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This full-text paper was peer-reviewed and accepted to be presented at the IEEE WiSPNET 2017 conference.

Development of a Power over Ethernet (PoE)

Enabled ADS-B Receiver System
Nagendra Kumar Mangali1 and Vijendra S. Bagmare2
Central Research Laboratory, Bharat Electronics Limited, Bangalore, India
Email: 1 2

Abstract—An Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast target’s heading information are available at the cockpit to
(ADS-B) is used to track ADS-B equipped aircrafts moving the pilot [4].
around the coverage area of the ADS-B receiver. We had devel- The Ground-based Transceivers (GBT) typically radars have
oped a Power over Ethernet (PoE) enabled ADS-B receiver system
using Embedded platform with RTL-SDR and it is capable of limitations in the coverage area in both azimuth and elevation
tracking ADS-B equipped aircrafts moving around at a maximum and also, there are many gray regions not in the surveillance of
range of 470 km from the location of the receiver. We used any radar. Especially in those regions the ADS-B surveillance
a 100 m lengthy Ethernet cable to separate the RF front end technology useful for the pilots to observe the aircrafts moving
and ADS-B data processing system from the central ADS-B data around. The major disadvantage of the ADS-B surveillance
analysis unit. We used LNA to amplify the received Mode-Signal
and increase the coverage area of the ADS-B receiver. technology is that it cannot display the non-ADS-B-equipped
Index Terms—Mode-S, ADS-B, Short Squitter, Extended Squit- aircrafts since the system doesn’t receive any ADS-B infor-
ter, PoE, RTL-SDR. mation for processing. In order to display the non-ADS-B-
equipped airplanes on a cockpit display of traffic Information
I. I NTRODUCTION (CDTI), the host airplane has to be within line-of-sight of a
Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) is a GBT to sends up the traffic forwarded from ground-based air
surveillance technology to track ADS-B equipped co-operative traffic surveillance sensors [4].
aircrafts. The air traffic is managed by an ADS-B surveillance An experiment on Raspberry Pi and RTL-SDR based out-
technology in a new way [1]. Also, this surveillance technol- door ADS-B receiver was conducted with 1/4 waveguide plane
ogy eliminates dependency of the Air Traffic Control (ATC) on antenna and 1090 MHz band pass filter [5]. The Raspberry Pi
controllers, where requires watching radar scopes in a central was powered up using Universal Battery Elimination Circuit
location. The properly equipped ADS-B aircraft automatically (UBEC), which basically converts upto 23 V input to 5 V
report their position and other aviation parameters, without output. The input power to the UBEC is provided through
need for a radar interrogation. The ADS-B system at aircraft unused wires in the Ethernet cable itself to carry the power.
contains ADS-B transponder and GPS receiver. The aircraft’s The Embedded platform transmits aircraft data back to a PC
ADS-B transponder depends on GPS receiver on board and via an Ethernet cable.
ADS-B OUT transmitter. The ADS-B surveillance technology This paper explains the architecture of ADS-B receiver
allows ATC to monitor the aircrafts moving around. These system in Section II, the operating principle of ADS-B receiver
ADS-B equipped aircrafts broadcasts their position informa- is explained in Section III, the communication building blocks
tion and other avionic information to ADS-B IN equipped of digital Mode-S signal processing is explained in Section IV,
airplanes and the ATC. In other words, all the ADS-B receivers the two varieties of Mode-S signals namely short squitter and
will receive the ADS-B data from ADS-B equipped aircrafts, extended squitter are explained in Section V, the fields of
which are in the vicinity of an ADS-B receiver. The ADS-B ADS-B frame are described in Section VI and the Sections VII
OUT rules [2] say that by 2020, all the aircrafts flying in Class and VIII mention the conclusion and future work respectively.
A, B and C airspace, plus Class E airspace above 10,000 feet
but not below 2,500 feet will be required to have ADS-B OUT II. ADS-B R ECEIVER A RCHITECTURE
equipment in their aircrafts. The block diagram of ADS-B receiver system is shown in
The primary radar system is used to detect and localize the Fig. 1. The front end of ADS-B receiver system consists
potentially non-cooperative targets and the secondary radar of an antenna with 5.5 dBi of gain, a band pass filter with
system is used to receive the additional information from pass range of 980–1150 MHz with insertion loss of approx.
the co-operative target’s transponder [3]. The ADS-B receiver 1.5 and 40 dB attenuation of unwanted frequencies and a Low
system also receive the data from co-operative targets and the Noise Amplifier (LNA) with 18.8 dB gain at 1090 MHz. The
accuracy of the ADS-B data is much more in comparison with RTL-SDR ADS-B USB dongle contains a Rafael Micro tuner
the conventional radar systems. IC capable of tuning to 1090 MHz and a Realtek IC capable
The pilots in the ADS-B equipped aircrafts receives air-to- of A/D conversion, digital processing and having USB slave
air and ground-to-air traffic information. The target’s unique interface. The heart of ADS-B receiver system is ADS-B data
ID and ICAO identifier, the target’s relative altitude and processing unit, which consists of Raspberry Pi3 embedded

978-1-5090-4442-9/17/$31.00 2017
c IEEE 1888
This full-text paper was peer-reviewed and accepted to be presented at the IEEE WiSPNET 2017 conference.

