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COMM 373 - Spring 23 - Team 6

Crisis Communications Plan

Sago, WV Coal Mine Collapse
Table of Contents

Introduction.................................................................................................................................................. 4
Statement from Management to Employees..............................................................................................5
International Coal Group Crisis Team...................................................................................................... 6
Purpose and Objectives............................................................................................................................... 8
Risk Assessment........................................................................................................................................... 9
Key Themes.................................................................................................................................................10
Incident Identification................................................................................................................................11
Designated Spokesperson & Backup........................................................................................................ 13
Telephone Tree............................................................................................................................................13
Blog and Social Media............................................................................................................................... 14
Sequence of Critical Events.......................................................................................................................17
Policies and Procedures............................................................................................................................. 18
Holding Statement......................................................................................................................................26
Press Release...............................................................................................................................................27
Key Publics Internal.................................................................................................................................. 28
Key Publics External..................................................................................................................................29
Emergency Personnel.................................................................................................................................30
Government Officials.................................................................................................................................30
Media Directory..........................................................................................................................................31
Questions and Answers..............................................................................................................................33
Fact Sheet.................................................................................................................................................... 36
Blueprint of Sago Mine Explosion............................................................................................................ 37
Dark Site..................................................................................................................................................... 38

International Coal Group. Inc. | Crisis Communication Plan | 2


This page is to certify that the people listed below acknowledge and understand the crisis
communications plan attached. It is imperative that those listed below recognize their assigned
role in the event a crisis occurs at International Coal Group.

President & CEO - Bennet Hatfield

Senior VP, Mining Services - Gene Kitts

ICG Chairman & Director - Wilbur Ross Jr.

Senior Advisors/Vice Presidents/Department Heads

(called upon depending on the crisis)
● VP, Treasurer & Secretary - William Campbell

● Senior VP, Sales and Marketing - Phillip Hardesty

● Senior VP, West Virginia & Maryland Operations - Samuel Kitts

● Senior VP, Kentucky & Illinois Operations - William Perkins

● Senior VP, Planning & Acquisitions - Charles Snavel

● Senior VP & General Counsel - Roger Nicholson

International Coal Group. Inc. | Crisis Communication Plan | 3


The International Coal Group Crisis Communications Plan provides specific actions and
procedures that require internal and external communication in the tragic event of a crisis. This
plan illustrates individual roles and responsibilities that will guide the International Coal Group
on how to properly provide information to all of their audiences during a crisis.

This crisis communications plan represents a set of actions to manage the International Coal
Group’s responsibilities during any possible circumstance that threatens/alarms operations, the
safety of community members and the reputation of ICG. This document focuses on how to
handle communicating during a crisis. This plan does not modify the way emergencies and other
personal matters are handled. This plan is to be followed exactly as presented in order to assure
effective communication to internal and external publics of ICG.

International Coal Group. Inc. | Crisis Communication Plan | 4

Statement from Management to Employees

Dear International Coal Group employees,

Earlier this morning, there was a coal mining explosion, leaving 12 International Coal
Group employees deceased, with one survivor. It is our job to communicate this information with
you as soon as possible, as you and everything you all do, mean so much to us at ICG. In times
of a crisis, the International Coal Group takes a deeper look within our business structure to
make sure we are doing everything possible to recover from a crisis in a timely and efficient
manner. We remain committed to keeping the safety of our employees a top priority and will be
looking into further details of what caused this explosion and how to prevent it from happening
in the future. The mine will be shut down until further notice and we will continue to update you
as we find out more information.

Thank you,

President & CEO

Bennett Hatfield

International Coal Group. Inc. | Crisis Communication Plan | 5

International Coal Group Crisis Team

Title Employee Office Cell Emergency Email

Phone Phone Phone

Crisis Communications Manager Ben (865)-232 (865)-793 (865)-793-2774

Duties: Notify internal and external Hatfield -1950 -2774
publics of crisis and manage ICG
through crisis and recovery.

