PHY122 TUTORIALS 13-Feb-2023 13-10-00

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UNIVERSITY OF BOTSWANA Department of Physics PHY 122: Electricity, Magnetism and Modern Physics ASSIGNMENT : EM2 Tutorial Dates: 07/08 Feb 2013 Qu. Q. Q3a. QSa, b. A point charge q, is at x = 0 and q: al x = d. What is the relation between these charges if the resultant electric field strength is zero at the following points: (1) x = 42 | (11) x = 2d and (iii) x = -4/2 A point charge q) = -4 jC 1s located at (2m, 1m) while q2 = + 15 Cis at (1m, 4m). Calculate the electnc field at (3m, 2m) At point P in space, an electric field of 10° N/C acts in the +x — direction. At the same point P, another electnc field of 2 x 10° n/C acts in the + y- direction 4) What force will a proton placed at P expenence? (ii) Calculate the acceleration of the proton. Two charges are placed on the x axis. One charge (q, = +8.5 uC) is at X= +3 cm and the other (q; = 21 yw C) us at x) = +9 cm. Find the net electnc field (magnitude and directson) at ()) x = O cm and (in) x = +6 cm. BCDE 1s a rectangle of length 24 cm and breadth 18 cm. Point A is the centre of the rectangle . Point charges qy = +02 wC.q)= +08 w Cand qy=-06 yC are placed at the comers B, C, and D of the rectangle as shown in the figure below Find the magnitude and direction of the electnc field at point A A proton is moving parallel to a uniform ¢lectnic field. The electric field oceans the proton and increases its linear momentum to 5.0 x 10” kgs 10 i ; ae kg m/s ina ime of 6.3 x 10% 5 What 1s the magnitude of the A uniform electric field has a magnitude of 2.3 x 10” NIC In a vac Begins with 4 speed of 24x 10" mvs and moves inthe direction of dus faye the speed of the proton after it has moved a distance of 2.00 mm ie EMI Solutions ayes ue ean’ Fal = (0.2) ett Gloag + dvreln) a i —— -i xin AIK WES Leal = @.35)* = 2b N Calengee de elen) > e. ie eo, Fz Ft Fy = @F-21)N = ON Calong + >) Tee Neb fre on yi otn Ord pon Ga te eben Ln TOTS 2 + <6 taetanass! ee apa EEE ote ee (fs) _ Gus * > 0324N Form 4 matron amd > ww eae 2 Using ©, © amt @ = oeate The “yr V She Sd be for Gar anny from done a setts > Ge lage change Cy? PL Art) aud ee Ge mde Bho Fa Not soeests Ye ee Zev, Keren. Fr (Ft = VR gS € Bo Im D ¢ BN abs O-3me BP. cp: aP - #0 he 1 oe apes: BP= aa 0-866 > 3° oe y= Ariel VBA KOA pGiss)= > = 404-8 N alow PE > A coins see teamaiet 16 e}5 2 tn eg One hee ae (iss y™ 2 404-8 olny PQ Resutiaue Fora 6 oe PY Fir Rewscds by cote = 404-8 Cz osed ] = hog 24 0-5 Foz ae4 FAS along PA 0 Fer Ge them or Ph Sub bine, Chee of A sic caer em fre hg AP te conic Band bene Cheng ot A wins he veshve. 3 o- ‘0 Inte: e Qeet ne Giusy * 48 N ol pe Qs e sree Vales con fam Syn aty, r tans RM be pe, © 2neoen anid ceay* ane nave ane o-'1e Fos 0.2 N along CA oe ~& TA eee ear Fo 2: OaN along AD Fo@ce Xo tomp Y-coup & oan ° & meee af oas.uas G -o1an) C2 @ len & \ ° -0. 44 eS fetes Flt Olen f yr Tee E —_— Qed = Astrea 2 t+ 2 10 3) Act = @D tOcP 2 area’ = 8 \ , OF = Bey Cor = PHP = ZQ 4 D> OMe OBS ge Ge » lth. AACR Jo Lb = +(E, | = k gh i Gieeat 2 eur” I. nes) = FEY Wt, : 3 ; me FIR) =k fay Ses Ms Tee nisec . 72S x Gost SE = hac yest, nee > 47 BE EES Tea tit ced Ey = (El ones +/Ey ngs” ; = -790.