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2021 / NEWSLETTER #3

Under The
The EU4PAR project will be operational until November 2023, as the EU and the Serbian government
have agreed to extend the technical assistance provided under the project. The Project extension
aims to further enhance public administration operations in line with the principles of the European
Administrative Space and help create high-quality services for citizens and businesses.

The project team has prepared an ambitious work programme for project continuation
that combines ongoing activities and a set of new interventions along with the project’s
four key components. The aim is to sustain achievements made during the initial imple-
mentation and further advance public administration reform endeavours in new fields
of intervention.

In #3:
Project in brief: EU4PAR: assisting Serbia in
further modernising its public
The EU for PAR under the Sector Reform Contract project supports the implementation
administration system
of the new legal framework for evidence-based policy-making and strategic planning.
The project provides policy advice, supports the revision or development of new public Zoom on: New PAR Strategy 2030
policy documents related to PAR, and facilitates institutional and human resource capacity
building with regards to the enforcement and management of the policy-making reform From Self-assessment to
and PAR in general. principles of excellence

Action Plan for the

implementation of the
Government Programm
P U B L I C - A D M I N I S T R AT I O N - R E F O R M . E U Z AT E B E . R S

EU 4 PA R: for change management and better service

delivery to ten public institutions after its pi-
loting in the Ministry of Public Administration

Assisting Serbia In
and Local Self Government.

What do you think will be the benefit of the

project extension for the Serbian Public Ad-

Further Modernising ministration?

With the extension of the project, the EU pro-

It's Public
vides a great opportunity to sustain achieve-
ments that have been made so far and assist
Serbia in further modernizing its public admin-
istration system. As the initial phase has proven,

Administration System the PAR sector is exemplary in terms of open-

ness for innovative solution and experiment,
and our beneficiaries’ show a remarkable ability
to adapt and willingness to learn. We think that
The EU4PAR project has been implemented for almost three years through the extension, there is a great window
initially. The set-up was very dynamic from the outset, which proved of opportunity to improve the framework for ef-
fective public administration reform further and
to be a key challenge. operationalize and embed advanced public pol-
icy management in the Serbian administration.

As a Team Leader with substantial interna-

tional experience, you could get to know dif-
ferent public administration systems and re-
From a project management perspective, reduce disagreements and potential fric- forms being implemented in many countries.
how do you see the initial almost three years tions, thereby providing the framework for How would you describe the Serbian public
of project implementation? getting the actual work done and achieving administration and trends evolving in PAR?
the set results. I perceive Serbia as an administration that,
I think we, jointly with the EU Delegation
while embarking on the EU accession process,
and project beneficiaries, managed to form As an outcome of this mutual trust and
is following and learning from EU best practic-
a strong team effort and created a fruitful the job done, the project is extended for ad-
es and at the same time is eager to promote
environment for smooth project implemen- ditional 34 months. The new phase’s work
new public sector innovations, particularly in
tation, which I consider a key achievement programme was developed in a consultative
testing e-government solutions. This is why
from the project management perspective process and close coordination with the Ser-
Serbia has become an e-government front-
– says Peter Vagi, Team Leader (TL) of the bian and EU partners. Which activities will
runner in the region and beyond. An excellent
EU4PAR project. continue with the implementation?
example of this is the eGovernment portal
During our consultation process, we identi- supporting the COVID-vaccination campaign,
fied some initial activities that will profit from which I think also helped grow Serbia into an
our past experience, such as support for the excellent example for the implementation of a
development of a new strategic document smooth vaccination process in the current pan-
for e-government, after the termination of demic, from which many countries within and
the current programme. Then we have activ- outside of the EU could learn a lot.
ities where we see potential to sustain what
has been achieved so far through continued
support. An example is envisioned support
for PAR management and coordination or the
development of smart online solutions for the
public policy manuals developed previous-
ly. And, of course, we see a huge potential
to further embed policy management skills
through the expansion of our capacity building
programme to additional civil servants.
Peter Vagi is the Team Leader of the
There is also a set of new interventions EU4PAR project since February 2019.
that will be implemented? He holds Master’s degrees from So-
We invited our project beneficiaries to express ciology and Political Science. In his
ideas for additional interventions that would past career, he was spending 5 years
fall under the initial project scope. From this with the OECD/SIGMA Programme,
Has the relation with the Beneficiary
initiative, two main fields were included in working intensively in the Western
changed through the years? How do you see
the project. First is the topic of manageri- Balkan on PAR strategies and policy
this collaboration evolved?
al accountability, which will be addressed in making. He was also senior policy
I was taking over the project TL position in three phases: analytical work on the legal adviser for a Hungarian Think Tank,
February 2019. The first months of imple- framework and development of a roadmap for senior manager of PwC Hungary
mentation were characterized by a phase implementation, support to revising the legal and held various senior managerial
of getting to know each other and under- provisions for managerial accountability and positions in the Hungarian adminis-
standing each other’s interests and sen- finally support to piloting the concept in se- tration in the Prime Minister’s Office
sitivities, as usual. Over time, we jointly lected institutions. Furthermore, the project and in the Ministry of Justice and
managed to achieve a solid mutual trust intends to support the roll out the Common Law Enforcement.
and understanding level, allowing for open Assessment Framework (CAF) as a key tool
discussions. It was essential, as it helps to