ADS-B Receiver Front end Amplified
RF Signal
RF Signal Filtered RF
Low Noise Amplifier
1090 MHz Filter (LNA) of 18.8 dB RTL-SDR ADS-B
gain USB Dongle

ADS-B data processing Unit

Digital I/Q LAN

Raspberry Pi 3
+5V Power Embedded Platform Pi PoE Switch HAT


ADS-B Aircraft Data LAN Data

Analysis Unit PoE Injector
LAN Data + Power


Fig. 1. The block diagram of ADS-B receiver system.

platform with Pi PoE switch HAT. The ADS-B receiver system The Raspberry Pi3 and Pi PoE Switch HAT exchanges data
also contains the PoE injector and ADS-B aircraft data analysis over Ethernet Interface. The Pi PoE switch HAT receives
unit. The Pi PoE Switch HAT is an add on board for the power over LAN wire and down converts to the required
Raspberry Pi that brings the Pi Supply Switch technology voltages. The PoE injector is used to inject power and data
together with PoE all in one fantastic package. You can now over Ethernet cable. The power to the PoE injector is supplied
power your Raspberry Pi and provide an Ethernet connection externally. The ADS-B aircraft data analysis unit receives data
in any location with just a single cable. Perfect for removing from the ADS-B data processing unit over Ethernet interface
the clutter of wires and for reliable use in remote locations. through Pi PoE switch HAT.
We had kept the ADS-B data processing unit as close as
III. P RINCIPLE OF O PERATION possible to ADS-B RF front end and powered through PoE
The ADS-B receiver front end receives Mode-S signal along cable with a length of around 100 m. The ADS-B aircraft data
with other spurious signals through antenna and filters the analysis unit is residing in a control room and the receiver
unwanted signals through 1090 MHz band pass filter. The system able to receive the data from the ADS-B equipped
1090 MHz filtered Mode-S signal is amplified with LNA and aircrafts from a range of around 470 km. Because of the
the amplified signal is fed to the RTL-SDR ADS-B USB atmospheric losses, earth curvature, terrain and other factors
Dongle for digital conversion and digital processing. The influence the correct reception of the ADS-B messages at
digitized I/Q samples are fed to the ADS-B data processing the receiver. We had observed many ADS-B messages are
Unit over USB. The RTL-SDR ADS-B Dongle is powered received with CRC error. This reduces the updation rate of a
through USB interface. Also, the LNA is powered with +5 V particular aircraft at the data analysis unit even though ADS-
from the Raspberry Pi3 Embedded platform. The embedded B transponder is sending data once per second, aircraft is in
platform is powered from Pi PoE switch HAT. the vicinity of the ADS-B receiver. The updation rate can
All the communication system receiver blocks are running be improved by using multiple RTL-SDR’s with separate RF
in the Embedded Platform, which includes starting from Front end’s.
preamble detection to CRC validation. The input to the pream- The ATC system can not be completely or primarily depen-
ble detection block is I/Q samples and the output of the CRC dent on the ADS-B system since there is a probability that any
validation block is valid ADS-B data. The valid ADS-B data is aircrafts capable of turning of the ADS-B transponder system.
packetized and send to the remote ADS-B aircraft data analysis Considering the fact that all the flying aircrafts are enabled
unit over Ethernet interface. with ADS-B system at all times, this system makes the ATC

This full-text paper was peer-reviewed and accepted to be presented at the IEEE WiSPNET 2017 conference.

I/Q Gain/Phase I/Q Power Preamble Detection PPM Demodulation CRC Validation
Correction calculation

Valid ADS-B Data

I/Q Samples

Fig. 2. Digital Mode-S signal processing system.

