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Five Ways That the Ukraine War Has Changed the World

Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. One year into its war with Ukraine, thousands of soldiers
on both sides are dead. Many civilians have been killed and thousands of others have left their homes looking
for safety and a better life.

Here are five ways the Associated Press says the war in Ukraine has changed the world.

1- The return of a European war

The war in Europe made nations reconsider their armed forces after many years of limiting military
For example, military leaders now believe they need more guns, tanks and ammunition. Before the
Russian invasion, most experts thought modern warfare would require high-technology tools, such as drones or
unmanned aircraft.
While drones and satellites are an important part of the fighting, it turns out that war requires the same
tools as in the past.
Before the war, then-British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said, “the old concepts of fighting big tank
battles…are over.”
Now Germany has sent tanks and equipment to Ukraine and Britain is considering such a move. Both
the U.S. and France are increasing weapons production and military spending.
Patrick Bury is a security expert who teaches at the University of Bath, in England.
“It is, for the moment at least, being shown that in Ukraine, conventional warfare…is back,” Bury said.

2- Tested and strengthened alliances

Before the war started, Russian President Vladimir Putin thought the invasion would hurt NATO.
However, the military alliance seems stronger than before. In addition, Sweden and Finland asked to join the
The European Union has set aside political tensions and sent equipment and aid to Ukraine. It has also
placed financial restrictions on Russia as punishment.
The two groups – NATO and the European Union – have seemed united for one year. But the question is
whether all the countries involved can cooperate for many years to come.
Jens Stoltenberg is NATO’s secretary general. “Russia is planning for a long war,” he said. But NATO,
he added, was also ready for “the long haul.”

3- A new Iron Curtain

The division between Western Europe and the old Soviet Union was once known as the “Iron Curtain.”
After the fall of the Berlin Wall and changes that brought democracy to Eastern Europe, people said the curtain
had come down.
Now, many of the western influences and businesses that grew in Russia over the past 30 years have
moved out. For example, the companies Ikea and McDonald’s are no longer in Russia.
But Russia is not completely isolated. Russian President Vladimir Putin has strengthened his country’s
connections with China, Iran and North Korea. Russia has been using Iranian drones. Russia is also influencing
groups in the Middle East and Africa. Some countries, such as India, are waiting to choose sides.
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Tracey German is an expert in conflict and security at Kings College in London. German said the war
has widened the distance between nations supporting Ukraine and those on the side of Russia and China.

4- A troubled and changed world economy

Food markets in Africa are without grain and cooking oil, and homes in Europe are cold because of the
war. Before the war, much of the grain and vegetable oil sent to the Middle East and Africa came from Ukraine
and Russia. Heating gas and oil for much of Europe came from Russia. Supplies of both food and fuel have
decreased and prices have sharply increased. Now, countries are thinking about ways to provide their own food
and energy.
Ships carrying grain are once again leaving from Ukrainian ports and prices have started to come down.
However, security expert German said, the fighting has shown “the fragility” of an interconnected world.
For the short-term, many European countries have returned to using coal for energy. But in the long-
term, the fighting may make countries around the world more interested in renewable energy. The International
Energy Agency said there will be a sharp increase in renewable power in the next five years.

5- A new time of uncertainty

People around the world now know that they have little control over the future. For example, 8 million
people left their homes in Ukraine. They were not expecting their lives to change 13 months ago.
Outside of Ukraine and Russia, the war has made people following the conflict feel concerned for their
safety. There has been regular fighting close to the nuclear power plant in Zaporizhzhia, raising concerns of a
possible accident. And Putin has talked about the possibility of using nuclear weapons in war.
Patricia Lewis is director of the international security program at Chatham House, a political research
center in London. She said Putin’s nuclear threats created “more anger than fear” for some people. However,
this week the Russian leader said he was suspending his country’s participation in a major nuclear arms control
agreement with the U.S.

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