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SCHOOL YEAR 2017-2018

Project’s name:
“A complete breakfast”
Addressed to: High School students. First semester

Project Clasiffication:
Research and Formative

General Project’s Objective:

Demonstrate the importance of breakfast as the most important meal of the day

Specific Objectives:

 To show Student’s abilities of investigation of meals and nutrients necessary for a

complete and healthy breakfast.
 To show the oral abilities that students have acquired.
 Make an exposition in a fluent and clear way.
 To offer a space for exchanging ideas where it is shown that there are real scenarios
of language execution and thus continue to promote meaningful learning from it.
 Facilite coexistence among students.
 To promote team work

Values: Transversal Competences:

Responsibility, respect, freedom, tolerance, Food chemistry, sociology, Project
honesty, dialogue, expression, utility. management by objectives, initiative and
entrepreneurial spirit.

Project execution date/ duration:

September 2018. Duration 60 to 90 minutes

Activities: Strategies:
- Making team work consisiting of 4 - The creation of work teams begins.
students. - Preparation and brainstorming of
- Design of a stand simulating a ideas for the stand or restaurant that
restaurant that can be of different is desire to present.
nationalities - Topipc investigation during English
- Investigation of the components of class taking only 20 minutes for it.
each food that makes up a complete - Preparation of each exponent and
breakfast the whole exposition.
- Previously the making of food. - Prior checking on vocabulary and
- On the day of the presentation pronunciation with their English
students can warm up or give the teacher.
last touches to each dish. - Final draft presented to the Teacher
- Present at least 5 dishes of a same before printing.
version for the tasting of an
SCHOOL YEAR 2017-2018

evaluation team.
- Each team will have an estimated
time of 10 to 15 minutes for their

Physical sources : auditorium/exposition hall.
Materials: Chairs and work tables to make the stand decoration and ambience of it.
Bibliographic: Research material for the topic’s exposition

Evaluation mechanisms:

About the project:

 Qualitative: on a scale of values from 5 to 10 the presentation of the stand,

research carried out, organization of the equipment, presentation of the dish
and flavor of the dish will be evaluated.
 Formative: analysis of development that allow us to rescue strengths and
areas of opportunity on students.


A grading Criteria format will be added for the evaluation team.

Facilitator’s name and signature:

Teacher. Raul Ramirez Arredondo.

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