ZO O M O N :
New PAR Strategy 2030
PAR Strategy 2021-2030 was adopted on 8 April 2021. The process of the Strategy development
was designed to involve all stakeholders, to remain open for all changes and comments until
the Strategy is adopted, and to include all necessary steps - evaluation, stakeholder analysis,
pre-consultation, the announcement of the start of policy document development, a public call
for interested citizens associations to participate in the working group, forming a working group,
drafting prescribed analyzes and other parts of the Strategy, public debate, consultations with
the international community, procedure for obtaining opinions from competent state bodies and
adoption by the Government - says Ljiljana Uzelac, Head of Department for Strategic Planning in
the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government.

part on monitoring). The meetings initially

began with methodological instructions and
tools for the appropriate phase in the devel-
opment of the public policy document, and
the acquired knowledge was directly and
practically applied during the Strategy de-
velopment, with the help of experts from the
EU4PAR project.

The development of the new Strategy was

based on an independent evaluation of the
PAR Strategy in 2019. What were the main
insights - what were the main challenges in
the previous period, the problematic areas
or the neglected ones?
We felt that it was necessary first to assess
what was achieved in the previous period,
the practice, and a wide range of stakehold-
ers showed that it was good and should be
continued. The evaluation was the initial
step in planning the Strategy, so we start-
ed not from the white paper but 300 pages,
conclusions and recommendations, of an
externally done evaluation.

The main conclusions are that there were

The process of drafting the new PAR Law on Planning System, i.e. for planning good elements, but without an umbrella
Strategy was participatory and transparent. public policies. Each working meeting was and systemically guided service delivery
Which were the main principles and steps one step towards drafting a public policy policy. It was clear that we must continue to
the process followed? document (situation analysis with problem professionalize the administration further,
Several laws and bylaws are governing the analysis, goals setting with indicators, ac- that the reform process should be coordi-
process of preparing policy documents and tivities proposal, cost estimation, drafting a nated more efficiently and that a new public
the stakeholder consultation process. Over
60 meetings were held, and the Working
Group included 121 representatives of state
administration bodies, independent state
bodies, citizens' associations, representa- The process was designed through
tives of the Chamber of Commerce and the
Standing Conference of Towns and Munic- the elements of practical training of
ipalities. The consultations also included
consultations with the European Commis-
sion and the OECD/SIGMA programme.
all members of the Special Working
Due to this wide coverage, the process was
designed through the elements of practical
Group for the implementation of the
training of all members of the Special Work-
ing Group for the implementation of the new
new Law on Planning System