Backup Crisis Communications Gene Kitts (865)-232 (865)-867 (865)-8670018

Manager -1951 0018
Duties: Fulfill actions of crisis
communications manager, if they are
unable to perform.

Assistant Crisis Communications Wilbur (865)-232 (865)- 865)- 745-6711

Manager Ross Jr. -1952 745-6711
Duties: Support ICG during crisis and
assist crisis communications manager
in smaller tasks.

Crisis Control Room Coordinator Roger (865)-232 (865)-409 (865)-409-1031

Duties: Nicholson -1953 -1031 m

Spokesperson 1 Bennet (865)-232 (865)-793 (865)-793-2774

Duties: Communicate with the media to Hatfield -1950 -2774
express the details of the crisis,
speaking on behalf of ICG.

Spokesperson 2 William (865)-232 (856)-506 (856)-506-1321

Duties: Communicate with those Campbell -1954 -1321 m
involved in the crisis, their families and
all other ICG employees.

Expert Samuel (865)-232 (865)-992 (865)-992-6532

Duties: Inform the company and media Kitts -1955 -6532
on the exact details that occurred
before, during and after the crisis.

Print Media Contact Person Charles (865)-232 (304)-626 (304)-626-1447

Duties: Take crisis information Young, -1956 -1447
expressed from ICG and present it to WV News
the public.

International Coal Group. Inc. | Crisis Communication Plan | 6

TV/Radio Media Contact Person Sam Kirk, (865)-277 (865)-203 (865)-203-1786
Duties: Take crisis information WBOY-T -5965 -1786
expressed from ICG and present it to V
the public.

Legal Advisor Charles (865)-232 (856)-967 (856)-967-4356

Duties: Provide legal advice to the Snavely -1958 -4356
control group and supervise and
internal investigation

International Coal Group. Inc. | Crisis Communication Plan | 7

Purpose and Objectives

The International Coal Group strives for open and honest communication to our publics before,
during and after a crisis. It is important to maintain close, trusting relationships with the media
and society. We believe in a quick recovery after a crisis that will allow for growth of our
business. In times of a crisis, the International Coal Group takes a deeper look within our
business structure to make sure we are doing everything possible to recover from a crisis in a
timely and efficient manner.

It is important to us that we communicate the crisis at hand once the facts are gathered to ensure
an open response to the public. If a crisis involves external members, we will reach out to them,
or their families, at the earliest opportunity to maintain thorough communication. By addressing
the crisis as soon as possible, this will show our dedication to the public, as we strive to be
honest with them. The International Coal Group hopes to learn from crises and take any
preventative action required for the future.

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Risk Assessment


Low/Medium/High Low/Medium/High h
Environmental Concerns LOW HIGH HIGH
Product Defect LOW HIGH HIGH
Safety of Product in Use LOW HIGH HIGH
Safety of Raw Materials LOW HIGH HIGH


Distribution Delays HIGH HIGH HIGH

Environmental Leakage LOW HIGH HIGH
Explosion/Fire LOW HIGH HIGH
Production Breakdown LOW HIGH HIGH
Technology Failure LOW HIGH HIGH


Health & Safety Issues LOW HIGH HIGH

Serious Accidents at Work LOW HIGH HIGH



Financial Results MEDIUM MEDIUM HIGH
Regulatory & Trade Barriers MEDIUM MEDIUM HIGH
Restructuring/Closures LOW HIGH HIGH

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Key Themes

● The safety of our employees is our top priority.
● We send our deepest condolences to the families of those who lost a loved one.
● We are actively investigating to discover what caused this disaster and how to prevent it
in the future.

● Thoughts and prayers are with the families of those who have been lost today.
● An investigation is underway with the support of the Mine Safety and Health
● Moving forward through the investigation, the safety of our employees has always been
and will continue to be our top priority.

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Incident Identification

➢ Explosion inside Sago Mine

➢ Occurred at 6:30 a.m. on January 2, 2006
➢ 13 miners trapped inside mine
○ The first cart that entered the mine was past the point of the explosion, leaving
miners trapped.
○ Miners in the second cart escaped the explosion and were unharmed.

