Development of Mangrove Healthy Condition (MHC) Index

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Eco. Env. & Cons. 25 (July Suppl. Issue) : 2019; pp.

Copyright@ EM International
ISSN 0971-765X

Development of mangrove healthy condition (MHC)

index based on their symbiotic organisms
Bambang Irawan*, 1Fatimah, 1Intan Ayu Pratiwi, 1Moch. Affandi, 2Ketut Wikantika,
Lilik Budi Prasetyo and 1Thin Soedarti

Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia
Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia
Bogor Institute of Agriculture, Bogor, Indonesia

(Received 28 March, 2019; Accepted 16 May, 2019)

The information of mangrove health condition are useful to help design the mangrove conservation and
mitigation measure in disturbed areas. In this work we use three parameters to illustrate the mangrove
health condition MHC) index. This index is not the same as any other index that has been established,
because the index is based on the biotic factor only. The criteria of our index would be indicative even in the
situation when the mangrove is intensively attacked but still maintain the high diversity of endophytic
organisms. Seven mangrove and their associates from 3 locations in 3different districts were observed
including: Rhizopora apiculate, R. mucronate, R. stylosa, Avicennia marina, Excoecaria agallocha, Seriop desendra,
and Bruguiera silindris. The result showed that the MHC index varied among sampling points. Nguling
showed the widest range of the index (2.5 – 10.75), followed by Tongas with the index range between 0 –
8.25, and PantaiKutan, asthe most homogeneous, with index ranging between 4.25 and 10. The distribution
of index values, not congregate on one particular mangrove and its associates, indicating that the index was
independent in regard to the mangrove taxa. Therefore, this formula could be used to show the mangrove
and its associate the health condition.We also found that the values of MHC index were independent from
the soil type where the mangrove thrived.

Key words : Mangrove Health Index, Endophytic symbions, Biofouling, Mangrove

Introduction land uses, orto follow the demandof urban and in-
dustrial development.Since mangrove community
Mangroves community has an important role in has an important role in our ecosystem, we have to
coastal ecosystem since they provide coastal protec- protect and properly manage the remaining man-
tion, breeding ground for fish, crustaceans, and groves community in a systematic and scientific
valuable natural forest products including manner.
ecotourism industry. Mangrove ecosystem has been In our view, each remaining mangrove commu-
constantly under threat from anthropogenic activi- nity in South East Asia has a different degree of
ties along coastal lines such as changing stress due to human disturbances, therefore it is
toreclamation, fish pond, and industrial areas. This important to get a precise information of
is a dilemma to decide between to protect the man- mangrove’s quality, such as its health conditions.
groves from being reclaimed and cleared for other The information of mangrove health condition must

*Corresponding author’s email:;

