Hope-11 TQ Q4

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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION XI SCHOOLS DIVISION OF DAVAO DEL NORTE DIVISION UNIFIED TEST IN HOPE 11 Quarter 4, SY 2022-2023 Name: Sec: Date: 1. If you were a fitness instructor and tasked with evaluating the barriers that hinders engagement in physical activity among your clients, which of the following methods would provide the most valuable insights into these barriers? ® _ interviewing fitness professionals from other studios ® conducting surveys to assess clients’ exercise preferences © observing clients' behaviors during group workout sessions © _ reviewing case studies of successful fitness program implementations 2. Which of the following methods would be most effective for evaluating the impact of dietary changes on overall health outcomes? ® consulting with a registered dietitian or nutritionist ® tracking changes in body weight and body composition © _ regular monitoring of biomarkers and blood test results © assessing improvements in energy levels and physical performance 3. When determining personal strengths and weaknesses in different fitness components, which of the following methods would be most effective? ® __ performing a variety of fitness assessments and tests ® seeking feedback from fitness professionals or trainers © comparing oneself to others in similar age and gender categories © tracking personal performance over time through a fitness journal 4. After completing a fitness assessment that measures cardiovascular endurance, strength, and flexibility, John notices that his cardiovascular endurance is below average. Which of the following actions would be most appropriate for John to take? ® continue with his current exercise routine without making any changes ® disregard the results and focus solely on improving strength and flexibility © discontinue fitness assessments and solely rely on subjective self-assessment © seek guidance from a fitness professional to develop a cardio-focused exercise plan 5. Which component of the FITT principle refers to the frequency of exercise sessions? frequency ‘Address: Mankilam, Tagum City, Davao del Norte A ~~ Telephone Number: (084) 216 0188 500 Website: www.depeddavnor.ph | Facebook: DepEd Davao del Norte 8 intensity time type For improvement to happen, what principle of exercise that indicates doing “more than normal"? ® ___ principle of progression ® principle of reversibility © __ principle of specificity © _ overload principle 7. What is the significance of improving our fitness? @® _ithelps avoid boredom ® _ boost our self-confidence © _ itwill help us to be acquainted with others © fitness reduces the risk of acquiring health problems John has been consistently following his exercise routine but has noticed that his progress has plateaued. He understands that his body has adapted to the current level of stress and needs a new challenge to continue making gains. Which training principle is John recognizing? ® adaptation 2 ~ ® _individualization © _ progressive overload ©D specificity 9. David wants to improve his body composition and reduce body fat. Which of the following combinations of FITT variables would be most appropriate for his exercise program? @® frequency: 5 days per week, Intensity: high, Time: 30 minutes, Type: yoga ® frequency: 2 days per week, Intensity: low, Time: 20 minutes, Type: strength training © _ frequency: 3 days per week, Intensity: low, Time: 15 minutes, Type: flexibility exercises © frequency: 4 days per week, Intensity: moderate, Time: 45 minutes, Type: aerobic exercise 10. Ifyou want to increase the overall calorie expenditure during your workouts, which component of the FITT principle should you primarily adjust? @® frequency ® intensity © time © type 11. What does MVPA stands for? ® — Maximum Vibration Power Analysis ® Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activities © Moderate and Vigorous Physical Assessment © — Muscle and Vascular Performance Assessment 12, What is an example of an MVPA suitable for engaging in physical activities outside of school? ® — dancing ER A) Address: Mankilam, Tagum City, Davao del Norte 2°} ) Teleohone number: (084 236 0188 So Website: sovusdepeddavnonah | Facebook: ped Davao del Norte ® — doing homework © __ participating in a team sport © __playinga musical instrument 13. Which of the following statements best describes the significance of engaging in moderate to vigorous physical activities? @® leads to academic success ® _ itenhances artistic creativity © __ boosts foreign language proficiency © _ reduces the risk of chronic diseases 14. In what ways does engaging in MVPA's in different settings impact physical health? ® __ itcan lead toa decline in