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Republic of the Philippines


Candijay Campus
Cogtong, Candijay, Bohol

Midterm Examination in Guidance and Counseling

Name: ______________________________ Course & year: _________________ Score: _________
Direction: Read and understand each item. Then, encircle the letter of the best answer.
1. Which program should be based upon understanding the needs and problems of the students, competence
and interest of the guidance personnel?
a. Guidance tools b. Guidance principles c. Guidance services d. Guidance techniques
2. When should a teacher and a student hold a case conference?
a. As need arises b. Before the start of the school year
c. At the end of the semester d. At the close of the day’s work
3. Which guidance services suggest the importance for maintaining continuous effort of knowing the
whereabouts of the graduates and drop-outs?
a. Evaluation b. Placement c. Counseling d. Follow-up
4. Dr. John attends to emotionally disturbed student. Which guidance service is being provided by Dr. John?
a. Follow- up b. Information c. Placement d. Counseling
5. Cris is already in the senior year of high school. After attending to their symposium of career choices, still
Cris is confused with her career plan, whether to take teaching or nursing. How would you assist her?
a. Tell her to choose a course that is closer to her heart c. Tell her that you are a model in
b. Tell her to take an aptitude test to know about her strengths d. Let her see a career guidance
6. A living guidance program for social information service: Symposium on Personality Development while
for the Educational Information is _______________________________________.
a. How to study effectively b. Job fair c. Parenting d. Student’s profiling of records
7. Which concerns the regular check-up of the effectiveness of guidance program?
a. Research and Evaluation b. Follow-up c. Counseling d. Information
8. Which neither aims to make available knowledge or inputs nor ordinarily provided through the
instructional program or during the regular period of time?
a. Research and Evaluation b. Follow-up c. Counseling d. Information
9. Which test is to be administered if the teacher’s/ counselor’s purpose is to identify the individual’s hidden
feelings prejudice, desires, and thoughts?
a. Interest inventory b. Aptitude c. Projective d. Achievement test
10. If counseling is to gain understanding of oneself; Follow-up is to _____________________________.
a. Keep in touch with former students b. Indicate what program to be improved
c. Help the student in achieving placement he desires d. Understand the world of work
11. In a class, there are students who usually get out of the social circle. How do you describe these students?
a. Aggressive type b. Friendly type c. Shy type d. Quarrelsome type
12. For the counseling service to be effective, the school administrator should
a. Check the facilities of the guidance office b. Hire a complete counselor
c. Familiarize himself with the natures, goals and principles d. Participate in all activities
13. The responsibility of the counselor is to
a. Express his view to the counselee b. Set up goals to the counselee
c. Make decisions for the counselee d. Following-up stage
14. What kind of guidance service does the counselor perform when she schedules job fair in the school?
a. Career information b. Occupational placement c. Educational placement d. Follow-up

15. Which statement about counseling is QUESTIONABLE?

a. Counseling is inherent in school b. Counseling is a cooperative endeavor
c. Does not involve the principal and other school personnel c. Enhances the guidance program, teaching
& supervision
16. Which measure will help a counselor know an individual before the counseling process?
a. Conducting personality test b. Asking him to write an autobiography
b. Interviewing the individual’s parents and significant others d. Studying all available records
17. What is the ultimate aim of counseling for the individuals to attain?
a. Self-knowledge b. Self-direction c. Self-discovery d. Self-understand
18. What does the client seek in and through the counseling process in terms of follow-up?
a. Solve he different problems of an individual b. Assist the client to progressively guide
c. Appreciate the progress done by the individual d. Point out the blunder one has committed
in his life
19. He is called the father of vocational guidance movement.
a. Frank Parsons b. Dr. Sinforoso Padilla c. Dr. Roy Bone d. Meyer Bloomfield