This Strategy
introduces an
umbrella policy
in this area for
the first time so
that the end-user
is the beginning
and end of any
service we create
or any procedure
we implement
policy document is needed. Based on these service provision policy did not exist in the The Strategy tried to cover all these chal-
conclusions, drafting a new Strategy was previous document. This Strategy introduc- lenges for the coming period, such as un-
initiated, which foresaw what was recom- es an umbrella policy in this area for the even access to services, inconsistent pub-
mended by the evaluation as necessary for first time so that the end-user is the begin- lic administration practices, insufficiently
the next period. ning and end of any service we create or any available and not transparent information
procedure we implement. In other words, on services, insufficient use of the potential
The new Strategy is based on six pillars, when designing a procedure, if the citizen offered by open data, the need to improve
and in the following newsletters we will is the end-user, we first ask citizens how to the quality of services provided to end-us-
present each of those. Let us start with the prepare the procedure, what are the chal- ers. Simply put, we need to ask citizens or
Service delivery, which is much broader than lenges in practice, what problems should be the economy what they think about services
it was in the previous Strategy. solved, and if the system already exists, we and how to improve them, and then create
Given that public administration reform is repeatedly ask citizens how it is implement- tailored services in return. This means that
one of the three preconditions for accession ed and what needs to be changed. the state is not only a creator but a co-cre-
to the European Union, the idea was to har- ator of services and that it is not exclusively
monize the new Strategy with the Europe- What are the key challenges in this area, focused on writing laws but also their im-
an Principles of Public Administration, i.e. and what are the objectives for the future? plementation and co-implementation.
with the structure through which the EU Elements of a service delivery policy exist in
monitors our progress. Therefore, there are practice, such as the normative framework, What are the expected results of imple-
thematic areas such as Service Delivery, e-government, single administrative posi- menting of the Strategy and how to ensure
Human Resource Management, Account- tions, so we do not start from the beginning. that what is planned is implemented appro-
ability and Transparency, Public Financial The COVID-19 outbreak was a test for all priately and under the envisaged timeframe?
Management, Public Policy Management our services, how well they work in practice The Strategy has been carefully prepared,
and Local Government System Reform. The and what we need to do better in the future. costs have been estimated, and various

"Uprava po meri svih nas" was the motto during the last few years and it is prominent in the
new Strategy, describing the vision of it. What does "Uprava po meri svih nas" mean?

"Uprava po meri svih nas" has existed since 2015 as a process of shifting the focus from man-
agement as a regulator to management as a service oriented to citizens and other end users.

If we quote the Strategy and vision set for the next ten years, the "Uprava po meri svih nas" is:

• Administration tailored to citizens and the economy - an efficient, responsible, transpar-

ent public administration that provides quality and easily accessible services to citizens and the economy;

• Administration tailored to civil servants – depoliticized, professional and efficient state administration;

• Administration that is the bearer of changes and reforms, as well as full membership of the European Union - the work of public administra-
tion is based on European values and
​​ contributes to the goals of sustainable development, rule of law, social cohesion and the well-being of
society as a whole.


institutions have approved them. As in the Level of activities implementation Planned and utilized funding
case of costs, in the case of individual ac-
tivities nothing is accidentally written in 450000
the Strategy but is carefully agreed with all
relevant parties. In the preparation phase, 400000

we tried to decide on what is possible and 9% 350000

achievable in the coming period. In addi-
tion, the Strategy envisages the method of 35%
monitoring - the structure of coordination 250000
bodies which, with the participation of all
stakeholders, will monitor and direct the
implementation. 150000

The Online Monitoring Tool has been op- 57% 100000

erational for almost a year now. How it will 5000

be used for Strategy implementation moni-
toring? 0

2018 2019 2020 is an ap-
plication that monitors the implementation
Planned (0) Not Initiated (0) Planned budget funding Budget funding utilized
of the Public Administration Reform Strate-
in progress (8) Completed (13) Planned donor funds Spent donor funds
gy in real-time. This means that as soon as
there is a change and the competent state Dropped Out (2) Planned donor funds for which no realisation data are known

