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Admas University

School of Post Graduate Studies

Department of Computer Science






A thesis Proposal submitted to Admas University School of Post

Graduate studies in partial fulfillment of the requirement for a
Master of Computer Science

June, 2023
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

TABLE OF CONTENTS..........................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................1
1.1 Background.......................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the Problem..................................................................................................................3
1.3 Research Questions...........................................................................................................................5
1.4 Objectives..........................................................................................................................................5
1.6 Significance of the research...............................................................................................................6
1.7 Scope of the Study.............................................................................................................................6
1.8 Limitations of the Study....................................................................................................................7
1.9 Organization of the Thesis................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER TWO REVIEW OF RELATED WORKS............................................................................10
2.1 Overview.........................................................................................................................................10
2.2 Internet of Things............................................................................................................................10
2.2.1 History of IOT..........................................................................................................................12
2.2.2 Applications of IOT..................................................................................................................13 Application Area of IoT in Agriculture......................................................................................17
i. Agricultural field Monitoring..........................................................................................................17
ii. Green House Monitoring.................................................................................................................18
iii. Agricultural Drones.........................................................................................................................18
v. Smart Irrigation Control..................................................................................................................19
vi. Agriculture Warehouse Monitoring.................................................................................................19
vii. Soil Monitoring...............................................................................................................................20
2.2.3 Internet of Things Architecture.................................................................................................20
2.2.4 Communication framework Structure of IoT............................................................................21
2.3 Sugarcane Production in Ethiopia.............................................................................................22
2.3.1 Factors affecting Productivity of sugarcane Production...........................................................23
2.4 Related Works..........................................................................................................................24
CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY............................................................................28
3.2 Description of the Study Area.........................................................................................................28
3.3 Research Design..............................................................................................................................28
3.4 Research Methodology....................................................................................................................29
3.4.1 Target Population.....................................................................................................................29
3.4.2 Sampling Design......................................................................................................................29
3.4.3 Methods of Data Collection and Tools.....................................................................................30
3.4.4 Method of Data Analysis..........................................................................................................30
3.4.5 System Evaluation....................................................................................................................30

1.1 Background
Sugarcane is an important crop in many countries, and its production is critical for the sugar
and bioenergy industries. However, sugarcane production is often challenged by environmental
factors such as drought, pests, and diseases, as well as labor shortages and rising production
costs. To overcome these challenges, farmers are increasingly turning to technology to improve
their yields and reduce waste.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and
other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and connectivity that enables these
objects to connect and exchange data. In agriculture, IoT technology can be used to improve
crop yields, reduce waste, and increase efficiency.

One way that IoT technology can improve sugarcane production is through soil monitoring.
IoT sensors can be used to monitor soil moisture, temperature, and nutrient levels. This
information can be used to optimize irrigation and fertilization, which can improve crop yields
and reduce water and fertilizer waste. For example, researchers at the University of Florida
have developed an IoT-based irrigation system for sugarcane that uses soil moisture sensors to
determine when and how much to water the crops. This system has been shown to improve
yields and reduce water use by up to 50%.
In the agricultural domain, the Internet of Things (IoT) technology has been employed to tackle
the challenges encountered in sugarcane production. This technology involves the utilization of
sensors, cameras, and other devices to collect and analyze vast amounts of data pertaining to
various aspects of farming, including weather patterns, moisture levels, plant health, mineral
content, chemical applications, pest infestations, and other relevant factors. IoT is not a singular
product or tool, but rather a group of technologies that work together to provide valuable insights
to agriculturalists. The primary objective of most IoT products in agriculture is to empower
farmers to make informed decisions regarding planting, irrigation, harvesting, and other
operational activities.

Another way that IoT technology can improve sugarcane production is through weather
monitoring. IoT weather stations can provide real-time weather data, which can be used to
adjust irrigation schedules and other farming practices. This can help farmers avoid crop
damage from extreme weather events and reduce water waste. For example, researchers at the
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur have developed an IoT-based weather monitoring
system for sugarcane that uses sensors to measure temperature, humidity, and rainfall. This
system has been shown to improve yields and reduce water use by up to 30%.

IoT technology can also be used to monitor crop growth and health. IoT sensors can be used to
monitor factors such as plant height, leaf area, and chlorophyll content, which can provide
insights into crop growth and health. This information can be used to identify potential
problems early, such as pests or diseases, and take corrective action before they cause
significant damage. For example, researchers at the University of Campinas in Brazil have
developed an IoT-based system for monitoring sugarcane growth and health that uses sensors
to measure plant height, leaf area, and chlorophyll content. This system has been shown to
improve yields and reduce pesticide use by up to 50%.

IoT technology can be used to optimize harvesting schedules and reduce waste. IoT sensors can
be used to detect the ripeness of sugarcane, which can help farmers harvest at the optimal time
and avoid overripe or underripe crops. This can improve yields and reduce waste. For example,
researchers at the University of São Paulo in Brazil have developed an IoT-based system for
detecting the ripeness of sugarcane that uses sensors to measure the sugar content of the crops.
This system has been shown to improve yields and reduce waste by up to 20%.

The use of IoT technology in sugarcane production can help farmers improve their yields,
reduce waste, and increase efficiency. By providing real-time data on soil, weather, and crop
conditions, IoT sensors can help farmers make more informed decisions and optimize their
farming practices.

In contemporary times, the Internet of Things (IoT) has found various applications in the field
of agriculture. These applications include wireless network systems that utilize sensors to
monitor crop growth, soil fertility, livestock control, storage facilities, and other factors that
affect production. Additionally, data analysis, visualization, and management systems are also

employed. The aim of this research is to enhance the efficiency of sugarcane production
through the development of a prototype based on IoT technology. The prototype employs
embedded computers that collect real-time critical information such as temperature, humidity,
and moisture sensors from sugarcane fields. The collected data is transmitted to wireless
networks and saved on channels using the ThingSpeak platform, which displays it graphically.
The real-time data is then analyzed by agronomists to identify problems and take corrective
action to improve sugarcane production efficiency. The prototype is designed using an
Arduino UNO microcontroller board, ThingSpeak platform, and various sensors to sense data
from the field. ThingSpeak is an open API IoT platform that enables communication between
IoT objects and the ThingSpeak cloud platform to retrieve, store, evaluate, observe, and
operate on sensed data. The study utilizes the Arduino microcontroller, which is an open-
source platform comprising a physical programmable circuit board and software that can be
installed on a computer to write and upload computer code to the physical board. The Arduino
software is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that provides programmers with
tools such as a source code editor, automation tools, and a debugger.
A recent study shows that temperature and humidity sensors are being used for measurements
and are connected with the IoT network, in concluding that by using IoT, the whole process is
automated and data are collected using sensors. Thus, there was a need to design a system for
improving the productivity of sugarcane prototype using the IoT technology in order to
manage and control sugarcane field productivity.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The problem that needs to be addressed in improving the efficiency of sugarcane production is
the lack of real-time data on soil moisture, weather conditions, crop growth and health, and
ripeness detection. This lack of data makes it difficult for farmers to make informed decisions
and optimize their farming practices, leading to reduced yields, increased waste, and higher
production costs. The Internet of Things (IoT) technology can address this problem by
providing real-time data on these factors, enabling farmers to make more informed decisions
and improve their yields and efficiency. However, there is a need to develop and implement
IoT-based systems that are affordable, scalable, and easy to use for sugarcane farmers,
especially in developing countries where the majority of sugarcane production takes place.

