READING 4 Read the article. How many ways does it mention of creating new words? What are they? Look at the highlighted new words. What do you think they mean? Match them tothe definitions below. 1 na young man who is going out with amuch older woman 2 to send a message using a mobile phone 3 na person who worksin a coffee bar 4 nfeeling angry because ofthe traffic or another person's driving 5 ‘ncoffee with hot milk 6 ____mapub where you can also have very good food Can you explain the meaning of these other words. from the text ‘emoticon totweet iPod to google Wifi ringtone smartphone PRONUNCIATION pronunciation in a dictionary Look at wo dictionary extracts, What do the abbreviations mean? search sxtf'v look carefully because youare trying find sb or sth busy bz adj oceupé 1y oe Se 2 al 4 sh : Look at the phonetic transcriptions in a. How do you pronounce the words? months ceneroameoene rees laos i ary} publishes updates to its online dictionary. : update contained 900 new words, new ore grt New words ways. Wecan frat new word contigo cs ie Ga {Gostonomy’r pub} or emoticon emotion» kon). Sometimes we put two words togetherin anew way, for ‘example road rage o toy boy. ‘We aso find that nouns can change into verbs. Take the ‘word text. Text was always anoun (om about 1369, ‘2ccording to the OED), but its now very common asa verb, to text: ‘Other new words already existed __butwitha diferent meaning. For example, tweet was the noise that a bird makes, but now we use it more often (as 2 ‘verb ora noun) fora message that people put onthe socal networking site Twitter. ‘Another way in which we make new wordsis by senting words rom frig languages, the barista o atte (mporte from alin when cote bars really popular inthe UKin the 18805). ‘Alot of new words come from the names of brands or ‘companies, for example we play music on an iPod and we J00gHe information, We also need more general words to Sescrbe new technology or new gadgets: WH, ringtone, ‘and smartphone are some recent examples. “The invention of new words is not a new phenomenon. ‘The word brunch (breakfast + lunch) frst appeared in +1896, newspaper (news + paper) in 1667, and English ‘speakers started to use the word café from French) in the late 19th century. The difference now is how quickly ‘words and expressions enter the language and how start to use and understand them. expressions, PP Checking pronunciation ina dictionary ‘This symbol () shows stress. The stressed syllable isthe ‘one after the symbol. “The Sound Bank on 9.166 can help you to check the pronunciation of new words. € @7)) Look carefully tthe pronunciation of the words below. Practise saying them correctly. Listen and check. Doyou know what they mean? 1 YouTube "jutjusb’ 4 gadget Nosedst 2 Keyboard Mkitbosd! 5 message /mesids) 3 200m /2usm! 6 hacker Mheeka! oor Ec] co C I =| 8 a @a)) Watch or listen. Mark the sentences (Gre) or F (false), 1 The New York office is smaller than the London office 2 Barbara isthe designer of the magazine. 3. Rob has never been to New York before 4 Barbara is going to have lunch with Rob and Jenny 5. Holly is going towork with Rob 6 Holly wants to gotothe restaurant because she's hungry bb Watch or listen again. Say why the F sentences are false. Restaurant problems 2 VOCABULARY restaurants Do the restaurant quiz. with a partner. RESTAURANT QUIZ What do you call.? the book or lit which tells you what food there ie the three parts of a meat the person who serves you the piece of paper withthe price ofthe meat extra money you leave ifyou are hapay with your meal or with the What do you say..? 1 if you want 3 table for four people 2. when the waiter asks you what you want 3 when you are ready to pay o GB AT THE RESTAURANT a @9)) Cover the dialogue and watch or listen. Answer the questions, 1 What do they order? 2 What problems do they have? ee 4 GBHOLLY AND ROB MAKE FRIENDS b_ Watch or listen again, Complete the You Hear phrases, ‘pyoutear Yousey> ‘re youreadyto____?_Yes, please Ccanl get you something No, thank you. 'dlike the ‘to with? tuna witha green salad, ‘And for you, si? ithave the steak, please. Would you tke that with fies or abaked 2. Fries, please How would you ike your steak? Rare, ‘or Well done. welldone? Nothing for me. ‘OK. And to 7 Water please. ___orsparkiing? “Sparking, The tuna for you matam, and [fin Sey, But lasked fora the steak for you, ‘green salad not fries Excuse me. problem. well done and this rare. ‘Tmeally sorry it back to the kth, British and American English (French) fries = American English chips = British English © @10}) Watch or listen and repeat the You Say phrases. Copy the rhythm. 4 Practise the dialogue with a partner. Af In pairs, roleplay the dialogue {A You are in the restaurant. Order a steak or tuna. B You are the waiterlwaitress. Offer A fries, aked potato, or salad with the steak or tuna, You begin with Are youready to onder? is problem with your order, Explain ito the B Apologize, andtry co solve the problem Swap roles Yes. (7 Sorry. | asked for my steak a 12) Watch or listen to Rob, Holly, and Jenny. Do they enjoy the lunch? 1b Watch or listen again and answer the questions 1 What's Rob goin, about? How does Holly offer to help him with interviews? 3. What does she say they could do one evening? 4 What'sthe problem withthe check? 5 Why does Jenny'say it’s time to go? 6 Doyouthink Jenny wanted Holly to come to lunch? Perish and american English check = American English English phrases. Can you mber any of the missing words? Social English p Holly Rob Well to with, Rob Doyouhave any? Rob That would great Jenny ‘we have the check (bill, please? Jenny Excuse me, think there's a Jenny OK, toga 4d @12}) Watch or listen and complete the phrases, © Watch or listen again and repeat the phrases. How do you say them in your language? cans ar cet explain when there isa problem with your food, the bl, ete ‘ask what somebody i going todo to G present fect + yet, just, already V housework, make or do? P iivand dy) 1 READING a Look at the definition of teenager. How do you 3s pronounceit? Do you have a similar word in your Tanguage to describe a person of that age? a a / ae (a b Readceanice shu someamoying habs NBER A Write P if youthink the sentenc talking about teenagers, or T isa parent ‘you think i¢ ager talking about his / her parents. ‘Teenagers have annoying habits — + Fotew but so do their parents! simon Fey ‘They come ito my room withoutknkng and then are surprised to see things they don't realy want fo know about a ‘They CafryontextiNg when Im telling them something realy impontart and they say "Yeah, yeah | heard you (Of course they didn't, ‘They always pick up the remote and ehangettherchannel: when Im watching something really interesting ve ther foom ina terrible mess and then roll their eyes when Fas thern Ka. “mes Bright They never BleUpESIAYIGMHES oF wet towels from the floor. They think some elves come later and pick them up! ‘They say no before I've even finished explaining what t want 10d ‘They oll me to daltheNWashingrup and then complain ‘hat | put things in the wrong place in the dishwasher. e Sam saree Whenever | need to call hem their mobieis either \ switched off or the battery is dead, ntreallyannoysme © Compare witha partner. Do you agree? 