authority changes the corresponding data

in the internal IT system, the change can be
a harmonised approach and the quality of What methodological innovations were
seen within a few hours on a publicly avail-
contributions in all thematic areas, and pro- used during the development of the Strategy?
able monitoring application. It also allows
viding methodological guidance for consis- The novelty was the determination of the
a degree of analysis because you can com-
tent implementation of the Law on Planning costs of the PAR Strategy Action Plan for the
bine issues or areas of interest and choose
System were tasks for Snežana Subotić, a period 2021 to 2025. For the first time, costs
different aspects of the policy document in
senior project expert who coordinated the were determined following the Handbook
the area (planned and spent funds, trends
activities. for Determining the Costs of Public Policies
in achieving indicators, implementation of
individual measures, activities, etc.). and Regulations and the Methodology for
As the Special Working Group consisted of 6
calculating standard costs for planning doc-
thematic working groups coordination took
The idea is to upload all hierarchically low- uments. Although not a novelty in itself, the
place on several tracks, and the critical chal-
er documents, given that the Strategy is an transparency of the process was exemplary.
lenge was to create an atmosphere of trust,
umbrella document, so to present data from
intensive cooperation and team spirit at the A participatory approach is what every
the Programme for the e-government de-
level of the entire Special Working Group. strategy development strives for, but it is
velopment or other programmes prepared
Now that the Strategy has been adopted, I challenging in many aspects.
under the Strategy as soon as possible.
believe that is exactly what contributed to the
When it comes to such an extensive and
All these data are already publicly avail- successful completion of this tremendous
complex process and topics that inevitably
able through regular reports of public pol- and demanding work, under challenging
overlap, there are different opinions and in-
icy documents, but the difference is that circumstances. Of course, the most notable
terpretations of what needs to be done. The
the application enables faster data search, credits for the effective implementation of
participatory approach offered a good plat-
which displays the first data entered by in- the entire process and the adoption of the
form for resolving doubts and occasional
stitutions in a more visually readable way Strategy should be attributed to the exper-
disagreements, but it required time, finding
and enables transparency of all institutions, tise and commitment of the coordinator of
compromise solutions and frequent adjust-
i.e. how regularly they update the data and the Special Working Group, Ljiljana Uzelac,
ments. Nevertheless, the readiness, motiva-
what data they submit, without subsequent the coordinators of the thematic groups and
tion and thoroughness in the constant review-
processing of that data. the team of experts who cooperated with
ing and updating of information contributed
them – says Snežana Subotić.
to the quality of the document. In the end, we
The EU4PAR project provided support to
To ensure efficiency you needed planning got unambiguously positive reactions.
the MPALSG in the Strategy development
process. Coordinating experts, ensuring process with a clear methodology in the
Which are the main lessons learned from
the process?
The PAR Strategy is one of the first public
One of my takeaways from this job is that
policy documents developed in full compli-
you're barely halfway there when you think
One of my
ance with the Law on the Planning System
you're done. Joking aside, a good plan for
and the Regulation on the Methodology of
developing a strategy and its more consistent
Public Policy Management. As already men-
takeaways from tioned, particular focus was on the thorough
analysis of the situation and problems, fol-
monitoring gives structure and pace to the
process. Of course, meeting deadlines means

this job is that lowed by the development of objectives and

a detailed analysis of the effects of possi-
that you do not always have enough time to
prepare everything, to harmonise parts prop-

you're barely
erly, and mistakes might happen; constantly
ble measures for achieving the objectives,
working with new and even newer versions
which relied on the application of the Man-
causes doubts and frustration that you cannot
halfway there ual for Policy and Regulatory Impact As-
sessment. Ongoing consultations with the
always respond to Beneficiary requests. And
in such situation, it is important to deal with
when you think
Public Policy Secretariat (PPS) were also
pressure, be persistent and patient, and mo-
necessary regarding the interpretation and
tivate your associates to work with undivided
concrete application of the Law on the Plan-
you're done ning System.
commitment from beginning to the end.


From Self-Assessment
sation. Being such, the goal of it is to introduce
better services for the citizens.

To Principles Of
How is the assessment done?
The nine-box structure identifies the main
aspects requiring consideration in any or-

ganisational analysis. Criteria 1–5 deal with
the managerial practices of an organisation
– they determine what the organisation does
and how it approaches its tasks to achieve the
desired results. In Criteria 6–9, the results
One of the new initiatives to be supported under the project achieved in the fields of citizens/customers,
people, social responsibility and key perfor-
extension is the support for implementing the CAF process. mance are measured by perception and per-
The Common Assessment Framework (CAF) is a European formance measurements.
quality management instrument for the public sector, a great Each criterion is broken down into a list of
tool that facilitates institutions to focus on enhancing their sub-criteria identifying the main issues that
services and the way they serve their audience. Designed and need to be considered when assessing an or-
ganisation. They are illustrated by examples
developed as a free tool to assist public sector organisations in that explain the content in more detail and
improving their performance, the CAF helps the organisations suggest possible areas to explore how the ad-
ministration meets the requirements.
perform a self-assessment with the involvement of all staff,
develop an improvement plan based on the self-assessment Of course, not all sub-criteria are relevant for
every organisation, but many can be consid-
results, and implement the improvement actions. ered points of attention during self-assess-
ment. Integrating the conclusions from the
assessment and results criteria into the man-
agerial practices constitutes the constant in-
novation and learning cycle that accompanies
organisations on their way towards excellence.