20. He is a specialist in guidance and he helped much in making Filipino education officials guidance-
a. Frank Parsons b. Dr. Sinforoso Padilla c. Dr. Roy Bone d. Meyer Bloomfield
21. He started psychological clinic in the Philippines and which concern itself with cases of student discipline.
a. Frank Parsons b. Dr. Sinforoso Padilla c. Dr. Rey Bone d. Meyer Bloomfield
22. Which is NOT part of the European countries developed guidance movements?
a. Germany b. France c. Italy d. Russia
23. The year a Guidance movement was started in the Philippines.
a. 1945 b. 1925 c. 1952 d. 1932
24. A Psychological Clinic was started in the Philippines in the year?
a. 1945 b. 1925 c. 1952 d. 1932
25. The first Guidance Institute was opened in the year?
a. 1945 b. 1925 c. 1952 d. 1932
26. The year when the National Teachers College was chosen by educators to be the site of the first Guidance
a. 1945 b. 1925 c. 1952 d. 1932
27. Guidance services were established in the public schools in the year?
a. 1945 b. 1925 c. 1952 d. 1932
28. How is counseling best described?
a. A concept of helping individuals’ b. A process of helping to solve an individual’s problems
c. A process of helping individuals understand their strength and weaknesses
d. A process of helping individuals understands themselves and their world and makes appropriate
29. What relation being established by the counselor to the counselee?
a. Mutual relation b. Helping relation c. Friendly relation d. Counselee relation
30. Which among the functions of the counselor that may need medical or psychological linkages?
a. Establishing rapport b. Cultivating Understanding
c. Planning of action d. Referring to other related personnel
31. Which is the most practical means of helping a shy, withdrawing student?
a. Call him often to answer the questions b. Provide him with group leadership roles
c. Make class work easy for him to participate d. Provide opportunities for him to show his talent
32. Among the counseling traditional approaches which focus on the assistance extended to high school
graduating students who are indecisive of the course to take in college?
a. Individual counseling b. Directive counseling c. Career counseling d. Directive counseling
33. Which is NOT essential in the counseling process?
a. Rapport b. Recommendation c. Follow-up d. Communication
34. This refers to client-centered counseling?
a. Individual counseling b. Directive counseling c. Career counseling d. Nondirective
35. It is a type of counseling that allows the counselor to give the counselee information about himself, his
a. Individual counseling b. Directive counseling c. Career counseling d. Nondirective
36. It is a device use to determine the social preference of each member of the class?
a. Psychological test b. Sociometrics c. Socialization d. Rating Scale
37. Which is NOT included in the Guidance services?
a. Disciplinary b. Testing c. Referral d. Boarding house
38. Which conditions does NOT bring about wholesome homeroom counseling process?
a. The teacher presents herself as an expert and lectures a lot
b. The learning activity is difficult but challenging
c. The teacher understands the reasons for the student’s negative behavior
d. The teacher adapts the teaching approaches to learner’s development characteristics
39. What should be the most appropriate thing to do with the student at her pregnancy stage?
a. Dismiss the student from the school for such immoral act
b. Give special treatment/ learning activities because of her condition
c. Provide choices in what direction to take with the support of the significant others
d. Announce to others so that they will not imitate
40. What should the teacher do if he learns that one of the students has an attempt to commit suicide?
a. Give immediate attention personally in order to know the reason/s
b. Believe not until it happens
c. Refer the case to the authority particularly the guidance counselor
d. Demand for a change in behavior of the student

Test II- Enumeration

1- 9- Colleges and universities which first offer courses in guidance and which have established guidance
10- 18 Pseudo-scientific techniques in guidance.
19- 20 At least two principles/ motto of your classmate.
Republic of the Philippines
Candijay Campus
Cogtong, Candijay, Bohol

Faculty : _______________________________________ Date Submitted: _____________

Subject : Guidance & Counseling with Introduction to SPED Date of Exam : June 17, 2022

Midterm Exam 1st Semester of S.Y. 2021- 2022
TOPICS Knowledge Comprehension Analysis Application Evaluation Total Number Percentage
of Items (%)
Nature and Meaning of Guidance 11 2 13 22
History and Development of
Guidance 5 5 10 17
Organization and Administration
of Guidance 9 9 15
Guidance Services 6 4 4 14 23
The Counseling Process 8 6 14 23
TOTAL 39 6 15 60 100

Submitted by: Submitted to:

_____________________________ _________________________________
Instructor/ Teacher Dean/ School Head

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