4. Look at che highlighted verbs and verb phrases. With partner, say what you think they mean, ‘¢ Doanyofthe parents’ or teenagers’ habits annoy you? Which ones? Yes, Ive just ‘one ft 2 VOCABULARY housework, make or do? a Look again at the highighted phrases from the text. Which three are connected with housework? b> p.154 Vocabulary Bank Housework make or do? 3 GRAMMAR present perfect + yet, just, already a (@15)) Look ac the pictures. What do you think the people are arguing about? Listen and check, b Listen again and complete the dialogues with a past participle from thelist. “deared done dried finshed looked seen 1A Have you seen my yellow jumper? cant findit. 8 No,thaver't Have you wardrobe? ‘A Ofcourse have. What's that under your bea? (Oh, yes. remember now. borrowed inyour Wy arent you doing your homework? Nvealready it “reli Ididiton the bus this evening. A 8 a a A Have you yet? B Neorty. ‘A need the bathroom now. B Butihaverrt my hair yet. ‘A. Wel, hurry up then. A 8 CCan you gota plate for that sandwich? Fvejust the floor. 1k. Oops tool. Sorry! € Lookat the first ewo questions in dialogue Are they abour...? 4 aspocifictimein the past bb anon-specific time (.e. sometime between the past and now) 4. Underline the sentences with ust, yet, and already in dialogues 2-4. What do you think they mean?’ > p.132 Grammar Bank 4A. Learn more bout the present perfect and practise it. £18) Liste negative and the ~ sentences positive and make the # sentences ‘)fveFinished. thaven't finishes. Dieser rained. € i rine. Ade a r K 4 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING jj and 3 19) Listen and repeat the picture words and sounds a |8 2 20)) Pur the words in the right column, Listen and check Then listen and repeat the words. Just yet jumper yellow change teenager new uniform year student enjoy beautiful jacket young bridge argue © Practise saying these sentences ve just bought Janea jumper anda jacket Have you worn your new uniform yer? > Communi tion Has he done it yet? p.101. © B21») Listen. Say whar'sjust happened LISTENING a 222)) Listentothefirst partofa a radio programme about teenage carers, Answer the questions 223)) Now listen to the restof the progeamme, In what way arethe two teenagers unusual? Do they feel positive ‘ornegative about thei lives? © Listen again and answer with A (Alice), D (Daniel), or B (both of then d_ Doyou know any teenagers like Alice | and Daniel? What do they do? ] 6 present perfecto past simple? (0) Have you V Shopping ever boonto } cond ch Mots? Yes. Hooughe this shirt there, Fashion and shopping 1 READING ‘© Read the interview, Complete the gaps with A-F a Witha partner, write down the names of fe eee aeronr three fashion designers. What nationality ii eal derstand erg cian scart to feel © Myboyfrend at that time was very lucky D My feet were kiling me! 0 they design more for men o for women? What kind of things does their ‘company make? E The only things | enjoyed there were art and sewing, F They areso chic, and their sense of colours so natural to ther, Look at the highlighted words and phrases related to fashion and b_ Read the introduction to an interview and look atthe photos. Do you like the clothes? members of the British roy LINDKA CIERACH isa fashion designer. She makes very exclusive clothes for women. She has made clothes for many celebrities including ily, for example Kate Middleton and Sarah shopping, and guess their meaning. Ailes Ane NAA Aa Ferguson, whose wedding dress she designed, and actresses like Helen Mirren, DID YOU ALWAYS WANT TO BE A DESIGNER? Not at all! When I wast school Thad problems reading, and later Tas diagnosed as dyslexic. —_ After school {did secretarial course and then I got job at Vogue magazine. [loved it, and there I realized that what I wanted to do was design clothes WHY DO YOU THINK PEOPLE LIKE YOUR omnes? Being a female designer has many advantages. @___ My 6USf0mER lave the sti feling a million dollars! WHAT NATIONALITY DO YOU THINK HAS. ‘THE BEST FASHION SENSE? Probably the Italians. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A FANCY DRESS PARTY? hate fancy dress partes. But Fan remember one, when [was ten, ‘WHAT DID YOUGO AS? My mother made me sister dress as a bride and bridegroom — Tas the bridegroom! 4 HAVE YOU EVER MET SOMEONE WHO WAS WEARING EXACTLY THE SAME AS YOU? Nove, thank goodness! Tra lucky because I can choose from 8 large selection of our Callection ich season! HAVE YOU EVER FALLEN OVER BECAUSE YOU WERE WEARING VERY HIGH HEELS? Pee never fl once Thad to fa {ff my shoes in the midale of «reception atthe House of Lard! § ‘WHAT DID YouDO? {walked oar into the street iba and jumped into a taxi HAVE YOU EVER DESIGNED CLOTHES FOR A MAN? Yes, Uhave. ‘WHEN WAST? Te was when Twas studying atthe London Gollege of Fashion. I designed my frst Men’ Wear collection shirts, trousers ad Kg jackets. © He didnt nced to buy any clothes that ye (Glossary Bide Bridegroom woman The House of Lords thesccond | Towmeottne brits fariament | 2 GRAMMAR present perfect or past simple?} 5 PRONUNCIATION cand ch a How is pronounced in these words? Pur them inthe right row. 4 Lookar the last four questions inthe interview. Answer with ‘account auction cinema city click partner, Clothes. creditcard customer proceed 1 Which questions are about receipt shopping centre 5 Wiad cence oS ste ie Se pissopeea Rae IRL 230i) Listenand check. When ise pronounced N? ‘more about the present perfect and. © (@31)) How is ch usually pronounced? List past simple and practise them, and Girls the two words where chs pronounced Aifferently, How isit pronounced in these words? 3 LISTENING changing rooms 2 @26)) Listen to four peoph chemists chic weap checkout \wering the question Have you ever bought something that you've never worn? What did they a Practise saying the wordsin a and ty? Wate I-4in te boxes (There sone lem you dont ned.) Gacoat ] somesportsclothes [[] askirt BP Cisometrousers [] ashire 6 SPEAKING b Linen agin, What wasthe problem with the lthes? Wete Complete he question withthe pas parle 1-4 in the boxes. ebthowest Tbe pom ree (inp) oe __ (st) This person... you o zo ae, Pen anything on eBay? Whar? Did you pay or pet {Lb clothes too quid ander didi hem eres rel ramatingentine Ly wanted to look like a famous singer, but looked like What did you do? noche 4. Havayou ever (have) an argument with TL) Bienly didn need thenew clothes any tore. shop estisant What was tabout? 