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Plant Pathology (2016) 65, 782–791 Doi: 10.1111/ppa.


Bacteria from the citrus phylloplane can disrupt cell–cell

signalling in Xanthomonas citri and reduce citrus canker
disease severity

J. C. Caicedoa*, S. Villamizara, M. I. T. Ferroa, K. C. Kupperb and J. A. Ferroa

Faculdade de Cie^ ncias Agra
! rias e Veterina
! rias, UNESP Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus Jaboticabal Departamento de
Tecnologia Via de acesso Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane s/n, Jaboticabal, SP 14884-900; and bCentro de Citricultura Sylvio Moreira, IAC,
Cordeiro! polis, SP, Brazil

Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xcc) is the causal agent of citrus canker, a disease that affects almost all types of citrus crops.
Production of particular Xcc pathogenicity factors is controlled by a gene cluster rpf, which encodes elements of a cell–cell
communication system called quorum sensing (QS), mediated by molecules of the diffusible signal factor (DSF) family. Inter-
ference with cell–cell signalling, also termed quorum quenching, either by signal degradation or over-production, has been
suggested as a strategy to control bacterial disease. In this study, three bacterial strains were isolated from citrus leaves that
displayed the ability to disrupt QS signalling in Xcc. Pathogenicity assays in sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) showed that bac-
teria of the genera Pseudomonas and Bacillus also have a strong ability to reduce the severity of citrus canker disease. These
effects were associated with alteration in bacterial attachment and biofilm formation, factors that are known to contribute
to Xcc virulence. These quorum-quenching bacteria may represent a highly valuable tool in the process of biological control
and offer an alternative to the traditional copper treatment currently used to treat citrus canker disease.

Keywords: biofilm, citrus canker, DSF, quorum quenching

bacteria direct important biological functions including

bioluminescence, antibiotic production, virulence, motility
Research over the last 20 years has expanded the view of and biofilm formation (Rumbaugh et al., 1999; Gonzalez
bacteria as unicellular organisms having the ability to & Keshavan, 2006).
participate in complex social and cooperative behaviour. Because QS or cell–cell signalling controls processes
The development of an intercellular communication sys- associated with virulence of many pathogens, interference
tem is a hallmark characteristic that enables bacteria to with these processes may afford a route towards disease
colonize new habitats, adapt to environmental changes, control. Such interference could involve signal degradation
resist host defence and antibiotic action, strengthen com- (quorum quenching) or signal over-production (pathogen
petitiveness and take advantage of new food sources (Ng confusion) (Zhang & Dong, 2004; Newman et al., 2008;
& Bassler, 2009). Quorum sensing (QS) is a system of Uroz et al., 2009). Quorum quenching is a mechanism
bacterial cell–cell communication that enables the adopted by a number of bacteria to disrupt QS signalling
microorganism to sense a minimum number of cells of competitors, affording these organisms an advantage
(quorum) in order to respond to external stimuli in a within a particular habitat (Zhang & Dong, 2004; Ni
concerted fashion. The process of QS relies upon the et al., 2009).
production, release and detection of small signalling The Gram-negative bacterium Xanthomonas citri
molecules called auto-inducers (AI). Each bacterial cell subsp. citri (Xcc) is the aetiologic agent of citrus canker,
produces a basal amount of AIs, which are exported to a disease affecting almost all types of citrus crops. The
the extracellular environment and reflect bacterial popu- invasion and colonization of the host occurs through nat-
lation density. At high cell densities, the AI reach a criti- ural openings of the leaves (the stomata) and wounds in
cal concentration, at which point they are recognized by the plant tissues. The pathogen multiplies within the
their cognate receptor, triggering a cascade of biological intercellular spaces, inducing cell hyperplasia, leading to
functions (Federle & Bassler, 2003). Quorum sensing rupture of the leaf epidermis and resulting in raised
leads to the regulation of specific genes that in different corky and spongy lesions surrounded by a water-soaked
margin, i.e. the characteristic canker lesion. Yellowish
chlorotic rings are also often observed on leaves and
*E-mail: fruits and, when conditions are highly favourable to dis-
ease development, could produce general defoliation, tree
decline and premature fruit drop (Timmer et al., 1991;
Published online 23 October 2015 Schaad et al., 2006; Gottig et al., 2009).

