My First Excel Assignment-2

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1st Excel assignment

Welcome to your first Excel assignment.

Please complete the assignment by the following steps and by

only adjusting the cells with a yellow background.

1st step: Please enter your personal data in the highlighted cells

ID i6314955 Please enter your ID

Name Fernández-Fournier
Please enter your family name
Prior Math 18 Please enter one of the following numbers:
education 1= Dutch VWO, A
2= Dutch VWO, B
3= German, Leistungskurs
4= German, in Exam, undifferentiated (as BW)
5= German, Grundkurs in Exam
6= German, Grundkurs not in Exam
7= IB, International Baccalaureat, Mathematics HL
8= IB, International Baccalaureat, Mathematics SL
9= IB, International Baccalaureat, Mathematical Studies SL
If none of above categories suits you, please provide your own description

2nd step: Please fill our the following survey

To answer the 36 SATS questions: DIRECTIONS: The statements to the left are designed to identify y
1= Strongly disagree math. Each item has 7 possible responses. The responses range from
2= Moderately disagree disagree) through 4 (neither disagree nor agree) to 7 (strongly agree)
3= Slightly disagree opinion, choose response 4. Please read each statement. Mark the o
4= Neither disagree nor agree most clearly represents your degree of agreement or disagreement w
5= Slightly agree Try not to think too deeply about each response. Record your answe
6= Moderately agree to the next item. Please respond to all of the statements. In case mat
7= Strongly agree new to you, please answer according to your expectation with regard

SATS01 7 I plan to complete all of my math assignments.

SATS02 7 I plan to work hard in my math course.
SATS03 3 I like math.
SATS04 5 I feel insecure when I have to do math
SATS05 2 I have trouble understanding math because of how I think.
SATS06 3 Math formulas are easy to understand.
SATS07 1 Math is worthless.
SATS08 7 Math is a complicated subject.
SATS09 7 Math should be a required part of my professional training.
SATS10 7 Mathematical skills will me make more employable.
SATS11 5 I have no idea of what is going on in math.
SATS12 7 I am interested in being able to communicate mathematical information to others.
SATS13 1 Math is not useful to the typical professional.
SATS14 7 I plan to study hard for every math test.
SATS15 3 I get frustrated going over mathematical tests in my class.
SATS16 1 Mathematical thinking is not applicable in my life outside my job.
SATS17 6 I use math in my everyday life.
SATS18 7 I am under stress during math class.
SATS19 4 I enjoy taking math courses.
SATS20 7 I am interested in using math.
SATS21 2 Math conclusions are rarely presented in everyday life.
SATS22 1 Math is a subject quickly learned by most people.
SATS23 7 I am interested in understanding mathematical information.
SATS24 7 Learning math requires a great deal of discipline.
SATS25 2 I will have no application for math in my profession.
SATS26 4 I make a lot of math errors in math.
SATS27 7 I plan to attend every math class session.
SATS28 7 I am scared by math.
SATS29 7 I am interested in learning math.
SATS30 3 Math involves massive computations.
SATS31 6 I can learn math.
SATS32 6 I understand math equations.
SATS33 6 Math is irrelevant in my life.
SATS34 6 Math is highly technical.
SATS35 4 I find it difficult to understand math concepts.
SATS36 2 Most people have to learn a new way of thinking to do math.

Please go the 'Data Analysis'-tab

10= Belgium ASO, 6 or more hours/week
11= Belgium ASO, less than 6 hours/week
12= French Bacc. Serie Scientifique
13= French Bacc. Serie Economique et Social
14= UK GCE A level
15= UK GCE AS level
16= UK GCSE level
17= Other, math major (6h/w)
18= Other, math minor (4h/w)
n description

