Exp 1&2 Aqua2

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Experiment 1: Aquaculture of Catfish Pond

Objectives The objectives of this experiment were:1. To determine the pH, and turbidity of water sample from catfish pond owned by Aroma

Spice. 2. To determine the biochemical oxygen demand of water sample from catfish pond owned by Aroma Spice. 3. To study of aquaculture of catfish.
4. To identify the moisture content from the different kind of fish pellet that use by Aroma

5. To identify the percentage of protein in the different kind of fish pellet that use by Aroma

Spice. 6. To study of Kjedhal method.

Introduction Catfish are a diverse group of ray-finned fish. Nowadays the agriculture of catfish becomes popular. This is due to high market demand. They also easy to handle and care. Catfish can easily live in any condition. Catfish content high of omega 3 that good for health. Many canning product can produce from the catfish meat. Like Aroma Spice take this advantage on the market potential of catfish. They do agriculture of catfish in their own building and then make the product from catfish and release it to market. In order to make sure to get a good quality of catfish, it still need to have a very good care of the catfish.So some parameter need to be focus like turbidity,pH, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) level, protein in feed and other. BOD is the amount of oxygen required by aerobic microorganisms to decompose the organic matter in a sample of water, such as that polluted by sewage. It is used as a measure of the degree of water pollution. Turbidity is used to know the cloudiness of the water. High turbidity affects the aesthetic appeal of waters, and in the case of recreational areas may obscure hazards for swimmers and boaters. Its environmental effects include a reduction in light penetration which reduces plant growth, and in turn reduces the food source for invertebrates and fish. If turbidity is largely caused by organic particles, their microbial breakdown can lead to oxygen depletion. The pH scale ranges from 014 which is 0 is very acidic and 14 are very alkaline. Freshwater usually has pH values between 6.5 and 8.2. Most organisms have adapted to life in

water of a specific pH and may die if it changes even slightly. The pH level can be affected by industrial waste, agricultural runoff or drainage from unmanaged mining operations. Nitrogen is one of the five major elements found in organic materials such as protein. Kjedhal method is used to determine the amount of protein in samples taken from a wide variety of organisms. The central basis used in this procedure is the oxidation of the organic compound using strong sulfuric acid. As the organic material is oxidized the carbon it contains is converted to carbon dioxide and the hydrogen is converted into water. The nitrogen, from the amine groups found in the peptide bonds of the polypeptide chains, is converted to ammonium ion, which dissolves in the oxidizing solution, and can later be converted to ammonia gas. The Kjeldahl method of nitrogen analysis is the worldwide standard for calculating the protein content in a wide variety of materials ranging from human and animal food, fertilizer, waste water and fossil fules. Material and apparatus -

Nitrification inhibitor Sample water from catfish pond Dilution water Beakers BOD bottles Analytical balance Dissolved oxygen test meter Micropipette Dry fingerlings and growth pellet Hydrochloric acid Boric acid Distilled water Kjeldahl distillation, titration, and digestion Moisture content analyzer Conical flask Beaker Pipette Analytical balance Test tube Sulphuric acid Kjetabs tube Sodium hydroxide pH meter Turbidimeter Mortar and pestle Aluminium place

Moisture analyzer

Methodology Dissolved Oxygen (DO) and Biochemical Oxygen Demand

1. The sample water of catfish pond was determined.

2. 200 ml of the sample was placed into the BOD bottle. 3. 0.16 g of nitrification inhibitor (BOD inhibitor) was weighed and added into the samples. 4. The sample was refilled with 100 ml distilled water and stirred. 5. The initial DO level (ppm) of the sample and its duplicate was recorded by using the dissolved oxygen test kit.
6. The sample was placed in an incubator at 20

for 5 days.

7. On day 5, final DO reading (ppm) was taken by using the dissolved oxygen test kit with

the fan switched on until the BEEP sound was heard indicates the measurement was complete.
8. The BOD5 level was determined using equation below:


pH 1. Water sample was put into the beaker. 2. The sensor of pH meter was inserted into the water sample. The pH meter needs to be calibrated first before used.

3. Button Read was pushed. 4. The reading was observed and recorded.

Turbidity 1. The turbidimeter was calibrated first. 2. The tap water was put into tube and measured its turbidity as blank. 3. Water sample was taken from beaker and put into the tube. 4. The tube was cleaned gently in order to make sure the tube is dried. 5. Then, the water sample was inserted into the box of turbidimeter and button Read was pushed. 6. The reading was observed and recorded.

Protein determination using Kjedhal method

1. 2g of the small pellet was weighed by using analytical balance then place in test tube.

2. 2 tube of Kjeltabs and 12mL of sulphuric acid was added into test tube. For the blanks just only put 2 tube of Kjeltabs and 12mL of sulphuric acid. Make the sample duplicate and repeat the method above by using large pellet.
3. Then place all the test tube into the Kjedahl digester at 420oC for 1 hour 15 minute.

