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The noise level around us is constantly increasing and affecting the quality of our

lives. What causes the noise? What should be done about it?
Macro words: noise level
Micro words: increasing noise level affecting our lives
Instructions: causes and solutions
Cause #1: construction/development
Example: house renovation/ road building/ new housing projects
Cause # 2: Traffic
Example: motorbikes/ cars

Solution # 1: impose stricter laws on construction time:

Example: no construction at the weekends
Solution #2: impose stricter traffic laws
Example: reduce speed limit in residential areas

The exponential elevation in noise level has brought significant detrimental implications to our life
quality and mental health. There are various reasons that have contributed to this inclination and
the two major causes are constructions and traffic. Being exposed to harmful volume level of noise
for a prolonged period could potentially damage our hearing. Therefore, it is relevant for us to
mitigate this issue promptly by executing several measures which include imposing stricter laws for
traffic and construction time. These contents will be further elaborated in the following paragraphs.

First and foremost, due to the arrival of a new modern era, it is inevitable for the advancements and
developments of infrastructures especially in the city areas. Innumerable places such as shopping
malls, food restaurants and old roads are demolished and replaced with new buildings to suit the
interest and requirements of public. Furthermore, as the population in cities begin to rise, more
houses are renovated and new housing projects are established. Consequently, the regular
constructions have caused major issue in terms of noise level due to loud drilling noises. In addition,
traffic has also constituted a great proportion of noises too, for instance, car honking noises and loud
motorbike engine sounds. Unfortunately, the noises originated from the cars and motorbikes are
more evident at night due to the profound silence.

Henceforth, it is a necessity and responsibility for government to tackle this problem by imposing
stricter laws for the duration and time of constructions. For instance, there should be no
constructions carried out in the weekends because most people will be back home from work and it
is an obvious fact that they would not want their leisure time to be disrupted by immense noises.
Additionally, government should also ban constructions during nightime past 10 p.m. as that is the
common time for people to fall asleep. Moreover, the government should also impose traffic laws
which speed limits of cars and motorbikes should be reduced in residential areas to avoid causing a
large volume of noise. Drivers should also not be permitted to honk their cars during night time
despite there are any traffic jams unless it is an emergency situation.

In conclusion, the public concern for increase in noise level has intensify in these past few years due
to rising numbers of constructions and inclination in the number of motorbikes and cars in
residential areas. Hence, it is a major issue that should be fully acknowledged and tackled by the
government by establishing new stricter laws regarding on traffic and construction time.

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