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In the question “How does financial support affect your studies?”. The number of respondent that
answer “It can provide your needs” are 30, the number of respondent that answer “It can used in proper
learning” are 9.

The pie graph below shows the percentage of respondent that answer “It can provide your needs”
(11.71%) and the percentage of respondent that answer “It can used in proper learning “(3.52%).

1. How does financial support affect your stud-


It can provide your needs

It can used in proper learning

In the question “How do you budget your finances?”. The number of respondent that answer “her
mother is the one handling her finance” is 1 only, the number of respondent that answer “can't budget
their finances” are 2 and the number of respondent that answer “They only buying important things”
are 37.

The pie graph below shows the percentage of respondent that answer “Mother is the one handling their
finance” (0.4%) , the percentage of respondent that answer “Can’t budget their finance “ (0.79) and the
percentage of respondent that answer “They only buying important things” (14.44)%.

2. How do you budget your finances?

Mother is the one handling their
finance ( 0.4%)
Can't budget their finances
( 0.79% )
They only buying important
things ( 14.44%)
In the question “Is your parent's financial support enough for you?”. The number of respondent that
answer “YES” are 31, the number of respondent that answer “NO” are 8.

The pie graph below shows the percentage of respondent that answer “Yes” (12.10%) and the
percentage of respondent that answer “No “(3.13%).

3. Is your parent's financial support enough

for you?

Yes ( 12.10%)
No ( 3.13%)

In the question “If not, are you able to borrow money from other people you know?”. The number of
respondent that answer “YES” are 10 and the number of respondent that answer “NO” are 29.

The pie graph below shows the percentage of respondent that answer “Yes” (3.91%) and the percentage
of respondent that answer “No “(11.32%).

4. If not, are you able to borrow money from

other people you know?

Yes ( 3.91%)
No (11.32%)
In the question “Are you saving anything from your financial support?”. The number of respondent that
answer “YES” are 27 and the number of respondent that answer “NO” are 12.

The pie graph below shows the percentage of respondent that answer “Yes” (10.54%) and the
percentage of respondent that answer “No “(4.69%).

5. Are you saving anything from your fi-

nancial support?
Yes ( 10.54%)
No ( 4.69%)

In the question “If yes, how much do you save from your financial support?”. The number of respondent
that answer “It's depend on how they handle their finance” are 2, the number of respondent that
answer” it's confidential” is 1, the number of respondent that answer “She/he not saving anything on
their finance” is 1 and the number of respondent that answer “Some is high amount and others are in
low amount of save from their finance” are 34.

The bar graph below shows the percentage of respondent that answer “It’s depends on how they handle
their finance” (0.79%) , the percentage of respondent that answer “It’s Confidential“(0.4%), the
percentage of respondent answer “She/he not saving on their finance”(0.4%) and the percentage of
respondent that answer “Some is high amount and others are in low amount of save from their
finance” (13.66%).

7. If yes, how much do you save from your fi-

nancial support?
In the question “How much financial support do you get from your parents every month?”. The number
of respondent that answer “500 - 1,000” are 24, the number of respondent that answer “1,000-2,000”
are 6 and the number of respondent that answer “2,000 above” are 9.

The pie graph below shows the percentage of respondent that answer “500-1,000” (9.37%), the
percentage of respondent that answer “1,000-2,000“(2.35%) and the percentage of respondent answer
2,000 above” (3.52%).

7. How much financial support do you get

from your parents every month?

500-1,000 (9.37%)
1,000-2,000 ( 2.35%)
2,000 above ( 3.52%)

In the question “How Are you able to buy or get what you need with your finance?”. The number of
respondent that answer “Yes” are 33 and the number of respondent that answer “No” are 6.

The pie graph below shows the percentage of respondent that answer “Yes” (12.88%) and the
percentage of respondent that answer “No “(2.35%).

8. Are you able to buy or get what you need

with your finance?

Yes ( 12.88%)
No (2.35%)
In the question “If not, what are the reasons why you don't get or buy your needs using your finance?”.
The number of respondent that answer “Students said they saving their money” are 36 and the number
of respondent that answer “students said their financial support is not enough for them” are 3.

The pie graph below shows the percentage of respondent that answer “Students said they saving their
money” (14.05%) and the percentage of respondent that answer “students said their financial support is
not enough for them “(1.18%).

9. If not, what are the reasons why you don't

get or buy your needs using your finance?

Students said they saving their

money (14.05%)
Students said their financial
support is not enough for them
In the question “How do you think financial support can help you to improve your educational
outcomes?”. The number of respondent that answer “Because of financial support, I can focus on
studying without worrying for my basic needs and have the opportunity to achieve my career goals” are
26 and the number of respondent that answer “The financial support help me to gain access to
essentials resources such as laptops, textbooks, and other study materials for academic” are 13.

The pie graph below shows the percentage of respondent that answer “Because of financial support, I
can focus on studying without worrying for my basic needs and have the opportunity to achieve my
career goals” (10.15%) and the percentage of respondent that answer “The financial support help me to
gain access to essentials resources such as laptops, textbooks, and other study materials for academic

10. How do you think financial support can

help you to improve your educational out-

Because of financial support, I

can focus on studying without
worrying for my basic needs and
have the opportunity to achieve
my career goals (10.15%)
The financial support help me to
gain access to essentials re-
sources such as laptops, text-
books, and other study materials
for academic (5.08%)

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