ENGL125 Grammar 1-2 - Aspects

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Complete the following sentences with the correct grammar tense

based on the time of the sentence:

● Her education played (simple: play) a significant role in her childhood

● I hope (simple: hope) to live in a wealthy area when I retire.

a. The bus drivers changes (simple: change) routes every other day.

b. While she is abroad, she is relying (continuous: rely) on her parents' money
to live.

c. During the party tomorrow night, I will contributing (continuous: contribute)

by serving drinks.

d. When they entered their class late, the other students finished (simple /
perfect: finish) a test.

e. The next time you see your niece, she will stop (simple / perfect: stop)
wearing diapers.

f. The majority of students have (simple: have) a limited income.

g. The traffic light indicates (simple: indicate) stop when you entered the

h. The kindergarten teacher was spending (continuous: spend) a lot of time

attending to the children when I visited the class.

i. These days, work dominates (simple: dominate) most of my time.

j. Recently, I had been playing (continuous / perfect: pay) a lot of attention to

my reflection in the mirror.
k. The teacher is going to get (continuous: get) his cast removed next week.

l. The wine had stainded (simple / perfect: stain) the rug by the time it was
2. Complete the following sentences with the correct grammar tense
based on the appropriate aspect of the verb:

● Past: I (love) watching movies when I was a child.

I loved watching movies when I was a child.

● Future: She (sleep) if I call her when I finish work.

She will be sleeping if I call her when I finish work.

a. Present: They (think) living together out of wedlock is a sin.

They think living together out of wedlock is a sin.

b. Present: She (think) about seeing that movie about pirates.

She thinks about seeing that movie about pirates.

c. Future: This time next year, they (establish) a new school. It will be open.
This time next year, they will establish a new school. It will be open.

d. Future: It (rain) in December.

It will rain in December.

e. Present: The diligent student (study) all the time.

The diligent student studies all the time.

f. Past: He (vacuum) his apartment when I arrived. (Incomplete)

He vacuumed his apartment when I arrived.

g. Present: I don't think the council (meet) right now.

I don't think the council meets right now.

h. Future: The baby (not wear) diapers this time next year.
The baby won´t wear diapers this time next year.

i. Past: I'm sorry I missed class yesterday. I (not feel) well.

I'm sorry I missed class yesterday. I (not feel) well.
j. Present: He usually (pursue) any beautiful woman he sees.
He usually pursues any beautiful woman he sees.

k. Past: When I was fourteen years old, I (rebel) against my parents. This
continued until I was eighteen or nineteen.
When I was fourteen years old, I rebelled against my parents. This
continued until I was eighteen or nineteen.

l. Past: The flight (be) delayed a few times yesterday afternoon.

The flight was delayed a few times yesterday afternoon.

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