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Data Science
Jochen Kempfle, Jonas Pöhler, Lukas Wegmeth
Alexander Hölzemann & Marius Bock

Seminar Data Science – Ubiquitous Computing – University of Siegen – 06.04.22 1

Course Information Co

• Contact
Time: Mo. 2pm – 4pm
Office: H-A 8106 | H-A 8104/05 | H-C 8318 |H-A 7117/2 | online

Seminar Data Science – Ubiquitous Computing – University of Siegen – 06.04.22 2

Course Information Co

• Mandatory Dates (schedule available on Moodle)

– 11.04.2022 Introduction and Q&A
– 25.04.2022 Kick-Off Documentation
– 30.05.2022 Mid-Term Presentation + Submission
– 11.07.2022 Final Presentation
– 18.07.2022 Final Submission

Seminar Data Science – Ubiquitous Computing – University of Siegen – 06.04.22 3

Moodle Course: “Seminar Data Science”

Enrolment key:

Seminar Data Science – Ubiquitous Computing – University of Siegen – 06.04.22 4

Procedure Co

• Group work with 3 - 5 participants per project

• Independent Work
– Learning with tutorials
– Self organisation within the groups
(code, test, documentation, final submission)
– Problems:
1. Google/forums/tutorials
2. Own group
3. Other groups
4. Advisor/Supervisor

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Scientific Report Co

• Written in LaTeX (6-8 pages)

– Use Overleaf ( to collaborate
– Needs to be submitted to the Moodle course

• With each submission:

– Enhance the template
– Fill in the chapters accordingly
– Revise previously written sections according to
feedback received from your supervisor

Seminar Data Science – Ubiquitous Computing – University of Siegen – 06.04.22 6

Kick-off Submission Co

• Project description
– What is the goal of your project?
– What data/ resources do you have available?
• Approach (sketch)
– Milestones
– Mock-ups (if applicable)
– (Potential) problems & challenges
• Responsibilities
– Who will do what?

à Chapters: Introduction & Work Packages

– Note: Not more than 1-2 pages!

Seminar Data Science – Ubiquitous Computing – University of Siegen – 06.04.22 7

Mid-term Submission Co

• Related work
– Summarize field(s) of research your project relates with
– What are popular publications?
– How does your project relate to them?
– Which ones influence your project & in what way?
• Implementation
– Summarize your implementation so far
– Which methods/ measures/ metrics are you using?

à Chapters: Related Work & Methodology

– Also: revise previously written sections

Seminar Data Science – Ubiquitous Computing – University of Siegen – 06.04.22 8

Final Submission Co

• Work documentation
– Who did what when (short tabular overview)
• Functional software (code + resources)
– Classes and functions are documented, i.e. there is a short description
for input, output, and purpose as comment
– Error-free compiling code
– Provided e.g. via GitHub (
• Scientific report
– Complete the report by systematically evaluating & summarising
findings of your project
– Revise the complete document according to the final feedback
– Chapters: Evaluation & Conclusion

Seminar Data Science – Ubiquitous Computing – University of Siegen – 06.04.22 9

Presentation schedule Co

• Mid-term Presentation
– Which milestones are completed? Which ones still have to be done?
– Methodology (data, algorithms, preliminary results)
– Short demo of the software (if applicable)
– Problems and challenges
• Final Presentation
– Summary of your project
– Demo of the software / presentation of final results
– Outlook & future research

à Presentations will be held in presence

– Information will be send out a week prior

Seminar Data Science – Ubiquitous Computing – University of Siegen – 06.04.22 10

General Literature Co

• Deep Learning/ Machine Learning

– Any available book or tutorial on machine learning.
Search on google or in the library catalogue
• Git

Seminar Data Science – Ubiquitous Computing – University of Siegen – 06.04.22 11

Projects Co

• Project 1: Reinforcement Learning in Unity

– Supervisor: Jochen Kempfle (

• Project 2: Emotion Recognition on Sensor Data with Multitask Learning or

Ensemble Learning
– Supervisor: Jonas Pöhler (

• Project 3: Feature Selection for Recommender Systems

– Supervisor: Lukas Wegmeth (

• Project 4: Activity Recognition On Sensor Based Data Activity Data using the
TNDA-HAR Dataset
– Supervisor: Alexander Hölzemann (

• Project 5: Walk detection – Do we walk differently when we are monitored?

– Supervisor: Alexander Hölzemann (

• Project 6: (Re-)Current State-of-the-Art?

