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Practice Test EA117 – Word Formation OLP 30/4 – KEY

Choose the correct form of the word in brackets. An example has been given in sentence 0.

1. __________ transformation is prerequisite to pave the way for a better and modern
society. (EDUCATE)

Time allotted: 40 minutes for 30 sentences

1. He is BETTER-KNOWN for his charitable activities than for his business in steel industry.
2. Our bodies arer naturally DETOXIFIED by our organs of elimination – the skin, lung,
intestines, kidneys and liver. (TOXIC)
3. He’s such a PSEUDO-INTELLECTUAL who always pretends to know everything.
4. She should take this ANTIDEPRESSANT drugs to treat her state. (DEPRESS)
5. The audience was mesmerized by her clear and SONOROUS voice. (SOUND)
6. A number of local church leaders have acted as GO-BETWEENS with the people in the
vicinity. (GO)
7. The ban on firecrackers was EXPRESSLY introduced to reduce the number of accidents.
8. He sold the car to a TRICKSTER who paid with a worthless stolen cheque. (TRICK)
9. It was such UNHEARD-OF for a new band to be offered such a deal. (HEAR)
10. John was arrested for smuggling CONTRABAND (BAND)
11. To the UNINITIATED, most computer systems seem complex and difficult to understand.
12. The pieces of evidence fell into palce with the EQUIVOCAL precision of a well-made
jigsaw puzzle. (VOICE)
13. Parents have deep MISIGIVINGS about allowing business values to be used in school.
14. For many people, social networking offers them a feeling of ESCAPISM from the real
world. (ESCAPE)
15. Not sick, Mai guesses, but probably HUNGOVER now that she drank a lot at the pary last
night. (HANG)
16. The boats surrounded the whales, drove them into nets, where they became
UNMESHED and were rendered helpless by harpoon thrusts. (MESH)
17. “P” is an BILABIAL consonant. (LIP)
18. Perhaps COUNTER-INTUITIVELY, recent computer modeling studies predict fewer
tropical cyclines if the ocean heats up further as a result of global warming. (INTUITION)
19. New immigrants have been successfully ASSIMILATED into the community. (SIMILAR)
20. We have to good examples, to look at our behaviour and to stop being SELF-RIGHTEOUS
21. You should see the way my older brother dresses, I suppose on his salary he can afford
to look so smart and WELL-GROOMED (GROOM)
22. The Government has the law of ANTI(-)ALCOHOLISM (ALCOHOLIC)
23. In my view, he is too INDECISIVE to be accepted. A good broker must be able to take
prompt deicions. (DECISION)
24. The poet’s BURIAL attracted hundreds of his admirers who came to pay their last
respects. (BURY)
25. In ACCORDANCE with the rules of competition, the team was disqualified. (ACCORD)
26. The film is interesting but full of historical INACCURACIES (ACCURATE)
27. Newspapers blamed the chaos after the flood on MALADMINISTRATION of the local
officials (ADMINISTER).
28. The build-up of troops in the border area has HEIGHTENED tension between the two
countries. (HIGH)
29. The Government has yet to make an official PRONOUNCEMENT on the issue.
30. The company has an annual TURN-OVER of $25M. (TURN)


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