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Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Name: Date: _ Score: _

Functions and Importance of Education in the Society

Direction: Shade the circle that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. What are the major factors affecting education systems throughout the world?
Ⓐ Resources and money
Ⓑ Student interest
Ⓒ Teacher interest
Ⓓ Transportation
2. What type of school charges fees?
Ⓐ Comprehensive school
Ⓑ Grammar school
Ⓒ Private school
Ⓓ State school
3. What does NOT manifest socialization?
Ⓐ When you make friends
Ⓑ When owners train their pets
Ⓒ When one goes out for the first time
Ⓓ When parents teach their children values
4. Which of the following are more likely to be characteristics of a motivated student?
Ⓐ Polite and quiet
Ⓑ Noisy and disrupted
Ⓒ Studious and diligent
Ⓓ Intelligent but easily distracted
5. Which of the following is not a manifested function of education?
Ⓐ Courtship
Ⓑ Socialization
Ⓒ Social placement
Ⓓ Cultural innovation
6. Which refers to informal education?
Ⓐ It only takes place at home.
Ⓑ It refers to the learning of cultural norms.
Ⓒ It relies on a planned instructional process.
Ⓓ It describes when students teach their peers.
7. Susan is taking courses on managing social media because she plans on achieving success in marketing,
which function of education does she manifest?
Ⓐ Cultural innovation
Ⓑ Social placement
Ⓒ Social control
Ⓓ Socialization
8. Which theory of education focuses on the labels acquired through the educational process?
Ⓐ Conflict theory
Ⓑ Feminist theory
Ⓒ Functionalist theory
Ⓓ Symbolic interactionism
9. Which educational need does Functionalist theory serve?
Ⓐ Families
Ⓑ Society
Ⓒ The individuals
Ⓓ All of the above
10. Which observes giving students reward for meeting deadlines and respecting authority figures?
Ⓐ Latent function
Ⓑ Informal education
Ⓒ Manifest function
Ⓓ Transmission of moral education


Directions: Below is an outline of a schoolhouse with nine features. Write in the boxes the things you will
normally learn from each feature. Use the space below for the things you could normally learn outside the school


Classroom Cafeteria Playground

Flag Ceremony Gym Chapel

Library Principal’s Office Open Field

Concept, Characteristics and Forms of Social Stratification
Give the characteristics of each social class:

lower class middle class upper-class

Arrange the statuses below according to their appropriate group.

race a student’s family income

father president

firefighter woman

sex social class at birth

singer ancestry

pastor spouse

achieved status
ascribed status

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