782 ª 2015 British Society for Plant Pathology

Citrus bacteria disrupt quorum sensing 783

Bacteria within the genus Xanthomonas encode a cell– rum quencher bacteria as a tool to reduce citrus canker.
cell signalling or QS system mediated by molecules of In this study, bacteria were isolated and identified from
the diffusible signal factor (DSF) family. The DSF family the phyllosphere of citrus species that displayed different
are cis-2-unsaturated fatty acids, of which the paradigm susceptibility profiles to citrus canker. Using a DSF biore-
is DSF itself, first identified in Xanthomonas campestris porter, the ability of these bacteria to disrupt QS in Xcc
pv. campestris and characterized as cis-11-methyl-2- 306 was tested in vitro, and their ability to reduce the
dodecenoic acid. The DSF-mediated signalling system virulence of Xcc in sweet orange was assessed.
was discovered during mutagenesis assays designed to
identify genes associated with the regulation of synthesis Materials and methods
of extracellular degradative enzymes and extracellular
polysaccharides in X. campestris pv. campestris (Tang DSF bioreporters construction
et al., 1991). These genes were named rpf (for regulation
The DSF-producing bacterium Xcc 306 (da Silva et al., 2002)
of pathogenicity factors). The QS system in the
was transformed by electroporation with plasmid pKLN55 that
Xanthomonas genus comprises three components: the
harbours an eng:gfp reporter fusion in which the X. campestris
synthase, the sensor and the regulator. The rpfF gene endoglucanase promoter drives expression of the green fluores-
encodes RpfF, an enzyme of the crotonase family respon- cent protein (GFP) gene. This reporter is inducible by DSF
sible for the synthesis of DSF (Barber et al., 1997). (Newman et al., 2004). Electrocompetent cells were prepared
Genes rpfC and rpfG encode for the components following do Amaral et al. (2005), with modifications. Briefly,
involved in signal transduction: the sensor RpfC and the one isolated Xcc 306 colony was transferred to 200 mL nutrient
regulator RpfG (Slater et al., 2000; Dow et al., 2003). broth (NB) medium (8 g L!1 NB and 5 g L!1 NaCl, pH 7"0)
RpfC is a complex sensor kinase whereas RpfG is com- and grown with rotary shaking (160 rpm) at 28°C for 6 h to
posed of a REC domain and an HD-GYP domain, which reach a final concentration OD600 = 0"6, corresponding to the
mid-log growth phase. Bacterial cells were kept on ice for 1 h,
is a phosphodiesterase involved in degradation of the sec-
and subsequently two washes with 1 and 0"5 volumes of ice-
ond messenger cyclic di-GMP (Ryan & Dow, 2010). At
cold sterile 10% glycerol were performed with centrifugation
physiological relevant levels, cyclic di-GMP binds specifi- for 10 min to 4000 g at 4°C. A final washing was performed by
cally to the global transcriptional activator Clp (cyclic- addition of 1 mL ice-cold sterile 10% glycerol and centrifuga-
AMP receptor-like protein), which in turn regulates tion at 13 000 g for 2 min at 4°C. The final concentration was
many functions, including the expression of genes encod- adjusted to 4 9 1010 CFU mL!1. Electroporation conditions
ing virulence factors, such as extracellular enzymes and were: field strength (12"5 kV cm!1), capacitance 25 lF, resis-
enzymes involved in xanthan synthesis (Ryan & Dow, tance 50 Ω and time pulse 2"66 ms. Transformed cells were
2010; Tao et al., 2010). Addition of exogenous DSF to recovered in 1 mL NBY medium (0"8% nutrient broth, 0"2%