¢ N/e , > -[Eriss 480 IE. 1s 45°) 7 EEL L aS NIC E 2 Etat = (EI Etre, + 2rb72.2 W/ de. fF =F zt > = SEY Gg! J Lae dr Te am fle tm F= &. ve = t 6 ce 4 2 O-DyKlo y 1-exis 23-58 yuo FM J 1 We ive acts ~~" * Same Aah. a, the thachic pall E Ge 63:47 ahem tha. poe 4 (Wr We ceceberchen ja) > FE as 2-8 x15 3M i“ (OFS hg = arts nid m/s (else & the Sue darechim oy fF) ey 9 wb? * kee See 4, dee Load 4 te Ye FS pC, Ys -Br ee IE,[) = kil . Goxw'y asyort 4 mpeg «cameron Groh q wot ie = &S xt Nie Bicchn deers 6 it ve p-apd [E,©7| KGS peer a (ee Wat a ihe ee ae he \ direchhn ik_+ve Kan. 4 a te. ee E Ge © = Cassar yl v ’ = GIF N/C ep Ve Koyo. (Ak xs Ce See. : | [ Eo) = kG LS les po! Fac Priv ; tHe yes [Eg] 2 kB 2 Goxtelnznct - \ Zip 7 He 7 ss = apne N/c | kV. -prtele a 29-5 mir No = 29S KI AL shone *<=.. 28) = 30° 8F ee alice fill ot A due wpa, 1 0.2K, b geo'tng = Te -(0- isy- abep ms \Es| es 13) = Qyiote Se pun eee > 32K" Wk acy (0-15) i (Es) aa ul) = Gora! ¥ Sons” tae SEE We remtat ahecbric (stt4 t Ef aba +bs Ki: c. 2 f+8,,+6, ° olen" edanets are! } G5 36.27" a Std pee Alo Ey 2 CN +E 16,y -€, rE, )sad ~ EP = (srt «av wot au (6 EF) ) arnt a: Goa) o 22 tr - Grama lent % -8K, b-3Klo es a afechie. inl e aarp ie. 3-5 x lo ane * 6-345 °y oxo aS) Se ptle G3xh6 by The uni ~ fet oe DIK me Fru um tre pret 2 “Cette 1 tothe = a = * Tre pet Mbt, pated: ‘t + clined act Vey + Qas 5. W's as. g& ™p U Cr ) is y =) + Andria ” e 16% wLo4 bal xt 4 Ss BISob vn tet ~/ 1 3-66 110 w/a a Eqs = Go ear 2 + & Ph nes W4- qh > DEE { \ = ky unwversiryorsorswana Gf Department of Physics PR: P 1. Ye Vee PHY 122 - MODULE: Electricity, Magnetism and Modern Physics 2012112013 ASSIGNMENT - EM 3 Tutorial dates: 14/15 Feb., 2013 3.1. Two point charges are shown in the diagram below. Qy= (+) 104C and Qy= (-) uC. calculate the electric potentials at points Pi and P2 and say which is greater { ; "te Be \ | J g \le b Ws Tae | 3.2. ABCD is a square of side 60cm with point charges at comers A. B and C such that q) = +34C, a= +6yC and q\= (-) 7HC respectively. Refer to the diagram bellow. Calculate: a. The values of the electric potentials at points D and P (Ceatre) b. The work done to bring an electron from infinity tothe powtP \/ \/, i Ne 4 Vi c The change in potential energy of toe electron if te moved from YE ceaser wnt a Yippee oo S , jee oe N29 Ua: he ft os at RE ea yo. yee se c . Vo Wo 3.3. An electron is accelerated through a potential difference of 2.0 kV Calculate the changes in kinetic and potential energies of the electron b. If the electron is moved across the potential difference, keeping it in equilibrium, how much work must be done? €. If the electron is to be accelerated from rest to a velocity of 0.5S¢ (¢ = velocity of light), what should be the potential difference between two parallel plates separated by 10cm? 4. What is the electric field between the plates? 3.4. A proton is released from rest into @ uniform electric field of strength $.5 x 10° Vm‘ & Through what potential difference will it have passed after moving 2.0 cm? , What is the velocity of the proton after it has travelled 2.0 cm 3.5. Two parallel plates are separated by 12cm and are held at (+) SOGV and (-) 300V. 4. What is the magnitude and direction of the clectric field between the plates? 