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Peru continues to rank third in the list of countries with the

highest rates of sexual violence in the world, after
Bangladesh and Ethiopia, according to a statement by the
Government of the Republic. This was issued after the
increase in cases of feminicide, attempted feminicide and
violence against women reported in recent days at the Light and truth, today I will present
national level. The document states that, despite the fact "THE VIOLENCE AGAINST
that physical, psychological and sexual violence against
WOMEN" as we all know violence
women decreased from 76.9% to 68.2% between 2009 and
2016, the percentage still remains high. They believe that against women is the reality of many
this adds up the reproduction in adulthood of violent women in Peru and around the world, as
conduct against the physical, psychological and sexual
integrity of which many people in the childhood were
they are already physically abused,
victims, by those who were in their care. In this regard, psychologically , Sexually and
they emphasize that the Ministry of Women and economically even becoming victims of
Vulnerable Populations has developed various initiatives to
combat violence against women, as well as to change
fenimicide. It is a problem of human
cultural stereotypes and conditions that perpetuate rights and public health, which must be
violence. These are working hand in hand with the studied, so today I present this very
ministries of Justice, Interior, Education and Culture.
important issue.
“luz , Verdad y Servicio”

3° “D”
“Light, truth and service”

Violence is a controversial issue that needs to

be addressed on time. The negative
consequences that this type of events can
have are enormous considering that they
could be prevented.
Student Data :
Gender discrimination, social norms and
First Name : Betsabeth Lingan Bocanegra
gender stereotypes are the main cause of
violence against women Theme: "THE VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN"

Course: English

Miss: Seleni Avelino

School: “Santa Rosa”

N°: 21

Grade: 3° “D”


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