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Annexure ‘CD – 01’


Course Name: Software Engineering and Software Modeling

Course Code:
CreditUnits: 06
Course Level: UG
3 - 4 2 5 6

Course Objectives: The primary aim of this course is to provide the students

 A deeper understanding of the software engineering concepts and principles

 The knowledge of varieties of important issues related to development of software.
 Familiar with best programming practices , software Testing and software project planning

Pre-requisites: NIL
Course Contents/Syllabus:

Weightage (%)
Module 1: Introduction to Software Engineering.
 What and Why Software Engineering,
 Role and Responsibility of Software Engineering, 10
 Fundamental Qualities of a Software Product,
 Software Quality Model, ISO. CMM
 Kinds of Software Life-Cycle Models and Case Study
 Software Development Methodologies

Module II Software Requirement Engineering

 Traditional Methods for Requirement Determination.
 Modern Methods for Requirement Determination. 15
 Process Modeling using DFD
 Data Modeling using ERD.
 Requirement documentation.
 Case Study
Module III Coding
 Programming Practices,
 Top down Approach & Bottom up Approach, 10
 Structure Programming,
 Information hiding,
 Paired Programming
Module IV: Software Design
 Software Design Process and Design Objectives
 Structured Design Methodologies.
 Modules Coupling and Cohesion, 20
 Types of Coupling and Cohesion
 Structured Chart,
 Qualities of Good Software Design,
Module V: Software Testing
 Introduction to Software Testing
 Level of Testing 20
 Characteristics of software testing,
 Black-Box Testing and White-Box Testing,
 Alpha, Beta and Gamma testing
Module VI: Software Project Management and Quality Assurance
 Software Project Planning, 25
 Software Metrics,
 Cost and Size Metrics- FP & COCOMO.
 Configuration Management,
 Software Maintenance and Types of Maintenance
 Constraints of Software Product
 Quality Assessment,
 Quality and Productivity Relationship,
 Software Quality Management and Processes Related to Software Quality,
 Quality Management System Structure and Pillars of Quality Management System,
 Important Aspects of Quality Management
Course Learning Outcome:

Student will be able to:

 Explain how to determine the requirements and planning of an Information System.
 Extend knowledge about design and development of various types of software projects and Information system tools.
 Apply standard coding practice in developing of software project.
 Apply planning and management techniques on software projects as per industry standard.
 Examine variety of topics such as software testing methods, costing techniques.

Mapping of Graduate Attributes with Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

Bloom’s Level > Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

Course Explain how to Extend knowledge about  Apply standard Examine variety of topics such as
determine the design and development of coding practice software testing methods, costing
requirements and various types of software in developing of techniques.
Outcomes software project
planning of an projects and Information
 Apply planning
Information System. system tools.
and management
Graduate Attributes
techniques on
software projects
as per industry

Discipline Knowledge &  √  √


Self-Directed and Active √  √ √


Research and Enquiry  √

Information & √ √ √ √
Technology Skills

Critical Thinking &  


Communication Skills

Creativity, Innovation & √ √

Reflective Thinking

Analytical & Decision- √ √

Making Ability

Leadership & √

Multicultural √
Understanding & Global

Integrity and Ethics √ √

Social & Emotional


Employability, √ √ √
Enterprise &

Lifelong Learning

Environment &
Pedagogy for Course Delivery:

Subject will be taught on the basis of blended mode which includes lectures as classroom teaching, online mode of teaching, Case Study,
brainstorming session , Lab practical’s by implementation of concepts related to software development and design using various real life
situations and developing E content for the students.