– Supervisor: Marius Bock (marius.bock@

Seminar Data Science – Ubiquitous Computing – University of Siegen – 06.04.22 12

Project 1: Reinforcement Learning in Unity Co

• Task:
– Create a small AI-controlled Jump‘n‘Run game using Unity
• Create all necessary assets and the game logic

• Train the AI using the Unity machine learning toolkit (Unity agents)
– Evaluate your model and provide meaningful measures
‘ R
• Show and document the progress of your AI during learning

in k
T h

Advisor: Jochen Kempfle Further information:

Seminar Data Science – Ubiquitous Computing – University of Siegen – 06.04.22 13

Project 1: Reinforcement Learning in Unity U

– Provide challenges to the agent
• Obstacles like pits and walls
• Platforms (and interactable environment e.g. trampolines)
• Enemies (and collectibles)
– Start with easy tasks and increase difficulty towards the end of the level
• Gives the agent a chance to learn step by step
• Increases learning speed
– Come up with a meaningful reward function
• Distance to the goal
• Time
• Collected stuff
• Etc.
– Use a tile map as input to the neural network and actions as output
– Bonus: provide interesting challenges to the AI

Advisor: Jochen Kempfle Further information:

Seminar Data Science – Ubiquitous Computing – University of Siegen – 06.04.22 14

Project 2: Emotion Recognition on Sensor Data U
with Multitask Learning or Ensemble Learning Co

8 Channels Raw sensor data (EEG, EOG, GSR, Skin Temperature, IR Response,… )
3 Labels (Arousal, Dominance, Valence)
60 Subjects
Understand and visualize the dataset
Preprocess raw signal data
If necessary compute adequate features
Implement a Multitask Model or an Model Ensemble to predict all three labels
Evaluate the model

Advisor: Jonas Pöhler

Seminar Data Science – Ubiquitous Computing – University of Siegen – 06.04.22 15

Project 3: Feature Selection for Recommender Systems

What is a Recommender System?

• Generally: Special application of Machine Learning for User-Item relations with the
goal to predict the most interesting item(s) for a given user
• Important research topic in many Fortune 500 companies offering entertainment
(Netflix, Youtube), E-Commerce (Amazon, eBay), IT services (Google), social media
(Facebook, Tinder), and more

Sources: ; ;

Advisor: Lukas Wegmeth

Seminar Data Science – Ubiquitous Computing – University of Siegen – 06.04.22 16

Project 3: Feature Selection for Recommender Systems

What is the goal of this project?

• Feature Selection is a technique widely used and documented in Machine Learning
• Modern Recommender Systems algorithms can incorporate features in a similar way
to general Machine Learning
• Question: How do different Feature Selection techniques affect the performance
of state-of-the-art Recommender Systems?
• Possible tasks:
• Evaluate the state-of-the-art and related work
• Find a good baseline Recommender Systems algorithm
• Build a data processing pipeline
• Implement as many feature selection algorithms as possible
• Use a good evaluation metric for comparison

Advisor: Lukas Wegmeth

Seminar Data Science – Ubiquitous Computing – University of Siegen – 06.04.22 17

Activity Recognition


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Project 4: Activity Recognition On Sensor Based Data Activity
Data using the TNDA-HAR Dataset

1. Download and Read-In the TNDA-HAR Dataset:
2. Preprocess the data according the DL-HAR-Pipeline:
3. Implement and train a neural network which is capable to classify the sensor data

Difficulty: Intermediate

1. Developing an understanding of the dataset as well preprocessing the data correctly according the
pipeline that is defined in the paper seems to be easy but can be challenging.
2. Network definitions can be taken from the from other authors but need to be further developed and
the original source must be cited.
Advisor: Alexander Hölzemann
Seminar Data Science – Ubiquitous Computing – University of Siegen – 06.04.22 19
Project 5: Walk detection –
Do we walk differently when we are monitored?

7 subjects were monitored with a smartwatch weared at their wrist for one day. The first few minutes of every
subjects data, the subjects were asked to walk while monitored and were recorded via video. The rest of the
day, participants were not monitored any longer. Are we able to detect differences in their walking behavior
between monitored / unmonitored?

1. Inspect a dataset of 7 given participants with data from daily living and analyse if the subject walks
different in a monitored and non-monitored environment.
2. Preprocess the data according the DL-HAR-Pipeline:
3. Evaluate with deep learning if this is the case.

Difficulty: Very difficult

The project can be considered to be very challenging, therefore we expect participants to have significant prior
knowledge in deep learning, signal processing and programming in python as well as a high self-motivation.
However, results are supposed to be sent to either to IWOAR 2022 ( Deadline May
31th) or ISWC 2022 ( Deadline tba, but normally late June). 0

Advisor: Alexander Hölzemann

Seminar Data Science – Ubiquitous Computing – University of Siegen – 06.04.22 20
Project 6: (Re-)Current State-of-the-Art?

• Goal: Investigate the effect and necessity of recurrent

layers on Human Activity Recognition by modifying
state-of-the-art architecture
- Modify size and amount of recurrent layers
- Identify strengths and weaknesses of each architecture

• Dataset:
- Data will be collected and processed by you!
- Climbing flights of stairs in e.g. Hölderlin Building
- Trying out different types of labels
Source: Andrej Karpathy
• Difficulty: Easy – intermediate
- Prior knowledge in Deep Learning is beneficial, but not
Advisor: Marius Bock Investigated Architecture: DeepConvLSTM

Ordonez & Roggen, Sensors 2016,

Seminar Data Science – Ubiquitous Computing – University of Siegen – 06.04.22 21

Any questions?
If not, go ahead and sign up for the projects!
(link can be also found on Moodle)

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