➢ The mine superintendent, foreman of the second mine cart and three other miners entered
the mine to attempt to rescue trapped miners.
○ Reached 9,000 feet into mine, but could not continue due to carbon monoxide
➢ Specialized mine rescue crew contacted at 8:04 a.m.
➢ MSHA (Mine Safety and Health Administration) contacted at 8:30 a.m.
➢ MSHA arrived at scene at ~10:30 a.m.
➢ Rescue crew arrived at ~10:40 a.m.

➢ Rescue crew
➢ Medical personnel

➢ Sago Baptist Church utilized as an assembly area for media.

International Coal Group. Inc. | Crisis Communication Plan | 11

➢ CRISIS COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER/CEO: Bennet Hatfield - (865) 232-1950
○ BACKUP MANAGER: Gene Kitis - (865) 867-0018
➢ CRISIS EXPERT: Samuel Kitts - (865) 232-1955
TRAINING): (304) 558-1425

International Coal Group. Inc. | Crisis Communication Plan | 12

Designated Spokesperson & Backup

Spokesperson 1: Bennet Hatfield - President, Chief Executive Officer and Director

○ Contact Information:
■ Cell: (865)-793-2774
■ Office: (865)-793-2774
■ Email:

Backup: William Campbell - Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary

○ Contact Information:
■ Cell: (865)-232-1954
■ Office: (856)-506-1321
■ Email:

Telephone Tree

1. Employee on site notifies Wilbur Ross Jr., Assistant Crisis Communications Manager
a. Office: (865) 232-1952
b. Cell: (865) 745-6711
2. Wilbur Ross Jr. notifies Crisis Communications Manager, Bennet Hatfield
a. Office: (865) 232-1950
b. Cell: (865) 793-2774
3. Bennet Hatfield alerts the rest of the crisis communications team.
4. Bennet Hatfield briefs all company executives and stakeholders.
5. Bennet Hatfield meets with all media contacts to develop a united front for the press.

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Blog and Social Media

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International Coal Group. Inc. | Crisis Communication Plan | 16
Sequence of Critical Events

Part I: Leading Up to the Situation

● Ensure inspectors and specialists are properly enforcing the provisions of the Mine Act,
implementing those regulations and are properly trained and specialists are properly
enforcing the provisions of the approved plans, policies and procedures.
● Give the supervisor a first-hand look at the condition of the mine.
● Correct any weaknesses identified in the performance of inspectors and specialists.

Part II: During the Situation

● Alert MSHA, Sago Mine Rescue Team, local authorities and local hospital immediately.
● Once MSHA personnel and Sago Mine Rescue Team arrive, follow MSHA’s seismic
equipment procedures to rescue trapped miners.
● Draft press release, letter to employees and stakeholders and contact relatives of miners
● Activate Dark Site.
● Contact the media to set up necessary press conferences.
● Set up meetings as needed with MSHA and ICG executives.

Part III: Follow-up Events and Issues

● Closely follow inspection procedures.
● Thoroughly train miners on the Performance Management System.
● Re-evaluate existing emergency response stickers distributed to miners on hard hats.
● Update procedural instructions.

International Coal Group. Inc. | Crisis Communication Plan | 17

Policies and Procedures

I. Situation Analysis

● Facts of the situation:

○ 13 miners trapped inside mine
○ First cart that entered mine was past the point of explosion, leaving miners
○ Miners in second cart escaped explosion and were unharmed

● Critical and reputation-defining issues raised by the situation:

○ Poorly trained inspectors and specialists
○ Lack of knowledge to use Performance Management Systems
○ Outdated and unclear procedural instructions
○ Poor decision making in evaluations of gravity and negligence
○ Lack of care to follow required procedures for conducting inspections and
investigations of mine
○ Deficiencies in the Mine Emergency Evaluation
○ Procedural instructions are unclear and outdated
○ Inspectors need to be retrained