4. After finish the digestion, let it cooled about 20 minute. 5. Next, the sample was added with 80mL of distilled water. 6. 25mL of acid boric was prepared in conical flask. 7. The sample and the acid boric was place at Kjedhal distiller for the distillation process for about 5 minute. 8. After distillation process finished, the conical flask was use for titration process. 9. A 50 mL pipette was filled to the top with 1.1M hydrochloric acid.
10. The hydrochloric acid was pipette into conical flask until the solution turn slightly grey,

and then stopped the titration process.

Moisture content 1. The fish pellet was grinded with mortar and pestle.
2. 2g of the grinded pellet was placed in the aluminium place and run in the moisture

analyzer at temperature 100 oC. 3. The weight of the pellet was taken every 1 minute until 5 minute and the percentage of the moisture was obtained.

Result Table 1: Value of pH, turbidity and BOD5 of water from the catfish pond. Measurement pH Turbidity (NTU) Turbidity of tap water (NTU) BOD5 (mg/L) Reading 5.96 11.5 1.85 19.02

Table 2: Moisture content of fingerlings catfish pellet. Replicate 1 Fingerlings catfish pellet Weight (g) Initial 2.028 Final 1.823 Replicate 2 Initial 2.046 Final 1.855 Replicate 3 Initial 2.032 Final 1.845

Moisture content (%) Mean moisture content


9.34 9.55


Table 3: Moisture content of growth catfish pellet. Replicate 1 Growth catfish pellet Weight (g) Moisture content (%) Mean moisture content Initial 2.034 9.44 Final 1.842 Replicate 2 Initial 2.020 8.51 8.73 Final 1.848 Replicate 3 Initial 2.037 8.25 Final 1.869

Table 4: Test data of fingerlings catfish pellet. Sample data Sample weight, A (g) Amount HCl used, Vsample (mL) Amount HCl used, Vblank (mL) Normality HCl, Nacid (N) Replicate 1 2.0450 45.2 0.1 0.1078 Replicate 2 2.0405 68.9 0.1 0.1078 Replicate 3 2.0001 68.5 0.1 0.1078

Table 5: Percentage protein of fingerlings catfish pellet. Test data %N = Replicate 1 3.3300 Replicate 2 5.0911 Replicate 3 5.1638

% protein = (f



31.8194 28.3019


Mean of protein Table 6: Test data of growth catfish pellet. Sample data Sample weight, A (g) Amount HCl used, Vsample (mL) Amount HCl used, Vblank (mL) Normality HCl, Nacid (N) Replicate 1 2.023 18.9 0.1 0.1078

Replicate 2 2.027 4.1 0.1 0.1078

Replicate 3 2.321 18.1 0.1 0.1078

Table 7: Percentage protein of growth catfish pellet. Test data %N = Replicate 1 1.4032 Replicate 2 0.2980 Replicate 3 1.1710

% protein = (f



1.8625 5.9838


Mean of protein

Discussion The sample of the pellet and water was taken from Aroma Spice Company. They do the agriculture of Africa catfish. They do the agriculture in the close building. They have 3 ponds named A, B and C that according to the size of catfish. Pond A and B is for fingerlings catfish that the size of pond was height = 3m x length = 10 ft x width = 5 ft and the total volume was 14m3. Total fish that can be put on pond A was 3000 while pond B was 2000. Pond C is for growth catfish that the size of pond was height = 3m x length = 15 ft x width = 20 ft and the total volume was 83.6m3. Total fish that can be put on pond C was 6000. The water sample was used to determine the pH, turbidity and biological oxygen demand (BOD) while the pellet was used to identify the percentage of protein moisture content. The result was discussed below.

The pH is measure of the relative amount of free hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in the water. Water will become acidic when free hydrogen ion is high while water will become base when high of free hydroxyl ions. Based on the result on Table 1, by using the pH meter, pH of water sample from Aroma Spice catfish pond was 5.96. In theory catfish can tolerate high concentrations of carbon dioxide (up to 100 ppm) in blood so they can withstand in acidic pH but not below 5. Therefore, this water sample is suitable for catfish to live because it is not too acidic besides it contains enough of dissolved oxygen. Too acidic of water will give bad effect to organism for live and it also effect the environment. The pH of water usually was affected by several factors. One of the factors is the amount of plant growth and organic material within a body of water. When this material decomposes carbon dioxide is released. The carbon dioxide combines with water to form carbonic acid. Although this is a weak acid, large amounts of it will lower the pH. Turbidity is the measurement of the cloudiness of the water and the unit for turbidity is Nephelometer Turbidity Units (NTU). The higher value of turbidity, it showed that the harder to see through the water. From the Table 1, it can see that the turbidity of the water sample from Aroma Spice catfish pond was 11.5 NTU and by the observation the water look like less cloudiness. The tap water turbidity was 1.85. This is due to the company will make sure the pond in circulated of the water. In theory, when the value of turbidity of water increases, it means the water quality is low and consists of many substances such as mud, silt, sand, bacteria, aquatic organisms, algae, and chemical precipitates. Such particles absorb heat in the sunlight, thus raising water temperature, which in turn lowers dissolved oxygen levels. That mean this water