List of Experiments

 To test programming skills & case study for a static website

 To Develop Test case for online marketing and payment mechanisms.
 To Write Project Proposal of Software Project
 Derive FP using Size-Oriented metrics
 DFD and ERD diagram
 Class Diagram in UML
 Use Case Diagram in UML
 State Diagram in UML
 Object Diagram in UML
 Activity Diagram in UML
 Sequence Diagram in UML
 Static Testing for List of Program.
 Writing Test Case for List of Program

1. A multinational software company is developing different IT based projects for different clients across the globe. For past one year it is observed that most of their projects, when
delivered to the customer did not fulfill the customers’ expectations. During the testing phase it was found lot of defects which require more time and resources to fix them. Even
the final product delivered to the customer did not full fill their expectation. As a result, most of their projects fail or they have to modify the project in order to make it according to
the customer’s expectations. Increasing customers complain and their dissatisfaction forced the top management to take corrective action. Now Company hired you as a project
manager. So as a project manager:
a. Identify the reasons why project fails?
b. Give the recommendation in order to avoid the failure.
2. An automated teller machine (ATM) is banking subsystem (subject) that provides bank customers with access to financial transactions in a public space without the need for a
cashier,u clerk or bank teller. Customer (actor) uses bank ATM to check balances of his/her bank accounts, deposit funds, withdraw cash and/or transfer funds (use cases). ATM
Technician provides maintenance and repairs. All these use cases also involve Bank actor whether it is related to customer transactions or to the ATM servicing. On most bank
ATMs, the customer is authenticated by inserting a plastic ATM card and entering a personal identification number (PIN). Customer Authentication use case is required for every
ATM transaction.

Draw Use Case Diagram and DFD for above ATM machine.

3. A software program is developed to calculate bonus earn by the employee in a year Bonus is calculated on the basis of total extra working hours of the employee in a year and his
basic salary. Maximum extra working hours in a year is limited to 300 where as basic salary of employee eligible for bonus ranging between 2500 to 17500. Write test cases
according to worst case analysis and robustness testing for the above-mentioned software. Also discuss about best practices for test case development

4. Write a project proposal for conference management software- Amity University Uttar Pradesh is organizing conference n regular basis. University has various departments and
each department is conducting conference according to their area of specialization. In all conference various committees are formed who are taking care of various activity of the
conference. This include registration of delegates, submission of research paper, review of paper, publication and presentation of paper, booking of conference hall and making
various arrangements. Author are submitting papers which are reviewed by reviewer. One paper may have various author and it is reviewed by at least three reviewer. Paper is
accepted only if it is accepted by two reviewer.

5. PIZZA HUT management has hired you as a consultant for developing software for their various outlets across the city. Software has to be developed with the objective to keeps
track of various information mainly related to PIZZA, OUTLETS, CUSTOMERS and ORDER placed by them across the city. You can discuss and explore the best possible way
to improve customer service and business with top management Write a project proposal for developing PIZZA HUT management software
Draw E R Diagram and DFD to describe PIZZA HUT management software.

Assessment/Examination Scheme:
TheoryL/T(%) Lab/Practical/Studio(%) TOTAL

66.66 33.34 100

Theory Assessment(L&T):

Theory Assessment (L&T): 

  Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment   (40%)  End Term

Components  (Drop Class Test Viva Quiz   PSDA  Attendance   
Linkage of PSDA       Home Seminar  GD     
with Internal Assignment
Component, if any 
Weightage (%)  10  3  5  7 5  5  5  60% 

 Lab/ Practical/ Studio Assessment:

Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment End Term
Components (Drop Attendance Lab Test Lab Record Continuous Viva Practical Viva
down Assessment
Weightage (%) 5 10 10 10 5 40 20

Mapping Continuous Evaluation components/PSDA with CLOs

Bloom’s Level > Remembering Understanding Applying Applying Analyzing

Course Learning Explain how to Extend knowledge about Apply standard Apply planning Examine variety
determine the design and development coding practice and management of topics such as
Outcomes requirements and of various types of in developing of techniques on software testing
Assessment planning of an software projects and software project software projects methods, costing
Information System. Information system tools. as per industry techniques.
type/PSDA standard.

Class Test √ √ √
QUIZ   √  
Viva Voce   √  

Lab Record   √  

Class Performance   √  

Home Assignment   √  
End Term Exam   √  

Text & References:

Text Books:
 An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering, Pankaj Jalote,2015
 Software Engineering Concepts, RichardFairley.2016.
 K. K. Aggarwal and Yogesh Singh, “Software Engineering”, New Age International, 3rd Ed., 20017.
Reference Books:
 Software Engineering, A Practitioner’s Approach – Roger S.Pressman.2015

Web Resources:

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