Insufficient utilization of technology to enhance sugarcane production is a prevalent issue in
our country. The primary cause of the decline in sugarcane production is the inadequate supply
of water to the plant. To address this issue, informed decisions can be made and technical
solutions can be implemented using IoT technology to improve sugarcane production.
However, the current decrease in sugarcane production is primarily attributed to climate
change. The most significant challenges for sugarcane production due to climate change are the
increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, particularly droughts. The
productivity of water in sugarcane cultivation is largely dependent on various factors such as
agro-climatic zone, soil condition, and irrigation water management, including the amount of
water, irrigation technology, and irrigation schedule. The primary challenge is the lack of
knowledge in measuring the yield of sugarcane and providing the plant with the appropriate
amount of water, as excessive or inadequate water supply can adversely affect sugarcane
production. The lack of technology to determine the irrigation interval and frequency is a
significant issue that contributes to the reduction of sugarcane production. The use of IoT
technology can improve the efficiency of sugarcane production by utilizing data from various
sensors to address these issues. In this study, data on the environmental conditions of
sugarcane plants are collected using different sensors, and the data is transmitted to the internet
through a wireless sensor network. A gateway unit manages the sensor information and
transmits the data to web applications. Soil moisture, humidity, and temperature sensors are
installed in the field's zone of the plants to monitor the environmental conditions and irrigation
level. The collected data can be analyzed, stored, and visualized using graphs and charts
through the ThingSpeak platform to provide a better understanding of the environmental
conditions to the Agronomist. This technology can aid those involved in cane protection and
monitoring activities, such as field coordinators and Agronomists, in determining the
appropriate time and location for watering and monitoring the environmental conditions of the
The study proposes the use of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) data to make informed
decisions and develop a prototype that can bridge the gap in improving sugarcane production
through the application of Internet of Things (IoT) technology. The proposed technology
involves the use of sensors such as soil moisture, temperature, and humidity sensors, which
are controlled by a microcontroller. The data collected by these sensors is transmitted through

the internet and stored in the cloud. The recorded data is then analyzed to aid agronomists and
decision-makers in making better decisions. This IoT technology has the potential to address
the challenges faced by the sugarcane industry and enhance production. The research question
that this study aims to answer is how IoT technology can improve sugarcane production by
addressing the identified problems.

1.3 Research Questions

In order to accomplish the objective of the research, the present study examines and provides
responses to the subsequent inquiries:
1. What are the key factors affecting sugarcane production efficiency, and how can IoT
technology help address these factors?
2. What are the most effective IoT-based systems for soil monitoring, weather
monitoring, crop monitoring, and ripeness detection in sugarcane production?
3. How do IoT-based systems improve sugarcane yields, reduce waste, and increase
efficiency compared to traditional farming practices?
4. What are the economic feasibility and scalability of the IoT-based systems for
sugarcane farmers, especially in developing countries?
5. What are the best practices, challenges, and opportunities for the adoption and
implementation of IoT technology in sugarcane production??
1.4 Objectives
1.4.1 General objective
The objective of the study on improving the efficiency of sugarcane production using the
Internet of Things (IoT) is to develop and implement IoT-based systems that can provide real-
time data on soil moisture, weather conditions, crop growth and health, and ripeness detection
to sugarcane farmers.
1.4.2 Specific Objective
The specific objectives are: -

 To identify the key factors affecting sugarcane production efficiency and the
potential benefits of using IoT technology to address these factors.

 To develop and test IoT-based systems for soil monitoring, weather monitoring, crop

monitoring, and ripeness detection in sugarcane production.

 To evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the IoT-based systems in

improving sugarcane yields, reducing waste, and increasing efficiency.

 To assess the economic feasibility and scalability of the IoT-based systems for
sugarcane farmers, especially in developing countries.

 To provide recommendations for the adoption and implementation of IoT technology

in sugarcane production, including best practices, challenges, and opportunities for
future research and development.
1.6 Significance of the research
The study on improving the efficiency of sugarcane production using the Internet of Things
(IoT) is significant for several reasons:
1. Increased yields: By providing real-time data on soil moisture, weather conditions,
crop growth and health, and ripeness detection, IoT-based systems can help farmers
make informed decisions that optimize their farming practices and increase their
2. Reduced waste: IoT-based systems can help farmers identify areas of their fields that
are over or under-watered, over or under-fertilized, or affected by pests or diseases.
This information can help farmers reduce waste and minimize the use of expensive
3. Cost savings: By optimizing their farming practices, farmers can reduce their
production costs and increase their profits. IoT-based systems can also help farmers
reduce their labor costs by automating certain tasks such as irrigation and fertilization.
4. Environmental sustainability: By reducing waste and optimizing their use of inputs,
farmers can minimize their impact on the environment. IoT-based systems can also
help farmers reduce their use of water, fertilizer, and pesticides, which can have
negative environmental impacts.
5. Economic development: Sugarcane is an important crop for many developing
countries, and improving its efficiency can have significant economic benefits. By
increasing yields and reducing waste, farmers can generate more income and

contribute to the economic development of their communities.
Overall, the study on improving the efficiency of sugarcane production using IoT technology
has the potential to improve the livelihoods of sugarcane farmers, increase food security, and
promote sustainable agriculture.
1.7 Scope of the Study
The scope of the study on improving the efficiency of sugarcane production using the
Internet of Things (IoT) includes:
1. Identification of key factors affecting sugarcane production efficiency: The study will
identify the factors that affect sugarcane production efficiency, including soil moisture,
weather conditions, and crop growth and health, and ripeness detection.
2. Development and testing of IoT-based systems: The study will develop and test IoT-
based systems for soil monitoring, weather monitoring, crop monitoring, and ripeness
detection in sugarcane production.
3. Evaluation of performance and effectiveness: The study will evaluate the performance
and effectiveness of the IoT-based systems in improving sugarcane yields, reducing
waste, and increasing efficiency.
4. Assessment of economic feasibility and scalability: The study will assess the economic
feasibility and scalability of the IoT-based systems for sugarcane farmers, especially in
developing countries.
5. Recommendations for adoption and implementation: The study will provide
recommendations for the adoption and implementation of IoT technology in sugarcane
production, including best practices, challenges, and opportunities for future research
and development.
The study will focus on sugarcane production and will not cover other crops or agricultural
practices. The study will also be limited to IoT-based systems and will not cover other
technologies or farming practices. The study will primarily focus on the benefits and
challenges of using IoT technology in sugarcane production and will not cover broader issues
related to agricultural sustainability or food security.

