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In the matter between

The State
v Case number: A547/20
Abraham Faro Accused

Statement in terms of Section 112(2) of Act 51/1977

I, the undersigned, Abraham Faro hereby declares as follows:

1. I am the accused in this matter and understand the charge against me

2. I freely, voluntarily and without undue influence plead guilty to the charge of
3. I admit that on 15 October 2020 and at Boland Stadium I was in the
Wellington district
4. I admit that I wrongfully and unlawfully stole the property of the complainant
as per the charge sheet with the intent to permanently deprive the said owner
of his property
5. I admit that the complainant is Eugene Potts
6. The facts I am pleading guilty to are as follows :
On the day in question I was requested by a known male to go to the stadium
to collect a bag. I went to the stadium and found the bag hidden underneath
the stairs. I at that stage knew that it was stolen items as I know the person
who requested me to fetch the bag, as someone that is well known for
stealing items. I also knew that he was not the lawful owner of the bag with
the items in it. I then took the bag and upon leaving I was confronted by the
complainant and other men. I ran away as I was fearful at that stage. They
however caught me and the police was contacted. I was then subsequently
7. I admit that I had no right or permission to act in this manner
8. I admit that at all relevant times I knew that my actions were wrongful and
punishable by the Honourable Court
9. I admit that my legal representative has explained the contents and
consequences of this statement to me and I understand it

Signed at Wellington on 9 February 2021

______________________ ___________________

Accused Attorney

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