an rpfF mutant restores the synthesis of virulence factors yeast extract, 0"2% K2HPO4, 0"05% KH2PO4) supplemented
with 20 mL glucose (10%) and 1 mL L!1 1 M MgSO4 and incu-
such as endoglucanase to wildtype levels (Barber et al.,
bated at 28°C for 3 h with constant shaking (180 rpm). To
1997). This forms the basis of a bioassay for DSF in
allow for expression of antibiotic resistance, transformant cells
which the level of endoglucanase activity, or expression were selected on NA medium supplemented with 50 lg mL!1
of the endoglucanase promoter, can be assessed in an kanamycin, resulting in the strain DSF reporter Xcc 306
rpfF background (Barber et al., 1997; Slater et al., 2000; (pKLN55), enabled to report the sensing of its own DSF. To
Newman et al., 2004). construct the biosensor for reporting exogenous DSF, a mutant
As mentioned above, the Rpf/DSF system is conserved strain DrpfF Xcc 306 was produced using the overlap extension
in the genus Xanthomonas, as well as in the related gen- PCR strategy (Lee et al., 2004). Briefly, a 1610 bp fragment was
era Xylella and Stenotrophomonas (Ryan et al., 2008). amplified from genomic DNA of Xcc 306 using primers flanking
Recent work has shown that in Xcc, DSF signalling is the gene rpfF (XAC 1879). This fragment was used as template
for two independent PCRs, using two pairs of primers designed
required for full virulence in a citrus host and that RpfF
with chimeric and overlapping ends (Table 1). The sizes of PCR
regulates expression of almost 180 genes. The biological
products were 102 and 105 bp (positions 242–349 and 705–
functions performed by the gene products include chemo- 809). These fragments were then used as templates for the sec-
taxis and motility, adhesion, stress tolerance, transport ond step of PCR to yield recombined PCR products containing
and detoxification (Guo et al., 2012). An early study by the internal deletion of 164 bp of the rpfF gene. This fragment
Newman et al. (2008) identified the potential of DSF sig- was digested with SalI–MboI and transferred into SalI–BamHI
nal quenching in the control of disease caused by digested suicide plasmid vector pOK1 (Kaniga et al., 1991),
X. campestris pv. campestris. Bacteria isolated from the resulting in pOK1 DrpfF. The pOK1 construct was sequenced to
phyllosphere of field-grown plants that are natural hosts confirm the presence of the DrpfF deletion. This vector was used
for X. campestris pv. campestris could rapidly modify to transform Xcc 306 by electroporation. Transformed cells
were recovered as described above, the transformant cells were
and/or degrade DSF in vitro. These organisms belonged
then selected in NA medium supplemented with 100 lg mL!1
to several different genera. Further, application of these
spectinomycin. Xcc 306 DrpfF was then transformed by electro-
bacteria could reduce disease symptoms caused by poration with the plasmid pKLN55, resulting in the DSF repor-
X. campestris pv. campestris in crucifers and Xylella fas- ter strain Xcc 306 DrpfF/pKLN55 unable to sense the
tidiosa in grape. Currently, there is no information production of its own DSF, but still able to sense DSF from a
regarding the isolation and identification of bacteria able foreign source. To exclude any potential inhibitory effect of cul-
to disrupt DSF signalling in Xcc, nor on the use of quo- ture media over endoglucanase expression, DSF reporter strain