● People, groups, and organizations that are directly and indirectly affected by the
○ Family of the miners
○ Current employees of Sago Mine
○ All ICG owned mine
○ Stakeholders
○ Mine Safety and Health Administration
○ US Department of Labor

II. Strategic Considerations

● Issues, concerns, and problems that the situation raises:

○ The failure of personnel to follow established inspection procedures and
inadequate management controls
○ Lack of knowledge to use Performance Management Systems
○ Poor decision making in evaluations of gravity and negligence

International Coal Group. Inc. | Crisis Communication Plan | 18

○ Self-contained and self-rescuer instruction stickers do not emphasize that escape
○ MSHA’s seismic location system is obsolete, takes too long to deploy and had
never located a missing miner
○ Deficiencies in the Mine Emergency Evaluation and Firefighting Program of
○ Procedural instructions are unclear and outdated.
○ Inspectors need to be retrained.

● Critical management decisions that need to be made quickly:

○ Notify MSHA immediately.
○ Notify Sago Mine Rescue Team.
○ Shut down all ICG mines.
○ Conduct immediate investigation into the cause.
○ Contact all relatives to miners involved.

● Potential consequences/implications of the decisions made”

○ Loss of trust in ICG and MSHA as organizations.
○ Loss of trust in MSHA inspectors and specialists.
○ Loss of profit from the shutting down of all other mines.
○ Investigation into Sago Mine’s previous health and safety violations.

● Who does what:

Name/Department Responsibility

Communications Team ● Contact MSHA.

● Alert local hospital.
● Once information is gathered:
● Draft press release.
● Draft formal letters to employees.
● *Once victims and miners involved
are identified* contact relatives.
● Organize a press conference (prep

Board of Directors ● Send out formal announcements on all

social media platforms.
● Prep for press conferences.

Sago Mine Rescue Team ● Send out the Mine superintendent,

International Coal Group. Inc. | Crisis Communication Plan | 19

foreman of the second mine cart and
three other miners to the scene.
● Upon rescue, debrief team for press
conference and reporter interviews.

MSHA personnel ● Upon rescue, debrief team for press

conference and reporter interviews.

● Who speaks for the company:

○ Bennet Hatfield - President, Chief Executive Officer and Director
○ William Campbell - Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary

● Facts, circumstances, rumors, information, and reports that mae need further
○ What happened
○ Who was involved
○ Correct number of fatalities
○ Prior inspection reports
○ Documentation of now corrected violations

● Information we need to collect:

○ Facts involving the case
○ How the incident is being resolved
○ Number of fatalities
○ Victim’s names once identified
○ Cause of crisis


Essential operational steps that must be taken to get the situation under control:

1. Site assessments.

2. Physical location assessment.

3. Survey set-up location for geophone sub-array placement.

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4. Install geophone sub-arrays on the surface over the search area of the underground mine and
test for proper function.

5. Conduct refraction survey (including test surface shots)

6. Drill three 20-inch holes, load and detonate explosives to alert trapped miners that the system
is ready for them to round the roof.

7. If miners respond, process miners’ response and coordinate with a mine map to determine
specific location of trapper miners.

8. Drill five 20-inch holes, load and detonate explosives to notify trapped miners that they have
been located.

9. If miners do not respond, transport the explorer robot into mine for exploration as another
rescue tool.

10. Once the miners are found, bring the rescue team to the surface.

11. Send survivors to hospital via ambulance.

12. Transfer victims to state medical examiners.

Operational Response Timeline: Day 1

6:00 a.m.
● Halt mining activity at all mines.
● MSHA personnel arrive at the mine.
● Sago Mine rescue team arrives (Mine superintendent, foreman of second mine cart and
three other miners).
● Follow MSHA’s seismic equipment procedures as outlined in the following time order.

7:00 a.m.
● Survey mine and look for a possible 2-Lef borehole location. (~1 hour)

8:00 a.m.
● Set up a gas chromatograph and have bottle samples analyzed. (~4-6 hours)

International Coal Group. Inc. | Crisis Communication Plan | 21

9:00 a.m.
● Continue to conduct air quality checks.