The CAF model is more than a simple tool - it to act as a bridge between the various models What is the next step? What comes after
is a mechanism for a complete improvement used in quality management. the self-assessment phase?
process in an organisation. The model con- Based on the ideas for improvement de-
sists of tentative ten steps divided into three The CAF is based on the premise that excel-
lent results in organisational performance are veloped in the self-assessment phase, an
phases: the start of the CAF process, self-as- improvement plan is drawn up. It specifies
sessment process and use of the self-assess- achieved through leadership driving strategy
and planning, partnerships, resources and the implementation of the arguments for
ment results to formulate an action plan and improvement - the individual actions are
launch the improvement actions in the or- processes. It looks at the organisation from
different angles simultaneously and analyses prioritised, provided with schedules and re-
ganisation. These ten steps are the principal sponsibilities, and assigned the necessary
guidelines for the correct application of CAF the performance in the necessary holistic way.
resources. The plan gives exact orientation
– says Goran Paštrović, project expert for CAF when and by whom foreseen activities for im-
The CAF aims to be a mechanism for a com-
implementation. provement are to be realized and what will be
plete improvement process within the organi-
What are the criteria, and what is the
goal of introducing a Common Assessment
The CAF has been designed for use in all parts
of the public sector, and it applies equally to
national, regional and local levels. Although
developed in a European context, it can be
used in any public organisation anywhere

The CAF belongs to the family of the total

quality management models and was inspired
initially by the Excellence Model of the Euro-
pean Foundation for Quality Management. It
is a model for performance management act-
ing as a "compass" to help managers finding
the paths to excellence. Its visual and graphic
representations explain the cause/effect rela-
tion between organisational factors and per-
formance results. In other words, the primary
purposes are to introduce public administra-
tion to the principles of total quality manage-
ment and inspire them to embrace a Plan-Do-
Check-Act sequence of activities, to facilitate
self-assessment of a public organisation to
obtain a definition of improvement actions and


tration in the Member States of the European

Union, the European Commission (EC) and ob- The CAF is
the most visible
server countries. The network works together
for high-quality public services and public ad-
ministrations in Europe.

The relevance of EUPAN is in its forward-look-

product of the
ing and knowledge-sharing role for public
administration challenges at the national and network, with a
European levels. The CAF is the most visible
product of the network, with a clear impact clear impact on
how we assess
on how we assess and improve the quality of
public administrations in Europe. The use of
the model has also spread outside Europe,
so the impact is even broader. In 2019 there
were about 4.100 registered CAF users in Eu-
and improve the
the expected outcome. Even though the entire
rope and beyond. All EU members have a CAF
practice. The experience of our neighbours in
quality of public
process has relied on selected institutional
members of the self-assessment group, the
Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Northern Macedonia is significant, but learn- administrations in
whole organization should be informed on
the outcomes of the CAF process i.e. above
ing from colleagues from Austria, Portugal,
Finland, Belgium, Poland, and many others Europe
stated plan and aligned activities and should is equally important. Numerous international
contribute to the process. organizations have recognized vital impor-
tance of CAF for the public sector and have
The CAF improvement plan has to be imple- supported CAF institutionalization, for exam-
mented within two years. After this, a new ple, the Regional School for Public Admin-
self-assessment process can be started. This istration (RESPA) has established regional
loop ensures the continuous improvement centre for quality management. It provided
process in the organisation. trainings in CAF as well as pilot for CAF intro-
duction in public administration institutions.
A common assessment framework is used GIZ has had intensive support in BiH, while
by public administrations in many European KDZ organization within BACID II (Austrian
Union countries. What are the experiences Development Fund) has invested in increas- PHASE 1 – The start of the CAF process
with the application in the Western Balkans ing capacity in the region also in the partner-
region? Are there any good examples? ship with ReSPA, but also prior to that. One Decide how to organise and
Step 1
The European Public Administration Network may conclude that a critical mass of inspiring plan the self-assessment
(EUPAN) is an informal network of the Direc- cases needs to be reached to scale up the
tors General responsible for public adminis- rollout of CAF. Communicate the self-
Step 2
assessment project