Plant Pathology (2016) 65, 782–791

784 J. C. Caicedo et al.

Table 1 Primers used in this study

Primer Primer sequence (50 –30 )a Product (bp) Use Reference

rpfF F GGGCGAAATCGTCAAGGTGGTCAT 1610 Mutagenesis Guo et al. (2012)

AB F TGTTCGCACGGCTGATCCGC 102 Mutagenesis This study
CD F cttcggcggGCCGCGTCGCCCCTCAACT 105 Mutagenesis This study
A1 F AGAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG 1486 16S rRNA Kuske et al. (1997)

Lower case letters correspond to chimeric and overlapping ends; underlined letters correspond to the cut sites of MboI (single line) and SalI (dou-
ble line).

Xcc 306/pKLN55 and wildtype Xcc 306 were inoculated in (106 CFU mL!1) of each DSF inhibitory bacterium; any
three different culture media (NA, LB agar and NYGA), supple- remaining DSF was subsequently extracted with ethyl acetate
mented with 0"25% carboxymethylcellulose (CMC). Relative after 2, 4, 8, 12, 24 and 48 h and was quantified with the
levels of endoglucanase activity for Xcc 306/pKLN55 and Xcc bioreporter DrpfF Xcc 306/pKLN55 (only able to sense DSF
306 were compared in cultures grown in each medium by mea- from an exogenous source). Briefly, a sterile filter paper disk
suring the radial diffusion after staining the plate with 0"1% (3 mm diameter) soaked with the extracted DSF was placed on
Congo red for 30 min as described by Wood (1981). the surface of an NA plate containing a bioreporter DrpfF Xcc
306/pKLN55. The radial distance from the centre of the paper
disk to the distal edge of the GFP signal of the bioreporter
Isolation and identification of DSF inhibitory bacteria strain was measured, after incubation for 24 h at 28°C. To
Epiphytic and endophytic bacteria were isolated from the sur- estimate the amount of DSF present in the samples, the radial
face and from macerates of citrus leaves (with and without distance was compared to those recorded in the DSF standard
symptoms of citrus canker) of the sweet orange cultivars Folha curve, which reflects the area of detectable GFP fluorescence
Murcha, P^era Rio, IAPAR 73 and Valencia. Plant material was against known amounts of DSF. The DSF standard curve was
macerated with a mortar and pestle in 10 mM KPO4 buffer prepared according to Newman et al. (2004) with variations:
(pH 7"2) and appropriate dilutions were plated on 10% trypti- DSF was extracted from the supernatant of overnight Xcc 306
case soy agar (Merck). Plates were incubated at 28°C for 72 h, cultures, adding equal volumes of water-saturated ethyl acetate,
and single colonies representing phenotypical variety were with subsequent evaporation to dryness. The residue was dis-
streaked onto Petri dishes containing trypticase soy agar. These solved in 1 mL methanol. Progressive amounts of this standard
colonies were over-sprayed with a suspension of the DSF DSF source (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 45 and 50 lL) were
biosensor strain Xcc 306/pKLN55 at a final concentration of added to 3 mL NB medium and mixed. DSF units are given as
106 CFU mL!1. Bacterial isolates displaying antibacterial activ- the volume of DSF (in lL) added to NB medium before extrac-
ity (reduction or inhibition of growth) against DSF biosensor tion. DSF was then extracted with an equal volume of ethyl
Xcc 306/pKLN55 were excluded from study. Degradation or acetate, dried and resuspended in 50 lL methanol. The
modification of DSF by a neighbouring strain leads to blockage extracted DSF was placed on a sterile filter paper disk (3 mm
in DSF sensing by biosensor Xcc 306/pKLN55. This results in diameter) and assayed using the DrpfF Xcc 306/pKLN55 as
a decrease in GFP fluorescence observed using an Olympus described above. The radial distance from the centre of the fil-
BX60 microscope in the blue UV range. Each citrus leaf isolate ter disk to the distal edge of visible GFP fluorescence in the
was spotted on Petri dishes containing NA medium and in bioreporter strain was measured after incubation for 24 h at
proximity to the DSF bioreporter Xcc 306/pKLN55. API kits 28°C, and the fluorescence area was plotted against DSF units
(bioM!erieux) were used to identify both Gram-positive and concentration.
Gram-negative bacterial species, capable of degrading or modi-
fying DSF, and this was confirmed by sequencing (3730xl
DNA sequencer; Applied Biosystems) PCR-mediated 16S rRNA Virulence test
amplification products obtained using the universal primers PA Virulence assays were performed under controlled growth condi-
and PC5B (Table 1). Cycling conditions were as follows: 94°C tions at the Plant Laboratory, Technology Department FCAV/
for 2 min for initial denaturation; 25 cycles of 94°C for 30 s, Universidade Estadual Paulista, SP, Brazil. Two methods of
52°C for 30 s and 72°C for 1 min; and a final extension of infection were used: leaf infiltration and spray. All plants were
72°C for 10 min. The nucleotide sequences found were com- grown in a growth chamber maintained at 28°C and with a
pared to the 16S rRNA sequence from the GenBank database photoperiod of 16 h. The assays were performed using the same
using a nucleotide BLAST search. cultivars of sweet orange (Folha Murcha, Pera Rio and Valen-
cia) from which DSF inhibitory bacteria were originally isolated.
The antagonistic bacteria tested were only those that showed a
Kinetics of DSF degradation in vitro assay
higher ability in vitro for DSF degradation or modification. All
The kinetics of DSF degradation in vitro by DSF inhibitory plants were the same age at the time of inoculation; fully
bacteria was measured using the DSF bioreporter strain DrpfF expanded immature citrus leaves of similar age were infected by
Xcc 306/pKLN55 as follows: 50 lL of DSF extracted with infiltration pressure with needleless syringes containing both Xcc
ethyl acetate (Barber et al., 1997) from the supernatant of 306 and DSF inhibitory bacterial isolates. The bacterial strains
cultures of Xcc 306 was added to 5 mL of cell suspension were mixed just prior to infection and the final concentration

