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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
P. Nellas St., Poblacion III, Carcar City, Cebu

Instructional Plan (iPlan)

Learning Area: English Grade Level:7

iPlan No.: 2 Quarter: 1 Duration:60 minutes
Aug.24-25, 2022
Learning *Explain how the elements specific to a genre Code:
Competency/ies: contribute to the theme of a particular literary EN7LT- I-b-1
selection EN7VC-i-b-8
EN7SS- i-b-1-5.1
*Use structural analysis to determine the meaning
of unfamiliar words or expressions from the
material viewed

*Skim for major ideas

Key Concepts/ Demonstrate understanding on how the elements specific to a genre

Understandings to be contribute to the theme of a particular literary selection; determining the
Developed meaning of unfamiliar words or expressions from the material viewed

Learning Objectives: K(r): Describe the characters in the story

S(App): Use a graphic organizer to determine the meaning of unfamiliar
words or expressions found in the story of creation;
S(E): (Locate, reflect,and evaluate the statements presented whether each
of them is true of false according to the story
A: Practice the value of honesty in doing the given tasks; and
V: Discuss the importance of doing the given task with honesty and
Content Reading Text: The Origin of This World(Maranao)
Resources Needed: Curriculum Guide in English 7, Learning Package in English 7 (Q1), pp. 15-
16, Teacher’s Guide pages 14-15 , speaker & microphone
Introductory Activity *Divide the class into four groups. Each group is given sets of letters written
(__5_ minutes) in strips of cartolina for the members of the group to arrange to form a
meaningful word. The first group to form the word correctly will be given a
Set 1 Letters - O-N-C-R-I-A-E-T (CREATION)
Set 2 Letters - C-A-G-I-M (MAGIC)
Set 3 Letters - N-O-G-I-R-I (ORIGIN)
Set 4 Letters - M-E-B-U-R-N -7 (NUMBER 7)
*Using the four words correctly formed, ask the students to give some
words, ideas, context or motifs that would associate with each of these four
words in the text.
*Then, present the objectives of the lesson for the day.
Activity *Using the story, The Origin of This World(Maranao) (Refer to Appendix
(_15 minutes) A)(Learning Package in English pp. 14-15), instruct the students to do Task
1 . Word Web (Learning Package in English 7, pp. 14-15)(Appendix B).
The students have to web as many words as possible as they find and search
words in the text which they could associate with three ideas.
*Ask the students to check on each other's work as three volunteers are
called to work on the board.
*Let the students perform Task 2.Locate, Reflect, and Evaluate! (Learning
Package in Grade 7 English, page 16,(Refer to Appendix C).
*Direct the students identify the elements of the story: characters, setting,
plot, and the theme of the story.

Analysis *In pairs, let the students discuss their answers.

Code Page#
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
P. Nellas St., Poblacion III, Carcar City, Cebu

(___10_ minutes) *Ask them the following questions:

1. Which part of the story the story you found puzzling, interesting,
intriguing, or strange?
2. Is it similar to your belief on how the world began? Why or why

*Process the students' answers by focusing on points of

*Let them analyze their answers by referring back to the selection.
Abstraction Ask the students to relate the story of the origin of this world(Maranao) to
(_10___ minutes) the story of the origin of the world that they have already known.
1. What are the words in the story that are related to each other?
2. Who are the characters in the story?
3. What is the theme of the story?
Application Have the students relate the story of the Origin of This World(Maranao) to
(___5 minutes) the story of the origin of the world that you have known from your elders or
parents/grandparents. Give students 1 to 2 minutes to share their ideas to the
Assessment Have the students answer the test in 1/4 sheet of paper. (Refer to Appendix
(__10__ minutes) D)
Assignment Instruct the students to research more about the origin of the world and be
(___2 minute) ready to share it in class next meeting.
Concluding Activity A closing prayer led by the teacher asking for blessing and guidance so that
(___3_ minutes) the lesson that the students learn for this day may be fruitful and lasting.

Prepared by:

Name: School:
Position/Designation: Division:
Contact Number: Email address:


Appendices: (attach all materials that will be used)

DLP Quarter 1, Week 2, Day 2

The Origin of This World (Maranao)

from the Anthology of Philippine Myths by Damiana L. Eugenio

1 According to Maranaw folklore, this world was created by a great Being. It is

not known, however, who exactly is this great Being. Or how many days it took him to
create this world.

2 This world is divided into seven layers. The earth has also seven layers. Each
layer is inhabited by a different kind of being. The uppermost layer, for example, is the
place we are inhabiting. The second layer is being inhabited by dwarfs. These dwarfs
are short, plump, and long-haired. They are locally known as Karibanga. The Karibanga
are said to possess magical powers. They are usually invisible to the human eye. The
third layer of the earth which is found under the sea or lake is inhabited by nymphs.
These nymphs also possess certain magical powers. It is stated in the story of Rajah

Code Page#
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
P. Nellas St., Poblacion III, Carcar City, Cebu

Indarapatra that he met and fell in love with the princessnymph with whom he had a

3 The sky also consists of seven layers. Each layer has a door which is guarded
day and night by huge mythical birds called garoda. The seventh layer of the sky is the
seat of heaven which is also divided into seven layers. Every layer in the sky is inhabited
by angels. Maranaws believe that angels do not need food. They all possess wings with
which they fly.

4 Heaven which is found on the seventh layer of the sky is where good people‘s
spirits go after death. Saints are assigned to the seventh layer while persons who
―barely made it‖ are confined to the lower most layer which is found at the bottom of

5 It is in heaven where we find the tree-of-life. On each leaf of the tree-of-life is

written the name of every person living on earth. As soon as a leaf ripens or dries and
falls, the person whose name it carries also dies.

6 The soul of every person is found in tightly covered jars kept in one section of
heaven. This particular section of heaven is closely guarded by a monster with a
thousand eyes, named Walo. Walo, in addition to his thousand eyes, has also eight hairy
heads. The epic Darangan speaks of Madale, Bantugan‘s brother and, Mabaning,
Husband of Lawanen, entering this section and retrieving the soul of Bantugan.

Source: Learning Package in English pp. 14-15

DLP Quarter 1, Week2, Day 2

Task 1. Word Webs

Attach as many words you can find in the selection which you could associate
with each idea featured in each box. Use a whole sheet of paper for your webs.


Code Page#
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
P. Nellas St., Poblacion III, Carcar City, Cebu


tree of life

DLP Quarter 1, Week2, Day 2

Task 2. Locate, Reflect, Evaluate!

Task 2. Locate, Reflect, Evaluate!

Locate information in the selection to determine whether each statement is true

(T) or false (F). Write your answer on a one-whole sheet of paper.

_____ 1. Everything has its own place in heaven or on earth.

_____ 2. Even monsters have a place in heaven.
_____ 3. The nymphs, unlike the Karibanga, have magical powers.
_____ 4. The number seven is a significant detail in the narrative.
_____ 5. Angels can fly.
_____ 6. The heaven in the selection accommodates saints and sinners.
_____ 7. There is a reward for good people in heaven.
_____ 8. The narrative is close to the accounts of other stories of origin of the
world. _____ 9. Death as explained in the narrative is a natural occurrence.
_____ 10. The Maranaw story of the origin of the world is unique.


1. T
2. T
3. F
4. T

Code Page#
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
P. Nellas St., Poblacion III, Carcar City, Cebu

5. T
6. T
7. F
8. F
9. F
10. T

DLP Quarter 1, Week2, Day 2

Complete the chart below using the story The Origin of This World(Maranao).
Use a whole sheet of paper.


Code Page#

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