12:00 noon
● Install geophone sub-arrays on the surface over the search area of the underground mind
and test for property function. (~4 hours)

4:00 p.m.
● Conduct the refraction survey. (~3-5 hours)

7:00 p.m.
● Drill three 20-inch holes, load and detonate explosives to alert trapped miners that the
system is ready for them to sound the roof. (~2-3 hours)
● Withdraw all people from the pit area as the hole is ready to punch through mine.
● Once the 2-Left borehole punches a hole into the mine, turn off all drilling equipment and
wait for response.

8:00 p.m.
● If there is no response, prepare to transport the explorer robot into mine for exploration as
another rescue tool.

9:00 p.m.
● Drill five 20-inch holes, load and detonate explosives to notify trapped miners that they
have been located. (~2-3 hours)
● Bring the Rescue team to the surface.
● Send in back boards, curtains, blankets, water, first aid supplies and medical personnel.

11:00 p.m.
● Send survivors to hospital via ambulance.
● Transfer victims to state medical examiners.


Essential response steps that must be taken to adequately understand and communicate
about the situation:

International Coal Group. Inc. | Crisis Communication Plan | 22

1. Immediately notify MSHA and Sago Mine Rescue Team upon explosion.

2. Alert local hospital.

3. Notify all ICG mines to halt mining activities.

4. Draft press releases.

5. Draft formal letters to employees and stakeholders.

6. Contact all relatives of miners potentially involved in the explosion.

7. Send letter/contact all ICG employees.

8. Contact the media to set up an ICG press conference and /send a press release.

9. Activate ICG dark website.

10. Send out formal announcements on all social media platforms.

11. Brief spokespeople on ICG press conference.

12. Hold ICG press conference.

13. Meeting with stakeholders.

14. MSHA press conference.

15. Monitor social media platforms.

16. Continuously send updates on the dark website.

17. Brief MSHA and Sago Mine personnel on site of rescue.

Communication Response Timeline: Day 1

6:00 a.m.
● **MSHA and the Sago Mine Rescue Team were notified immediately after the
● Alert local hospital and local authorities.

7:00 a.m.

International Coal Group. Inc. | Crisis Communication Plan | 23

● Meeting with the Board of Directors, executives and communication response team.
● Notify all ICG mines to halt mining activity.
● Contact all relatives of miners potentially involved in the explosion.

8:00 a.m.
● Draft a press release.

9:00 a.m.
● Draft formal letter to employees and stakeholders.

10:00 a.m.
● Activate the dark website.
● Send out formal announcements on all social media platforms.

11:00 a.m.
● Send the letter to all IGC employees via email.

12:00 noon
● Send the press release to the media and set up a press conference.

1:00 p.m.
● Brief selected spokespeople for the ICG press conference.

2:00 p.m.
● Hold ICG press conference. (~1 hour)

4:00 p.m.
● Meeting with MSHA executives and their crisis response team. (~1 hour)

6:00 p.m.
● Meeting with ICG stakeholders. (~1 hour)

8:00 p.m.
● Continuously update the dark website and social media platforms.
● Brief ICG spokesperson for MSHA press conference.

9:00 p.m.
● MSHA press conference. (~1-2 hours)

International Coal Group. Inc. | Crisis Communication Plan | 24

12:00 a.m.
● Brief MSHA and Sago Mine personnel on site of rescue.

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Holding Statement

At approximately 6:30 a.m. ET there was an explosion at the Sago Mine in Sago, West Virginia.
There are 13 miners trapped inside of the mine. The cause of the explosion is still unknown, but
all proper authorities have been contacted. The International Coal Group is sending all of our
thoughts and prayers to the families of the trapped miners. More updates will be released as new
information becomes available.

International Coal Group. Inc. | Crisis Communication Plan | 26

Press Release



SAGO-- At 6:30 a.m. ET an explosion occurred in the Sago Mine in Upshur County, West

Virginia. The explosion has left 13 miners trapped inside of the mine. The International Coal

Group is working with local officials and rescue teams to determine the best course of action.

