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For the External Evaluation

Summary Table
Intervention/Country Office Integrated Emergency Nutrition assistance for flood
affected populations in Sindh, Pakistan

Partners (if applicable) NA

Location (country/ies, Pakistan, Sindh Province, Karachi
Duration 5 Months
Starting Date 1 May 2023
Ending Date 30 Sep 2023
Intervention/Country Office Security / Pakistan / English


Donor & Contribution/s UNICEF

Country Office Action Against Hunger is implementing from its
administering the Provincial base office.
Responsible Action AgainstAction Against Hunger France
Hunger HQ
Evaluation Type End Evaluation
Evaluation Dates 30 Oct 2023


Action Against Hunger has been working in Pakistan since 1979 focusing on responding to
humanitarian crisis providing lifesaving treatment of undernutrition and meeting immediate
needs, prevention of undernutrition, hunger and the major causes of morbidity in children
under the age of 5 years, and ensuring communities become increasingly resilient to the
impacts of climate change.

Geographical area of proposed interventions:

This existing emergency level malnutrition is expected to increase rapidly post-floods, because
of disrupted livelihoods and increasing food insecurity. There is dire need for provision of the
lifesaving nutrition interventions for this segment of the population in flood affected high-risk
districts including Tando Muhammad Khan, Tando Allah Yar, Jamshoro, Shikarpur, Ghotki &

Map of Intervention Area

Rational for the Program Interventions

Malnutrition in Sindh is a silent catastrophe affecting nearly half of children and mothers.
According to the Multi Indicator Cluster Survey 2014 (MICS), the malnutrition levels across
Sindh are above the cut-off for a serious public health problem. More than four out of ten
children under the age of five in Sindh are underweight (42%) and 17% are classified as
severely underweight. Almost half of children under five years (48%) are stunted or short for
their age and one quarter (24 percent) children are severely stunted. The results also show
that 15% of children are wasted or thin for their height and 1 percent of children are
overweight or too heavy for their height. These indicators reflect the crisis situation of children
under five years. Moreover, iron deficiency- Anemia in women and children are at levels of
severe public health significance in Sindh, 62% and 73% respectively. Additionally, more than
70% of mothers in Sindh are Vitamin D deficient. These problems of poor nutrition are
compounded by severe food insecurity and poor food intake and dietary diversity is 14.2%,
particularly by women, girls and children less than 5 years of age. The Government of Sindh,
taking notice of the situation, has launched a large scale program for the nutrition support.
MICS data indicates a critical situation in several key areas linked to malnutrition. In terms of
IYCF practices, as low as 20.7% of women with a live birth in the last two years put their last
newborn to the breast feeding within one hour of birth, and only 28.9% of infants under six
months of age are exclusively breastfed. This rate of exclusive breastfeeding is low; mixed
feeding can increase morbidity for young children. With regard to WASH issues in Sindh,
although 90% of the population has access to an improved source of drinking water, 39% of
households are using drinking water contaminated with E. coli and 3 % arsenic contamination
(MICS 2014). While 72.9% of the population lives in households with improved sanitation
facilities, this percentage reduces to 47.7% if only the rural population is considered. Related
to these factors, MICS also showed that 28.4% of children under five years in Sindh had an
episode of diarrhea in the preceding two weeks. Moreover, according to the MQSUN report
2015, Sindh has the lowest rate of food security compared to the other provinces, with only
28% of the population considered food secure.
In recognition of the situation, the GoS has been pro-active. They have established a Nutrition
Task Force within the Planning and Development Department linked with the Provincial
Nutrition Cell (PNC) within the Health Department. Moreover, the Inter-Sectoral Nutrition
Strategy for Sindh AAP (Accelerated Action Plan) incorporates a multi-sectoral approach to
nutrition and includes a focus on mainstreaming nutrition programing into government
departmental activities and policies for long-term sustainability. The Government of Sindh took
steps in the right direction by adopting a Private Public Partnership mode for outsourcing
District and Tehsil level hospitals under service contract to various partners, which have so far
proved to be efficient solution, although there is still room for improvement.


