PR1 11 - 12 0101 Sa1 FD

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Practical Research 1

Task Objective
At the end of the activity, the learner should be able to evaluate the importance of
research in one’s everyday life.

Task Instructions Date

General instructions:
1. Form a group of three to five students.
2. Look for one recent newspaper article published within the past month (print or
online) about an event or a topic that caught your interest as a group.
3. Read the newspaper article and answer the questions below.
4. Prepare a five-minute presentation of your answers to be presented in the class.

Activity Output
1. Provide the title of the newspaper article, author, source, and date of publication.

Article title:



Date of publication:

2. For your group, what are the most interesting points in the newspaper article?
Provide at least two points. How did the article impact your daily life?



Unit 1.1: Research and Its Importance 1

Practical Research 1

3. How did research affect the topic of the newspaper article?

4. If you were tasked to do further research about the contents of the newspaper
article, which among the interesting points you have identified (answers to Question
No. 2) would you tackle as a group? Why?

Unit 1.1: Research and Its Importance 2

Practical Research 1

Rubric for Grading

1 2 3 4 weights points

Oral The oral The oral The oral The oral

Presentation of presentation presentation presentation presentation
Answers contained major contained minor contained a few contained minimal
errors in language, errors in language, errors in language, to no error in 30%
grammar, and grammar, and grammar, and language,
delivery of ideas. delivery of ideas. delivery of ideas. grammar, and
delivery of ideas.

Correctness of More than three Two to three One answer does All answers
Written answers do not answers do not not correspond to correspond to the
Answers correspond to the correspond to the the question questions 30%
questions questions provided. provided. provided.

Completeness The group was only The group was only The group was only The group was
of Answers able to answer 1 able to answer 2 out able to answer 3 out able to answer all
out of 4 questions of 4 questions about of 4 questions about questions about 10%
about their chosen their chosen their chosen their chosen
newspaper article. newspaper article. newspaper article. newspaper article.

Group Two group Two group members One group member All of the group
Participation members had very had little did not contribute to members
little to no contribution to the the accomplishment contributed to the
contribution to the accomplishment of of the activity. accomplishment of 20%
accomplishment of the activity. the activity.
the activity.

Grammar and The group’s written The group’s written The group’s written The group’s written
Spelling submission submission contains submission contains submission
contains major minor grammatical very few contains minimal 10%
grammatical and and spelling error. grammatical and to no grammatical
spelling errors. spelling errors. and spelling errors.

Total 100%

Unit 1.1: Research and Its Importance 3

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