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Women's Constitution and By-Laws
We, the unified members of CAWA (CAJEL, WOMENS ASSOCIATION) on this day have
voluntarily associated ourselves as a member of CAWA (CAJEL WOMENS ASSOCIATION), and
accept the responsibilities bestowed upon us. Wedo selemnly swear to adhere and enact the
principles set forth in this constitution, and the Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines.

Article I: Vision, Goals and Objectives

Vision: We envision the development and enhancement of skills of our members and
creating opportunities to other women in our community.

Mission:To develop the standard way of living and to uplift the moral of our members
and all other women in our society.


:To engaged in an entrepreneurial activities
:To conduct kills and livelihood training to the members
:To engaged in community service activities
:To be a beneficiary of Government’s Financial Assistance and Livelihood Training Program

SEC I: The Association believes in the principle of unity and shall act towards the attainment
of common purpose and direction as well as create strong social bond among members and
the community.

SEC II: The Association upholds that each member is committed to the responsibilities
arising from any agreements.

SEC III: All members of the Association should be a Ledger Leaders in the association.
SEC IV: The association adheres to the principle of fairness thereby electing its members to
become officers .

SEC V: The association believes in a democratic process; hence all decisions shall be agreed
by the majority.


SEC VI: All members of the association have passed the eligibility requirements set by the
DSWD’s Women's Association such as:
6:1- Women listed as poor under the listahan or a member of Pantawid Pamilyang
Pilipino Program are encourage to be a member of the Women’s Association.
6:2- Should be 18 years old up to 59 years old.
6:3- Bonifide resident of the barangay.
SEC VII: All members of the association have an additional criteria
7:1 -Has a good moral character
7.2- Has a positive work habits and attitude
7.3- Has paid the membership Fee of P20.00 and the monthly dues of P25.00
A. Monthly dues is divided into 3, P10.00 is intended for business, another P10.00 is for social
funds ,P5.00 is for the expenses of the president such as travel and office supplies

B. At the end of the year the members of the association should receive an equal sharing of
40% patronage, 30% for buying the products and 30% for the box, a total of 100% if the
member is completed the requirements of the P10.00 as a compulsory.
C. As a member of the association, the member should received cash assistance worth of
P1000.00 if the member encountered death, hospitalization and accident. The member should
bring the death and medical certificate upon claiming the assistance .
D. If the member is absent in 3 consecutive meetings automatic the member will be drop in
the association.
E. If the member missed up in paying the monthly dues, the member should cover up before
the day of receiving the equal sharing on last week of December. If she cant cover up
automatic the member is not accountable for equal sharing and will be drop as a member of
the association.

SEC VIII: All members of the association have the following rights and privileges.
8.1 - To receive the full benefits of being a member of the association
8.2 - To vote or be voted upon as officer of the association
8.3 - To be heard and consulted prior to any Association decisions
8.4 - The association through its officers have the right to terminate any member for not
adhering to the policies covered by the documents and Women’s Guidelines
8.5 - In case of unforeseen events (e.g) death, severe illness of the association if she is
interested to join, she shall have the same rights and responsibilities. The association must
issue a resolution on the acceptance of the new member.

SEC IX. Duties and Responsibilities of an Officer

9.1 - President : Over all manager and presiding officer
9.2 -V-President : If the president is absent the vise president shall preside the meeting and
acting as a president
9.3- Secretary : Do the paperwork's, minutes of the meeting and should keep all the papers.
9.4 - Treasurer : Should carefully keep the money box and do transparency listing of cash in
and cash out
9.5- Auditor : Audit the money inside and outside the box every month
9.6- P.R.O : Act as a disseminator of the message to the member such as meeting or events
9.7- Sgt @ Arms : Peace maker in the association
Prepared By: Cheryl Uted

Approved by: Cherissa Celendron


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