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SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS OF COMMERCIAL FATS AND OS NOCS* AOCS Recommended Practice Cc 17-95 Feappove 2009 Soap in Oil Titrimetric Method DEFINITION “The ttrimettic method determines the alkalinity ofthe test sample as sodium oleate, SCOPE ‘Applicable only w refed vegetable oils (see References, 1). Formerly Ce 17-79, APPARATUS. 1, Test cubes—approximardy 150°x 40 mm of boreslicae glas fie wich ground gla stoppers and flattened ar the base. 2! Microburet—5 mil. 3, Sceam bath—hor water bath may alo be use. REAGENTS, 1. Acetone—containing 296 water, prepared by adding 20 ml. disilled water to 980 ml. of eagent-grude acetone (see Notes, Causin) 2. Hydrochloric acid (HCI—approximatdy 0.01 M. accnnaelystandandized. See AOCS Specification H 14-52, 3, Bromaphenol blue indicator solucion—1.0 9 in wate. 4, Soatium hydroxide (NaOH) —appeeximately 0.01 M. PROCEDURE 1, Juse prior che analysis, prepare che esesoluvéon by adding 0,5 mi ofthe bromophenol blue indicator solurion (Reagenss, 3) tm each 100 mL of the ajneons acetone sohation (Reagent, 1)and stating with 0.01 MHICI (Reagents. 2) o¥ 01 N'NaOH zens, 4) until the rexeselution is just yellow in color. 2, Weigh 40g (Notes, 1) ofthe oll rf tobe tated into a tes ube (Apparatus, 1) which has been well ined wit dhe wt ‘olution (Procedure 1). 3. Add I ml. of water to the es sample, wan on a steam bath (orin water bath) and shake vigoronuty. Add 50 mo the west ‘ohuiion (Procedure, 1), and after warming, shake the rube well and allow the contents w separate und ovo disdnce layers are fonmed. Note—LF soap is present in the oi or Er, the upper layer will be colored green 10 4 Slony ald 001 M HEI (Regen 2) fom de mica unl she col fs charg fiom yeenfblve eyo Ry the warming, shaking an 1 of0,01 MHCI unl che ydow edo of the upper layer emai permanent. Recard the wwial volume of acid requited as mL, 5. A blank conection should be determined on soap-fiee oil, using Procedure, steps 1-4. Record the volume of aid requived for dhe blankeas ly, CNUTONS ice nan nn Hast Where— mL, « volume, mL HCl obtained in Provedure, 4 ily, = volume, mL HC! ebrained ia Procedure, 5 ‘M = molarity of HCL NOTES Caution Acetone ishighly flammable. Foms explosive peroxides with oxidizing agents, Use elfective fume-removal device. Do not mic with chloroform. doco acid sa song acl and wil awe severe bums, Protecivechihng show be worn when woikng with this acd, gestion and inhalation and a stiong ievitant to eyes and skin. The use of a properly operating Furne hood is tecormmended, When diling the acd abvays add the acd to the wate, never de wvetse NUMBERED NOTES 1, The method as written is auitable for che deermination of soap at concentrationsof up © 0.05% in oils and fas. At higher concentrations itis better ty analyze 4 goof test portion and use 0.01 MHL Page of2 [SIPING AND ANAISISOF COMERCIAL PATS AND CLS Cc 17-95 * Soap in Oil Titrimetric Method REFERENCES, 1. Astudy among seven industsial organizations indicated that this method is suitable only for refined oils. Yikagoku (Japan) 31056 (1990), 2. This method is identical with Cerlex Alimentarius method CACIRM 13-1969 and similar to British Standard 648:1958. 3, Wall 1? Oleegines p.197 (Apel, 1948) Page 2 of2

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