Plant Pathology (2016) 65, 782–791

Citrus bacteria disrupt quorum sensing 785

was adjusted to 104 CFU mL!1 in 10 mM MgCl2 for each hyde in 0"1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7"2) overnight. Subse-
strain. The infiltrated leaves were photographed 21 days post- quently the fixed areas were washed three times with 0"1 M
inoculation (DPI). To resemble natural infection of citrus can- phosphate buffer (pH 7"2), and post-fixed in 2% OsO4 in
ker, the infections were also performed by a spray method as 0"1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7"2) for 4 h and rinsed twice in
described by Li & Wang (2012), with modifications. Briefly, the 0"1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7"2). After rinsing, the samples were
abaxial surfaces of fully expanded, immature leaves of each dehydrated with ethanol solution (5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70,
plant were sprayed with a mix solution of each DSF inhibitory 80, 90 and 100%) for 10 min each, repeating the final wash
bacteria and Xcc 306 at a final concentration of 107 CFU mL!1 twice. Leaf samples were dried in an EMS 850 critical point
in 10 mM MgCl2 for each strain. After inoculation, the plants dryer and coated with gold using a sputter coater Denton
were covered with plastic bags for 24 h to maintain a high rela- Vacuum Desk II. SEM micrographs were obtained using a JSM-
tive humidity (>90%) and to force the opening of stomata for 6490 scanning electron microscope (Jeol USA) at 15 kV. Addi-
symptom development. The sprayed leaves were photographed tional assays using API 20E, NE kits and PCR amplification of
21 DPI. Canker lesions from five infiltrated leaves and five 16S rRNA were performed to identify bacteria in leaves that
sprayed leaves were quantified 21 DPI, and the infected areas showed some form of biofilm formation. To assess bacterial
were calculated using IMAGEJ v. 1.48 (Schneider et al., 2012). attachment to leaves, bacterial suspensions of mixed solutions of
The assays were performed in triplicate, and the statistical anal- each DSF inhibitory bacterium and Xcc 306 were prepared as
ysis of data was performed using one-way ANOVA with post hoc described above. Forty microlitres of these suspensions were
testing (Bonferroni) using SPSS STATISTICS DESKTOP, v. 22.0 soft- applied to the abaxial surface of detached sweet orange leaves
ware (IBM). and were incubated in a wet chamber for 10 h at 28°C. After
washing twice with sterile tap water, inoculated areas were dis-
sected from leaves for SEM observation under the same condi-
Biofilm formation and attachment assays tions as described above. The controls used in both assays were
Bacterial retention of crystal violet was used to assess the bacte- leaves of sweet orange (Folha Murcha, Pera Rio and Valencia)
rial ability to attach to abiotic and biotic surfaces (O’Toole & inoculated with Xcc 306 alone. SEM analysis was performed
Kolter, 1998; Gottig et al., 2009). To measure the effect of DSF three times, with five replicates each time.
inhibitory bacteria on the attachment ability of Xcc 306 to abi-
otic surfaces, overnight cultures of Xcc 306 and the potential
antagonistic bacteria were centrifuged to recover a cell pellet, Results
which was washed, and adjusted to a final concentration of
107 CFU mL!1 in 10 mM MgCl2 for each strain. Subsequently,
Construction of DSF reporter strains
100 lL of each DSF inhibitory bacterium were mixed with
100 lL of Xcc 306 and added to each well of a 96-well To assess the presence and functionality of DSF family
polyvinylchloride (PVC) plate. Positive controls were 10 molecules in Xcc, two DSF bioreporters were con-
wells with 100 lL of each DSF inhibitory bacterium and 10 structed by transformation of wildtype Xcc 306 and a
wells with 100 lL of Xcc 306; negative controls were 10 wells rpfF mutant with plasmid pKLN55 (Newman et al.,
with 100 lL of MgCl2 10 mM. The plate was incubated for 8 h
2004). This plasmid carries the eng::gfp promoter
at 28°C. The wells were then stained with 1% crystal violet for
15 min at room temperature. To remove non-adherent cells and
fusion in which the endoglucanase promoter drives gfp
excess stain, three washes were performed with running tap gene expression. Colonies of Xcc with pKLN55
water. Two hundred microlitres of 95% ethanol were then expressed GFP, but no changes were observed in the
added to each well to solubilize the crystal violet and absor- macroscopic morphology of the colonies grown on
bance was determined at 562 nm in a biophotometer. To mea- NBY or NA medium, suggesting that the production of
sure bacterial attachment to biotic surfaces, 40 lL of each pigment and exopolysaccharide was not altered com-
mixed bacterial suspension (20 lL of each DSF inhibitory strain pared to the wild strain. The Xcc rpfF deletion mutant
and 20 lL of Xcc 306) were applied to the abaxial face of citrus (DrpfF) was constructed using overlap extension-PCR as
leaves, and the leaves were incubated in a wet chamber for 8 h described in the Materials and Methods. The DrpfF
at 28°C. Bacterial attachment was measured by crystal violet
strain had impaired DSF production (as expected) and
staining as described above for abiotic surfaces. Scanning elec-
tron microscopy (SEM) was used to obtain direct evidence of
colonies grown on NBY or NA medium displayed
the effect of DSF inhibitory bacteria in the attachment ability changes in shape (circular to irregular), surface texture
and biofilm formation of Xcc 306 to the leaf surface. The DSF (smooth to rough), reduced mucoidy, and a loss of pig-
inhibitory bacteria tested were only those that showed a higher mentation. Nevertheless, Xcc DrpfF retained the ability
ability in vitro for DSF degradation or modification. To assess to sense and respond to the addition of DSF from an
biofilm formation, leaves of sweet orange (Folha Murcha, Pera exogenous source. Specifically, Xcc DrpfF carrying
Rio and Valencia) were infected by overspray with mixed solu- pKLN55 responded to exogenous DSF by expression of
tions of each DSF inhibitory bacterium and Xcc 306 at a final GFP. This second bioreporter was used to assay the
concentration of 107 CFU mL!1 in 10 mM MgCl2 for each levels and biological activity of DSF in the different
strain; randomly chosen 7 DPI samples (0"8 9 0"8 cm) were dis-
in vitro tests with the inhibitory bacteria. Endoglucase
sected from leaves. To preserve the original biofilm morphology
and to avoid dehydration of the EPS layer in samples, a pre-fixa-
activity in the bioreporter strain Xcc 306/pKLN55 and
tion step was performed with 2"5% (v/v) glutaralde- Xcc 306 wildtype, showed similar activity levels in all
hyde + 75 mM lysine fixative in 0"1 M sodium cacodylate buffer three culture media tested, suggesting the absence of
(pH 7"2) for 8 min at room temperature (Ratnayake et al., any compound inhibiting endoglucanase expression in
2012), followed by a conventional fixation with 3% glutaralde- the media (data not shown).