4 Haye you ever__ (ty) to changesomething withourthe receipt? Were you successful? 5 Haveyoueveraccidentally ___(take) something from a shop without paying? 4 VOCABULARY shopping ‘What did you take? What bappened? 6 Have youever __ (buy) shoes without trying them on? Did they Have you ever bought something that you've never worn? What was it? 8 @27) Listen to some sentences from the listening Complete the gaps with one word. With a partner, say what Goats 7 Have you ever ___(get) tothe supermarket he highlighted ph checkout and then found you didn’ have 1 tremeer when wasn sr00m thought they enough money? What did you do? , loked fantastic, 8 Have you ever (lose) your credit card? 2 t_ store. Where did you lose it? Did you get itback? 3 {hate clothes shopping and! 4 [didnt bave the receipt, so leauldnie_—____ bac. D_Askother students question 1. Try to find 5 Well, Ubougheie___ froma website chat has cheap somebody who says Yes, have. Then ask them offers the past simple questions. Do the same for b > p.155 Vocabulary Bank Shopping, ee AT G something, anything. nothing, ete. V adjectives ending -ec and “ng Pie, 30, andi) L 8 2.32!) Listen toa news story about Sven. How did he spend his weekend? 1b Listemagain and answer the questions. What does Sten do? What floor was his office on? What happened when he fest pressed the lift bution? Howe die he try to get help? Where did Sven's wife think he 6 How did Sven get out of the it fon Monday morning? Hose did heft? What is Sven going to do every day now? Have you (orhas anyone you know) ever had ‘similar experience? What happened? something, anything, nothing, etc. 2.33) Look at three sentences from the story: Can you remember the missing words? Listen and check 1 pressed the button again. but happened 2 The police coulda’ find him 3 They phoned the emergency number and __—eame and repaired the lift. 1b Complete the rule with people, places. or things, 1 Use something, anything. and nothing for 2 Usesomebody. anybody, and nobody for 3. Use somewhere, anywhere, and nowhere for ¢ > p.132 Grammar Bank 4C. Learn more about something, anything, nothing. ete, and ppeactise them, oor oie 3 Jel, foo), and ial “4 2 “O eel 171 Nobody knows where he goes 2 Somebody's coming wa hunch, 3 1 Inever std angthing + C1 tredone nothing since Sunday: 5 5] Don't etlanybody about 6 C] Theresmmnstereto ge except h b- 2.35) Liseenand che. Practise saying the sentences € 2.36)) Listen:and answer the questions nat id youbuy? € Nothing. doe by anything a Read the article once, What isthe best summary? People in the UK have boring weekends bb People who © People sometimes don’ Facebook have ellthe one exciting weekends. h about their weekend bb Read the article again, With a partner, choose a, b.ore. 1 Thesurvey has shown that 25%. of people. a have very exciting weekends bb lie about their weekend, © goout ona Saturday night. 2 30%of the people they in a needed o gow workar the weekend. bb hada very'tring week didn’e want ro go outst the weekend, ¥ Some people don't tell the truth about their weekend because their real weekend is very boring. bb they done wane to make thet friends jealous, they forget what they have done. viewed 4 Social neeworking sites make people 4 spend more rime o 1b tryto make their ives sex © be more tuthtul about ther lives, the computer © Doyou think survey in your country would have similar rests? WHAT DID YOU [a-1HRY DO AT THE WEEKEND? The next tie a friend or colleague tells you about their fantastic weekend, wait a moment before you start feeing jealous ~ maybe they ae inventing it ll survey of 5,000 adults in the UK has shown that one Person in four invents details about their weekend because they want to impress their fiends. When they ‘an asked, ‘Did you have a good weekend?’ they don't ke to ‘9 that they just stayed at home and watched TY, because i ‘sounds boring. So they invent the cetals. The most common le that poople told was‘ went out on Saturday night, when realy they did't go anywhere. Other common lies were" had aromantic mea, 'I went to a party, and ‘| went away forthe weekend’ Infact, inthe survey, 30% of people who answered the ‘questions said that they spent their weekend sleeping or resting because they were so tired atthe end ofthe week oother 30% said that they needed to work or study at the weekend. Psychologist Corinne Sweet says that people ‘ten dont tel the truth about ther weekend "because we dont want to fee! that everyone else is having a better time than us, fwe have had a boring weekend doing housework, paperwork, o just esting after a thing week at work She also beleves that networking sites such as Facebook and Twiter may be encouraging us to invent detals about our social lives. "People can create an iluson of who they want to be and the lite they want to ve; says Corinne, ‘and ofcourse they want that fe to seem exciting” 5 SPEAKING a Look at the questions in b, Plan your answers, Answer them truthfully, but invent one answer to make your weekend sound more exciting. Interview each other ith the questions. Try to guess which answer your partner invented LAST WEEKEND Friday * Did you go anywhere exciting on Friday night? Saturday * Did you do anyning inthe house cleaning, ee.) on Saturday morning? {Did you work o study at ‘= What did you do on Saturday night? Sunday ‘Did you go anywhere nice on Sunday? ‘© What cid you have for lunch? Dic you do anything relaxing in the atexroon? 6 VOCABULARY adjectives ending -ed and -ing a Look at these two adjectives in the text: tired in line 13, and ting i line 19, Which one describes how you feel? Which one describes things and situations? b 37)) Cirld the right adjective in questions 1-10. Listen and check. How do you say the adjectives? 1 Doyouthink Sundays are usually bored boring? 2 Areyoubored boring with your job or studies? 3 What kind of weather makes you feel depressed | depressing? 4 Why do you think the newsis often depressed | depressing? 5 Whit activity do you find most relaxed | relaxing? 6 Doyouusually feel relaxed relaxing atthe end of the weekend? Why (not)? 7 What isthe most intersted interesting book you've read recently? 8 Whaesportsare you interstitersting in? 9 Areyouexcited [exciting about your next holiday? 