Preamble (8 us) Mode-S Data (56 or 112 us) 8 bit 24 bit ICAO 24 bit
Control address parity

Fig. 3. Mode-S frame. Fig. 4. Mode-S short-squitter frame.

much more accurate in comparison with the traditional radar

8 bit 24 bit 56 bit 24 bit
systems. The ADS-B received information greatly helps in
Control ICAO ADS-B parity
developing the radar data processing algorithms to fine tune
address data
them with reference to the ADS-B received information. Also
the surveillance technology aids the radar data processing
system to fuse the received ADS-B information with the Fig. 5. Mode-S extended-squitter frame.
conventional radar data and providing the fused track to
the ATC.
Bit Bit 6- Bit 9- Bit Bit 89-
1-5 8 32 33-88 112
The Mode-S signal carries the ADS-B data from aircrafts.
The ADS-B data is modulated with Pulse Position Modulation DF CA ICAO24 DATA PC
(PPM). The block diagram of Digital Mode-S signal process-
ing system is shown in the Fig. 2. The basic building blocks
of an ADS-B receiver communication system contains mainly
I/Q Gain and Phase correction, I/Q sample power calculation, Fig. 6. ADS-B frame.
Preamble detection, PPM demodulation and finally the CRC
validation block. The width of the I/Q sample varies with A/D
converter and the width of valid ADS-B data varies with Short VI. ADS-B F RAME
squitter or Extended Squitter Mode-S data.
The ADS-B frame is a 112-bits long message as shown
V. S HORT S QUITTER AND E XTENDED S QUITTER in Fig. 6. The type of the message can be identified by DF
M ODE -S S IGNAL (Downlink Format) field from bits 1 to 5. If DF = 17 (in
binary “10001”), then it is a ADS-B message.
The Mode-S frame is shown in Fig. 3. The Mode-S frame The DATA field of ADS-B message carries the information
contains preamble and ADS-B data. The length of preamble is like Aircraft identification, surface position, airborne posi-
8 μs and the duration of the short squitter Mode-S data is 56 tion (Baro Alt), airborne velocities, airborne position (GNSS
μs and the extended squitter Mode-S data duration is 112 μs. Height), Test message, surface system status, Extended squitter
The Mode-S short squitter frame format is shown in Fig. 4. AC status, target state and status and aircraft operation status.
It contains 8-bit control, 24-bit ICAO A/C address and 24-bit The identification of ADS-B aircraft information in 56-bit
Parity. It is transmitted once per second and carries only the ADS-B DATA depends on bits Type Code (1-4 of 56-bit
ICAO address, which is a unique aircraft identifier. DATA) as shown in Fig. 7.
The Mode-S extended squitter frame format is shown in
Fig. 5. It contains 8-bit control, 24-bit ICAO address, 56-bit VII. C ONCLUSION
ADS-B data and 24-bit parity. It is also transmitted once per The ADS-B receiver system is developed with various
second and contains ICAO address and 56-bit ADS-B data. sub modules like Antenna, filter, LNA, RTL-SDR, Embedded

This full-text paper was peer-reviewed and accepted to be presented at the IEEE WiSPNET 2017 conference.


17 1 to 4 Aircraft Identification Improving the updation rate of an aircraft at the ADS-B
aircraft data analysis unit can be attempted by using multiple
17 5 to 8 Surface Position
RTL-SDR’s with separate RF front End units connected to
17 9 to 18 Airborne Position (Baro Alt) single ADS-B data processing unit. Also it is possible to
17 19 Airborne Velocities use the ADS-B data to fine tune the radar data processing
algorithms and fuse the data with the conventional radar data
17 20 to 22 Airborne Position (GNSS Height)
and provide the accurate track information to the ATC.
17 23 Test Message Acknowledgements: Our sincere thanks to Mr.
17 24 Surface system status Ramakrishnan L., Principal Scientist, Mr. C.R. Patil, Group
17 29 Target State and Status Head (EO & RSP) for the opportunity to work on ADS-B,
Dr. Viji Paul Panakkal, M (SRS) and Mr. S. Sivakumar, M
17 30 Reserved (SRS) for the guidance.
17 31 Aircraft Operation Status
Fig. 7. ADS-B message types.
[1] John Zimmerman, “ADS-B 101: what it is and why you should care,” The
Airfacts, 2013. [Online]. Available:
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processing unit is powered from PoE and this unit is kept [2] Code of Federal Regulations by Federal Aviation Administration.
as near as possible to the RF front end unit to avoid RF (2010, May 28). Retrieved from
cable losses. We had tested this setup by keeping the length of Guidance_Library/rgFAR.nsf/0/00960eb5897eed7c8625775800671304!
PoE cable around 100 m. The lengthy PoE cable enables the [3] Primary radar from Wikipedia. (2016, June 23). Retrieved from https:
aircraft data analysis unit to reside in a control room, which //
is far away from ADS-B receiver system. We had received [4] Mysteries of ADS-B by Flying Magazine. (2005, OCt 29). Retrieved from
data from ADS-B equipped aircrafts, which are flying around [5] A self contained ADS-B Receiver using a Raspberry Pi and RTL-SDR.
at maximum of 470 km range. This system greatly helps the (April 13, 2015). Retrieved from
ATC to control the flying aircrafts with higher accuracy. ads-b-receiver-using-a-raspberry-pi-and-rtl-sdr/.


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