Plant Pathology (2016) 65, 782–791

786 J. C. Caicedo et al.

bitory strain to degrade DSF in vitro, and thus determine

Isolation and identification of bacteria able to disrupt
the rate of change of the active molecule. For these
DSF signalling
experiments, DSF was extracted from Xcc culture super-
Bacteria were isolated from leaves of field-grown citrus natants and added to each strain grown in NB medium.
plants with and without symptoms of citrus canker. A The supernatant was harvested at different times and
total of 114 isolates with distinct colony phenotype DSF was extracted and assayed using the Xcc DrpfF/
were recovered from citrus leaves (Table 2). All of pKLN55 reporter. The strains that showed high ability
these isolates were screened in vitro for their ability to to degrade the DSF signal in vitro were: Pseudomonas
disrupt DSF-mediated induction of gfp expression in sp. SJ01, Pseudomonas sp. SJ02 and Bacillus sp. SJ13.
the wildtype bioreporter strain Xcc 306/pKLN55. Bac- Its maximum activity was recorded 6 h after DSF addi-
teria that displayed any antibacterial activity against tion. The rate of degradation reached by Pseudomonas
DSF biosensor Xcc 306/pKLN55 were excluded from sp. SJ01 was 1"3- and 2"2-fold faster than that reached
this study. A total of seven isolates able to inhibit this by Pseudomonas sp. SJ02 and Bacillus sp. SJ15 respec-
DSF signalling pathway were identified. These were tively (Fig. 1). The remaining strains (Raoultella sp.
classified using API kits and by sequencing of PCR- SJ08, Kosakonia sp. SJ23 and Citrobacter sp. SJ11) dis-
mediated 16S rRNA amplification products. They played a weak impairment of the DSF signalling pathway
included two Gram-positive bacteria (Bacillus sp. SJ13 and their activity was similar to that of efficient DSF
and Bacillus sp. SJ15) and five Gram-negative bacteria inhibitory strains only after 48 h following DSF addi-
(Pseudomonas sp. SJ02, Pseudomonas sp. SJ01, Raoul- tion.
tella sp. SJ08, Kosakonia sp. SJ23 and Citrobacter sp.
SJ11; Table 3).
Effects of DSF-degrading strains on Xcc virulence
Virulence assays were performed under controlled
Inhibition of DSF signalling and degradation of the
growth conditions and canker lesions were quantified at
DSF signal
21 DPI. These assays showed that when citrus leaves
To obtain direct evidence that the impairment of the were inoculated with mixtures of Xcc and different DSF
DSF signalling pathway is associated with the degrada- inhibitory bacteria by spraying, the number of canker
tion of DSF rather than other reasons such as repression lesions decreased significantly for three bacteria, Pseu-
of the eng promoter independently of DSF or inhibition domonas sp. SJ02, Pseudomonas sp. SJ01 and Bacillus
of bioreporter strain growth, the kinetics of DSF degra- sp. SJ13, and increased for one, Bacillus sp. SJ15, rela-
dation was measured to establish the ability of each inhi- tive to the control inoculated with Xcc alone (Figs 2a &
3a). When effects were assayed by leaf infiltration of bac-
teria, Pseudomonas sp. SJ02 and Bacillus sp. SJ13 still
Table 2 Number of bacterial isolates with a different growth pattern
isolated from citrus leaves
conferred a significant (at least 2"5-fold) reduction in the
number of canker lesions, while Bacillus sp. SJ15 showed
No. of CFUs isolated a slight decrease (Figs 2b & 3b).
Citrus cultivar Leaves with symptoms Leaves without symptoms

Folha Murcha 10 16 Effects of DSF-degrading strains on Xcc attachment

Pera Rio 8 13 and biofilm formation
Valencia 14 24
For most pathogenic bacteria, surface attachment and
IAPAR 73 7 22
subsequent biofilm formation are essential stages in

Table 3 Diffusible signal factor (DSF) inhibitory bacteria isolated from citrus leaves

GenBank accession Similarity16S rDNA DSF degradation

Isolate Closest species type strain no. (%) Origin assaya

Pseudomonas sp. Pseudomonas oryzihabitans NBRC NBRC 102199 97 Folha Murcha/Pera +++
SJ02 102199 Rio
Pseudomonas sp. Pseudomonas auruginosa PAO1 NR074828.1 98 Pera Rio/Valencia +++
Bacillus sp. SJ13 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens NR117946.1 97 Folha Murcha/ +++
MPA1034 Valencia
Bacillus sp. SJ15 Bacillus vallismortis DSM 11031 NR024696.1 97 Folha Murcha ++
Raoultella sp. SJ08 Raoultella planticola JCM 7251 NR112011.1 98 Pera Rio/Valencia +
Kosakonia sp. SJ23 Kosakonia cowanii 888-76 NR025566.1 98 Valencia +
Citrobacter sp. Citrobacter freundii NBRC 12681 NR113596.1 98 IAPAR 73/Valencia +

DSF degradation ability based on plate inhibition assay. +, low; ++, medium; +++, high.