1.8 Limitations of the Study

The study on improving the efficiency of sugarcane production using the Internet of Things
(IoT) may have some limitations, including:

1. Limited data availability: There may be limited data available on sugarcane production
practices and outcomes, particularly in developing countries where sugarcane farming
is prevalent. This may limit the ability to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the
effectiveness of IoT-based systems.

2. Technical expertise: The implementation of IoT-based systems requires technical

expertise and resources that may not be available to all sugarcane farmers. This may
limit the scalability and adoption of IoT technology in sugarcane production.

3. Cost: The cost of implementing IoT-based systems may be a significant barrier for
many sugarcane farmers, particularly those in developing countries. This may limit the
feasibility of adopting IoT technology in sugarcane production.

4. Environmental factors: The effectiveness of IoT-based systems may be influenced by

environmental factors such as soil type, climate, and topography. This may limit the
generalizability of findings across different regions.

5. Ethical considerations: The use of IoT-based systems in agriculture raises ethical

concerns related to data privacy and ownership. The study will need to consider these
ethical issues and ensure that the rights and interests of farmers and other stakeholders
are protected.

Overall, while the study has the potential to provide valuable insights into the use of IoT
technology in sugarcane production, it is important to acknowledge and address these
limitations to ensure that the findings are valid and applicable to real-world contexts.
1.9 Organization of the Thesis

This thesis is structured into several chapters. The study on improving the efficiency of
sugarcane production using the Internet of Things (IoT) can be organized into the following

1. Introduction: This section will provide an overview of the study, including the
background, objectives, and scope.

2. Literature review: This section will review the existing literature on sugarcane
production, IoT technology, and their intersection. It will identify the key factors
affecting sugarcane production efficiency and the potential benefits and challenges of
using IoT technology in sugarcane farming.

3. Methodology: This section will describe the research methodology used in the study,
including the data sources, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques.

4. Results: This section will present the findings of the study, including the performance
and effectiveness of the IoT-based systems in improving sugarcane yields, reducing
waste, and increasing efficiency.

5. Discussion: This section will discuss the implications of the study findings, including
the economic feasibility and scalability of IoT technology in sugarcane production, the
limitations and challenges of the study, and the potential for future research and

6. Conclusion: This section will summarize the main findings of the study and provide
recommendations for the adoption and implementation of IoT technology in sugarcane

7. References: This section will list all the sources cited in the study.


2.1 Overview

This chapter presents a comprehensive review of various materials pertaining to the state-of-the-art
for enhancing sugarcane production through the use of Internet of Things (IoT). The review
encompasses a range of sources, including research articles, journals, theses, conference papers, and
standard operation manuals, all of which are relevant to the research topic. Additionally, related
works were examined to identify research gaps, formulate the problem statement, and develop
research questions for the study. The subsequent section delves into the concept of IoT, exploring its
layered architectures, application areas in agriculture, communication framework, and its specific
application in sugarcane production at Wonji in Ethiopia. The review also covers standard operating
procedures for sugarcane fields, factors that impact sugarcane production, related work in this area,
and concludes with a summary of the challenges and gaps identified in the review.

2.2 Internet of Things

The ubiquitous presence of the Internet in our daily lives is a result of its network of interconnected
computers. The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of internet-connected objects that utilize
embedded sensors and computers to capture and share data. This technology enables devices with IP
addresses from anywhere in the world to connect to each other through the interconnected network of
networks, known as the internet. The intensification and industrialization of the agricultural sector,
driven by the increasing demand for food consumption, has created a need for modernization. The IoT
is a promising technology that can provide solutions to modernize the agricultural sector. Researchers
and industry stakeholders are racing to deliver IoT products to the agricultural business, laying the
foundation for IoT to become a mainstream technology.

The IoT is formed by networking everyday objects through wireless sensors that send information to
other objects and people. The network is easily embedded into the global network using intelligent
interfaces, and the infrastructure varies depending on operability and common communication
protocols. Physical objects have their own characteristics, enabling them to become active participants
in business and information processes. They can recognize events and changes in their surroundings,
share information with other objects or people, and react autonomously to environmental events with or
without direct human intervention.

The IoT is a technology that enables the monitoring of IoT devices. It involves interconnecting and
interacting things installed in different locations that are distant from each other. This network
technology senses information from different sensors and allows anything to join the internet to
exchange information.

Figure 2.1: Description of IoT

The effective execution of the Internet of Things (IoT) necessitates the amalgamation of its
various components. Consequently, IoT can be characterized as the capacity of intelligent
entities to interact with one another and establish networks of interconnected objects. The
technologies used in implementation of IoT are:
 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID): It serves the purpose of facilitating the
automated identification of objects to which it is affixed, functioning akin to an
electronic barcode. It is constructed in the form of microchips that enable wireless
data communication.
 Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) Sensors: The wireless sensor network (WSN) is
composed of various hardware components such as power supply, processing units,
sensor interfaces, and transceiver units. Additionally, it includes a communication
stack that facilitates communication among the nodes, middleware that enables
platform-independent sensor application development, and secure data combination
for ensuring reliable data collection from sensors and extending the network's
lifetime. The development of WSN was initially motivated by military applications,
but it has now expanded to include various consumer areas, industrial infrastructure,
automation, safety, and traffic. WSN is a subset of the Internet of Things (IoT)
 Addressing Schemes: The fundamental premise underlying the advancement of the
Internet of Things (IoT) is the establishment of a uniform resource network (URN)
that generates duplicates of resources that are accessed via an address, namely the
Uniform Resource Locator (URL). This connectivity framework enables the
transmission of data from high-level users to low-level sensors, which is facilitated by
the availability of URN and the accessibility of URL.
 Data Storage and Analytics: The data generated by the Internet of Things (IoT)
must be stored and utilized for intelligent sensing. In order to achieve automated
decision-making, cloud-based storage solutions have become increasingly prevalent.
To enable machine-driven decision-making, it is imperative to employ temporal
machine learning strategies that rely on algorithms, neural networks, and other
computational techniques.
 Visualization: The utilization of visual aids such as images, diagrams, and animations
plays a pivotal role in both captivating and comprehending the Internet of Things (IoT)
revolution for users. This facilitates the user's ability to engage with their surroundings
and effectively communicate the intended message.

