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Americans live throughout North America, and some Native artifacts can be seen in many

museums across the continent.

Artifacts have been

oldest known human settlement in North America lies outside Puebla, Mexico. collector's
lifestyle. Newfoundland was later resettled from Nova Scotia by the Mi'kmaq tribe.

Native Americans live
isn't much to see, and it's a crime to dig it yourself. However, nearby museums are often worth
a visit, and some may even have volunteer opportunities.

Clos before 3000

Native Americans live
closed to visitors during excavations. Visiting at any other time is probably a bad idea. There
isn't much to see, and it's a crime to dig it yourself. However, nearby museums are often worth
a visit, and some may even have
human settlement in North America lies outside Puebla, Mexico. collector's lifestyle.
Newfoundland was later resettled
archaeological sites, some dating back thousands of years. The site itself is usually closed to
visitors during excavations. Visiting at any other time is probably a bad idea. There isn't much to
see, and it's a crime to dig it yourself. However, nearby museums are often worth a visit, and
some may even have volunteer
1 Huey Atlaco. Archaeologists debate the exact age of the Hueyatlaco site, where tools and
animal remains have been found that suggest humans hunted mammoths and other extinct
species. The general opinion is that they date between 23,000 BC and he 21,800. It is believed
to be about twice as old as the Clovis culture. (An opposing view is that the site is much older
than this conservative estimate, perhaps 200,000 years old.) Hueyatlaco on Wikidata
(Q2312036) Edit Hueyatlaco
known human settlement in North America lies outside Puebla, Mexico.

1 Huey Atlaco. Archaeologists debate the exact age of the Hueyatlaco site, where tools and
animal remains have been found that suggest humans hunted mammoths and other extinct
species. The general opinion is that they date between 23,000 BC and he 21,800. It is believed
to be about twice as old as the Clovis culture. (An opposing view is that the site is much older
than this conservative estimate,
clovis point
2 Clovis Culture (Llano) (near Clovis, New Mexico). Ruins from around 11,000 BC. BC; many
tools and tombs were found at Blackwater Draw near Clovis. Clovis is the "typical site" of this
culture, first unearthed around 1920, but there are more than 100 sites of his in the United
States, Mexico, Central America, and as far away as Nova Scotia and Venezuela. there is
Humans were Stone Age hunter- groups. This concept is now considered an oversimplification.
The main reason is that evidence of pre-Clovis humans has been found in excavations from
Alaska to Chile. DNA evidence points to a close relationship between the Clovis people and
subsequent groups in both continents
However, the people of Clovis remain
entire pack off a cliff. This site has been in use for at least 5,500 years. This Buffalo His Jump is a
UNESCO World Heritage Site and houses the Museum of Blackfoot Culture. Edit Head Smashed
in Buffalo Jump (Q683110) at Wikidata

1 Huey Atlaco. Archaeologists debate the. (An opposing view is that the site is much older than
this conservative estimate, perhaps 200,000 years old.) Hueyatlaco on Wikidata (Q2312036)
Edit Hueyatlaco on Wikipedia

clovis point as Nova Scotia and Venezuela. there is Humans were Stone Age hunter-gatherers
who created a unique flint work called Clovis Point. Blackwater Draw has a museum. Many
20th-century archaeologists accepted the "Clovis First" hypothesis that the Clovis descended
from the first immigrants who crossed the Bering Viaduct and were the ancestors of all
subsequent groups. This concept is now
3 Áísínai'pi National Historic Site of Canada (written in stone, hieroglyphics) (approximately 100
km southeast of Lethbridge, Alberta), ☏ +1 403-647-2364. Home to Sikh deer (Blackfoot)
glyphs dating back up to 9,000
(Estipah-skikikini-kots) (near Fort MacLeod, Alberta), ☏ +1 403-553-2731. Blackfoot hunters
drove the entire pack off a cliff.

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