ENGL125 Grammar 4-1 - Probability

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Choose the appropriate meaning of the sentence, based on the

modal verb of probability:

a. The candidate should win the election.

a. Certainty
b. A wanted expectation
c. Possibility

b. The criminal might be sentenced to death next week.

a. Certainty
b. A wanted expectation
c. Possibility

c. He could be guilty.
a. Certainty
b. A wanted expectation
c. Possibility

d. Computers in that country can't be too costly.  

a. Certainty
b. A wanted expectation
c. Possibility

e. His work couldn't be sloppy.  

a. Certainty
b. A wanted expectation
c. Possibility

f. The party's campaign must be very effective.

a. Certainty
b. A wanted expectation
c. Possibility
g. Parliament should discuss the new budget next week.
a. Certainty
b. A wanted expectation
c. Possibility

h. Because of the baby boomers, the population of that country must be

a. Certainty
b. A wanted expectation
c. Possibility

i. Because of the country's recent economic problems, there couldn't be very

many prosperous regions these days.
a. Certainty
b. A wanted expectation
c. Possibility

j. The school may impose tougher restrictions soon.

a. Certainty
b. A wanted expectation
c. Possibility

k. This issue could be vital to the country's citizens.

a. Certainty
b. A wanted expectation
c. Possibility

l. The party's representative may make some controversial statements.

a. Certainty
b. A wanted expectation
c. Possibility
2. Complete the following sentences with the correct modal verb of
probability.  In some sentences, more than one answer is possible.

a. The process should be finished soon. I'm quite sure of it.

b. The party's campaign                     be costly. I honestly have no idea.

c. It                     be a nice summer this year.

d. The spokesperson                     be running late. Traffic is usually pretty bad

at this hour.

e. The governor                     discuss poverty in her speech next week. I'm
interested to see what she says.

f. Passing that law in your country                     have been quite

controversial. I know many people argue about this issue in my country.

g. "Why is the criminal out of jail?" "Well, he                     have received


h. He has never committed a crime in his life. He                     be guilty!

i. "I thought the criminal was sentenced already. Why is he in court again?"
"He                     be appealing the decision."

j. The candidate really wants to get rid of poverty. My mother always

discusses ways to fix this problem. She                     be an advocate of the

k. The next council meeting                     take place in this city. I'm pretty

l. The student's past teachers                     have been very strict. He doesn't
seem to do things that are expected of him.

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