2.2.1 History of IOT

The concept of adding sensors and intelligence to physical objects was first discussed in the
1980s, when some university students decided to modify a Coca-Cola vending machine to track
its contents remotely. But the technology was bulky and progress was limited.
The term ‘Internet of Things’ was coined in 1999 by the computer scientist Kevin Ashton.
While working at Procter & Gamble, Ashton proposed putting radio-frequency identification
(RFID) chips on products to track them through a supply chain. He reportedly worked the then-
buzzword ‘internet’ into his proposal to get the executives’ attention. And the phrase stuck.
Over the next decade, public interest in IoT technology began to take off, as more and more
connected devices came to market.
In 2000, LG announced the first smart refrigerator, in 2007 the first iPhone was launched and
by 2008, the number of connected devices exceeded the number of people on the planet.
In 2009, Google started testing driverless cars and in 2011, Google's Nest smart thermostat hit
the market, which allowed remote control of central heating.
Everyday uses
Connected devices fall into three domains: consumer IoT, such as wearables, enterprise IoT,
which includes smart factories and precision agriculture, and public spaces IoT, such as waste
Businesses use IoT to optimize their supply chains, manage inventory and improve customer
experience, while smart consumer devices such as the Amazon Echo speaker, and are now
ubiquitous in homes due to the prevalence of low-cost and low-power sensors.
Cities have been deploying IoT technology for more than a decade - to streamline everything
from water meter readings to traffic flow.
"In New York City, for example, every single building (so more than 817,000) was retrofitted
with a wireless water meter, starting back in 2008, which replaced the manual system where
you had to walk up to a meter read the numbers and generate bills that way," says Jeff Merritt,
the World Economic Forum's head of IoT and Urban Transformation.
"Many cities now leverage license plate readers, traffic counters, red light cameras, radiation
sensors and surveillance cameras to manage day-to-day operations."

2.2.2 Applications of IOT

The implementation of IoT technology has been widely acknowledged for its transformative
impact on global society. Experts have recognized the potential benefits of this technology and
have utilized it to great effect. The diverse range of IoT applications has yielded remarkable
results in various domains, including Transportation, Smart Home, Smart City, Lifestyle,
Retail, Agriculture, Smart Factory, Supply Chain, Emergency, Health Care, User Interaction,
Culture and Tourism, Environment, and Energy. This paper will provide a brief overview of
some of the notable IoT applications in these domains.
Transportation: In order to enhance the accessibility of transportation services, the Internet
of Things (IoT) technology can be utilized to create an efficient system by incorporating
sensor-assisted machines and connecting them through the internet. The integration of
communication, control, and information processing across various modes of transportation
can be facilitated by the IoT. The application of IoT technology can be extended to all aspects
of transportation systems, including the vehicle and the driver or user. The dynamic
interaction between these components of a transport system enables inter and intra vehicular
communication, smart traffic control, smart parking, electronic, logistic and fleet
management, vehicle control and safety, and road assistance. A central control connected
through the network can monitor various vehicles, which aids in managing the imports and
exports of materials and goods. Additionally, the IoT offers live and integrative services for
monitoring the delivery status and indicating the location using GIS mapping. The IoT
technology can also assist in monitoring traffic and provide suggestions for alternative routes.

Environmental Monitoring: The utilization of Internet of Things (IoT) technology in

environmental observation has a wide range of applications, including environmental
protection, weather condition monitoring, water safety preservation, seed species selection
and protection, and business farming. In these applications, sensors are employed to detect
and collect environmental data. The IoT-based environmental monitoring applications
commonly rely on sensors to aid in environmental protection by monitoring atmospheric
conditions. The physical devices that are connected to the Internet and used as warning
systems can also be utilized by emergency services to provide more efficient assistance.
Environmental monitoring applications typically employ sensors to monitor the quality of air,
water, and soil.

Infrastructure Management: The application of IoT in Infrastructure Management

enables the observation and control of urban and rural infrastructures such as bridges and
railway tracks. The utilization of IoT technology facilitates the management of structural
changes or occurrences that may pose a threat to safety and increase risk. The monitoring and
control of rural infrastructures, including bridges and railway tracks, is a crucial application of
IoT. The IoT infrastructure can be employed to monitor structural conditions and events that
may compromise safety and increase risk. Additionally, it can be utilized to schedule repair and
maintenance activities efficiently by coordinating tasks among various service providers and
users of these facilities. The use of IoT devices can also enable the control of critical
infrastructure such as bridges to provide access to ships. The implementation of IoT devices for
monitoring and operating infrastructure is expected to enhance management and emergency
response coordination, improve the quality of service, increase up-times, and reduce operational
costs in all infrastructure-related areas.

Manufacturing: By using sensors, machines in the IoT application for the manufacturing
sector enable people to produce goods without human interference over the internet. Through
the networking of equipment, sensors, and control systems, the IoT enables the rapid production
of new products as well as real-time production and supply optimization in manufacturing. IoT
assists digital control systems in automating processes and optimizing plant safety and security.
A large number of networked sensors are used to perform measurements, automated controls,
plant optimization, health and safety management, and other tasks. An industry-university
cooperative research center on intelligent maintenance systems (IMS) was established by the
National Science Foundation. The goal is to implement IoT-based manufacturing to achieve
almost zero breakdown. We can expect to see e-maintenance and e-manufacturing facilities in
the future. Because they are networked together and embedded with tiny electronics, physical
objects become "intelligent" and are seamlessly incorporated into the resulting cyber-physical
infrastructure. Therefore, IoT can greatly improve both the horizontal and vertical integration of
the various manufacturing resources used at various stages of the manufacturing processes.

Medical and health care: Devices that can be connected to the Internet of Things
(IoT) have made remote observation possible in the healthcare industry. IoT supports patient
management, medical records management, medical emergency management, treatment
management, and other facilities, improving the quality of healthcare applications. This helps
healthcare to improve its current features. The patients' safety and health, enabling doctors to
provide the best care. Systems for remote health monitoring and emergency notification can be
made possible with the help of IoT devices.
Smart beds are now being used in some hospitals, and they can recognize when a patient is
attempting to get up or when they are occupied.