10 What's the most excited | exciting sports match you've ever watched? © Askand answer the questions witha partner. Give more information if you can, 7 38) SONG If You Love Somebody Set Them Free oom GRAMMAR Gade T How long to stay in Ialy? a doyou gob areyou going ¢ youare going 2 Ichink rain tonight. a ivegoing b itgoesto ¢ it'sgoingto 3 They to.get married until next year. a aren't going b don'ego © not going 41 tothe cinema after lass this evening, a gob amgoing c goinggo 5 A Whattime tomorrow? B Ar8.00. 4 youleave b doyouleaving ¢ are you leaving 6 HeStheman ___ livesnext door to Alice. a who b which © where 7 Isthat the shop __sells talian food? a who b which © where 8 A _____yourbed? B No, 'm going to do itnow. 2 Haveyoumade b Haveyoumake © Has youmade 9A Has Annearrived __? B No, but she's on her way. ayer b just © already already seen this film! Let's change channels, a We're b Wehaven't ¢ We've nA been toA\ a Haveyouever b Didyouever © Wereyou ever 12 A When those shoes? B. Last week. a doyoubuy b have youbought ¢ did youbuy 13 Tvenever 10 ica? B No, never. thiscoat. [e's too small a wear b worn ¢ wore 14 There’s_atthedoor.Can you goand open itplease? a something b someone ¢ somewhere 15 Idon’t want _coeat, thanks. I'm not hungey. nothing b anything ¢ something VOCABULARY a Complete with a preposition. 1 Wearrived __Prague at 7.15, 2 Vmcoming! Wait___me. 3 What did you ask__, meat or fish? 4 A Areyou going so huy the flat? B {don't know. Iedepends 5 How much did you pay the price those shoes? 1b Complete with make ordo, 1 the washing-up 2 a mistake 3 anexam 4 exercise 5 a noise © Complete the missing words. 1 Dinners ready. Please could youl ____ the table. 2 Mlleookifyoudothew —__-up. 3. Where are the changing rooms? | want o tr 0 this sweater. 4 Ifyou want co rake something buck to ashop, you need tohave ther 5 Theseshoes don't __ me, They're too small, ‘The flight to Berlin is now leaving from G___12, 7 Ifyouhave alot of luggage, you can find ate over there, '8 First you need to goto the ch ‘where you get your boarding pass. 12 Iran igh dear rom 2. 10 Thereare|___tothe first and second floors. df Gayarigagea 1 This exercises really bored | boring, 2 Inever feel relaxed | relaxing the day before! go.on holiday 3 Iwasa very excited / exciting match, 4 Jack isa bit depressed depressing. He los his job. 5 Are you interested interesting in ar desk PRONUNCIATION a Geld) the word with a different sound. LEA] se Monday something traty 24) sowtere ches wory = search chemist cheap choose 8 hacker change enjoy yet b_ Underline the stressed syllable. 1 Arrivals 2 olppo site Btwenager 5 arrange ment 4 delivery CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a. Read the article. What were thieves stealing in 2) Sweden b) Denmark? Answer the questions below. 1 Where did the first robbery take place? 2 Whowere the thieves and what did they steal? 3 Who helped the police to solve the crime? 4 How long doesit take ro get from Malmo t0 Copenhagen? ‘Why were robberies taking place in both cities? 6 Did the police catch the thieves? Why sit easier to steal from many stores these days? 8 Whyis it noc solution toask Danish shoes shops to display the left show? Look atthe highlighted words or phrases in the text. ‘Guess their meaning fom the context. Check with your teacher or witha dictionary. Shoe shops discover matching crimes ale Sei ple gee comp hy ‘pe ses eect Sena wpa Sling ibe Tey cape th oe lcs ha ye wh egos ere wh £900 shops shop windows, “We noticed that left shoes were Appearing in the past, but we never sis r ince we know thi shoes, we thought probably in ores in De ino, home wish 2 S0-mite cain ide any from Co thas AM nave shops and many BFA are sod in both cites Yesterday police finally announced that they hd arrested themen responsible for the robberies, Bu Ms Johansson 2 Seed shoe shop owes, BN that shoe shop robberies ncrease this year. “Shoes are aliractve vo teal~they Erecaty to mone and easy to sell and they have become very 4 expenae lat Also many stores have cat the number of | Sop snseants they employ” Police in Malina have thon tao display the let shoe ve wo dois 4 steodioplay the right shoe ing Danish s this won't work, All the xe to Germany ~ where they GBCAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE? (2381) Inthe street Watch or lsten:o five people andanswer the questions anya Poul Gut Elie lise 1 Paul went the aeport a togecaplanet London bb tw get aplane to Frankfurt © tomeeta friend from Frankfurt 2 Tonight Gurjotis__. 2 seeing a film bb going toa Chinese restauran © meeting an old friend 3 Ellie ironing a hates b docsn'tmind likes 4 The shoes Alise bought online a were the wrong size bb neverarrived were a beautiful colour 5 Last weekend Anya 2 went roa friend's birthday party bb had dinner with a friend «© bought something for a friend's birthday CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? Do the tasks with a partner. Tick (7) the boxif you can three plans you have for next month Using going fo and make three predictions 2 [J aay three arrangements you have For tomorrow Using the present continuous 3 [explain what the folowing three words mean, Using expressions for paraphrasing 2 athiet b ashopping mall © a shoe 4 [1 saythreethings you have already done orhaven't done yet today CJ aska partner three questions about his/her ‘experiences using eer. Answer your partners questions 6 [1 say three sentences using something. anywhere, and nobody Gl short fms shopping in tho ux Watch and enjoy a film an Tutor. oD | G comparative adjectives and adverbs, as..2s V time expressions: spend time, etc P sentence stress 1 READING & VOCABULARY time expressions 2 Read an article about living faster and match the headings tothe pareeraphs [1] No time for Snow White ["] More time on the road No time to wri No time for Van Gogh No time to wai 7 No time to stop =s==We're:living faster, _=asmebutearewwerliving better? People in cities around the world walk 10% more quickiy than they dic ‘twenty years ago. Singapore, a world business centre, is top of thelist for fast walkers. 2 Inthe USA there fs a book called One-Minute Bedtime Stories for children, These are shorter versions of traditional stores, especially ‘written for busy parents who need to save time. 3 People aren't as patient as they were in the past. If the lift takes more’ ‘than 15 seconds to arrive, people get very impatient because they think they wasting time. Irs exactly the same when an Internet ‘page does not open immediately. 4 ‘Witten communication on the internet is getting shorter and shorter and using more and more abbreviations, like BEN (bye for now) or NP (no problem). Twitter only allows you to use 140 characters, and now a ‘new social networking site has a limit of just ton words. 