El Héroe Perdido II

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Social and economic inequality.

Social inequality, also known as economic inequality, is a socioeconomic

problem resulting from the poor distribution of income in the social area.
Social inequality is an expression that reflects the discriminatory treatment
suffered by a group of people, but favors other social classes.

In general, social inequality occurs in underdeveloped or undeveloped

countries, and it can also occur in countries with high levels of development,
as a result of the lack of education, better opportunities in the labor market
and also due to the difficulty of access cultural goods or health services or
education that the majority of the population suffers.

Social inequality generates other types of inequalities such as gender

inequality, racial inequality, regional inequality, among others.
Social inequality arose with capitalism, that is, with the economic system that
perpetrated the idea of ​the accumulation of capital and private property, and
that at the same time that it incites the principle of greater competition and
distinguishes the level of people based on the capital and its consumption

Social inequality is a problem present everywhere, in different continents,

countries and states. However, there are places where the problems are
more evident, such as African countries, which are considered to have the
highest rate of social and economic inequality in the world.

Causes of social inequality:

In the economic aspect, the lack of work opportunities gives rise to poor and
rich social groups, and the increase in taxes accentuates inequality because,
sometimes, those with less income pay more taxes than the rich, which is
permanently confined to poverty. Corruption and tax evasion also contribute
to the increase of this phenomenon.

On the other hand, inequality increases when a certain group of people

benefits from public investment and spending, in access to basic public
services such as health or education.

In the social part, it is generated by discrimination between individuals due to

their economic position, race, religion, sex, among others. This is generated
by the difficulty that a group of individuals presents to access education,
technology, knowledge, making a group of society feel more vulnerable to
suffer other consequences such as rejection, hunger, malnutrition and infant
Consequences of social inequality:

Social inequality has very specific consequences and very contrary to the
harmonious development of nations or humanity, how:

– Increase in the unemployment rate.

– Increase in the rate of violence and crime generated by the group of
vulnerable individuals to survive the crisis and dominate over a group of
– Delay in the economic progress of the country.
– Malnutrition and infant mortality due to lack of financial resources.
– Income inequality.
– Lack of education and access to the health system and medicines.
– Marginalization by society.

Actions to stop social and economic inequality in the world:

To reduce inequality, we must understand its causes and consequences,

which can be complex and deeply embedded in social, economic, political,
and environmental systems and resources.

– Invest in cooperation and development.

– Guarantee the protection of civilians in humanitarian emergencies.
– Creation of fair tax systems.
– Improve access to basic public resources.
– Contribute to the care of the environment.

Social inequality is a problem that encompasses all of us in general, since we

are part of society and therefore, we must respect the economic situation of
others. Respecting ourselves and respecting others is a basis for a better and
fair life.

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