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HKU Business School

2022 Registration Package

Please check if you have received the following documents:

 School Notes to Freshmen

 Welcome message from Associate Dean (Undergraduate)
 Notes on CAES1000 Core University English
 Notes on Plagiarism
 Student Academic Advising Programme

 Freshmen Bulletin 2022

 Quick Reference Guide for Freshmen
 Student Handbook 2022-2023

August 2022
August 2022

To: All Freshmen of HKU Business School


Welcome to the HKU Business School! As you are turning to a new page in your life, you
must be very excited in getting to know more about the University, the School and the student life ahead.
In this connection, we would like to provide you with the following useful information:

(A) HKU Student Email

Electronic means is the most efficient communication channel. The University and the School
will send announcements concerning students’ academic study, School news, details of
upcoming enrichment programmes and all other important messages directly to your HKU
student email account. Please check your HKU student email on a daily basis to maintain close
contact with the University and the School.

On the other hand, general notices are those that could be of interest to members of the
University. You may select not to receive general notices from any department or student
society through the HKU Portal:
My Page tab  Campus Information Services  Central IT Services  Bulk Email Control

(B) HKU Business School Website

The School posts the most updated information on its website at
You are strongly encouraged to visit the website regularly and pay special attention to the
undergraduate programmes section (, where you can obtain details
about the following issues:

- Regulations and syllabuses

- Courses offered / academic advisement
- Enrichment programmes (such as international exchanges, scholarships, internship
opportunities, competitions, careers training, graduate recruitments, etc.)
- Timetable and calendar
- Faculty / student achievements
- Press releases / media coverage
- School newsletter “Contact”

(C) Regulations and Syllabuses

Regulations and Syllabuses for individual programmes for the 2022-2023 intake are available
at the School website (  Programmes & Courses  Degree

(D) Students Associations

You are strongly encouraged to take part in extra-curricular activities in addition to your
academic study. There are four student associations representing undergraduate students of the

(i) Faculty Society - Business and Economics Association (BEA)

(ii) Academic Societies affiliated to BEA

- Business Association (BA)
- Economics and Finance Society (EFS)
- Information Systems Association (ISA)

Participation in these student organizations and their activities are entirely voluntary. Should
you be interested to join any one of them, you can contact them directly.

(E) Enquiries

Should you have any enquiries, you are always welcome to contact us via the following means:

Address: Room 401, K.K. Leung Building, The University of Hong Kong
Phone: (852) 3917-5343
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am – 1:00pm and 2:00pm – 5:50pm.
(Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, University holidays and public holidays.)

We look forward to welcoming you at the University.

HKU Business School

The University of Hong Kong
August 10, 2022

To: All Freshmen of HKU Business School

Message from Associate Dean (Undergraduate)

On behalf of the HKU Business School, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to all
of you joining our big family! I am sure you and your family are very proud of all your outstanding
achievements. Please keep up your good work that earns you a place in our University! With the same
positive attitude and perseverance, I am confident that you will enjoy a wonderful learning experience
at our University in the years to come.

I would also like to show my appreciation that you have chosen to enroll in our programme.
We strive to cultivate our students to think critically and communicate effectively, and to become capable
and, more importantly, ethical business elites. Apart from traditional classroom learning, we offer a
wide variety of enrichment activities to enrich students’ learning experience during their years of
undergraduate education. Please make yourself ready to take on the opportunities and challenges ahead.
Be also prepared to meet new people and make new friends. Everything you do, everyone you meet and
every friend you make, both inside and outside of the classrooms, will enrich your university life, ignite
your passion and curiosity, and launch you onto the path to success!

You will find useful information in this package which would guide you through your first
few months of campus life. Our Faculty members and staff are always helpful and approachable to
provide you with advice and guidance. Once again, welcome to the HKU Business School and the
University of Hong Kong!

Dr. Derek Chan

Associate Dean (Undergraduate)
CUE Guidelines for SIS

You must enroll in the course “CAES1000 Core University English” (CUE) in either the first or second
semester of your first year of study unless you have been officially granted exemption from / advanced
standing for CUE (Please check with your home Faculty in relation to the criteria and application procedures
for CUE exemption / advanced standing). If you are in the process of applying to be exempted from the
course, you should complete the necessary application procedures as early as possible. You are advised to
enroll in one of those classes offered in the second semester if the application process is not completed by
the end of August 2022. If you are enrolled in a class in the first semester, please attend all the sessions of
the class as scheduled and submit all the assignments as required until your application for CUE exemption
is successful.

Enrollment Arrangements
You must sign up for a CAES1000 class during the course enrollment period, i.e. August 19, 2022 (10:00
am) - August 25, 2022 (4:00 pm).

Each CAES1000 class has a quota of 20 and the Student Information System (SIS) approves students’
enrollment requests by auto-balloting. Thus, there is no guarantee that you will be allowed to enroll in the
class you have selected.

Please check your course selection results periodically, and if you fail to enroll in your selected class, please
choose another timeslot until you can enroll in a class successfully. If you don’t sign up for any class during
the course enrollment period, the SIS system will automatically assign you a class randomly after the course
enrollment period ends. Please check with your home Faculty on your status if you believe you have been
granted exemption/ advanced standing but have been assigned a CAES1000 class subsequently.

