Chapter 3 IR

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3.1 Introduction

3.1.1 Programming Language

The chosen language that has been selected for this project is C++, the reason this was
chosen is because it is the language that is used alongside the node selection that comes
alongside Unreal Engine 5.

When it comes to using unreal engine there are 2 routes to take in order to get the
functionalities working properly, using blueprints and using C++ syntax itself to unlock more
functions. C++ is an object-oriented language which simply means it allows code reusability
which makes a program more reliable than it is (DataFlair, 2020). C++ has a large community
backing and support where people all around the world come together and help one another
with problems faced so for the developer it seemed like a reliable programming language.

3.2 IDE (Interactive Development Environment)

Simply put, an IDE is a software that assists programmers and developers with
creating software code at an efficient manner, this is done as most IDE’s can combine
different aspects such as software editing, testing, packaging, etc. This allows developers to
save time and to make it easier.

3.2.1 Microsoft Visual Studio Code

Microsoft’s Visual Studio is a well-established application that acts as a code editor

and is also a useful IDE application. The application can support a variety of different
programming languages that can range from the inclusive, to Python, Java, PHP,
HTML5, CSS, C, C#, C+ and C++. Since the application can handle a few different types of
code, that means its useful when it comes to building different types of applications and is
currently used for creating VR applications and for coding interactivity between them.
1. Integration with Unreal Engine 5

Unreal Engine is a 3D game engine that is currently used today to create some of the
most visually pleasing games out on the market, from a developmental perspective
this is made simpler as Unreal Engine was created to be able to integrate with Visual
Studio smoothly; meaning a developer can easily make quick changes to any code and
be able to see the results almost immediately.

2. Ease of Use

Visual Studio Code has been notified as one of the best IDE’s out there and is a fan
favourite for most elite and amateur programmers, the reason for this is because
Visual Studio has a lot of simplicity to it, even a fresh user can easily understand how
to navigate and utilize the application and saves a user a lot of time. Another point
that makes it very easy to use is Visual Studio’s large collection of extensions, where
there are thousands of existing; these can help a user with a myriad different type of

3. Good Code Checking support

Visual Studio is an application that will immediately tell you if a line of code entered
has an error or is unsuitable to be used at that time. Visual Studio can assist with
improving code by providing examples showing where a user can improve on some
coding. The software has Intelli-Sense, this is what detects any incomplete or
incorrect code and will immediately inform the user of this error.

3.3 Libraries and Tools

3.3.1 Unreal Engine 5

Unreal Engine is an extremely popular game engine, and it is one of the most intense
platforms ever made. It was chosen as the main engine for which the proposed system would
be built on for several reasons. It’s an application that is rather versatile and can accompany
new time developers and well-experienced ones, and it provides an amazing variety of tools
that can be used for creating a myriad of application types. The most well-known use and the
most popular is Game Design.

Another good reason for primarily using Unreal Engine is its SDK availability. From
a passage of text taken from the book “Unreal Engine VR Cookbook: Developing Virtual
Reality with UE4”, a developer may need to take advantage of a certain features of a
particular SDK. Unreal Engine includes all these engines upon download and can be added to
a project at the developer’s choice. (McCaffrey, 2017)

Unreal Engine’s latest iteration has a huge, included library of assets that range from
foliage to infrastructure of different eras. Allowing a developer to minimize the need to 3D
model basic and repetitive objects and is incredible at saving time and increasing creativity.
Alongside that Unreal Engine has in built software and SDK’s ready for different types of
VR devices that range from the OculusVR to the Samsung Gear VR to Google Cardbox VR.

Overall Unreal Engine seems to be a versatile and well rounded tool that will
definitely assist the developer In creating the proposed application.

3.3.2 Blender

Blender is an extremely popular 3D modelling software. Over the past decade

Blender has solidified itself into the 3D Market and competes with some of the
most popular professional tools like 3DSMax, Maya and others. Blender is an
open-source application which is free compared to having to pay the above-
mentioned applications and it has a much cleaner UI. Blender includes a
myriad of tools ranging from 3D modelling to sculpting, to UV mapping to
rendering. Another amazing point of Blender is its ability to do compositing
and create textures for 3D objects, which makes it a rival of applications like
Adobe Substance 3D.

3.3.3 Substance Painter

Substance Painter: now known as Adobe Substance 3D, is an application that
designers use to create textures for 3D models. It is probably the best and main
texture creation tool used in the multimedia field today apart from creating
materials in Blender. Substance includes a myriad of materials, smart
materials, tools like masking and UV map separation. This is an industry used
tool and is used for designing models for games, movies, etc.

3.3.4 Audacity

The application will include voice narration and guides for certain aspects and
topics. Such as explanation on a certain matter or instructing the user how to
do something or where to go. Audacity is a free open-source audio editing and
mixing application. It has a decent amount of functionality that can satisfy all
kinds of users. Audacity allows for recording of audio within the application
itself and allows a user to mix different tracks and allows them to export audio
clips into multiple types of formats like .mp3, .wav.

3.4 Operating System

3.4.1 Microsoft Windows

For the proposed project, the developers have chosen to use Microsoft Windows as the
main operating system.

There are a few reasons as to why Microsoft Windows was chosen for this application
instead of other Operating Systems like MacOS or Linux, the reason for this is that Windows
is the OS that has most of the supporting applications and software. For example, if a
developer intended to create a VR application for a mobile device, they would be better of
using Apple and iOS as it is suitable for creating Mobile VR applications.

However Windows and Linux PC’s are more commonly customized and more commonly
include parts such as Graphics Cards that are able to keep up with the demanding
requirements of PCVR technology. Taking the Oculus Quest 2 HMD into account; it is an all
in one VR headset that has its own built in UI but also has the option to connect to a
computer alongside the Oculus App in order to run PCVR software. While computers that
come from Apple are usually prebuilt and do not have the required hardware for VR use or

3.5 Summary

To conclude this chapter. The information provided above pertaining the IDE,
programming language, developmental applications, and operating system will
prove useful at supporting the developer’s proposed system; Science Quest:

Every mentioned choice of software integrates with one another easily and has
been carefully considered as time is a crucial factor when considering the
development of the proposed application. While it might seem like the
development process includes the same instructions and methods that goes
into creating a video game, when it comes to VR its almost all the same, the
approach and the design and structure of the application is what defines it.

Windows is the most commonly used OS for game development apart from
Linux, and most applications most importantly VR applications will have less
complications running on windows compared to Mac or Linux. Unreal Engine
has immense visual and functional potential and it can definitely create an
interesting application.

1. Team, D. F. (2020, February 3). Advantages and disadvantages of C++: Make your
next move! DataFlair. Retrieved March 6, 2023, from

2. McCaffrey, M. (2017). 1. In Unreal Engine VR Cookbook: Developing Virtual

Reality with UE4. essay, Addison-Wesley.

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