muscular coordination ® _itmay decrease the efficiency of the immune system © _ improves the body's ability to regulate body temperature © enhances bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporo: 15.Mark wants to incorporate a variety of MVPA's into his weekly plan. He enjoys jogging, weightlifting, and practicing yoga. Which of the following options represents a diverse weekly plan that ensures at least 60 minutes of physical activity most days of the week? ® jogging for 20 minutes, weightlifting for 20 minutes, and prac' minutes every day ® — Mark can have Jogging for 40 minutes and perform weightlifting for 20 minutes every day of the week © — Hecanhave jogging for 30 minutes, weightlifting for 15 minutes, and practice yoga for 15 minutes every day © — He may Jog for 10 minutes, perform weightlifting for 30 minutes, and he can also practice yoga for 20 minutes every day 16.A group of students is participating in a physical activity session in a small classroom with limited space. They want to engage in a team-based activity that promotes collaboration and physical movement. Which of the following activities would be most suitable for this setting? @® relay races ing yoga for 20 ® soccer © volleyball OD yoga 17. Which of the following is a physiological indicator commonly used to monitor participation effort during MVPA's? ® blood pressure ® body mass index (BMI) © flexibility © _ heartrate 18, What does rate of perceived exertion (RPE) refer to in relation to monitoring physical activity? @® measurement of heart rate during exercise ® _ the assessment of body composition changes © subjective rating of the intensity of physical effort ‘Address: Mankilam, Tagum City, Davao del Norte A ~~ Telephone Number: (084) 216 0188 Website: www.depeddavnor.ph | Facebook: DepEd Davao del Norte © __ itis the evaluation of flexibility and range of motion 19. Which of the following statements about rate of perceived exertion (RPE) is true? ® __ RPEisbased on scientific measurements of oxygen consumption ® _ itis determined by the number of repetitions and sets performed © __ RPEis the only applicable to aerobic exercises like running or cycling © _itisinfluenced by factors such as fatigue and environmental conditions 20. During a physical activity session, you feel that your exertion level is too low, and your heart rate is within the target heart rate zone. How can you adjust your participation effort to achieve a higher intensity? ® maintain the current intensity level ® increase the intensity of the activity © decrease the duration of the activity © take longer rest periods between sets or intervals 21.From a prolonged MVPA, an athlete experiences a sudden drop in heart rate despite maintaining the same intensity. What could be a possible cause for this occurrence? ® _ overhydration during the activity ®) _fatigue-induced decrease in heart rate © __ hypoglycemia due to inadequate fueling © _ improved cardiovascular fitness over time 22.A long-distance runner monitors their running cadence during training sessions. What benefit does analyzing running cadence provide for improving physical fitness and performance levels? assessing flexibility levels enhancing muscular power optimizing running economy evaluating muscular endurance 23. What is one important aspect of personal safety protocols during MVPA's? ® _ ignoring signs of fatigue or dizziness. ® __ pushing through severe pain or discomfort © eating a heavy meal immediately before exercise © gradually warming up before starting intense activity 24, What is a typical symptom of overexertion during physical activity? ® decreased heart rate excessive thirst goosebumps on the skin muscle cramps the recommended duration for a cool-down rout 9088 ® © o ® — 5to 10 minutes ® —20to 30 minutes © — 45to 60 minutes © cool-down duration is not necessary after MVPA Telephone Number: (084) 216 0188 iy Website: www.depeddavnor.ph | Facebook: DepEd Davao del Norte 26. How does overexertion impact the body during physical activity? ® __ improved cognitive function ® enhanced endurance performance © increased oxygen delivery to muscles © elevated risk of muscle strains and injuries 27.Why is a proper warm-up routine essential before engaging in MVPA? @® __ ithelps reduce the heart rate during exercise ® allows fora longer workout duration without fatigue © __ itprovides an opportunity to socialize with other participants © _ prepares the body for increased intensity and reduces the risk of injury 28. While participating in MVPA in a hot and humid environment, a person experiences dizziness, nausea, and cessation of sweating. Why is it of utmost importance to comprehend and adhere to personal safety protocols in this case? ® boost confidence and self-esteem ® _itoptimize cardiovascular endurance © prevent the development of heat-related illnesses © _ itisimportant maintain a consistent exercise routine 29. You have a long MVPA session scheduled in a humid environment. Which preventive measure should you apply to minimize the risk of hyperthermia? ® Take frequent breaks in shaded areas to cool down ® Wear tight-fitting clothing to prevent excessive sweating © Avoid consuming fluids during the activity to prevent bloating © _ Perform exercises at a higher intensity to increase body heat tolerance, 30. In the context of facility etiquette, what should you do if you accidentally damage equipment? ® _ blame the facility staff for the damage ® report the damage to the facility staff immediately © _ ignore the damage and continue using the equipment © attempt to fix the equipment yourself without notit 31. How can we ensure safety in using gym equipment and facilities? ® _ observe proper manners inside the gym 6 ask consent before using gym equipment make signage on how to handle equipment put equipment inside a locker and puta padlock 32. You are ata fitness studio participating in a group exercise class. Midway through the class, you feel the need to cough. What should you do to apply appropriate hygiene practices? ® cough into your hands and continue with the class ® cough loudly to make others aware of your condition © _ leave the class immediately and return when you feel better © _ turnaway from others and cough into your elbow or a tissue 33. During a group exercise class, you notice a participant suddenly clutching their chest and experiencing difficulty breathing. What should you do in this situation? ® help the person sit down and encourage them to drink water ‘Address: Mankilam, Tagum City, Davao del Norte A ~~ Telephone Number: (084) 216 0188 Website: www.depeddavnor.ph | Facebook: DepEd Davao del Norte ® ask another participant to call for medical help while you continue the class © __ stop the class, call emergency services, and initiate basic life support measures © __ instruct the person to perform high-intensity exercises to relieve the discomfort 34. You arrive at the gym and notice that all the lockers are occupied except for one that appears to be broken. What should you do in this situation? @® leave your belongings unattended in an unsecured area ® ask someone nearby to share their locker with you temporarily © use the broken locker since there are no other options available © _ inform the gym staff about the broken locker and wait for their assistance 35. What is the main purpose of physical activity assessments? ® _ toidentify potential injuries or health conditions ® assess the overall physical appearance of an individual © _ toevaluate one’s current fitness levels and health status © determine the number of calories burned during exercise 36.Which of the following is a potential benefit of engaging in physical activity assessments? @® enhanced body image and self-esteem ® _ increased risk of injuries and muscle strains © decreased ability to cope with daily stressors © _ higher likelihood of developing chronic diseases 37.What are the key components involved in physical activity assessments for optimizing health? ® __ body weight, hair color, and favorite food ® resting heart rate, blood type, and shoe size © zodiac sign, favorite movie, and social media followers © cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, and flexibility 38. What is one of the potential consequences of neglecting the importance of physical activity assessments? ® enhanced body image and self-confidence ® increased motivation and commitment to regular exercise © access to advanced training methods and fitness equipment © _ lack of awareness regarding personal fitness levels and health risks 39. John is a dedicated fitness enthusiast who has been working out consistently. He understands the value of physical activity assessments. How can they benefit John? ® they will automatically enhance his physical appearance ® canhelp him identify potential injuries or health conditions © __ provide him with instant recognition and fame in the fitness industry © they help him become a fitness trainer without any additional qualifications 40. What role do physical activity assessments play in setting realistic health goals? ® offer predefined fitness goals for everyone to follow ®) guarantee rapid weight loss and body transformation © __ provide individuals with personalized nutrition plans © _ help individuals assess their capabilities and set achievable targets ‘Address: Mankilam, Tagum City, Davao del Norte A ~~ Telephone Number: (084) 216 0188 Website: www.depeddavnor.ph | Facebook: DepEd Davao del Norte

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