Home automation: - IoT home automation refers to the ability to regulate home appliances
using electronically controlled networked systems. This includes setting up complex front
heating and lighting systems, as well as alarm and home security controls, all connected to a
central hub and operated driverless via Wi-Fi via a mobile app. As part of home automation,
we can remotely control all electrical appliances using mobile phones. Home automation is the
residential extension of building automation. This includes lighting, heating, ventilation, air
conditioning (HVAC) and security, as well as the control and automation of household
appliances such as washer/dryers, ovens or refrigerators/freezers. They use Wi-Fi for remote
monitoring and are part of the Internet of Things.
Energy management: - IoT Energy Management refers to the process of designing and
managing energy consumption patterns in industrial and service sectors. This solution allows
for complete control of energy data at a detailed level, while also reducing energy costs. By
integrating sensing and actuation systems connected to the internet, energy consumption can be
optimized. It is expected that IoT devices will be integrated into all energy-consuming devices
and communicate with power generation. This technology provides a more efficient way to
monitor energy usage not only at the appliance level but also at the grid, house, or distribution
level. Smart energy systems such as Meters and Smart Grids are installed in various
organizations and homes to monitor energy consumption and protect against losses such as
damaged equipment, downtime, and injuries by detecting threats to system performance and
equipment stability.
Media, Entertainment: - The IoT permits the enjoyment business to predict and
perceive client behavior by analyzing the gathered information and inserting the proper
content on the customer's wants through internet. Media, Entertainment Application of IoT in
media causes to transfer data through cloud from one place to another place, IoT provides
good communication between people through transfer the media one to another.

Security: - The utilization of IoT technology for security purposes can serve as a defense
mechanism against potential attacks on network-connected IoT devices. This approach can also
safeguard users by providing video and alarm signals to deter attackers. In the context of modern
living, IoT can be employed in home security devices to enable remote operation via cloud
technology, thereby addressing concerns about theft.
Agriculture: In the agricultural sector, IoT-based applications can facilitate efficient farming
practices through the use of sensors that monitor crop conditions such as humidity, temperature,
and soil moisture. This approach can reduce costs and save time by enabling remote monitoring
of crop status. Smart devices can also be developed to control water pumps and sprayers from
any location, while monitoring soil nutrition, light, and humidity to optimize production in
greenhouses. Accurate watering and fertilization can improve water quality and save fertilizers.
IoT can also provide cost-effective solutions for data collection related to weather, water
scarcity, soil fertility, and pesticides. Application Area of IoT in Agriculture

The implementation of the Agricultural Internet of Things (IoT) for intelligent farming enables
farmers to remotely monitor field conditions using sensors that measure various parameters such
as light, humidity, temperature, and soil moisture. This data is transmitted to an analytical tool for
further analysis. The sensors are capable of detecting anomalies and farmers can take appropriate
action based on the insights provided by the analytical dashboard. The reliability, efficiency, and
intelligent working principle of IoT make it an increasingly important stakeholder in the
agricultural industry. Other emerging technologies such as sensors, micro-controllers, and
actuators can also be utilized to enhance IoT applications in agriculture. The following areas are
potential targets for implementing IoT applications in the agricultural sector.
i. Agricultural field Monitoring
The implementation of IoT-based Smart Farming has the potential to enhance the agricultural
system through real-time monitoring of fields. The integration of the Internet of Things in
Agriculture not only saves farmers' time through the use of sensors and interconnectivity, but also
reduces the excessive consumption of resources such as water and manpower by monitoring
factors such as humidity, temperature, and soil conditions. Traditional methods of monitoring
agricultural fields are time-consuming and lack accuracy. The benefits of technology in water and

labor conservation are achieved through the use of sensors that operate automatically based on
programmed threshold values. The modernization of agriculture is a simple, affordable, and
practical concept. However, the sensitive parameters of agricultural fields cannot be accurately
monitored manually, and plant diseases have a direct impact on agricultural products, making it
difficult to diagnose them without the aid of technology. The IoT technology is an interesting
aspect of the IoT smart framework, and the smart monitoring of the precision agriculture
framework can facilitate the automatic monitoring of agricultural products, calculation of product
samples, and measurement of quality features.
ii.Green House Monitoring
The current focus on agriculture science has led to the development of smart greenhouse
technology, which utilizes sensors and actuators to monitor and control the climate conditions of
plants. This technology optimizes growth conditions and automates the growing process. The
physical parameters that are monitored include temperature, humidity, soil moisture, and
evaporation rate of water. These parameters can be measured using microcontroller-based smart
devices that integrate various types of sensors. Sensors are intelligent devices that measure the
physical parameters of the environment. The automation of a greenhouse involves monitoring and
controlling the climatic parameters that directly or indirectly affect plant growth and,
consequently, their yield.
iii. Agricultural Drones
The utilization of agriculture drones has become increasingly popular in modern technology, as
they are capable of detecting the reflection of green light and near-infrared spectroscopy from
plants. The data collected by these drones can be used to generate multispectral images that aid in
monitoring the health of crops. The integration of drone technology with the Internet of Things
(IoT) has enabled the monitoring and regulation of various environmental activities, including
those related to agriculture. In the field of agricultural science, drone technology can be employed
to monitor crop activities with greater accuracy and frequency than traditional methods. This
technology has revolutionized agricultural monitoring activities, allowing for the monitoring of
activities such as pesticide spraying and crop theft.
iv. Livestock Monitoring
Livestock monitoring is another area where IoT has made significant progress, enabling farmers to
monitor the location and health parameters of their animals, such as temperature, blood pressure,
and environmental conditions. The use of internet-connected sensors on livestock has proven to be
advantageous, as it allows for real-time monitoring without causing any discomfort to the animals.
This technology has made it easier and more efficient for farmers to manage their livestock.
v. Smart Irrigation Control
The Smart Irrigation Control System is an IoT based tools capable of measure the soil
moisture and climatic conditions to automate the irrigation process. The sensor data will also be
shown on the graphical form visualization cloud platform. The time management of the water
pouring in the field is very important for the soil. This gives the need of IoT to give the
automated status of the soil. The soil update and water level measuring are important for the
automated water supply management.
A smart irrigation management system is responsible for predicting the water needs of the crops
based on collected data and actuating the water flow according to the predicted needs without the
involvement of human operators. It monitors various soil, water body, plants, and microclimate
parameters using distributed sensors. The specific irrigation method (e.g., flooding, spray, drip
and nebulizer) has impact on the decision of how to monitor effectively the water body as well
as the actuation method. Improving irrigation efficiency can contribute greatly to reducing
production costs, making the industry more competitive and sustainable. Through proper
irrigation, average crop yields can be maintained (or increased) while minimizing
environmental impacts caused by excess applied water and subsequent agrichemical leaching.
Recent technological advances have made soil water sensors available for efficient and
automatic operation of irrigation systems. Automatic soil water sensor-based irrigation seeks to
maintain a desired soil water range in the root zone that is optimal for the plant’s growth.
vi. Agriculture Warehouse Monitoring
The agricultural Warehouse monitoring is Automation has become an inseparable component of
today, for which IoT has emerged as an exceptional platform that provides connectivity
between different sensors, controllers and the internet that allows for far-flung monitoring and
control of automation-related environments in the Warehouse. In agriculture water
monitoring, IoT has brought the concept of smart warehouse monitoring. IoT enhanced this
capability with a very rapid and fast threat detection. Agricultural warehouse can be monitored
real time with the implementation of the human detection sensors, temperature status of the
warehouse by the temperature sensors, and other important parameters related to the staff
monitoring and owner awareness related to the warehouse status. The role of ware housing and
storage has change drastically and there are demand and expectation in today’s industry. The
main purpose of the monitoring system is to obtain temperature, humidity, moisture and
light sensor readings from the storage to be relayed to a remote user over the internet.
vii. Soil Monitoring
IoT based soil monitoring uses technology to enable farmers and producers to optimize yield,
reduce disease and resource optimization. Soil temperature, volumetric water content,
photosynthetic radiation, soil water potential and soil oxygen levels can be measured by IoT
sensors. Monitoring of soil moisture in different areas of a farm can help in overall irrigation
management. Different crops require different irrigation strategies and using real time data of
soil moisture a farmer can increase yield by maintaining an optimal soil moisture for a specific
crop [32]. Soil is a key component for the agricultural crops for monitoring the soil, IoT made it
easy to control and coordinate the changes in soil. Nitrogen (N), CO2 and other important
parameters can be monitored and updated to the cloud in real time. A robust
recommendation system can be designed for the betterment of the soil fertilization.