S38 Eco. Env. & Cons. 25 (July Suppl. Issue) : 2019

be useful to design mangrove conservation and Sampling Method

mitigation measures in disturbed areas.Information
A number of 20 sampling points were chosen with
on the quantity of mangrove community can be ap-
respect to the visual mangrove habitat condition
plied in any mangrove areabut it must illustrate the
individually such as normal, normal with some
specific site condition. There are many alternatives
level of biofouling attack, with death branch, and
in gathering quick and precise information depend-
death mangrove. Four kind of substrates were ob-
ing on the objective of the management. In this
served. All mangrove was observed at low tide dur-
work we use three parameters to illustrate the man-
ing day light. Those locations, sampling point, man-
grove health condition including the intensiveness
grove species, substrates (substratum??) and time
of biofouling attack and, the number of both endo-
are shown in Table 1.
phytic bacteria and fungi. We use MHC index as the
acronym for Mangrove Health Condition. This in- Mangrove Habitats
dex is not the same to the index proposed by
Three scores of mangrove habitats were introduced,
Prasetya et al., (2017) since they use ecological data
with 0 when most part of the individual mangrove
to calculate their index, here we use biotic factor
were dry or death; 1 when the mangrove was dwarf
only. The index we have proposed is also different
(height 1m or less); 2 when the mangrove heightwas
from the Florida MQI which was developed based
between 1 – 2m; 3 for normal mangrove having the
on three main categories of physical characteristics,
individual height 2 m or more (Table 1).
namely; fauna biota; vegetation and water (Ibrahim,
et al., 2016). The reason three parameters were cho- Bio-fouling data
sen as follow. The destruction of mangrove flora has
To describe the level attack of biofouling, observa-
been reported intensively (Santhamukaran and
tions were carried out at the main trunk of man-
Sawant, 1998; Karuppaiyan and Raja, 2007). The
grove up to 80 cm from the substrate (substratum??)
biofouling attack has also impact on the sedimenta-
surface. Percentage of attack were based on the
tion proses (Panchang, 2014), and also biofouling
width of biofouling attack on the surface of the main
cause a technical and economical negative impact in
trunk below 80 cm as mentioned before. The per-
tidal area (Richmond and Seed, 1991).
centage was simplified into 5 (?) score levels includ-
The purpose of this work is to propose an index
ing : < 5% (point: -1); > 5% - 25% (p.: -2); >25% - 50%
to describe the mangrove condition base on biologi-
(p.: -3); >50% - 75% (p.: -4); >75% - 100% (p.: -5).
cal factor and independent from habitat and sub-
strate type, we call this index by MHC index. This Bacterial diversity
index can be used for any species of mangrove and
Endophytic bacterial were collected according to
its associate. The hypothesis we use in this work is
Liu et al. (2015) as follow. Samples of leaf, bark, and
even if the mangrove intensively attacks but still
root were cleaned using tab water than placed in
have high diversity of endophytic organisms, the
75% ethanol for 1 minute followed in HgCl2 0.1% for
MHC index is similar to the mangrove have low in-
2 minutes than rinse using distillate water for 4
tensity or no biofouling attack.
times and dried using sterilized filter paper. All of
this step was carried out in Laminar Air Flow. Ster-
Materials and Methods ilized 5 grams sterilized of each sample was grinded
aseptically and was extracted by added 2 mL physi-
Seven mangrove and mangrove associates from 3 ologic solution. Sample extract was homogenized in
locationsin deferent three districtswere observed at Petri dish by added 15 mL NA media. Culture me-
4 August and 29 September 2018 between 08.00 am dia was incubated for up to 8 days or up to bacterial
– 14.30 pm. All from the northern coast of East Java. colony growth up. The growing colony was transfer
Tongas (Probolinggodistrict) had 8 sampling to slant Nutrient Agar and incubated for 2 days to
points.Nguling (Pasuruandistrict) had 4 sampling get pure culture. The isolates have been keep in 4 oC
points. This location is developed for a tourism area.
PantaiKutang (Lamongan districts) had 8 sampling Fungal diversity
points. The seven mangrove and mangrove associ- The samples were collected from roots, stems,
ates were: Rhizopora apiculate, R. mucronate, R. young and old leaves. All samples were washed
stylosa, Avicennia marina, Excoecaria agallocha, Seriop
desendra, and Bruguiera silindris.

with distillate water to remove soil residue and lected from fifth to tenth days and transferred to
dust, then soaking in 70% ethanol for 1 min fol- PDA medium for purification and then keep on
lowed by 3% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) for 2 slant agar in 4o C.
min (Schulz et al., 1993). Ten g of each samples were
Mangrove Health Condition Index (MHC Index)
added to 0.85% NaCl solution (w/v) and homog-
enized. Then, the supernatant was plated onto MHC index is based on the equilibrium between
warm PDA with supplemented with 50 mg/L strep- levels of biofouling attack and diversity of both bac-
tomycin and 50 mg/L tetracycline to avoid contami- terial and fungal faunas. This equilibrium value will
nant bacteria. All the Petri dishes were incubated in decrease or increase the mangrove habitats. How-
room temperature for 10 days. The fungi were col- ever, when biofouling attack and bacterial and fun-