The mine had been examined and cleared for use at 5:50 a.m. ET, less than an hour before the

explosion. The cause of the explosion is still unknown. The International Coal Group is

prioritizing the safety of the miners while collaborating with workers and rescue teams to figure

out the cause of the explosion.

While the status of the miners is unclear, the International Coal Group is sending all thoughts and

prayers to the miners and their families. The Mine Safety and Health Administration is on their

way to the scene with rescue teams.

Rescuers will need to wait for carbon monoxide and methane gas levels in the mine atmosphere

to lower before proceeding. We will continue to provide updates on the situation as more

information becomes available.

International Coal Group. Inc. | Crisis Communication Plan | 27

Key Publics Internal

List of Key Publics Internal

Name Address Office Phone Cell Phone Emergency


CEO Bennett X xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx


Johnny Stemple X xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx

Coal Group

Sam Kitts X xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx

Vice President
Coal Group

Wilbur Ross X xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx

ICG Chairman

Gene Kitts X xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx

Back-up Crisis

Roger Nicholson X xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx

Crisis Control

International Coal Group. Inc. | Crisis Communication Plan | 28

Key Publics External

List of Key Publics External

Name Address Office Phone Cell Phone Emergency


Gov. Joe X xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx


Congresswoman X xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx

Shelley Moore

Mine Safety and X xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx


MSHA X xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx

Bridgeport Field
James Satterfield

US Department X xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx

of Labor

Local X xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx


West Virginia X xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx

Division of

West Virginia X xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx


Charles Young, X xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx

WV News

Sam Kirk, X xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx


Charles Snavely X xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx

Legal Advisor

International Coal Group. Inc. | Crisis Communication Plan | 29

Emergency Personnel

Emergency Personnel:
● Police:
○ Local: Upshur Sheriff’s Office
○ Department: Buckhannon Police Department
○ Contact: 911
○ Non-emergency contact: 304-472-5723
● Fire:
○ Buckhannon Fire Department
○ Contact: 911
○ Non-emergency contact: 304-472-5723
● Medical:
○ Local: St. Joseph’s Hospital, Buckhannon, WV
○ Contact: 911
○ Non-emergency contact: 304-473-2000
○ Level 1 Trauma Center: Ruby Memorial Hospital, West Virginia University
● Mine Safety
○ West Virginia Office of Miners’ Health Safety and Training
○ Contact: 304-558-1425

Government Officials

Local Officials:
● Upshur County Sheriff Virgil D. Miller
● Prosecuting Attorney Bryan S. Hinkle
● Upshur County Commissioners Kristie Tenney, Samuel Nolte, Terry Cutright
State Officials:
● Governor Joe Manchin
● Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito
● Senator Robert Byrd
● Senator Jay Rockefeller
● WV Secretary of State Betty Ireland
● The Mine Safety and Health Administration
● U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao
● Bob Friend of MSHA
● Mine Safety Director James Allen Schoonover