Figure 2.2: Application Area of IoT in Agriculture

2.2.3 Internet of Things Architecture
The Internet of Things (IoT) necessitates an open architecture that can optimize interoperability
among distributed and heterogeneous systems. The architecture standards should comprise well-
defined interfaces and protocols, abstract data models, and neutral technologies, such as Xtensive
Markup Language (XML), to support a variety of programming languages and operating systems.
The IoT architecture should be designed to be resilient to disruption of the physical network and
ensure that the nodes use various communication protocols to connect to the IoT since they may
have intermittent connectivity. The IoT nodes should form peer networks with other nodes through
a decentralized approach to the architecture with support for discovery and peer networking. To
meet the requirements of IoT, prototyping of embedded devices such as the Arduino Chip is
necessary, which combines the RAM, processor, networking, and storage capabilities onto a single
chip, making them more specialized. The chip is also programmable to tailor it to developer
specifications and runs on low power. Due to the large volumes of data that will be generated,
routing, processing, and storage of the information remotely in the cloud is necessary. This will
enable effective caching, synchronization, updates, and data flows in the architecture.
2.2.4 Communication framework Structure of IoT
Internet of Things technology is mainly applied in planting as well as the preservation of
agricultural products, therefore grower can collect the data of crop growing environment,
growing states during these processes through the wireless sensor technology. First, the data will
be sent to management center through the network transmission, second the data will be big then
analysis, and remotely control the growth of the plant. Internet of Things includes three layers:
perception layer, transport layer and application layer [34]. Internet of Things includes three
layers: perception layer, transport layer and application layer.

 Perception layer realizes communication, energy, environmental perception mainly

through sensors, video, RFID, which are mainly used for data acquisition and
environmental monitoring;
 Transport layer sends the collected data of sensor back to background data management
center mainly through the application of WLAN network, 4G networks, etc.;
 Application layer implements analysis and summary to data through big data and cloud
computing, to realize detection, data storage, data management, and automation control.
IoT applications is found in application layer which requires to support and operate the

Figure 2.3: The three –layer IoT architecture

2.3 Sugarcane Production in Ethiopia

Ethiopia possesses vast expanses of low-lying land, rivers, and a favorable climate for the
cultivation of sugar cane. The country's soil types and climate have been proven to be highly
conducive to the growth and productivity of sugar cane. The Ethiopian Sugar Industry Support
Center Share Company (ESISC) has conducted several pre-feasibility and feasibility studies of
sugar projects, which have identified numerous potential sites in the main river basins suitable for
sugar cane plantation. These sites comprise 303,500 hectares of already identified suitable net
areas in seven locations. However, the total area developed for sugar cane production in the
country is only about 8% of the total identified suitable areas. Existing sugar factories in Ethiopia
have demonstrated that the country's favorable soil, adequate water, and conducive climate result
in an average sugar cane production per hectare per month that is significantly higher than other
countries, at 9-11 tons compared to 6-8 tons. This makes Ethiopia an attractive location for
private investors seeking to invest in sugar cane production and processing. Standard Operating
Procedures for Sugarcane Production at Wonj/Shoa Sugar Estate
Standard Operating Procedures are sets of instructions having the force of a directive,
covering those features of operations which lend themselves to a definite or standardized
procedure without lack of effectiveness. Therefore, it is important to follow the established
procedures to solve these problems. Standard production practices should be defined first to
ensure proper field management in sugarcane production at sustained basis. Work standard
can be defined as the current single best way to complete an activity with the highest degrees of
safety and efficiency, which produces consistent and high-quality outcomes. In this regard, all
of the former existing sugar estates have some sort of sugarcane production manual, which was
prepared some years back. Some modifications have been made to the operating procedures and
adopted to the new sugar factories (Tendaho, Kessem and Arjo-Dedessa) and projects (Kuraz,
Beles, and Welkayit). In recent years, rapid decline in cane productivity is being observed in
some of the existing sugar estates. It is believed that this decline in yield of sugarcane is
caused largely due to inconsistent and below standard field management practices. These
inconsistent field management practices resulted from a number of factors such as lack of well-
organized and standardized operating procedures, and lack of updated practices based on
research findings and experiences of other sugarcane producing countries. This standard
operating procedure clearly states the unit operations and cultural practices to be applied for
the successful production of sugar cane. The importance of a standardized work procedure
for cane production practices is not questionable even though the ultimate result will depend
on quality of the standards, proper implementation of the standards, and availing inputs timely at
the required quality and quality. Thus, the document has been prepared with the objective of
setting standard operating procedures for sugarcane production and thereby improving
productivity and profitability sustainably. Doing the standard operation procedures (SOP) of
sugarcane in the fields will increase the productivity of sugarcane. To Increase the production
of sugarcane solving the availability of sugar in the market and reducing the amount of sugar
imported and increase export sugar in the foreign market. Finally, to attain the millennium goal
for our country for covering the sugar in the market.