Table 1. Mangrove species and their locations

Location Sampling Coordinate Mangrove Substrate type Time
point Species Score
Tongas TP.A S 7o42’26"E R. mucronata 3 Sandy clay
Probolinggo 113o05’47"
TP.B S 7o42’24"E R. stylosa 0 Clay
TP.C S 7o42’25"E R. stylosa 3 Clay
TP.D S 7o42’25"E R. mucronata 3 Clay
TP.E S 7o42’26"E A. amarina 3 Clay 4 August
113o05’51" 2018-
TP.F1 S 7o42’23"E A. amarina 0.5 Salty sand 08.00 - 10.00
TP.F2 S 7o42’23"E A. marina 0.5 Salty sand
TP.H S 7o42’13"E E. agallocha 3 Dry clay
Nguling NP.A S 7o42’13"E R. mucronata 3 Wet clay
Pasuruan. 113o05’37" 4 August
NP.B S 7o42’12"E R. mucronata 3 Wet clay 2018
113o05’37" 11.00 - 13.00
NP.C S 7o42’14"E R. mucronata 3 Wet clay
NP.D S 7o42’14"E R. mucronata 2 Dry clay
Pantai KL.A S 6o53’19.62"E E. agaloka 3 Wet clay
Kutang 112o05’36"
Lamongan. KL.B S 6o52’32.00"E R. apiculata 3 Wet clay
KL.C S 6o53’18.00"E S. desendra 3 Wet clay
112o11’28,93" 29 September
KL.D S 6o53’30.24"E R. apiculata 3 Wet clay 2018
112o 11’ 47.00’ 09.30 - 14.30
KL.E S 6o53’17.84"E B. silindris 3 Wet clay
KL.F S 6o52’16.68"E R. apiculate 2 Wet soil
KL.G S 6o53’15.36"E R. apiculate 3 Wet soil
KL.H S 6o53’15.38"E R. apiculata 3 Wet soil
S40 Eco. Env. & Cons. 25 (July Suppl. Issue) : 2019

gal diversity in the steady state condition, the man- between two types of substrate. To test this assump-
grove can growth normally and its habitus look like tion we use Mann Whitney test and carried out us-
in normal condition. The constant value of 10 was ing SPSS version 21. Clay and wet clay were se-
added to impose the limit to the index. The formula lected as substrates (substratum??) for comparison.
to calculating the MHC index as follow.


MHC : mangrove Health Condition Index Seven species of mangrove and mangrove associa-
10 : a value to illustrate normal mangrove health tion were indexed based on its biofouling attack and
condition. its bacterial and fungal endophytic biodiversity. The
H : individual mangrove habitats. When H = 0 the result shows that the MHC index has been varies
MHC index equals to 0. When H = 0.5 the MHC among sampling point within and out of locations.
index is divided by 2 Nguling (station code NP) has widest range of the
T : biofouling attacking score. index (2.5 – 10.75), the next were the next were
B : bacterial diversity indicated by a total number Tongas (TP) which vary from 0 – 8.25, and
of species isolated from root, main trunk, ma- PantaiKutan (KL) which the MHC was the most
ture leaf, young leaf, and apical leaf. homogeneous since the index in this location only
F : fungal diversity indicated by a total number of from 4.25 – 10. The HMC index ang its components
species isolated from root, main trunk, mature have been shown in Table 2.
leaf, young leaf, and apical leaf. Table 2 show that MHC index were varied
4 : a constants to minimize the MHC value. among sampling points and locations. The highest
MHC index (9.13) has been mangroves from
Statistical Analysis Tongas, Probolinggo, and the lowest one (6.81) has
The index is assumed to be independent from the been Nguling, Pasuruan. The MHC index in TP. B
substrate (substratum??) type. Therefore, the distri- equal to 0 since the H value is 0, and in TP. F1 and
bution of index will not be significantly different TP. F2 the calculated MHC were divided by 2 as

Table 2. Level biofouling attack, endophytic diversity and MHC index in each sampling point and location
Sampling Biofouling Diversity MHC index
point attack Bacteria Fungi Each Location
TP.A 0 3 2 7.50 9.13(0 - 8.50)
TP.B 0 9 1 0*
TP.C 0 7 2 8.50
TP.D -1 5 2 7.25
TP.E -1 3 3 7.00
TP.F1 0 1 1 4.94**
TP.F2 0 8 3 6.06**
TP.H 0 6 2 8.25
NP.A -5 0 0 2.50 6.81(2.50 -10.75)
NP.B 0 15 3 10.75
NP.C -5 4 3 4.25
NP.D -1 8 4 9.75
KL.A 0 11 3 9.75 8.06(4.25 - 10.00)
KL.B -5 8 1 4.75
KL.C 0 12 3 10.00
KL.D 0 11 3 9.75
KL.E 0 10 2 9.25
KL.F 0 8 1 9.75
KL.G -3 10 2 7.00
KL.H -5 6 1 4.25
Note, *: if H = 0, MHC equals to 0; **: if H = 0.5, the calculated MHC is divided by 2.