International Coal Group. Inc. | Crisis Communication Plan | 30

Media Directory

Print (National & WV Radio WV Television National Television

Associated Press Contact: (304) Contact: Aaron Contact: David Muir
Contact: John Raby 427-1460 Williams (212) 456-7777
(304) 346-0897 West Virginia (304) 326-6707 CBS News
MetroNews Contact: Norah
United Press Contact: Mike Nolting WSAZ-TV O’Donnell
International mike.nolton@wvradio. Contact: Anna Baxter
Contact: com m (304) 346-7055 (304) 690-3069 (202) 217-1107
(202) 898-8000
WCHS WOAY-TV Contact: Jim Acosta
Reuters Contact: Contact: Tyler Barker jim.acosta@warnermed
Contact: Tim Studio - (304)
Mclaughlin 345-5858 (304) 469-3361 (212) 484-8000
tim.mclaughlin@thoms Main - (304) 342-8131 WVVA Fox News Channel
(646) 540-3000 Contact: Dana Perino
WJLS Contact: Matt Irvin
Contact: com
The New York Times Studio - +1 (800) (304) 325-5487 (212) 301-3000
Contact: Chris Hamby 995-9557
chris.hamby@nytimes. Main - (304) 253-7311 WSWP-TV MSNBC
com Contact: Eric Douglas Contact: Rachel
(202) 862-0411 Maddow
WMOV edouglas@wvpublic.or
Contact: 304-273-2544 g
USA Today +1 (888) 596-9729 (212) 644-4444
Contact: Kyle WCST
Bagenstose Contact: WVNS-TV NBC News
kbagenstose@gannett.c Studio - (304) Contact: Valerie Contact: Gadi Schwartz
om 263-4321 Sullivan gadi.schwartz@nbcuni.
(703) 854-5881 com
Main - (304) 263-8868
(212) 664-4444
(Director) (304) 929-6418
The Wall Street Journal Contact: (304) WCHS-TV
Contact: John W. Miller 253-7000 Contact: Wade Parsons
m WCBC (304) 345-4115

International Coal Group. Inc. | Crisis Communication Plan | 31

+1 (800) 369-2834 Contact:
(Main) newsroom@wcbcradio. WOWK-TV
com Contact: Bob Schaper
The Washington Post (301) 724-5000
Contact: Evan Halper (304) 720-6550
com WDTV
+1 (800) 627-1150 Contact: Brent
(Main) BonFleur
The Times West (304) 848-5000
Contact: David Kirk WTAP-TV Contact: Phillip
(304) 367-2522 Hickman
Mineral Daily News com
Contact: Liz Beavers (304) 485-6397
(304) 788-3333 Ext 113 Contact: Brenda
(304) 232-7777 Ext

International Coal Group. Inc. | Crisis Communication Plan | 32

Questions and Answers

Q#1: How many fatalities were there from the Sago Mine explosion?
A#1: There were 12 fatalities in the explosion and 1 survivor.

Q#2: What could have caused the explosion?

A#2: MSHA (Mine Safety and Health Administration) immediately started an investigation and are still
working on finding the direct cause.. MSHA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are working together
to digitally reconstruct the mine to determine the cause. This digital reconstruction includes a
Computational Fluid Dynamics study and structural analysis which will find the explosion overpressures
and factors that caused the alternative seals to separate from the abandoned area of the mine from the
active section.

Q#4: How many health and safety citations were issued against Sago Mine last year?
A#3: There were 208 citations, orders, and safeguards issued against the Sago Mine, but MSHA stopped
operation of the mine until all unsafe conditions were addressed. Less than half of the overall violations
were “significant and substantial” and all but 8 of the citations were corrected by the operator. Those 8
issues were being abated by the operator in compliance with the Mine Act.

Q#4: Should MSHA have shut down the Sago Mine due to the violations?
A#4: MSHA does not have the authority to shut down a mine due to the large number of violations
issued. MSHA did however, shut down mining activity in the areas of the mind that were deemed unsafe.
All safety issues that caused the shut down in various locations of the mine were corrected by the operator
before mine activity resumed.

Q#5: Could any of these health and safety violations have caused the explosion?
A#5: We will not know what caused the explosion until MSHA has concluded the investigation.

Q#6: What will be done to keep miners safe in the future?

A#6: We will continue our enforcement activities and continue to help miners and mine operators
understand and follow MSHA's safety regulations. Once MHSA has closed their investigation and we
have a cause, we will correct that cause and continue to comply with MSHA’s corrective measures.

International Coal Group. Inc. | Crisis Communication Plan | 33

Q#7: Does the Sago Mine disaster indicate that MSHA is not enforcing the Mine Act as strictly as they
A#7: MSHA is strictly enforcing the Mine Act. They have rapidly expanded its inspection and
enforcement presence at the site by 84% between 2004 and 2005 in response to poor safety performance
at the mine and increasing production activity at the mine. Last year, MSHA more than tripled the number
of citations, orders and safeguards issued against the company and insisted that the operator quickly
remedy all safety and health violations in full compliance with the Mine Act.