2.3.1 Factors affecting Productivity of sugarcane Production

The production of sugarcane is influenced by various factors, which can be categorized into
socio-economic and environmental factors. Socio-economic factors include farm size, labor,
application of basal fertilizer and urea, use of chemicals, age and gender of the farmer, level of
education, marital status, non-farm income, and extension support. Environmental factors include
drought, variability in climate change, soil fertility, and degradation. In a previous study, potential
impacts were classified into economic, socio-economic, natural resource, and ecological impacts.
The current farming method for sugarcane production has been found to be inadequate, resulting
in poor production. Therefore, there is a need for improved management practices and
identification of technical and socio-economic factors that hinder the increase in sugarcane
production. Incentives for sugarcane farmers are crucial for the growth and profitability of the
crop. The study aims to describe the management practices, input use, sugarcane varieties, insect-
pests, and disease problems to assist in the assessment of incentives for sugarcane farmers.
2.4 Related Works
This literature review focuses on the implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in
the agricultural sector, with a specific emphasis on improving sugarcane productivity. The review
provides an overview of previous research on the use of technology in agriculture, highlighting
the potential benefits of IoT technologies in increasing farm yield and reducing the difficulties
faced by farmers. The review also discusses the challenges associated with monitoring
agricultural activities, including the need for remote sensing due to the highly variable nature of
physical landscape, climatic driving variables, and agricultural management practices. The paper
cited in this review proposes the use of IoT to improve the cultivation of food crops, as current
research efforts are focused on monitoring the entire food crop cycle from start to harvest.

The author proposes the implementation of current agricultural approaches that utilize continuous
sensing and monitoring of crops through the convergence of sensors with IoT technology. This
approach aims to increase crop productivity and ensure the correct delivery of products to end
consumers at the appropriate time and place. However, the author fails to provide a clear
procedure for the deployment of sensors and the remote sensing technology to be used.
Additionally, the author does not explain how data will be collected and transferred, and where it
will be stored for analysis and decision-making. The lack of clear explanation and absence of
experimental results limit the usefulness of this work as a starting point for researchers. The
traditional methods of monitoring agricultural fields are time-consuming and lack accuracy,
particularly in monitoring sensitive parameters and diagnosing plant diseases. The use of IoT
technology in precision agriculture can automate the calculation of product samples and quality
measures, revolutionizing the automation of real-life processes. Agriculture science is currently a
crucial area of focus.
This study posits that the implementation of automation as a replacement for traditional
frameworks presents a viable option for enhancing various fields. This approach reduces human

effort, saves time, and improves the accuracy of the framework. The automation of water
irrigation systems through the use of IoT technology is one such example that achieves these
objectives. In the case of sugarcane crop irrigation, the conventional method requires watering
within a range of 5 to 20 days, depending on the crop region. However, flooding until the required
amount is met presents a more efficient alternative that conserves water.
The research gap identified in this study aims to increase the productivity of sugarcane. The
researchers note that the traditional method of watering sugarcane for 5 to 20 days is not cost-
effective and may decrease productivity. Additionally, the study does not provide clear evidence
to support the recommended watering duration. Furthermore, the methodology and technologies
to be employed in the proposed solution are not explicitly stated.
The present study has developed and implemented a sugarcane growth monitoring system utilizing
the Internet of Things technology. The system was designed based on the growth characteristics of
sugarcane crops and has been tested successfully. The results indicate that the system can
effectively monitor the growing environment of sugarcane, including temperature, humidity, and
crop plant height, thereby enabling the whole process management of agricultural automation. The
proposed system employs RFID and ZigBee technologies for network monitoring through the
Internet and real-time monitoring through video image processing technology. The Internet of
Things technology comprises three layers, namely, the perception layer, transport layer, and
application layer. The perception layer mainly utilizes sensors, video, and RFID for data
acquisition and environmental monitoring. The transport layer sends the collected data of sensors
back to the background data management center mainly through the application of WLAN
network, 4G networks, etc. The application layer implements analysis and summary to data
through big data and cloud computing to realize detection, data storage, data management, and
automation control. The experiment conducted real-time monitoring data collection for one month
from three periods of sugarcane growing. The mainly data collected in the system include
temperature and humidity, sunshine, CO2, as well as to plant growth height. The actual
measured plant height is analyzed with video measurement analysis data by using the
portable measuring instrument, Monitoring and management system needs to use big data
analysis technology to do data analysis more efficiently due to long test period, large amount
of data. The effective image information can be captured through double CCD camera.
The present research paper highlights the inadequacy of IoT for monitoring sugarcane growth
and reducing costs in terms of reflecting the actual productivity of sugarcane. The study aims to
explore effective communication and data storage techniques for analyzing and making
informed decisions for agronomists. In a related study [40], the technical efficiency of sugarcane
production was analyzed to identify factors affecting its level. The study measured the technical
efficiency of sugarcane production at Wonji Sugarcane Estate Farm and examined possible
reasons for low productivity using cross-sectional data. The results showed that some plot units
had slightly higher technical efficiency than others. Technical inefficiency effects were modeled
as a function of area, cane age, cane variety, cane type (ratoon), and soil type. The mean
technical efficiency of Wonji Sugarcane Estate Plot was found to be 77%, while the maximum
and minimum technical efficiency were 96% and 10%, respectively. Thus, there is a need to
increase the technical efficiency by 23% by adopting the following points: -

 The pump irrigation type of sugarcane watering system is highly prone to suffer
from hydroelectric power fluctuation and as well it is time taking to access all over plot
units if once interrupted because of hydroelectric power break which have a significant
impact on reducing the technical efficiency of sugar cane yield. There for enough
generators should be available in such situations, in regard to the water loss from the
 Rehabilitating of the canal system is necessary before lining with lining materials.
After that lining of selected canals with any lining material is preferable. The work must
be started from upper reach of the scheme and should go down to smaller canals
following topography and discharge capacities. Besides, repairing of water controlling
structures at each junction along the way should be carried out simultaneously.
The researchers the methods to used Maximum likelihood estimate of technical efficiency was
obtained from half-normal model which was supposed to describe the data adequately and the
researcher’s analysis was employed both descriptive and econometric methods. The final output
of the total production of sugarcane production varies from one plot to another plot. By major
determinant land, Equipment, Labor, Material, Cane variety, Cane Age, Soil Type and Cane
Type (Ratooning).
The limitation here is not just the problems mentioned above, but also the reasons for the
decline in sugarcane productivity not only above factors. In particular, there are factors that can
increase soil productivity, especially in terms of irrigation of the cane and identification of soil
moisture content, as well as environmental factors.