1. What are the potentials at distances 3.0 cm and 7.0 cm from the negative plate? PENS Sozyros ep 2 O25m ta 9xsag, 0.SSu. kenge 8% Pr (j= O2Sm— = 655m al tL & -wE e+ ne a <= sxe" ee Cs tr) "y = 5.4610" V Vp =—L tL = te 2 GRE, oe Coss 40,25) Vp, =. pre suc A= Cos. qm C.ssteac) Vp, = 18. 33x10" VY ", Pb tsl BOL & quake He th At pot p oto} i Dd 4 AcaAD =0.C8 3 Yo -24, Af =6f= P= biz 2 [4e+3 a & 2 z V. eT 3x10 me) 6x16 7% rel “cars + Se 9. ay Me 2 i = To] F.07115"s W9.1a21id— (o.459400° Vp= 424x007 V 5 Y= tof 315°) ene ans° 0.6 0.6Yz ede. a Vy = 10S 115 “Rowe Nobris®) = enetixve Vy =03x V0" y us 4 at Vs = 0.3 x10%Y Geer ee © yp.= (er eo) = 16408" xR Soiea: “=o WD. = —L6x00ey 4.24x10%y Wd= — 6.7810 T MB WDK<0 mabate- c ta ee @ Peg © are =wo eke WD = 9. Uh = - Ler (0.310% wd = ons "(_3, 94x10* ) W.D. =_6.30 yrs ST Aarpr - fE & pe g Ha afeok Ga ~ kE =-wo a—4 OV = [6x0 2000 =AU nes = 32x00 J love m FE.=-Gar uw ké = 32x40 T Pigs OW Te fis eo agetilere—, tH ook vet have do ba. nfrockacf Ba eb de, | On Pepe, Hee 6 Waal Ace gFé a tre plel. > cleeay m to Bel. OV=—-HoV ® Veal, 4 Prete Aké +AfE=O OF Ake +4 Av =0 Ake =-4 av £m(yY vf )= -9 aV= fixe BEnov) B,=0 AF. 2 (ene, yo) $7 Ua ) 2 x el. 1. 61100 Dm nasne® AG = Vajorre > Malrieng D, = |.) 10° Ereomie — Cunkens —_— UNIVERSITY OF BOTSWANA Department of Physics PHY 122 - MODULE: Electricity, Magnetism and Modern Physics 2012/12013 ASSIGNMENT - EMS Tutorial dates: 28 Feb. & 01 March, 2013 4. : 'a) An aluminum wire having a cross-sectional area of 4 x 10° m? carries a current of 5.00 A. Find the drift speed of electrons in the wire given that the density of aluminum is 2.70g/em’. Assume that one conduction electron is supplied by each atom. b) In a particular cathode ray tube, the measured beam current is 30.0 HA How many electrons strike the tube screen every 40.05? $2 a) A rectangular block of iron (p = 9.68 x 10° (1m) has dimensions | 2cm x 1.2em x 1Sem. A potential difference is to be applied to the block berween parallel side and in such # way that hose sides are equipotential surfaces. What is the resistance of the block if the two parallel sides are: (i) the square ends (1.2 em x 1.2 em) and (it) two rectangular sides (|.2em x Sem)? ») ‘A potential difference of 3.00n\ is set up across a 2.00cm length of copper wire that has a radius or 2OOmm. How much charge drift through a cross section in 3.00ms? (p = 1.69 x 10“C.m) $3. ‘A wire 4.00m tong and 6.0mm in diameter har 4 resistance of 1Smfl A potential difference of 23.0V is applied between ends of the wire. 1. What is the current in the wire? ii What is the magnitude of the current density” iii, Calculate the resistivity of the wire material and identify the possible material by checking the resistivity table in your texthook S44 Lo eee a a a steno 20 °C. If the temperature coefficient of resistivity is xto*ct, 1. Calculate its resistance at 90 °C ti. If it is required to have the same resistance at 90°C as it had at 20 °C, what length of wire should be used at 90 °C? (thermal expansion of the wire is neglected) ss a) What is the fractional change in the resistance of an iron filament when its temperature changes from 25.0 °C to $0.0°C?