Q#8: What level of enforcement activity did MSHA perform at the Sago Mine last year?
A#8: MSHA personnel spent 744 on-site inspection hours at Sago Mine during calendar year 2005. This
represents an 84% increase from the 405 on-site inspection hours spent at the mine during calendar year

Q#9: Has MSHA cut back on enforcement activity?

A#9: Absolutely not. Overall fatalities have fallen by 33% from 2000 to 2005, and fatalities in coal mines
have fallen by 42% from 2000 to 2005. The number of citations issued have risen, as well as civil
penalties assessed and the current administration has proposed significant increases in the amount of
monetary penalties MSHA can assess for serious violations.

Q#10: How many people did MSHA have on the site of the rescue effort?
A#10: 25 MSHA mine safety professionals were on the scene.

Q#11: How many teams responded to the incident?

A#11: 13 teams responded to the Sago Mine disaster.

Q#12: Do you feel that the existing Sago Mine Rescue Team Structure is deficient?
A#12: No, our rescue team has always been an elite aspect of the coal industry. MSHA regulations
specify that mine rescue stations must be within two hours ground travel of a coal mine and that two
teams present themselves at the mine within a reasonable time. Although several mining companies have
numerous mine rescue teams, most mining operations only have the minimum coverage defined in the
regulations. Teams are expensive to create and maintain, thus the number of teams in excess of regulatory
requirements is dependent upon the economy of the industry. There was no shortage of highly-trained,
experienced mine rescue resources at the Sago Mine.

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Q#13: What are the federal requirements for mine rescue teams?
A#13: Federal regulations require that each mine rescue station must be within two hours of ground travel
of the mine or mines it serves. Company mine rescue teams or contract teams that have an arrangement
with the mine must present themselves at the mine within a reasonable time after an accident.

Q#14: What happened to the mine rescue robot?

A#14: The robot had been in Knoxville, Tennessee being repaired on January 2nd, 2006. MSHA chose to
stop the repairs and bring it to the site as quickly as possible to assist in the recovery. The robot
experienced problems affecting its mobility and ability to gather mine atmosphere information, and was
therefore quickly set aside without any loss of time for the rescue teams.

Q#15: Why don’t we have better mine rescue technology?

A#15: Mine rescue teams are expensive, and most companies and teams focus on maintaining the
instruments, apparatus, and equipment they currently have. Development and deployment of new
technologies is to some degree dependent on market conditions.

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Fact Sheet

International Coal Group, Inc.

Fact Sheet

Overview: International Coal Group was formed in March 2005 to be ICG’s new top-tier parent
holding company following the reorganization. International Coal Group currently has no
operations and no significant assets. Following the completion of the reorganization and
acquisitions, International Coal Group will own, through ICG, all of the ICG business as well as
Anker and CoalQuest.

History: ICG was formed by WLR and other investors in May 2004 to acquire and operate
competitive coal mining facilities. As of September 30, 2004, ICG acquired certain key assets of
Horizon through a bankruptcy auction. These assets are high quality reserves strategically
located in Appalachia and the Illinois Basin, are union free, have limited reclamation liabilities
and are substantially free of other legacy liabilities. Due to ICG’s initial capitalization, it was
able to complete the acquisition without incurring a significant level of indebtedness. Consistent
with the WLR investor group’s strategy to consolidate profitable coal assets, ICG intends to
acquire Anker and CoalQuest to further diversify its reserves.

Headquarters: The International Coal Group’s principal executive offices are located at 2000
Ashland Drive, Ashland, Kentucky 41101.

Contact: (606) 920-7400

International Coal Group Principal Executive Offices
2000 Ashland Drive
Ashland, Kentucky 41101

Leadership: Wilbur L. Ross Jr., Chairman

Bennett K. Hatfield, President/CEO

Employees: 1,425

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Blueprint of Sago Mine Explosion

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Dark Site

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