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ELTE 416 Materials Design in ELT

Sample Lesson Plan Sketch

Part A: Basics
Teacher: Iliya Urazova   19700015
Reham Rami    18700727

Students’ level: A2
Context: 6th grade: 25 students
White, multicultural. Age: 12- 13. Lesson is 40 minutes. 

School is public, international. Language of studying is English. 

Part B: Learning Opportunities

Any other relevant comments – (i.e., key points from earlier lessons, etc.)
Students are calm mostly and ready to learn.

Outcomes  Students will be able to identify comparative and superlative adjectives.
 Students will be able to give own examples.
 Student will be able to complete the given tasks.
 Student will be able to answer on questions according to the topic.

Topic: Comparative and Superlative adjective

Materials Phones, worksheets, slides.

Part C: The flow of the lesson

Estimated Interaction
Time patterns
I will start by asking some questions and let students guess what the 10 Whole class
topic will be about: minutes

 Do you know what comparative and superlative adjective is?

Introduction  When and how can we use comparative and superlative

Then I will explain what is comparative and superlative adjective

And how can we use them and give some examples about it.
Mid-lesson Estimated Interaction
I will give students a small activity where they have to match the Time patterns
stages, tasks adjective word to its comparative and superlative to practice 10 Individual
& activities minutes
Here is the link of the activity


After finishing activity, we will check it together.

Students will do Kahoot activity:

team game

Wrap-up I will ask some questions regarding comparative and superlative Estimated Interaction
adjectives: Time patterns
 What is comparative and superlative adjectives?
 Can you give me some examples?

Any other relevant comments – (links to your upcoming lessons, homework assignments, or future
upcoming projects, etc.)

No homework’s.

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