5 ‘Even in our free time we do things ina hurry. Twenty years ago when ‘people went to art galleries they spent ten seconds looking at each picture, Today they spend much less time ~ just three seconds! 6 (Our cars are faster, but the traffic is worse, so we drive more slowly. The average speed of cars in New York City is 15km/h. We spend ‘more time than ever siting in our cas, feeling stressed because we aren't going to arrive on time. Yes, we need to slow down. b_ Read thearticle again. One paragraph contains an invented piece of information, Which one iit? highlighted time expressions and guess their meaning. © Lookatd In pairs, cover the text and look athe paragraph headingsin a. Can you remember the information inthe text? Have you noticed any of these things happening where youve? € Look at a questionnaire about living faster. In pairs, ask and answer the qnestions. Answer with often, sometimes, or never and give more information, (QUESTIONNAIRE How fast is your Life? 1 Do people tell you that you talk too quickly? 2 Doyou get impatient when other people aretalking? 3 Are you the first person to finish at ‘mealtimes? “4 When you are walking alonga street, do ‘you feel frustrated when you are behind people who are walking more slowly? 5 Do youget iritable'f you sit for an hour without doing anything, eg. waiting for the doctor? 6 Doyouwalk out of shops and restaurants ifthere isa queue? £ > Communication How fast is your life? 101. Read the results. Do you agree? er 2 GRAMMAR comparative adjectives and adverbs, Look at the following words from the text. Are they adjectives, adverbs, or both? ‘qickly fast busy patient bad slowly stressed Tp) the right form. Tick (if both are 1 Life isfaster | more fast than before 2 Traffic incities is more bad / worse than it was 3 Everybody isbusyer | busier than they were five years ago, 4 Weare morestresed | sreseder than our grandparents were 5 Weda everything more quickly faster, 6 People aren't as patient as /as patient than they were before © > p.134 Grammar Bank SA. Learn more about ‘comparatives and as...asand practise them, 3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress ‘The » sound Remember -r, and unstressed words ike , as, ‘and thanave the sound 2 4 Qari) Listen and repeat the sentences. Copy the thythm and try to get the /a/ sound right. 1 rmbusier hana year ago 2 My lifes more Stressful than in the past. 3 1work harder thin before ’ walk und talk faster. im nots relaxed ss! was «few yearsago. b Areany ofthe sentences true for you? 4 SPEAKING Think about how your life has changed over the last 3-5 years. Read the questions below and think about youranswers, 1 Doyouspend more or less time on these things? Say why. working or studying steeping Betting to work [school cooking sittingin waffie shopping talking to friends eating meeting friends Usingyour phone being ontine using your computer 2. Doyou have more or Less free time? Why? 3. What dont you have time for nowadays? What would you like to have more time for? b_ Answerthe questions with a partner. Whose life has changed 5 LISTENING ‘a. You're going to listen to an expert talking about how to live your life more slowly. Look at hee five main tips (= good ideas). ‘Guess what the missing words ae, Whatever you are doing, justtry to and enjoy ic Example: 2 Makea lst of three things which are foryou Example 3 Don'tery todo _atthe same: Example: 4 Sicdownand do Example 5 Benear Example: i= _ for halfan hour every day b 242) Listen and check. Then listen again and write one example for each tip. ¢ Are there any tips that you think you might use? Why (not)? iTufor G superlatives (+ ever+present perfect) ¥ describing a town or city ‘What did you P word and sentence stress think OF}? Ws the most Superlative cities od fever been to, 1 GRAMMAR superlatives (+ ever + present perfect) 8 Match the photos and cities. Which European countries are the citiesin? What do you know about them? Have you been to any of them? Ci earcelona [] copenhagen [| dublin [] paris] venice b Read thearticleand complete it with the cities im a. | Travel survey gives its verdict on European cities ‘ondon is the dirtiest oty in Europe says a new Lithey by ueve weste-paavcor oat ithas, ¢Eopes bgcies al the best public parks and the best nightie. have their highs and lows, ‘According tothe survey of almost 2,400 travellers... but they ofr travelers a huge varity of culture 1 tetemontroantcct, | Sseee oo 2 tinecharet aly wa ny 3 has the best-dressed people. esa hipaa got pasnevea amen sei € Look t I-Sin the survey in b. Think about your country or continent. Which cities would you choose? d Look a the bold superlative adjectives in the survey. How do you make the superlative of...? 1 aone-syllable adjective 3. athree-syllable adjective 2 atwossyllableadjective thavendsin-y 4 goodand bad ¢ > p.134 Grammar Bank 5B. Learn more about superlatives and practise them. 2 PRONUNCIATION word and sentence stress a Underline the stressed syllable in che bold adjectives. 1 What's the most beautiful city you've ever been to? 2 What's the most expensive thing you've ever bought? 3 Who's the most impatient person you know? 4 Who'sthe most generous person in your family? 5 Whats the most frightening film you've ever seen? 6 What's the most exciting sport you've done? 7 What's the most interesting book youve read recently? 8. What's the most romantic restaurant you've ever been to? b (/44)) Listen and check. Listen again and repeat the questions. Copy the rhythm. Which words are stressed? ‘© Work with apartner. A answer question I witha sentence. Bask for more information, Swap roles for question 2, ete. The most beautiful city "ve ever been to is Rio de sane. Chen did you go there? 3 READING & SPEAKING a Read the article. In pairs, answer the questions. 1 What are the three tests? 2 Doyou think they are good ones? 3. Which city do you think willbe the friendliest / most anteiendly? All capital cities are unfriendly — or are they? i cities often havea reputation for being rude, unfriendly laces for tourists. Sunday Times journalist Tim Moore vent to four cities, London, Rome, Paris, and New York, to find our if this is true, He went dressed as ‘forvign tourist and did three (not very scientific!) testst0 see which city hud the friendliest and ‘most polite inhabitants. ‘The three tests were: 1 The photo test ‘Tim asked people in the street to take his photo (not just one photo, but several ~ with his hat, without hishat, etc). Did he find someone to do it? 2 The shopping test Tim bought something ina shop and gave the shop assistant too much money. Did the shop assistant give back the extra money? 