explained in the calculation method for MHC index than others. The lowest MHC index was also lo-
above. When we confirm the MHC index and the cated in Nguling (NP. A) if we ignore the dead
type of substrates, it looks like that no correlation mangrove, this location had the widest range of
between MHC index and substrate type. The MHC MHC index (2.5 – 10.75). However, if the dead man-
indexes were also varied among sampling point grove were included, the widest range of MHC in-
within location, mean that MHC have no correlation dex was in Tongas (0 – 8.5). Thus, indicating that the
with location but the mangrove condition itself. health condition in Nguling was very heteroge-
The lowest MHC index was in Probolinggo (TP. neous. The same phenomenon was observed in
B; R. stylosa) since there were dead mangroves Lamongan. It appears that the health condition of
among the samples. However, if we ignore the dead mangrove in each location was heterogeneous. The
samples and determine the living mangrove only, result also indicated that bacterial and fungal endo-
the lowest MHC index was in the PasuruanNguling phytic increased theMHC index. This assumption is
(NP. A: 2.50; R. mucronata). The highest index was in support by Castro et al. report (2014) in which endo-
Pasuruan (NP. B: 10.75; R. mucronata). For other two phytic microbial increased the mangrove to against
locations, the highest index were R. stylosain in any parasitic organisms.
Probolinggo (TP. C: 8.50) and S. desendrain
Lamongan (KL. C: 10.00). Conclusion
As shown in Table 2, the MHC index in clay had
a range between 0 and 7, and in wet clay between The index of Mangrove Health Condition was var-
2.5 and 10.75. The distribution of index value in ied among sampling station and location. The range
these two substrate types were not significantly dif- of MHC index among the sampling stations be-
ferent. The result of Mann-Whitney test the asymp- tween 0 and 10.75, and among the three location
tote significant is 0.234, this mean that the index cal- between 6.81 and 9.13. The index proposed here
culated here was not influenced by the type of sub- were based on observation only. The mangroves
strate which the mangrove growth. could represent for any kind of substrates, species,
and many levels of biofouling attack, diversity of
Discussion endophytic organisms, and its habitats. The index
values seem to be independent from mangrove spe-
There were 20 indexes of seven species of mangrove cies and substrate type. There is a need to improve
and mangrove association. The highest and lowest the validity of the proposed MHC indexby checking
indexes of life mangroves were in R. mucronate. In mangroves health conditions in other geographic
each location, the highest and lowest indexes were areas. The validity of the index is important for
A. marina and R. stylosaor if the death mangrove was managing mangrove ecosystem as a primary front
includes, both were R. stylosa (in Probolinggo); both line of defense to protect coastal areasagainst tidal
were R. mucronata in Pasuruan; and S. desendra and waves and the ability of the mangrove to play its
R. apiculata (in Lamongan). The distribution of index protective roles.
did not congregateonparticular species or genus of
mangrove and their associates. This indicated that Acknowledgement
the index was independent from mangrove taxa,
and therefore this formula can be used to show the The authors thank Dr. HunsaPunnapayak,
mangrove and their associates the health conditions. Chulalongkorn University, for his extremely guid-
In this work, 5 types of substrates were included, ance and critique of our preliminary manuscript.
there were sandy clay (3 sampling stations), clay (4 This study was supported by Ministry of Research,
sampling stations), dry clay (2 sampling stations), Technology and Higher Education through Indone-
wet clay (8 sampling stations), wet soil (3 sampling sia Collaboration Research ProjectAirlangga Uni-
stations). Based on the data from each typeof sub- versity; contract number: 563/UN3.14/LT/2018
strate, the index was heterogeneous. This phenom-
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