1. Ensure Safety and Security of Project Staff, Assets and Beneficiaries by implementing ACF
Security Protocols and SOPs in line with following responsibilities

 Serve as humanitarian access and security focal point for ACF in Shikarpur and
Jamshoro and contribute to the enhancement of ACF’s image, reputation and
acceptance within local communities and amongst stakeholders by providing guidance
and advice inclusive of visibility strategies
 Conduct periodic security risk assessment and analysis (including spot checks) of the
areas of operations to enable effective security and safety management.
 Undertake site assessment and regular visits of ACF physical properties and assets,
report on findings and advise necessary improvements.
 Ensure mechanism of security check and clearance of all vehicles, transport contracts,
travel requests, day-to-day field movements tracking and compliance to ACF security
 Orientation and capacity building of all ACF staff including drivers and security guards
on ACF security policies and procedures and give security briefing to all
local/international visitors visiting Sindh.
 Ensure regular assessment of security situation and communicate accurate, up-to-date
information in appropriate local language(s) to all staff based in Sindh through sms,
whatsapp or email.
 Report and Manage security incidents and crisis.
 Support partners security management by conducting regular spot checks of partners
to ensure compliance of minimum security standards as per the security section of ACF
partner’s due diligence
 Ensure safety and security during transportation of Referrals of SAM cases to NSC and
 Ensure that all rented vehicles must meet safety and security standards of ACF as per
vehicle check list and specifically first aid kit and fire extinguishers
 Security Briefing of all Community mobilizers and nutrition assistants for their field
travels as per the developing security situation and recommended mitigation measures
 Keep a check with the fuel pump staff that there should be no thefts of fuel and/or
misuse of vehicles
 Keep close liaison with staff and field teams for staff field movement and track their
movement to ensure all the measures for staff security and safety at the duty base.
 Keep close liaison with guards and Log team to ensure security of Assets.

2. Liaison, Internal and External Coordination with all Stakeholders

 Liaise with external stakeholders, including provincial government PDMA, LEAs,
security focal points of I/NGOs and UN in coordination and support of HASO Sindh for
understanding security situation and facilitate access for ACF staff and implementation
of ACF programmes.
 Maintain record of NOC, MoUs updated all the times for timely submission to
provincial and/or district authorities & LEAs in consultation with HASO Sindh.
 Coordinate with ACF staff at Provincial office and Country office to ensure that relevant
humanitarian access and security SOPs are being implemented
 Coordinate with partners and other stakeholders to ensure that staff working under
projects lead by ACF are following humanitarian and security principles
 Maintain log of project NOCs/necessary permissions of partners from authorities
 Represent ACF at various forums related to the department.

3. Ensure compliance with ACFs gender equality, child protection sensitivity and
Safeguarding policies

 Read and ensure a full understanding of ACFs Gender, Child Protection and other
safeguarding policies
 Implement all work related activities with a gender, inclusion and child protection lens
 Help build an inclusive office environment where people do not feel disadvantaged or
judged according to their gender or limited due to manageable disability.
 Master's Degree political science, international relations,
humanitarian affairs or relevant field with minimum 02 years of
experience in relevant field.
 Bachelor's degree with minimum 3 years of experience in relevant
Skills and resources field in development Sector.
needed to perform the  Experience in safety & security management with INGOs.
function Practical field experience in staff safety & security management.
 Able to analyze security situation
 Fluent in local language of the program implementation area
 Basic Computer skills
 Team management skills
 HASO Sindh
Internal  Technical HODs/Managers
 Project Lead/District Team leads and other project staff
Relationship  Security guards
 Consortium Partner staff
 Other INGOs and NGOs (Counterparts primarily)
 Government Departments (District Administration, LEAs)

This TORs may evolve according to the needs of the mission and in view of the ever changing
scope of local dynamics.


 SS&L Consultant will sit in ACF designated bases in district Jamshoro and Shikarpur.
 SS&L Consultant is requested to available 24/7 for any communication related to
safety, security and access with Provincial office and or Country Office HAS team.

Intellectual Property Rights

All documentation related to the Assignment (whether or not in the course of the Consultant’s
duties) shall remain the sole and exclusive property of Action Against Hunger.

Payments and Timelines

ACF will pay 3 installments, one on completion of each month and third on the
completion of assignment and final clearance.

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