3 The accident test Tim pretended to fall over in the street. Did anybody come and help him? b> Communication The friendliest city A p.102 8 p.107 Cp.110. Read about what happened in New York, Paris,and Rome 4 LISTENING 4 @45)) Now listen to Tim Moore talking about what happened in London. How well does London doin each tex? Listen again and answerthe q a ‘The photo test Who did he ask first? What did the person say? | Who did he ask next? What happened? ‘The shopping test 4 Where was the tourist shop? 5 How much did the bus und keyring cost? 6 How much did he give the man? Did he got the right change? | The accident test 8 Where did he do the accident rest? 9 Did anyone help him? € Think about the nearest big city to where you live. Imagine you did the three tests there. What do you think would happen? Is a friendly city? VOCABULARY describing a town or city Think about how to answer these questions about where you live. Compare with a partner, = Do youlive ina village, : a town, ora city? ‘= Where is it? + How big is it? + What's the population? + What's lke? b> p.156 Vocabulary Bank Describing a town or city. 6 WRITING \ > p.114 Writing Describing where you live. Writea \description ofthe place where you live. 7 %49\) SONG Nobody Does it Better 4 77> Ee quantifiers, too, not enough V health and the body inf hand How much is too much? 1 SPEAKING a. With partner, answer the questions below. DIET & LIFESTYLE QUESTIONNAIRE ‘Do you érnk coffee? How many cups do you drink a day? What kindof coffee? What time do you drink your lst cup ofthe day? mma tie do youspend a ay inte sn? 2 inthewinter [the sunme € when you're on holiday | doyou always wear sunscreen? 3 Dosey lett videa cr compat ges hat yur favourite games? Howmuch time do you spend a week playing them? oy itn do you sacha? Watkin of chocolate | o you prefer - milk, white, or dark? How many hours a day do you watch TV.? 8 during the week bb atweekends What kind of programmes do you watch regulary? b_ Doyou think any of your habits are unhealthy? watch too much TV. don't spend ‘enough time in the sun, 2 READING & LISTENING a Read thearticle once. Does itchange what you think about your answers to the questionnaire? b_ Read thearticle again. Look atthe biglighted words related to health and the body. Match them to a picture or definition, 4 noun it covers the outside of a person's body verb tostop sth from happening {6 noun sth which makes you unwell 7 adjfeeling worried or nervous Everything BAD is KefeXe}9) for you COFFEE weat krow thata cup of coffe helps to wake you Uupin the moming, but several studies show that dinking coffee helps to prevent some lnestas tke diabetes and Parkinsons disease. Experts say tht you can safely drink three cups of espresso during the day, but f you dink too much coffee ican make you feel aKOUS or keep you awake aright SUNLIGHT spending afong time nthe sun dangerous and can give you sin cancer But on the other han, net, spending enough tene in the sun i aso ba for you, as sunlight helps us to produce vitamin D. This vitamin important for trong bones and 2 heathy immune system andi also makes people feel happier Nowadays many people drit get enough suniight because they wear sunscreen al the time expecially on the faces. However, dont spend t00 long in the sun = 15 minutes 9 day without sunscreen fa heathy amount and not at midday. COMPUTER GAMES ou probably worryabouthow uch tie your your children wast playing computer games, But in fact some studies show that these games can help us learn important silt seems that computer games stimulate the | iain and that people who often play them are probably better .& solving problerns and making quick decisions But dont spend too many hours in rot ofthe computer - not ‘more than about two hours a day (2)50)) Listen and check. Practise saying the words, Now cover the text. Can you remember...? 1 whats good about coffee, sunlight, and computer games 2 what you need to be careful about (@51)) With a partner, decide in what ways you think chocolate and watching TV could be good for you Listen toa radio programme and check your answers. Listen again. Answer the questions 1 What does chocolate have in common with ed wine? 2 What kind of chocolate isa) good for you ) not good For you? 3 How are TV series different From the ones 20 years ago? Why isthis good for us? 4 Whar can we earn from reality’ TV shows? Do the article and the radio programme make you feel happier about your lifestyle? GRAMMAR quantifiers, too, not enough Can you remember how to use much, many, ete? In pairs, choose the correct word or phrase for each sentence. Say why the other one is wrong, 1 How much / many cups of coffee do you drink a day? 2 I don't spend much | many time inthe sun. 3 Leatalotof | many chocolate 4 Drinking afew a litle red wine can be good for you, 5 Lonly have afew | litle compu 6 My parents read a lot [lot of - games. Look at some sentences from the reading and listening, Match the bold phrases in 1 and 2 to meanings A and B, 1 Don't eat too much chocolate or toa many sweets if you don’t want to put on weight Don’t spend too long in the sn, 2 Nowadays many people don’t get enough sunlight. We ate not active enough, A less than you need or than is good for you B more than you need or than is good for you Look again at the sentences with enough. What's the position of enough a) with a noun, by with an adjective? > p.134 Grammar Bank SC. Learn more about quantifiers, to0, and ot enough and practise them. 4 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING ‘ns, Jul, lau, and le/ a Cross out the word with a different pronunciation ‘up enough much none busy boot | few cups too food bike | quite diet Tittle like egg many. any healthy water (254) Listen and check. Practise saying the words. € Askand answer the questions with a partner. Say why 20 you think ) (egy oni asco youread enough?) \ textbooks, nat for pleasure. ee Do you think you..? readenovgh eat enough fut and vegetables do enough sport or exercise dink enough water have enough Fee tine 208 too much fast food spend too much time onine d too much money on things you dont need Bmice 1 GROBHAS A PROBLEM & @55)) Watch orlisten to Rob and Holly and answer the questions 1 What reason does Rob give for why he isn'tin shape? Why does he find ie difficult eat less? 3 How does he keep fi in London? 