Sample HLPO Scenario 1 Simulation Script

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Teacher: T

T (Sitting and looking at the screen) (Sitting and looking at the screen)
Good morning, (HLPO’s Name)!
I am Teacher (Teacher’s Name), (Student’s
Name)’s Grade 1 teacher.
Thank you very much for making time for
this meeting!
H (Sitting and looking at the screen) (Sitting and looking at the screen)
Good morning, Teacher (Teacher’s Name)!
You’re welcome.
T How is (Student’s Name)?
H Oh, (Student’s Name)’s currently playing
with his big brothers and sisters.
He’s our youngest.
He plays all the time.
He doesn’t like to study.
That’s why he still cannot read or count!
I always get mad at him/her, but he never
T I’m excited to meet (Student’s Name) and to
find out what interests him/her so I can
connect with and teach him/her better.
(HLPO’s Name), I requested for this meeting
to let you know that I will be conducting a
Beginning of School Year Comprehensive
Rapid Literacy Assessment or BoSY CRLA
for short.
H What is BoSY CRLA?
T It’s a short reading assessment. It only takes
around 5 minutes per language to administer
It will help me determine (Student’s Name)’s
current reading level.
Knowing his current reading level will help
me help him/her read better.
H Do I have to pay for this?
T No, (HLPO’s Name).
You don’t need to pay for this.
You also don’t need to prepare for anything
other than computer or cellphone, like what
you are using now, so I can talk with
(Student’s Name).
H Oh, that’s good.
Is this an exam then?
T Oh no!
This is not graded.
The results of BoSY CRLA will not be
reflected in (Student’s Name)’s report card.
This activity will just be like our activities in
class, except this one is one-on-one.
H But (Student’s Name) doesn’t know how to
read yet!
I don’t want to be embarrassed.
I don’t want anyone to know he cannot read
T I understand, (HLPO’s Name).
Only I will know the results of the BoSY
There’s also nothing to be embarrassed
I want to find out (Student’s Name)’s
authentic reading ability so I can design
lessons and activities for class as well as for
home that are appropriate for him/her.
If I give him/her activities that are too
difficult for his level, he might get frustrated
and give up. If they are too easy, he might
get bored.
So, I want to make sure my lessons and
activities are what he needs now to master
current level concepts and skills.
Once he has mastered his current level, then
he can easily move up to the next level.
H So my co-parents will not find out (Student’s
Name)’s score in BoSY CRLA?
T I assure you that your co-parents will not find
out (Student’s Name)’s score in BoSY
H Please give me some worksheets so I can
prepare (Student’s Name).
I want him/her to get a high score in BoSY
T I’m sorry I can’t give you anything to
prepare (Student’s Name) for this activity.
H But why? I want him/her to do well.
T It’s important for me to determine his
authentic current reading ability.
If not authentic, then my lessons and
activities won’t help him/her progress in
H I see…
So what are you going to do during the
Are you going to have (Student’s Name) read
He cannot read yet.
He doesn’t even know some of the letters
T Don’t worry, (HLPO’s Name).
BoSY CRLA will be quick and easy.
It will be just like a game for (Student’s
H How easy then?
Can you give me a list of words?
T There’s no need to review (Student’s Name),
(HLPO’s Name).
This is not an exam and therefore not graded.
I also want to obtain his authentic current
reading ability, and reviewing him/her might
prevent me from doing that.
But there are some things you can do to
make sure (Student’s Name) is at his best
when I conduct this activity.
H Alright.
How can I help?
T Let’s prepare (Student’s Name) mentally
before the activity.
Please tell him/her the following:
First - You’ll meet your new teacher,
Teacher (Teacher’s Name), soon.
Second - You’ll be chatting and playing
simple word games together.
Third - I want you to do your best and
have fun at the same time.
Fourth - Remember, it is okay to make
It is important for (Student’s Name) to be
happy and excited about the activity so he
can give his best.
There is no need to tell (Student’s Name) that
this is BoSY CRLA or an assessment. Those
terms are for us adults only.
H Okay.
I understand.
What else?
T On the day of the assessment, please make
sure of the following:
First - (Student’s Name)’s well-rested.
Second - He’s well-nourished. Please have
him/her eat before the assessment.
Third - He has drinking water within reach
in case he gets thirsty.
Fourth - He’s in a quiet and well-lit space
for the duration of the assessment. If
possible, he should be alone in the room.
H Why does (Student’s Name) need to be alone
in the room?
I want to be with him/her to support him/her.
T If you are in the same room as (Student’s
Name), he might get self-conscious as he
naturally wants to please you.
Being his primary caregiver, he might also
rely on you for help with the tasks and/or
seek validation.
These will hinder me from obtaining his
most authentic current reading ability.
I’m therefore requesting you to stay in
another room during the conduct of BoSY
H Our house is very small.
I’m not sure if I can find a separate room for
(Student’s Name).
T If a separate room for (Student’s Name) is
not possible, please maintain enough distance
between you and him/her.
Stay as far behind him/her as possible and
don’t, at any point, interfere.
Should he look to you for help, please give
him/her a reassuring smile and direct him/her
to focus on me again.
A simple hand motion pointing to me will (Outstretch your hand to the screen to demo)
do. (Outstretch your hand to the screen to
Your smile will help him/her feel at ease as
this signals you believe in him/her and are
just behind him/her.
And pointing to me signals that it’s time for
him/her to focus on me again.
H I want to stay in front of (Student’s Name),
and not behind him/her, to make sure he is
listening to you.
T (Student’s Name) will be fine with you far
behind him/her.
You should only interfere during technical
difficulties such as frozen computer screen,
audio problems, and the like.
H Okay.
I hope (Student’s Name) does well.
I’m worried for him/her.
He’s too playful.
T It’s normal for children to be playful.
We, teachers, use their playfulness to
motivate them in class.
We make them play games that help them
We want them to learn and have fun at the
same time.
H Oh, okay.
Please help (Student’s Name), okay?
T Of course, (HLPO’s Name).
I’m here to help (Student’s Name) achieve
his best potential.
Do you have any more questions?
H Can you give me a list of words that you’ll
have (Student’s Name) read.
I won’t practice him/her.
I just want to see.
T You’ll see the words during the BoSY
You have nothing to worry about, (HLPO’s
H Okay.
T Do you have any other questions?
H None, Teacher.
Thank you.
T Well, if you think of something, please don’t
hesitate to text me or message me on
H Thank you, Teacher.
T When are you available for BoSY CRLA?
H How about Wednesday, 3:00pm?
I want (Student’s Name) to take a nap first
before the activity.
T Alright.
See you online on Wednesday, 3:00pm.
H Thank you, Teacher (Teacher’s Name)!
T You’re welcome.
Remember, I need to obtain (Student’s
Name)’s most authentic current reading
ability so I can help him/her learn how to
read better.
This activity is not graded, so there’s no need
to worry.
H Yes, Teacher.
(Waves) (Waves)
T Bye!
(Waves) (Waves)

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