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Informal Presentation 2

The goal of this informal presentation is for you to practice 1) eye contact, 2) starting your
presentation with a hook + connection + introduction phrase 3) using notes to help you
remember key information, 4) using class vocabulary, and 5) SPEAKING!

An artist / designer you admire or who inspires you:

Choose a designer/artist that you admire or inspires you.

Prepare a 3-4 minute informal presentation about your chosen designer/artist. In your
presentation you must include the following information:
1. What is the designer’s/artist’s name. AND Where are they from?
2. Why do they inspire you?
3. What media do they usually use in their designs/art?
4. What subject matter do they usually use? Do they have a typical subject matter?
5. What is their most famous work?
6. What is your favorite work from the artist/designer?

Your presentation will include:

-an engaging and interesting introduction (hook)
-an expression that introduces the topic of your presentation (introduction phrase)
-vocabulary words (e.g. subject matter, medium)
-visuals that support the content of your presentation (ONE PowerPoint slide for each question)
-a note-card with notes that you can use during your presentation (only keywords, no

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