4 Why doesn't edo the same in New York? 5. How does Jenny keep ft? 6 What does Holly think ab i chis? What does Holly suggest that Rob could do? 8 What does Rob need todo fiest? British and American English sneakers= American English trainers = British English store= American English shop = British English 1b 36}) Look atthe box on making suggestions. Listen and repeat the phrases. JO Making suggestions with Why don’t you? A Wy dont you get bike? 8 That’ a good idea, but monly here for amonth. [A Wy dorrtyoucome and play basketball? B That's agreat ideal © fafa Practise making suggestions with a partner. ‘A You have problems remembering English vocabulary TellB. B Mal A Respond. Ifyou don't think is a good idea, say why: two suggestions, 1d. Swap roles, B Youarea foreignerin A's country. You have problems ing new people. he wrong shoes 13 | 2 VOCABULARY shopping Do the quia with a partn SHORING QUIZ What fourletters do you aften see inclothes which tell » vouthe sac? 2 What do the letters mean? 3 What's the name ofthe room where you can try on clothes? 4 What's the name of the piece of paper a shop assistant fives you when you buy something? '5 How do you say these prices? £2599 75p $45 5c €1250 3 GB TAKING SOMETHING BACK TO ASHOP a S73) Cover the dialogueand watchor listen, Answer the questions. 1 What's the problem with Rob’s trainers? 2 What does he do in the end? b Watch or lsten again Complete the You Hear phrases. 1) vutiooe [ReUSIOD) Yes. Do you have thesein an eight? “usta goand check Here you ace, these are an eight. | Ne thank sire teybe coyouwantto.themon? _fe.Aowmuchare they? ‘Theyre $8394. _Oh,itsays $72.0. Yes, but theres an added Oh, OK. Do you take Mastercard? salestaxof 6, sure, Canthelp you? Yes, bought these about half antour ago, Yes, remember. le there a 7 Yes, tmafraid theyre too smal. What ‘are they? Theyre an eight. But Itake a UK ight (right. Yes, UK eights aUS nine. Do youhave a pai? Til goand check. Justa minute tm__,but we dont have these ina nine. But we do have these and theyrethe ‘rice.Oryoucan Erm. take this pair then, have arefund. please. 'Noprablem.Oo youhave Yes, here you are. the eriliant, [Davee }P etn saath tt sets 04 par estos Scored a mca «(9 Wahortien and path You Say pen Cay he 4 Practise the dialogue with a partner. © Ab Io pairs, roleplay the dialogue. A You'reacuston big B You're shop assistant. You don't have the same jeans in A’ size. Offer A adifferent pair ora refund. You begin with Can help you, sir] madam? . You bought some jeans yesterday. They're t00 £ Swap roles. B You're customer. You bought some boots yesterday. They're too small [A You're a shop assistant. You don't have the same boots in B's size. Offer Ba different pair or a refund. You begin with Can Fhelp you, sir| madam? 4 @ ROB DECIDES TO DO SOME EXERCISE @59)) Watch or listen and Girele)the right 1 Rob wene to Boston | Brooklyn 2. He shows | doesn’ show Jenny his new 3 Jenny goes running every morning | evening in Central Park, 4 She wants o go running with him at 645/745, Rob thinks it's too cary / ae. “They agree to meet at 6.45 7 Holly thinks Rob has / daesn'thave a lot of energy Look at the Social English phrases. Can you remember any ofthe missing words? ‘social English phrases Rob Have you ‘3 good day? Jenny Oh, you Meetings! Jenny Why ____ you come with me? Rob Can we: itabit later? (260) Watch oF listen and comple phrases the 4. Watch or listen again and repeat the phrases. How do you say them in your language? Rew rake suggestions to do something Sessa Oss arrange atime to meet somebody | SMD G will won't (predictions) Fm doing ¥ cpposte verbs iy driving test | ‘wor! today. Youtt fai. Are you a pessimist? 1 VOCABULARY opposite verbs 3 PRONUNCIATION 1, won't a. Witha partner, write che opposites ofthese verbs. 495i) Listen and repeat the contractions. Copy the rhythm wn buy remember iron “art 7 ia fbetate {lb late or work You —Youtlbresk You bresk our eg | b> p.157 Vocabulary Bank Opposite verbs. Shell Shel miss Shell miss the train | fel eran retrain tomorrow 2 GRAMMAR will/ won't (predictions) et Ett Ee pitheen & 89) Listen. Canyou hear the ference? is Gd al eet Stes pe 1B} nem © 7) Listen and write six sentences, Look at the cartoon. Which fish ‘optimist? Why? Are you an optimist tora pessimist? won't [won't pass. 1} Look at the phrase book app. Read the You Say = phrases, chen write the A Pessimist Says responses. APessimist Says He wort pay youback. Theyilbe late. You wont pass. 1 We're having the party _ | € (93) Listenand check. Repeat the responses. test this afternoon Weiron Teylase.”You wort urderstond word. tellrain ‘You won't find a parking space. You'll break your leg. in the garden, avr 2 Im doing my atving 4. Practise in pairs. A (book open) read the You Say 3 Fi having my frst phhrass.B (book closed) say the A Pessimist Says ing lesson today, responses. Then swap roles, 4 ve lent James some mone; © Look at the A Pess ul rofer to the present or the future? 1 Says phrases again, Do they 5 I'm going to see a fim tonight in English £ > p.136 Grammar Bank 6A. Learn more about will won't and practise them. | Tomes i ‘make positive predictions to respond to the You Say and Daniel at 7.00, sentencesin the phrase book. | J) 8 Were going to drive to 1 itbe a great even | J the city contre = | a ee 4 READING a Read an article ab ‘wo things do Hg out the actor Hugh Laurie, Wh: Laurie and Dr House have in APESSIMIST PLAYS A PESSIMIST thought thot House M.D. was going lo be a ‘fer seven series he sil feels pessimistic Pore lbaecc cco caren, Set ine a show next wee, they soy, That's it No more’ Il just am of cours tomeone who is consonly expecing 1 drop on my head, if not today then tomorrow. (hsv Rel rd wi od possionate about the bves. He recently went to New ‘Orie to record an album in which he plays 15 of his favourite songs. Bu of course he doesn’ think thot people wl it When he was asked on @ TV show why he was so pessimistic about fe, Lourie said it was because he is Seotsh. I definitely think thas where i comes rr Because of is reputation as a pessimist, people always talk to him about postive thinking, He says thot complete strangers come up to him inthe sreet and say ‘Cheer vp, rote, il never hoppent” bb Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true) oF F (false). Say why 1 Hugh Laurie always thinks the worst will happen 2. Hethinksthey will make many more series of House M.D. He doesnt think his album will be successful Hethinks that Scottish people are optimistic 5 People often ery to make him fee! happier. ‘© Haveyou seen any episodes of House M.D? Do you Bike? a thecharacter b theactor 5 LISTENING & SPEAKING 4 )) Listen to the introduction toa radio programme, Why is positive thinking good for you? 1b Try to guess the missing words in these callers tips. Caller 1 Liveinthe snotinthe: valler2 Think Caller3 Don't spend alot of time thoughts, not negative ones ding the or watching the on TV, Caller 