t are designed to identify your attitudes about

s. The responses range from 1 (strongly
agree) to 7 (strongly agree). If you have no
each statement. Mark the one response that
reement or disagreement with that statement.
ponse. Record your answer and move quickly
the statements. In case math is relatively
our expectation with regard to course and subject.
cal information to others.
Reversed? Raw Score Attitude Reversed Score bin
SATS01 No 7 Effort 7 1
SATS02 No 7 Effort 7 2
SATS03 No 3 Affect 3 3
SATS04 Yes 5 Affect 3 4
SATS05 Yes 2 Cognitive Compet 6 5
SATS06 No 3 Difficulty 3 6
SATS07 Yes 1 Value 7 7
SATS08 Yes 7 Difficulty 1
SATS09 No 7 Value 7
SATS10 No 7 Value 7
SATS11 Yes 5 Cognitive Compet 3
SATS12 No 7 Interest 7
SATS13 Yes 1 Value 7
SATS14 No 7 Effort 7
SATS15 Yes 3 Affect 5
SATS16 Yes 1 Value 7
SATS17 No 6 Value 6
SATS18 Yes 7 Affect 1
SATS19 No 4 Affect 4
SATS20 No 7 Interest 7
SATS21 Yes 2 Value 6
SATS22 No 1 Difficulty 1
SATS23 No 7 Interest 7
SATS24 Yes 7 Difficulty 1
SATS25 Yes 2 Value 6
SATS26 Yes 4 Cognitive Compet 4
SATS27 No 7 Effort 7
SATS28 Yes 7 Affect 1
SATS29 No 7 Interest 7
SATS30 Yes 3 Difficulty 5
SATS31 No 6 Cognitive Compet 6
SATS32 No 6 Cognitive Compet 6
SATS33 Yes 6 Value 2
SATS34 Yes 6 Difficulty 2
SATS35 Yes 4 Cognitive Compet 4
SATS36 Yes 2 Difficulty 6
Attitude 3rd step: The cells of your survey sheet are linked to the cells in column C, called Raw Score, of th
Effort Column, since two different types of questions are mixed up: those that are positively phrased, fo
Effort phrased, for which a low score represents a positive attitude. So first, we need to reverse scores o
Affect elegant way to do so, by using Excel formulas (do not type numbers!). After this step, column D co
Affect scores of the positively phrased questions.
Cognitive Competence
Cognitive Competence
4th step: Create a PivotTable that describes the number of questions for all six Attitudes in the sur
Interest OK, and bring Attitude to Rows and to Σ Values (Note: you get Count of Attitude)
Value 5th step: We are also interested to know how many questions are reversed, how many not. So ma
Effort questions.
Affect 6th step: Now we wish to find out if we scored differently for the several Attitudes by making a thi
Value gives you counts of Reversed Score, but we wish to see averages. So change the Value Field Setting
Value 7th step: Lastly, we wish to see if there is a difference in scores for reversed and non-reversed que
Affect 8th step: You need to upload this file in the StudentPortal (Canvas). First save this solution file. W
you need the file again. Next, upload the full file with all six sheets in the StudentPortal.
Cognitive Competence
Difficulty Reversed Score Count of Attitude Reversed?
Cognitive Competence 1 5 No
Cognitive Competence 2 2 Yes
Value 3 4 Total Result
Difficulty 4 3
Cognitive Competence 5 2
Difficulty 6 7
7 13
Total Result 36

Reversed? Average of Reversed Score

Total Result





8 Count of Attitude

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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C, called Raw Score, of the 'Data Analysis' -sheet. However, we cannot do statistics with the scores in
are positively phrased, for which a high score represents a positive attitude, and those that are negatively
e need to reverse scores of negatively phrased questions (1=>7, 2=>6, 3=>5, 4=>4, 5=>3, 6=>2, 7=>1). Find an
fter this step, column D contains scores that are reversed for all questions negatively phrased, but original

all six Attitudes in the survey. Do so by selecting columns A...E, choose Pivot Table from the Insert menu,
ed, how many not. So make a second PivotTable that brings you the numbers of reversed/not reversed
Attitudes by making a third PivotTable. Select Attitude as Rows. Next select Reversed Score as Σ Values. It
nge the Value Field Setting to Average.
sed and non-reversed questions. Again by making a PivitTable. Please do it yourself.
t save this solution file. Where you can easily access it: next week, we will continue with the same case and

Count of Reversed? Reversed Score Average of Reversed Score

17 1
19 2
36 3
Total Result

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. Find an

ues. It

ase and

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bin Frequency
1 5
2 2
3 4
4 3
5 2
6 7
7 13
More 0


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 More

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