Plant Pathology (2016) 65, 782–791

Citrus bacteria disrupt quorum sensing 787

Figure 1 Kinetics of diffusible signal factor

(DSF) degradation by differing DSF inhibitory
bacteria strains. Each time point represents
the average of three replicate samples for
each treatment. Comparable patterns of DSF
degradation were obtained in three
independent experiments.

Figure 2 Reduction in the severity of citrus

canker disease by the action of inhibitory
quorum sensing bacteria isolated from citrus
leaves. (a) Spray inoculation on the abaxial
side of citrus leaves, both bacteria were co-
inoculated at a concentration of 107
CFU mL!1. Inoculated leaves were
photographed at 21 days post-inoculation.
(b) Inoculation by infiltration. Right side of
leaf: Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri at a
concentration of 104 CFU mL!1, left side of
leaf: DSF inhibitory bacteria isolated plus
X. citri subsp. citri. Both bacteria were co-
infiltrated at the same concentration of 104
CFU mL!1. The bacterial strains were mixed
just prior to infection. The assays were
repeated three times with three plants each
time, yielding similar results. Only one
representative result is presented in the

maintenance, survival and early establishment of leaf surfaces co-inoculated with DSF inhibitory bacteria.
pathogenicity in tissue. It is now accepted that QS plays Assays of solubilization of crystal violet stain by ethanol
a major, if not essential, role in bacterial biofilm forma- provide an indirect quantitative estimation of the
tion (Branda et al., 2005). Due to the inability of Xcc attached cell population. The results showed that Pseu-
306 DrpfF to form well-established biofilms (data not domonas sp. SJ02, Pseudomonas sp. SJ01 and Bacillus
shown), it was investigated whether there was a link sp. SJ13 strains significantly reduced the attachment abil-
between the virulence reduction of Xcc in a susceptible ity of Xcc 306 to abiotic and biotic surfaces, with 8-fold
host and its ability to attach and form a biofilm on citrus lower levels of crystal violet stain retention. These levels

Plant Pathology (2016) 65, 782–791

788 J. C. Caicedo et al.

Figure 3 Quantification of canker lesions in citrus leaves at 21 days post-inoculation. (a) Leaves inoculated by spraying a mixture of DSF inhibitory
bacteria and Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (107 CFU mL!1). (b) Leaves inoculated by pressure infiltration with a mixture of DSF inhibitory bacteria
and X. citri subsp. citri (104 CFU mL!1). Values given are the means and bars represent standard deviation of measurements. Values marked with
an asterisk are significantly different from those with the pathogen alone at P < 0"05 using one-way ANOVA with post hoc test (Bonferroni) with SPSS
STATISTICS DESKTOP software, v. 22.0.

are similar to those observed in attachment assays of 107 CFU mL!1 each in 10 mM MgCl2. SEM revealed a
Xcc DrpfF and Xcc 306 (Fig. 4). Scanning electron critical reduction in Xcc adherence ability after 10 h
microscopy analysis was performed at 10 h and 7 DPI when co-inoculated with Pseudomonas sp. SJ02, Pseu-
by overspray, with a mix solution of each DSF inhibitory domonas sp. SJ01 or Bacillus sp. SJ13, relative to leaves
bacterium and Xcc 306 at a final concentration of infected with Xcc alone (Fig. 5a–d). Seven days post-

Figure 4 Bacterial attachment assays to abiotic and biotic surfaces based on bacterial retention of crystal violet stain. The bars represent standard
deviation of measurements. The assays were repeated three times in three independent experiments that yielded similar results. Only one
representative result is presented in the figure.

Plant Pathology (2016) 65, 782–791

Citrus bacteria disrupt quorum sensing 789

Figure 5 Scanning electron microscopy

analysis of bacterial attachment to citrus leaf
surfaces. (a–d) Bacterial attachment after
10 h of incubation. (a, c) Pseudomonas sp.
SJ02 plus Xanthomonas citri 306; (b, d)
X. citri 306. Images at two different
magnifications; (e) Pseudomonas sp. SJ02;
and (f) X. citri 306, 7 days post-inoculation.
The strains were inoculated at the same
concentration of 107 CFU mL!1.