PHASE 2 – Self-Assessment Process

How will the EU4PAR project provide support for piloting the CAF? Set up one or more self-
Step 3
assessment groups
In order to continue to improve the public sector and public services, it is necessary to in-
crease the quality of the process, which is the forerunner of optimised customer service. Step 4 Organise training
Quite a number of international practices speak in favour of the fact that the integrated
quality management system is becoming one of the most reliable partners for govern-
Undertake the self-
ment bodies. Although the public sector is overburdened with tasks, which increased Step 5
significantly during the Covid-19 outbreak, the integrated quality management system in
the public ecosystem should be understood as a system for improving the effectiveness Draw up a report describing
and efficiency of the organisation in achieving planned results. Quality management fits Step 6 the results of the self-
perfectly with agile management, change management and digital transformation in the assessment
RS public administration.
PHASE 3 – Improvement plan / prioritisation
Piloting this approach in the MPALSG has started with support of the EU4PAR project at
the end of 2020, with the intentions to expand the scope and to include more institutions Draft an improvement plan,
in future. The project will provide support for this. Step 7 based on the accepted self-
assessment report
In December 2020, the project team tested the first version of the CAF online question-
naire for participants in the self-assessment. A glossary of terms used in the CAF was Communicate the
Step 8
compiled in Serbian language, and it has been linked to the online questionnaire. Training improvement plan
materials are prepared, and training of relevant MPALSG staff in administering the online
questionnaire has been completed. Simultaneously with the CAF piloting in the MPALSG, Step 9 Implement the improvement
the timing and modalities for awareness-raising on CAF will be discussed and developed,
given that successful completion of the pilot in the MPALSG will lend credibility for aware-
ness raising and rolling-out CAF to other ministries, agencies and local governments. The Plan the next self-
Step 10
plan is to apply CAF to ten institutions and in parallel establish a pool of CAF moderators, assessment
in line with the new PAR Strategy Action Plan and the project implementation plan.


Action Plan For The Implementation

Of The Government Programme

Following the Law on the Planning System, achieve during its mandate. These goals
the Action Plan for the Implementation of the are defined within four priority areas of ac-
Government Programme (APIGP) for 2020- tion that are: efficient public administration,
2022 was adopted at the Government session further economic strengthening of Serbia,
held at the end of January 2021. The docu- Serbia in Europe and the world, and human The Action Plan for the Implementa-
ment was developed based on the Expose of rights protection and security. The opera- tion of the Government Programme
the Prime Minister, which was presented in tionalization of the plan includes 21 prior- was established in 2015 as a mech-
the Serbian Parliament. ity goals, with appropriate measures. The anism that provides an efficient way
achievement of goals is monitored based on to monitor results and carry out
During the development of the APIGP, the established results and clear indicators. evidence-based public policy man-
EU4PAR project provided support for the agement.
analysis of the processes and effects of Through planned regular meetings in
the previous action plan and supported the the coming period, progress in achieving The APIGP for 2020-2022 is available
Public Policy Secretariat experts in drafting goals will be reviewed, and solutions found for download on the PPS website
examples of specific outcomes and perfor- for possible challenges and obstacles in
mance indicators that were discussed with achieving them. loads/APSPV-2020-2022.pdf.
line ministries and used as starting points
for the development of the APIGP. The EU4PAR project will also support moni-
toring the APIGP implementation, while oth-
The APIGP contains the priorities and goals er possible modalities of continuous support
that the Government plans and strives to will be defined during the project extension.

The APIGP contains the priorities

and goals that the Government
plans and strives to achieve during
its mandate.

Project highlights

Adoption of the new PAR Finalisation of the Public

Strategy Consultations Manual
EU4PAR provided support to the Ministry Consultations Manual
of Public Administration and Local Self- is finished and will
Government to develop the new PAR Strategy be published by
2030, which was adopted in April 2021. the Public Policy
Secretariat. Manual
will be also available
on the EU4PAR
project website.

Development and adoption Launch of the first CAF piloting

of the Action Plan for the and development of an
Implementation of the online CAF self-assessment
Government Programme questionnaire
The Action Plan for the The “introductory workshop”
Implementation of the was held for the members
Government Programme for of the CAF self-assessment
2020-2022, developed with the team appointed by the
support of project experts, was MPALSG. The “consensus
adopted in January 2021. In the workshop” will be prepared
coming period the EU4PAR will by the EU4PAR project as the
provide support for the APIGP second major milestone in
implementation monitoring. the CAF methodology.

Revision of the MPALSG Development of the three-year

Medium-term plan summary report about the
implementation of the PAR Action
Plan (MTP) of Plan 2018-2020
the MPALSG for
2021-2023 has The project assisted
been revised and with developing a three-
piloting with five year report on the
other institutions implementation of the
resulted in the PAR Action Plan (2018-
finalisation of four 2020). The report was
new MTPs. finalised and delivered
to the MPALSG for
further processing and



+381 11 4029 563


This publication is produced with the assistance of the European Union. The content of this publication are the sole responsibility of
the EU for PAR under the Sector Reform Contract Project and may in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

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