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People, pets, Character, or favorite objects

Tacts 10 items (e.g., common objects,

Tact 1.1
people, body parts or pictures)

1pt. Names 2 items without echoic prompts

1/2 pt. Names 1 item without echoic prompts

Tact 1.5
Tact 1.2 1pt. Tacts 10 items without echoic prompts

1pt. Names 4 items without echoic prompts

1/2 pt. Tacts 8 items without echoic prompts

1/2 pt. Names 3 item without echoic prompts

Note: ABBLS-R: G2, G3, G4, & G5
Note: ABLLS-R: G1

Looks at, touches, or points to the correct family member, pet, or other
Non-reinforcing items (e.g., shoe, hat, spoon, car, cup, bed)
reinforcer when presented in an array of 2, for 5 di erent reinforcers

Tact 1.3 Listener Responding 1.3

1pt. Names 6 items without echoic prompts
1pt. Identi es 5 di erent family members, pets, or other
reinforcers (FO2)

1/2 pt. Names 5 item without echoic prompts

1/2 pt. Identi es 2 di erent family members, pets, or

Note: Do not count any mands (requesting items) other reinforcers (FO2)

ABBLS-R: G2, G3, G4, & G5 Note: ABBLS-R: C4

Spontaneously Tacts (no verbal prompts) 2 di erent items

Selects the correct item from an array of 4, for 20 di erent
objects or pictures (e.g., Show me cat,Touch shoe)

Tact 1.4
1pt. Tacts 2 di erent items within 60 minute observation
Listener Responding 1.5
1/2 pt. Tacts 1 di erent items within 60 minute 1pt. Identi es 20 di erent items in an array of 4

1/2 pt. Identi es 15 di erent items in an array of 4

Note: Timed Observation, 60 minutes Note: ABBLS-R: C19


Places 3 items in a container, stacks 3 blocks, or places 3 rings

Visually tracks moving stimulus for 2 seconds, 5 times.

on a peg for 2 of these or similar activities

VP-MTS 1.1 VP-MTS 1.4

1pt. tracks moving stimulus for 2 seconds, 5 times.
1pt. Places 3 items in a container, stacks 3 blocks, or
1/2 pt. tracks moving stimulus for 2 seconds, 2 times.
places 3 rings on a peg for 2 of these or similar

Note: Time Observation, 30 minutes 1/2 pt. Places 2 items in a container, stacks 2 blocks, or
places 2 rings on a peg for any single activity.

Note: E (Either Observation or Testing),

ABBLS-R: B2, Z2, Z7, *Z13, Z23,

Grasps small objects with thumb and index nger (Pincer grasp)
5 times

VP-MTS 1.2
1pt. Grasps small objects with thumb and index nger Matches any 10 identical items (e.g., inset puzzle, toys, objects,
(Pincer grasp) 5 times
or pictures.)

1/2 pt. Grasps small objects with thumb and index VP-MTS 1.5
nger (Pincer grasp) 2 times
1pt.Matches any 10 identical items in an array of 3

1/2 pt. Matches any 5 identical items in an array of 3

Note: Observation,
ABBLS-R: *Z25 Note: E (Either Observation or Testing),
(Can also assess) Z7, Z8, Z9, Z10, Z13, Z14 ABBLS-R: B1, *B3, *B4, *B5, *B6,

Visually attends to a toy or book for 30 seconds

Imitates 8 motor movements, 2 of which involved objects (e.g.,
shaking a maraca, tapping sticks together)

VP-MTS 1.3
Imitation 1.3
1pt. Visually attends to a toy or book for 30 seconds

1pt. 6 motor movements presented by an adult, and

1/2 pt. Visually attends to a toy or book for 15 seconds

imitates 2 adult motor behaviors involving objects

Note: Observation, 1/2 pt. 6 motor movements of any type, and if fails to
ABBLS-R: A3 imitate with objects. Or if all actions involve object.

ABBLS-R: D1, D2, D15, D16,


Tact 25 items when asked, What’s that? (e.g., book, shoe, car, dog, hat)

Imitates 20 motor movements any type (e.g., ne motor, gross

motor, imitation )
Tact 2.6
1pt. Tact 25 items

Imitation 1.5
1/2 pt. Tacts 20 items

1pt. 20 motor movements of any type.

1/2 pt. 15 motor movements of any type.

ABBLS-R: G2, G3, G4, & G5
ABBLS-R: Any task from D section except for D3
which has a verbal prompt with task.

Generalizes tacts across 3 examples of 50 items, tested or from a list of
known generalizations (e.g,. Tact 3 di erent cars)

Tact 2.7
1pt. Generalized 3 examples of 50 items when tested.

1/2 pt. Generalized 3 examples of 25 items when tested.

Note: Assemble 3 variations of known items

Selects the correct item from a messy array of 6, for 40 di erent objects or
pictures (e.g., Find cat. Touch ball)

Listener 2.6
1pt. Identi es 40 items in a messy array of 6

1/2 pt. Identi es 25 items in a messy array of 6

Note: Unique to VB-MAPP


Imitates 10 actions that require selecting a speci c object from an array of 3

Imitation 2.6
1pt. Imitates 10 di erent actions with an object that matches the
adult’s object from an array of 3 when prompted “Do this.”

1/2 pt. Imitates 5 di erent actions with an object that matches the
adult’s object from an array of 3 when prompted “Do this.”

Note: Unique to VB-MAPP

Tacts the color, shape, and function of 5 objects (15 trials)

Tac 3.11
1pt. Tacts the color, shape, and function of 5 di erent object (15

1/2 pt. Tacts the color, shape, and function of 5 di erent object (15


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