( a= 3.92 x 10° “C') ©) A current density of 6.00 x 10’ A/m’ exists in the atmosphere at a location where the electric field is 100V/m. Calculate the electric conductivity of the earth's atmosphere in this region. re KMM, GAN, PYT, JG - 2012/2013- [TT 2-21/22 Mareh (EM 4, 5, 6), TT 3-11/12 April (EM . 8. ), and TT 4-25/26 April (EM 10 & MP1)] NB: TT - Tutorial Test EMS Tutorial Salions ggg ‘OL @ IY = rgd, } Are Ac lt voloct, (speed) G gh i fioe, =e Thor He bate | ; -2 c H Preogaico na C oie? ‘abn ee =~ at ' cs 72 BES ners pea eg cad SN rl Sis id DE 5 /ahoe gS - — =e coax ore en3 ices Re acholid SCA tg i a 2 agh (4 ert Xi on Ya ES as) sa : es . 6, = 130 X'e w/ tks T =4% 5 AO: Tat Ae. (2 l/s ' =(Se uns (ees) : Ido Kew PC é Meche. 4 abby os bs ‘ ve : sels Bar, Cc ™ (yiwle = FS Ke’ ote hee = eget _ — Pe = FH risFan)¢ sense) oe T: et ae cr k Gy Crete Becttps 2H ~)- ~)- 5 ‘foritn me ys? Q | t= -§ € ee ib) Cleseat Rze = = Pe IKIs am KR OHO ‘ S] 2-1G K ALA © ' = (6G y WoW? e-1g a 2-69r/s 2 Neniiaiendenbecit a Me c*y of Rinna geo = fp Qyes [ =48 > Q=zlet ie ‘ ie 4 I12RiS Bm Sons a Sa Sh 4 if Conant sant J Ta Mes ee lq (3x6 Pees ais Hanan eE STO Exe Ta oe : =. oe Kio Sa are: 9 so} a - he _Paewaline Reg bs @ Reererhare y WP KLE X(T) \ fin t 2010~% FF. +0 © ~ Ss " eet Sxl S45 fe ae ee se 2 Beate k= Rfit Katy aoe oe rey ee fas AT anne as to Tee i i Se OEE cs, 50: OFF meh tk actly fom. Oats 7s cl Gio. & = oh 5 We Cmduchuily 6 Solutions i] Equivacerct resis tance a = Sn+32+/22 iG The current [= V/aey = 12 = 12/20 Etat —v- 1 ef Trternal resistance ‘ 12.6 -(2 ; —— = $e ‘a ee ete 1 ai Potertiat adefferences across cesistors Vj= ER, = O64 523M, Vy = The = Q643=L EF Vz=IRs= 06 /2-7.2Y vw) Power wisecpated cu resistors | Patvs Tee ve | Rk 1 y= 0.603248 W, Bale = 06x18 FO8W —/ — Px = IVa= A644 22> 4320 Power edessceater CHxsicle inside the battery Pee Der = Ob 1~ O36wW LU Tactiatd powery Pez Ir V* 2.5% 120= 300W i] Fema epperating power: Py=IpV 2. 2x20=2S5¢w «) Rx t. Gos 482 ER Rpu Ya 2, F< 20” SEE w) The oppecating temperature oO eT ; 3 oth -t i peo c an wt py Rif pa(t=ell - - sae af RES £4 -=-f-( FT) feet T= 47.9 ra) = BA LE PRA. SLES Pe cuterwae remstnue | Kr ger ee of the datépry Ud emf of the charged battery | 13 - emf hae CR WD Safes sae oS ’ i (3-202 =/(26y b) } He Circe keg the ) & 2ere, hence fa) (i) Totee emf would be: & = emf +euf — = (QV 4222.4 : : _ Totad ceternad resisfauce weuls be: _ Gants = GSR +0.S¢= 12 Currené che s cercacé 2.4 = i ts = 2-0-4A—— = _ Stl a) Power ch the oad P= [*R= avn 5= OBw power diSsipated cn eack badtery Paz T= 04% 05> Cow Tetat Euf weulo be é =42V__ . Equivalent cuteruad censtauce = gH te=t er é Emf Ire 42-0408, = = f= —Loas, ts R+" i O4 — i) thee current Hreugh each battery z= 2S. 024 3 = power cu the Coad P2lte=Ore2tIis= O44 HW . er cisscpated cu each battery peli = = OPK O5= e072 a nar Gt Eamcatay re 2 ent a aa — emt “ ot, : LP oj @ Pow LUKE z. ict Fre \ ent . ie. De dil Qra = M02 + 4. € Chega Ls cut 8 Qet-Q * J-0-4, {sobs ‘ Gaye. 2 ben 7 aS ae Oy er = . MES Weyer ray 4 bh ae nitahe ga cet ~«*, aaa On <, UNIVERSITY OF BOTSWANA f Department of Physics