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1. I _____ going to the dentist.

2. Eating fruits and vegetables is important for maintaining a _____ diet.

3. Can you _____ me? I think I heard a strange noise.
4. It's so hot outside! The _____ is unbearable.
5. Be careful when lifting that box, it's quite _____.
6. The basketball player's _____ is over seven feet tall.
7. Could you _____ me carry these bags? They're too heavy for me.
8. The mountain peak is located at a _____ altitude.
9. This smartphone is equipped with the latest _____ features.
10. Painting is a popular _____ among many people.

Height, heat, help, heavy, high tech, healthy, hear, hate, high, hobby

1. My sister works as a nurse in a _____.

2. Be careful! The coffee is very _____.
3. We booked a room at a luxurious _____ for our vacation.
4. I live in a small _____ in the suburbs.
5. _____ do you spell your last name?
6. _____ _____ have you been studying English?
7. _____ _____ brothers and sisters do you have?
8. _____ _____ money do you need to buy that car?
9. _____ _____ do you exercise? Once a week? Twice?
10. I wanted to go out; _____, it started raining.
11. I skipped breakfast, and now I'm really _____.
12. My _____ is a doctor at the local clinic.
13. Can you give me an _____ for a surprise gift for my mom?
14. Close your eyes and _____ a world without borders.
15. It is _____ to take care of our health.
16. I need to _____ my English speaking skills.
17. He lives _____ a big city.
18. _____ _____ to my previous point, I'd like to add another example.
19. They have a lot _____ _____; they both enjoy hiking.
20. _____ _____, I want to thank everyone for their hard work.

However, important, in addition, how often, improve,, how long, how much, house, hotel
,hungry, how many, in common, imagine, hospital, husband, in conclusion, in, hot ,idea,

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