infection with Xcc and DSF inhibitory bacteria, SEM the gene encoding the green fluorescent protein. This
showed a lack of biofilm formation on leaf surfaces reporter is inducible by DSF. It should be noted that in
co-inoculated with Pseudomonas sp. SJ02 and Bacillus addition to the enzymatic degradation of the DSF signal,
sp. SJ13, relative to leaves infected with Xcc alone the reduction in the activation of the DSF-dependent
(Fig. 5e, f). Although a well-structured biofilm was eng promoter by different bacteria could be due to a
evident on leaf surfaces co-inoculated with Xcc and number of mechanisms. These include the production of
Pseudomonas sp. SJ01, biochemical and molecular char- small molecules that could repress eng promoter expres-
acterization of bacteria recovered from these leaves sion in a fashion independent of DSF or the production
showed that Pseudomonas sp. SJ01 was responsible of growth inhibitors of the bioreporter strain. For exam-
because no Xcc could be recovered. ple, there is evidence that cell-to-cell communication
mediated by DSF family signals is not exclusive to xan-
thomonads and that bacteria of unrelated genera,
including Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Burkholderia
Quorum sensing is a cell-to-cell communication system species, produce the same or related signals (Boon et al.,
that enables the bacterial community to act in a coordi- 2008; Davies & Marques, 2009). In particular,
nated fashion and take advantage of competitors in a P. aeruginosa produces cis-2-decenoic acid, which
particular habitat, but is not absolutely essential for bac- induces a dispersion response in biofilms formed by a
terial survival. Inhibition of QS can lead to certain phe- range of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria and
notypic alterations, such as virulence reduction, yeast (Davies & Marques, 2009). To date, it is not
decreased biofilm formation and increased bacterial sen- known whether cis-2-decenoic exerts any action on Xcc,
sitivity to treatments (Ng & Bassler, 2009). In this such as activation or inhibition of the DSF signalling
study, several bacteria from the citrus phyllosphere able pathway. Finally, it is known that many Bacillus
to disrupt the communication system in Xcc 306 were species produce antimicrobial compounds, which
isolated and identified using the DSF bioreporter strain could conceivably inhibit Xcc growth. In addition,
Xcc 306/pKLN55, which contains an eng::gfp reporter P. aeruginosa and other pseudomonad species produce
fusion in which the eng promoter drives expression of antibacterial phenazines, such as phenazine-1-carboxylic

Plant Pathology (2016) 65, 782–791

790 J. C. Caicedo et al.

acid, active against Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, the that act as inhibitors of QS in phytopathogenic bacteria
causal agent of rice bacterial blight (Xu et al., 2015). could also be an effective strategy in a wider context.
Seven DSF inhibitory bacteria were isolated from Because the organisms characterized here were origi-
citrus leaves showing activity in vitro against QS sig- nally isolated from the citrus phylloplane, the current
nalling in Xcc. Interestingly, only three of this panel of study also contributes to an understanding of the poten-
strains, those with the highest efficiency of DSF degrada- tial interactions of bacteria on leaf surfaces.
tion in vitro, were effective at reducing disease symptoms In conclusion, the findings indicate that members of
in planta following spray inoculation, mimicking the nat- the autochthonous microbiota of different genera have a
ural infection process. The leaf surface is considered a beneficial effect on plant health. These bacteria may rep-
restrictive and hostile habitat for the bacterial colonist. resent a highly valuable tool in the process of biological
Nutrient limitations, sudden temperature changes and control and offer an alternative to the traditional copper
relative humidity are some of the factors that determine treatment currently used for the treatment of citrus can-
the leaf microbiota (Lindow & Brandl, 2003). Attach- ker disease, with significant environmental, economic
ment to the leaf surface and colonization are critical and health implications worldwide.
aspects of the early stage of pathogenesis (Gottig et al.,
2009). Intriguingly, DSF signalling in Xcc positively reg-
ulates five genes encoding cell surface attachment struc- Acknowledgements
tures such as adhesins (hmsHR) and fimbria (pilM) (Guo The authors thank Professor Ulla Bonas, Institute of
et al., 2012). Interruption of DSF signalling by DSF- Biology, Dept. of Genetics Martin-Luther-University,
degrading bacteria may lead to a down-regulation of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany for plasmid pOK1, to Pro-
these genes with consequences for attachment, epiphytic fessor Steve E. Lindow, University of California, Berkeley
fitness and disease severity. Consistent with this con- USA for his advice and the plasmid pKLN55, to Profes-
tention, a lack of biofilm formation by Xcc was observed sor Max Dow, BIOMERIT Research Centre, University
on the surface of the leaves co-infected with DSF inhibi- College, Cork, Ireland, for his critical review and valu-
tory bacteria by spraying, although well-established bio- able suggestions, to Dr Michael Chandler from CNRS,
films were found on the surfaces of leaves sprayed with Laboratoire de Microbiologie et G!enetique Moleculaires,
Xcc alone. Universit!e Toulouse, France for his critical reading and
When the citrus leaves were infected by infiltration, valuable suggestions, to Dr Maria C. Vasquez, Universi-
Pseudomonas sp. SJ02 and Bacillus sp. SJ13 both dad de Santander, UDES Colombia, for her assistance in
reduced the number of canker lesions in the host (as was a bacterial characterization and to the Centro de Recur-
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