You can change your CAES1000 class freely in the add/drop period during the first and second semester
(i.e. until 4:00 pm on September 15, 2022 in the first semester, and 4:00 pm on February 6, 2023 in the
second semester (provisional)). Please attend sessions of your original class until your application for class
change has been approved. The SIS system will perform random class assignment to those who have attained
Level 3 or Level 4 in HKDSE English Language, or equivalent, and do not have any CUE course enrollment.
You can no longer change your CUE enrollment after the above-mentioned deadline. Please refer to the
course video and the course website at
for more details of the course and the procedures of changing class groups at this stage.

Students Seeking Applications for Advanced Standing / Exemption

For exemption criteria and application procedures, please refer to the section below. Eligible students will
be informed of application details by the School directly.

If your exemption / advanced standing application result is not available by the end of August 2022, you
should enroll in one of those classes offered in the second semester. Or else, you will be auto-enrolled in a
class in the first semester and expected to attend all the sessions of class as scheduled and submit all the
assignments as required until the exemption / advanced standing result is granted.

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Exemption from CAES1000 Core University English (applicable to the September 2022 intake)
Students admitted through the non-JUPAS/International Admissions or Mainland Admissions Scheme are
eligible to apply for exemption from the CUE requirement with any one of the following qualifications
achieved in the year of admission (i.e. 2022, unless otherwise specified):

 holder of a Bachelor’s degree from an English-medium university

 achieved Grade A or above in English Language GCE Advanced Level (AL)/ Advanced Subsidiary
Level (ASL)
 achieved an overall IELTS score of no less than 7 AND with all sub-scores no less than 6.5 on the
Reading, Speaking, Listening and Writing Tests within 2 years before admission to the University
 achieved an overall TOEFL Internet-based test score of no less than 94 AND no less than a 24 on the
writing, a 20 on the speaking, a 20 on the listening, AND a 19 on the reading sections within 2 years
before admission to the University
 achieved in International Baccalaureate (IB) Grade 4 or above in English A1/ English Language A/
English A: Literature/ English A: Language and Literature (HL); or Grade 5 or above in English B/
English Language B (HL); or Grade 5 or above in English A1/ English Language A/ English A:
Literature/ English A: Language and Literature (SL)
 achieved Grade 4 or above on the Advanced Placement (AP) English Language/ English Language
and Composition/ English Literature and Composition Test
 achieved a NEW Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) score of 35 or above on both the Writing & Language
Test and Reading Test (from 2016)
 achieved Grade B or above in H1 General Paper at the Singapore GCE A-level
 achieved Grade A or better in English language at Malaysia SPM examination
 achieved Grade A2 or better in Malaysia UEC-Senior English Language
 attained merit (3 points) or above in each set of credits in New Zealand NCEA Literacy (10 credits
made up of 5 credits in reading and 5 credits in writing)
 achieved a score of 95% or better in English at All India Senior School Certificate Examination /
Higher School Certificate
 achieved a final score of 90% or better in English at Grade 12 Canadian high school curriculum.
 achieved Grade B or better in English Language at Sri Lanka Ordinary examination
 achieved a score of 90 or better in English in the Russian Unified State Exam (Единый
государственный экзамен, ЕГЭ, Yediniy gosudarstvenniy ekzamen, EGE)
 Academic Speaking and Writing test conducted by the Centre for Applied English Studies (CAES)
for students who have not taken any of the above tests (Note: When applying to take the Academic
Speaking and Writing Test, students should provide evidence that they were admitted to the University
using qualifications other than those included in the list. If any applicants fail to provide any evidence
that they were admitted to HKU using qualifications other than those included in the list provided by
CAES, the CAES assessor has the rights not to allow the applicant to take the test. The School Office
will relay your information to CAES. You will be notified of the arrangement of the Academic
Speaking and Writing Test by CAES direct in due course.)

Please submit your exemption application via the following link on or before HKT23:59 August 4, 2022
(Thursday): Late application or
application with insufficient information will NOT be processed.
(**Freshmen who have received and/or accepted their admission offer on or after July 29, 2022 will receive
notice for application from the HKU Business School Office separately.)

If exemption is granted, students must take an elective course in lieu of CUE.

Freshmen admitted through JUPAS with Level 5 or above in 2022 HKDSE English Language
Students admitted through JUPAS who have achieved Level 5 or above in 2022 HKDSE English Language
will be automatically exempted from the CUE requirement, and CUE is optional.

For any enquiry, please contact us by email at

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The ordinary meaning of plagiarism is stated by the Oxford English Dictionary as:

"... to take and use as one's own, the thoughts, writing or inventions of another."

In terms of how this affects you as a student, plagiarism is defined in the

University's Regulations Governing Conduct at Examinations as:

"... the unacknowledged use, as one's own, of work of another person, whether
or not such work has been published."

In simple terms, plagiarism is about copying. It does not matter whether the
work that has been copied has been published or not. It does not matter how
the work was produced. It could include work contained in printed form such
as a book, an article or lecture notes, or in electronic form such as a website, or
an audio-visual production, to name but a few. It does not matter whether you
change a few, or even many, of the words or thoughts expressed by someone
else. The important points are that work was copied from someone else and
that no acknowledgement was made of this fact.

The University does not allow plagiarism. Any act of plagiarism is a

disciplinary matter that can result in serious consequences, including
expulsion from the University.

The University has published a booklet entitled "What is Plagiarism?" which

is enclosed in the Student Registration Folder distributed to you on your
admission into this University and is also available online
( A booklet entitled "Plagiarism and How to Avoid
It" by David Gardner is also available online at
You are advised to read them.

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