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Merry Jenchrist M.

Apare Physical Education

ABM 11-B

What I Have Learned

Learning Task 3: My Week Ago
Evaluate your weekly physical activities by filling in the table below.
Identify the physical activity, its type and domain. On the fourth column, give
your reason/s why you did the activity. Lastly, write how long were you able

Week 1
Day Physical Type of Physical Domain Reason/s of Duration
1-7 Activity Activity doing the

Merry Jenchrist M. Apare Physical Education
ABM 11-B

What I Can Do
Learning Task 4: My Week Ahead
Create a Physical Activity Plan for one week. Include the componentsof
Health Related Fitness and Skills Related Fitness and the food you
Week 1
Day Physical Type of Domain Health Skills Durati Meal Remarks
1-7 Activity Physical Related Related on
Activity Fitness Fitness
Components Components




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