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Lesson Planning: A

Principled Approach
Lesson Outcomes

By the end of the session, you will have

● defined Bloom’s taxonomy and identify its cognitive domains

● differentiated between well and poorly written learning outcomes
● analyzed an extract from a lesson and determine learning outcomes
● illustrated the principles of constructive alignment in the sample lesson
● formulated learning outcomes for a unit selected from an EPS coursebook
Source: University of Florida
Bloom’s Taxonomy in Lesson Planning
How does the use of BT help teachers with effective lesson
● It helps us define and organise learning objectives more effectively
● It helps us understand the specific skills our ss should develop
● It provides evidence of student progress in measurable ways

The hierarchy of cognitive skills helps teachers determine what our ss

should do and develop next
What should be the very first question we need
to consider when writing our lesson plan?

“What do I want my learners to achieve by the end of the lesson?”

Let’s Illustrate This!
A lesson on types of transportation By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to …

1) We must remember a concept before we can understand it.

● … recognise words related to transportation in the video and recall them.
1) We must understand a concept before we can apply it.
● … describe and differentiate different types of transportation.
1) We must be able to apply a concept before we analyse it.
● … use the vocabulary and concepts to talk about the transportation options in
their city.
Let’s Illustrate This!
A lesson on types of transportation By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to …

4) We must have analysed a concept before we can evaluate it.

● … examine and discuss the pros and cons of different types of transportation.
5) We must have remembered, understood, applied, analysed, and evaluated a concept before
we can create
● … discuss how transportation can be improved in their city.
6) We are now able to create a new concept.
● … write and present a proposal on improving the transportation system in their city.
An interrelated and dependent set of skills


Image & Sample LOs:

Incremental Nature of Skills:

University of Arkansas
Let’s analyse and determine LOs in a lesson!

Meet Tony!

Lesson extract from:

Harmer, J. (2007). The practice of English

language teaching (4th ed.). Longman
Viewing Task: Backward Design / Alignment
Learning Outcome: Ss Instructional Method Form of Assessment
will be able to …

1) describe and 1) Worksheet: 1) Elicit; peer check;

differentiate different Sentences with blanks provide feedback
types of transportation (… are expensive but 2)…
2)… faster and more
Backward designing: A method of designing an educational curriculum by setting goals before
choosing instructional methods and forms of assessment
(Definition from Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
Observable and Measurable LOs

Observable and Measurable LOs
Lesson Sketch / Plan Templates
Type of Learning ActivityLEARNING (P.155) Examples of how TELL can support it
Repetition and memorization - Playing a video/audio and watch/listen again to
something not understood first time around, e.g.
YouTube / YouGlish videos
Input – making it comprehensible - Including images, audio or video to clarify meaning
- Providing hyperlinks to online dictionaries or
translations, e.g. Lingro app
Salience and noticing - Highlighting language items, and adding comments or
commands such as: ‘click to hear the underlined words’,
e.g. Lingro; or pause the video for questions/comments -
Output - Writing blogs
- Creating a video/audio response and posting on
Interaction - Taking part in discussion on Edmodo/ Moodle/ Padlet
- Doing collaborative projects such as a video/ audio
podcast, digital storybook
Criteria What to do

Technical preview Have you got the appropriate equipment to use this tool/ software/ app,
e.g. Internet, smartphones, laptop, data projector, smartboard, etc.
Operation Go through the tool and get an understanding of how it works. Understand
what the teacher needs to do (e.g. prepare a task) and what students need
to do (e.g. click on, type in, speak, etc.). Does the tool give feedback or the
teacher should do it?
Teacher fit Understand the language teaching approach that the tool reflects. Does it
fit your own teaching approach?
Learner fit Do the contents, skills, and language level of the tool suit your students’
needs, and those of the syllabus?
Implementation Could you integrate the software easily into the lesson, course or curriculum?

Appropriateness Considering all the five criteria above, do you think this tool is appropriate
to integrate into your teaching?
Criteria What learners can do Sample Activities
Creating Produce new or original Designing, planning, producing, …
work Producing a video recorded role-play and uploading on
YouTube / Flipgrid
Evaluating Justify a stand or a Explaining, interpreting, summarizing, paraphrasing,
decision Commenting on a Padlet post and justifying opinion, etc.

Analyzing Draw connections Comparing, deconstructing, outlining, …

among ideas Watching a video lecture and outlining the main ideas

Applying Use information in new Implementing, using …

situations Recording an audio/ video/ written response to a Padlet task,
following a sample and using what has been learned

Understanding Explain ideas or Describing, explaining, identifying, selecting, translating, …

concepts Responding to a Socrative Quiz
Remembering Recall facts and basic Listing, matching, defining, …
concepts Responding to a Socrative Quiz
1. Determine the students' proficiency level and learning outcomes.
2. Use the attached lesson plan template and sketch your lesson
3. The lesson should have two engaging activities utilizing Wordwall that
correspond to the learning outcomes.
4. After designing the Wordwall activities, invite five friends to participate in
the activities, and then gather their feedback on how effectively the activities
contribute to achieving the learning outcomes.
5. Report on the feedback and add your reflection on/analysis of the cognitive
level of the activities based on the taxonomy (Higher Order Thinking
Skills/Lower Order Thinking Skills).
1. Determine the students' proficiency level and identify the desired learning
2. Create a comprehensive lesson plan using the attached Lesson Sketch.
3. Devise ONE collaborative activity using either Google Docs or Google
Slides, specifying the intended learning outcome(s) to be achieved.
4. Organize your friends into groups, pairs, or individuals, depending on the
nature of the task, and instruct them to complete the activity. Add the link
to the assignment.
5. Gather their thoughts and opinions on the effectiveness of the activities in
achieving the learning outcomes.
6. Engage in reflective thinking by analyzing the feedback received, and
provide your own insights on how the activity fostered collaboration.
7. If possible, add 1-2 ideas to improve the task.

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