4 Every week makea list of ll the that happened to you CallerS Try rouse when you speak to other people © (9) Listen and check, d Listen again, Write down any extra information you hear. Which tips do you think are useful? Do you have any tips of your own? ¢ Askand answer with a partner. Use a phrase from the box and say why. Which of youis more optimistic? ARE YOU A POSITIVE THINKER? Do you think... + youthave rice weekend? + youtlpass your next English exer? + youtl get a good (or better job inthe Future? + youll get an interesting email or message from someone tonight? + youl meet some new friends on your next holiday? + youllve tobe 1002 + youll get tothe end ath book? oan tetmehe aioe (P Responding to predictions Tope 20 / nope nat. Tpnise./ dnt thinks | | Naouoeie Maybe. / Perhaps | eabaty ro Dette ot Do you think youll >) (- Ihope so. think the weather hove anice weekend?,) (wil be good and. 72> El G will / won't (decisions, offers, promises) V verb + back P word stress: two-syilable verbs ee vecrety 0K, won't tell ‘anyone, lll never forget you 1 GRAMMAR will / won't (decisions, offers, promises) Look at the cartoons, What do you think the missing phrases are? 103) Listen and complete the gaps. a | & p.136 Grammar Bank 68. Learn more about making, B Yes, __ please. ‘offers, promises, nd decisionsand practise them = © > Communication I! / shall? game p.102. Play the game, | aN aS 2 PRONUNCIATION = ‘Ss | word stress: two-syllable verbs 2 =e ‘Remember that most two-syllable verbs are stressed 7 ‘on the second syllable. a ae they stressed on? Put them in the right column, 2. A Dolwantto gobackto the prvous versio? Dol ress Looks thetwo-syllabl verbs below. Which lable od vesornet Taree evve borow complain decide depend 8 reedto do my homework now wen forget halppen inipress invent invite offer vss pracitise prefer promise relcelve relpair sunbathe Ist syllable ‘and syllable b @12)) Listenand check aA promise! B_ Well hurry up. cant wait much longer. |A_ Just one more kiss. 3 SPEAKING & LISTENING twont tel 4 VOCABULARY verb + back ‘a Lookat the sentences. Talk to a partner. igs ‘@ Look at the sentences. What's the difference 1 When do you think people say them? (oe— ‘between go.and go bact 2 What do you think they allhave in common?_( Mo itlater, Tm goingtowork, Tim going back ro work PS 7 aa 1b Complete the dialogues with a phrase from pay you ‘come back \ you eanin) So thelist. back rucome back) you when ; \ andthe jo | Gor there, / well buldnew = —— De NS ia { “schools and) allyouback comeback giveit back erate yg - \ Cresta dayme back senditbock take t back 1A The shirt you bought me's too small, B Dore worry tothe shop another fond change it. stil have the receipt. \ bb Lookat the ttle of a newspaper a promise thar people often break 2 A Hi Jock. t's me, karen, B I cart tak now, tm driving =" | I'll never forget you InSite BUTS oe cerege? She's et lunch now. Could you inabout half an hou? ‘That's my pen youre using! No, its not. t's mine. ‘A Canyou lend me 50 euros, Nick? B It depends, When can you 2 j A ‘bought this jacket onthe internet, but its toobie, B Cantyou___? | € 14) Listen and check. In pairs, practise Spain 17 years ago when they were both in their 20s, the dialogues. | Sse th from Devon in the UK met Carmen Ruiz-Petes from. tudying English ata language school in e's town, Torbay. d_ Askand answer in groups, Ask for more ‘They fellintove and got engaged. Buta yearlater Carmen moved to information, France to work, and the long-distance relationship first cooled and, 1 aoe ; your phone do yo ‘few years later Steve tied to getin touch with Carmen again, f Jmmediately? butshe had changed heraddressin Paris, Soe sentheraletterto 2 ys bay see ny oll neha fs | hermother's addressin Spain. Inthe leterhe asked herifshe was Cee area anol gk carnieeee | ‘married andifshe ever thoughtof him. He gave het histelepbone = eae 3 ] ‘number and asked her togetin touch. But Carmen's mother didn't © ‘send the letter to her daughter and it fell down behind the fireplace, & 3 Have you ever leat somebody money and tcture K stayed Sorta yrs } they didn’t pay you back? ! 4 When you come back after a holitay doyou | usually fet better or worse than hetoee? } € Read the articleand answer the questions 5. When you borrow a book ora DVD from a 1 Whae were Carmen and Steve doing in Torbay? friend do you usally remember to give 2 Why didn't they get married? back? What about if you lend something co | 3 Why didnt Steve's eer ero Carmen? your friends? 6 Ifyeubuy something wo wear From ashop and then decide you don like, doo 4.913) Now listen to part ofa news programme and answer the questions, usually take it back? What happene 1 when che builders found thelerter 4 whensheymerin Paris a5) SONG 2 when Carmen got the 3 when Carmen called Steve etter 5 last week Reach Out Ill Be There 2 sD Ea G review of verb forms: present. past, V adjectives + prepositions P the letters ow 1 Fouts dane con tll antiga 9 309 enon tp cg onan urbe dreame Nombre pores oanthecoet onde > g 2 \ .. 7! 7 Ws Ly a € and Future Titcerth about 3 road, That means you're going to travel Listen again and complete the ps with a verb inthe right form, DraAllen So, tell me, what did you dream about? Patient |was at aparty. The were alot of people. De What wecethey*__? They were drinking and? Dr Were you drinking? Yes, twas? champagne, Dr And then what happened? Then, suddenly was ina gordon. there + Dr Flowers, yes...what kind of flowers? alot of flowers pu realy see ~i was dark. Are could hear music ~ somebody was * the violin, Dr The violin? Goon, Andthen!” anow, abig onlin atree. Dr How did you" ‘Were you Frightened of i? P No,not frightened really, no, but (att very eld Especially my feet ~ they were freezing, And then Dr Your feet? Mmm, very interesting, very interesting indeed. Were you! shoes? P- No,no,t wasnt Dr Tellme. Have you ever this dream before? PNo,never.So what doesit™ Doctor? What do you think the patient's dream means? Match five of the things in his dream with interpretations 1-5. Understanding your dreams You dream.. This means... LD that you are at a party. | you are going to be very D that you are drinking busy. ‘champagne, ? you're feeling postive [about rowers. About the Future. that somebody is playing the violin [El nica anon 4 you need to ask an older person for help 5 you'l be successful in the future : 3. you want some romance in your life 2.17) Liston to Allen interpreting the patient's dream. Checkyouranswerstod 3 18) Dr Allenis now going to explain what pictuce 6 means, What do you think che meaning could be? Listen and find out,

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