sample has good quality for the catfish. This less cloudiness is due to make the worker to easy to choose the good catfish while do the harvesting process. Lights ability to pass through water depends on how much suspended material is present. Turbidity of this water sample has less substance that blocked the light to pass through the water. Turbidity may harm fish and their larvae. It is caused by soil erosion, excess nutrients, various wastes and pollutants, and the action of bottom feeding organisms which stir sediments up into the water.

Microorganisms such as bacteria are responsible for decompose organic waste. When organic matter such as dead plants, leaves, grass clippings, manure, sewage, or even food waste is present in a water supply, the bacteria will begin the process of breaking down this waste. When this happens, much of the available dissolved oxygen is consumed by aerobic bacteria, robbing other aquatic organisms of the oxygen they need to live. Biological oxygen demand (BOD) is a measure of the oxygen used by microorganisms to decompose the waste. If there is a large quantity of organic waste in the water supply, there will also be a lot of bacteria present working to decompose this waste. In this case, the demand for oxygen will be high due to all the bacteria so the BOD level will be high. As the waste is consumed through the water, BOD levels will begin to decline. In most cases, if dissolved oxygen concentrations drop below 5 mg/L, fish will be unable to live for very long. All clean water species such as trout or salmon will die well above this level and even low oxygen fish such as catfish will be at risk below 5 mg/L. In the theory, the 8mg/L 30mg/L is the range of the BOD5 that suitable for organism and aquatic animal to live. From Table 1, the BOD5 of water catfish sample from Aroma Spice was 19.02 mg/L. So the sample was in the range of the good condition of fish living.

Feeding is the most important in the intensive pond production of catfish. In a normal situation, catfish can be seen only when they are coming up to feed, and their feeding behavior can be an important clue to general health and the pond condition. Potential problems with the fish or pond water quality can be recognized early by noticing abnormal feeding behavior. Feed used in pond culture of catfish must be nutritionally complete. Feed must contain all essential nutrients at adequate levels to meet total nutritional requirements of catfish for normal growth and health. The fingerlings feed should be small in size of pellet so that they can eat easily, while for growth catfish was vice versa.

In this experiment, the protein content of the pellet that use at Aroma Spice was determine by using Kjedhal method. Based on the Table 5 and Table 7, the protein content for fingerlings pellet was 28.3% while for the growth pellet was 5.98 %. It is slightly lower from the protein content that stated on the packaging (min 32% protein) of the fingerlings catfish pellet. Based on the journal found, for good growth the fingerlings catfish pellet should has 32% of protein while for the growth catfish pellet should has about 28% - 30% of protein. The

fingerlings catfish need more protein because they faster growth compared to growth catfish. On the fingerlings stage they need protein for the muscle growth and it help in the formation of fish meat. On the packaging of the fingerlings catfish pellet it stated that the maximum moisture content of the pellet was 12% and from the experiment the result was 9.55%. It is still in the range of the packaging. Growth catfish pellet has moisture content 8.73%. In the theory, the moisture content for dry pellet should have 10%. Determination of moisture content is important for the storage condition. If the pellet has high moisture content it will let to microbial growth that can make the pellet harm. Low moisture content has low density so the pellet will easily float at the surface of the water.

Conclusion The pH of water sample was 5.96 which are suits for catfish living. Meanwhile its turbidity is 11.5 NTU compared to tap water which is 1.85 NTU. This is cause from the silt of water, suspended solids and waste from fish. Also, it is not suit for drinking because it is harder water. The BOD5 level was 19.02 mg/L that still in range of the suitable water for organism and aquatic animal to live. This showed the water is in good quality. Two kind of pellet was in range of moisture content but for the protein percentage was not in the range that should the catfish feed for good growth. References

Fish species, Catfish.2009.Retrieved on 15 Feb 2011 from http://fish.mongabay.com/catfish.htm Professor John Blamire, Kjedhal Method, 2003. Retrieved on 13 Feb 2011from www.scienceAdistance.com Technology of seed production. Retrieved on 14 Feb 2011 from http://www.fao.org/docrep/field/003/AC378E/AC378E07.htm Biological oxygen demand, 2011. Retrieved on 15 Feb 2011 from www.eNotes.com G.C. Delzer and S.W. McKenzie, (1998), Five-Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand, BOD5 Test Procedure American Society of Civil Engineers/American Water Works Association (1990), Water Treatment Plant Design (2nd Ed.) Mc. Graw Hill, International, USA, 1990, p. 1-10.

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