In this Study, the field section, various sensors are deployed in the field like temperature
sensor, moisture sensor, ultrasonic sensor and humidity sensor. The data collected from these
sensors are connected to the Arduino UNO. In control section, the received data is verified
with the threshold values. If moisture level is low then Arduino switches on a water pump to
provide water to the plant. Water pump gets automatically off when system finds enough
moisture in the soil and a message is sent to the user via IOT module, updating the status of
water pump and soil moisture. Thus, the system is useful to monitor the parameters for
agriculture such as temperature, humidity, moisture, leaf growth, spray the water and pesticides
through the motor pump via IOT module. The system reduces the manual work, manpower.
Crops Damage caused by predators is reduced and also be used to increase the productivity. IoT
sensors capable of providing farmers with information about crop yields, pest infestation and
soil nutrition are invaluable to production and offer the precise data.

The study is not identifying the problem address efficiently, which kinds of crops to uses the
proposed solution. The way to clarifying communicate the sensors and the main controller is
another problem of the proposed solution. This paper Saied that if moisture level is low then
Arduino switches on a water pump to provide water to the plant. Water pump gets automatically
off when system finds enough moisture in the soil. This is not clear by which kinds of Analysis
data to give the water is low not to sets parameter level of the environmental and moisture level,
and the irrigation depth and irrigation interval and where is the previous data put for analysis
with standard parameters.

Through a comprehensive review of relevant literature, we have identified a significant gap in

the current body of knowledge regarding the use of Internet of Things (IoT) technology in the
sugarcane production sector. Our review initially explored the concept of IoT, including its
technology and architecture, before delving into the challenges faced by the sugarcane industry.
One of the key challenges identified was the lack of automated technologies to manage and
control the production of sugarcane plants, as well as the slow adoption of recent technologies
in this sector. We propose that the use of IoT for sugarcane growth monitoring and cost
reduction does not adequately reflect the productivity of sugarcane in terms of cane growth. To
address this gap, we suggest that the use of IoT technology can increase sugarcane production
by identifying and addressing environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and soil
moisture levels that play a significant role in the growth of cane plants. Our research has

successfully developed an IoT-based technology to manage and improve sugarcane production,
which can prevent water wastage by irrigating plants at the right time. In the following chapter,
we will discuss the methodology used in this study to fill the identified gap in the literature.

3.1 Overview
This chapter details with the overall methodologies that were used in the study. This is
organized into areas of the study, research design, data collection methods, sampling
procedures, method of data analysis, evaluation criteria and ethical concerns.
3.2 Description of the Study Area
Wonji sugar factory is found at Oromia Regional State near Nazareth City at 110 Kilo Meters
from Addis Ababa. Commencing production in 1954 it is the oldest and the pioneer in the
history of Ethiopia’s Sugar industry and Shoa Sugar Factory constructed in 1962 is the
second oldest and both, being obsolete, have stopped production since July, 2012 and
July,2013 respectively. The two factories constructed by the Holland Company known as
H.V.A had a capacity of producing 750,000 quintals of sugar a year. The sugarcane plantation
land of these two factories was 7,000 hectares out of which 1,000 had been planted by out

Since 2010, an expansion project has been underway to replace two old factories with a new and
modern one. The project involved expanding the cane cultivation field and the factory, and the
factory plant expansion was completed in July 2013. The Wonji/Shoa Sugar Factory now has a
design capacity of crushing 6,250 tons of cane per day and producing over 174,000 tons of sugar
per year, with plans to expand further to reach a maximum production of 220,700 tons of sugar
per year. The factory also plans to build a new ethanol plant with a capacity of producing
12,800-meter cube. In addition to satisfying its own demand for electricity, the factory currently
contributes 20 megawatts of electric power to the national grid. The agricultural expansion
project is being carried out in areas such as Wakie Tiyo, Welenchiti, and North Dodota, and will
provide the factory with a total of 16,000 hectares of sugarcane plantation fields. The factory has
already cultivated 12,800 hectares of sugarcane fields, and the remaining 7,000 hectares are
owned by outgrower farmers who are members of 32 sugarcane outgrowers' associations. The
factory provides these farmers with selected seeds, professional and technical support, and
irrigable land.

3.3 Research Design
An applied research design was used in this study. The research design included identifying
the practical problem that is set on providing practical solutions in the right directions, build a
prototype and test whether the prototype meets desired functions with respect improving
sugarcane productivity.
Moreover, the researcher used Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM)
for a rigorous system analysis, design and development. It involved logical data, data flow
and entity event modelling in a sub system.
3.4 Research Methodology
3.4.1 Target Population
The target population allocated with researchers for sugarcane plantation and the target
population was employees’ works in Ethiopian Sugar Corporation Research and Development
Center. In the sugarcane research department twenty-three (23) employees who are
distributed as shown in table 3-1.

Table 3.1: Target Population

Role of Employee Number Number

Managers 2

Employees 21

Total 23

3.4.2 Sampling Design

The research involved 23 employees from the Ethiopian Sugar Corporation research center at
Wonji and Wonji/Shoa sugar factories plantation and irrigation office. Non-probability
sampling techniques were used to answer the research questions and objectives based on the
research design. To avoid sampling errors or biases and generalize from a random sample, an
adequate sample size is necessary. The acceptable sample size depends on various factors such
as the population's complexity, the researcher's goals, and the statistical manipulation to be
used in data analysis. While a larger sample size reduces the likelihood of biased findings,
there are diminishing returns that need to be balanced against the researcher's resources.
3.4.3 Methods of Data Collection and Tools
The researcher utilized primary and secondary sources of information. Primary data was
obtained firsthand through field visits and face-to-face interviews with agronomists,
researchers, and other relevant parties in the sugarcane plantation areas. A small number of
semi-structured interview questions were prepared and asked to over ten respondents to
gather information on a specific topic. This type of interview allowed for flexibility in
analysis. Secondary data was used to gain an understanding of IoT technologies, specifically
the data collected from sensors. The researcher selected an appropriate IoT system design that
would enable the recording of environmental and soil conditions. The data was analyzed and
presented to end-users, such as agronomists, using various techniques. Visio2010 was used to
design the system architecture.
3.4.4 Method of Data Analysis

The data collected was analyzed using thematic coding and thematic analysis. Thematic
analysis is a well-established technique for organizing qualitative data and has the potential to
capture the knowledge and expertise of workers and experts. It involves identifying and
analyzing patterns of meaning, or themes, and is a versatile and cost-effective tool for
exploratory research. Thematic analysis is particularly useful for analyzing experiences,
perceptions, and understandings and can be applied to a wide range of qualitative data,
regardless of the initial theoretical framework. It is also suitable for both inductive and
deductive research and can be used to analyze small, medium, and large data sets. In this study,
thematic analysis was used to understand the experiences of farmers in relation to
environmental conditions and the importance of sugarcane production.
3.4.5 System Evaluation
In order to assess the system, a survey will be carried out to obtain feedback from users
regarding their evaluation of the system. Additionally, a prototype will be presented and
system usability test questionnaires will be created to gather feedback on the system's
simplicity, usability, functionality, and security.

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