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and explorers brought diseases previously unknown to North America, such as smallpox,

measles, and cholera. 90% of indigenous people died in some areas.

of Canada and the Mississippi River region. Their main purpose was the fur trade, and they
established a fur trading outpost in what would become Quebec City. The Spaniards colonized
what is now Florida and much of Central America, extending into what is now the southwestern
United States. They wanted resources such as gold, increased trade, and a way to spread the
Roman Catholic faith among the indigenous peoples.
By the early 17th century, Franc t to feel the effects of the European invasion. Many were often
forced to relocate to the interior of North America to make room for European settlement.
main purpose was the fur trade, and they established a fur trading outpost in what would
become Quebec City. The Spaniards colonized what is now Florida and much of Central
America, extending into what is now the southwestern United States. They wanted resources
such as gold, increased trade, and a way to spread the Roman Catholic faith among the
indigenous peoples.

Americas (Figure 4.2.2).


These large plantations depended on slave labor, and this dark legacy would remain in North
America for her 250 years. originally a

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