yaivi22: Electricity and Magnetism, Introduction to Modern Physics j paiement = EM__Tarial Dots: Marsh 02.2818 4) The equivalent resistance(between points A and B) of the resistors combs oom in Fig. 1 is 4. What is the value of R? » Find the equivalent resistance between points. ‘Aand B of the resistance network shown in Fig.2 i ifeach resistance value is 3 Q: Fb BA 2Find Sore heswoen A sad B se ira shown: Ty tien ie 7 gia efi} bee Zi. m 2 tye BV we a en ¢ knw aes 2 3. Using Kirchhoff's laws, calculate the ee ere ‘current through each resistor in the ab circuit shown. R2 aaa =n How much power i dissipated eh Nar enn wnt fertial Aurerre a 2 age | pane cand duabie dln he circuit shown, E, = 3 V, Eo *2V, Eset VandRen=ne oe id (a) Give the Kirchhoff"s current law at point P. (b) Give the Kirchhoff’ s voltage law for loops CDFP and GHFP. (©) Calculate the currents hh, bandh. “~~ (4) Calculate the potential difference between points A and B. se ia ©) ‘now fr; is removed and the point A is connected y €, 'o point B, find the currents through E}, E>, E; and the resistor R. ea ye ko < UNIVERSITY OF BOTSWANA ‘ ; Department of Physics ro-ar,ret=o Ste Et ee 5S (using 4) @+@O—m -41,+-70 > I,s 3 175A Bo 2 1F 5A From @, —61,= 21,7 5° = 35-502 -! ase, paaffoayan rte tah Rg? me ee =e RF a Orsia. 2 The Pid. between fmt Sorat Jo cusrrenk: Var ti €.= Ve Grough A © VA-Va= Tat WynMy = 9 eas 2¥ @) Wlam y Sharbelrenitd oma Aw cmnaelay 40 B, Ga Grenit Tris 325A. Che d fom @. 1,2 T+ Te asrlts = BOA: - v Ket at P kee at P, 3,2 1tts =o rehetets, 7 OCI by KUL for boop coerce 3,4 1-64 Gee KUL for loop PARGP ~Ias€s- 33% o23 ye Tye 6G Tat: eaet 9@ KVL fu loop Gurr Ty - Eye ee Tyee -fst-Lyso -t-Syect wtetyst> @ C1 KVL fo loop PaHce Tyty a7 b, 2° RB f{j- +2 > Bea 2® CI Using & @ f-uatl re2Aa@ TW KUL for bop cDErC 1,-6.4 62° Oo [,-34+2=0 yea 2@ CY Using ©, O AO uO te1,-| DTZS2A, A o Le lyetys 2 Isatyes > @ @ - Orus Biy23 rztA >@ Using Ty me © gins Lease? 2 rea 2 ead! Pet eee UNIVERSITY OF BOTSWANA a Department of Physics pHY122: Electricity and Magnetism, Introduction to Modern Physics i Tutorial D: 2013 Q ‘A meter bridge has a wire length of 1 m. The left-hand gap of the bridge is closed witha 4.002 resistor connected in parallel with a wire of resistance R, 0.820 m long and 6.511 mm in diameter. The right hand gap of the bridge is closed with a 3.60 Q resistor. ‘The balance point of the bridge is 0.400 m from the left end. Calculate the resistance R and resistivity p of the wire. Q2. (a) A galvanometer with an internal resistance of 20 2 has a full-scale deflection current of $0 WA. Convert it to the following: {Qa voltmeter that reads 0 to 10 V; (ii) an ammeter that reads ‘Oto 500 mA.(b) A galvanometer with an internal resistance of 20 2 requires 2 mA for full scale deflection. What are the shunt resistances needed to convert the ° galvanometer into an ammeter with the ranges indicated in fig.1? Figure 1 Q3. (a) A galvanometer has an internal resistance of SOM and is rated R, R, R, at ImA for full scale deflection. What are the series resistances required to use it as a voltmeter with different ranges ‘The maximum values for each range are indicated in fig, 2. (b) An ammeter on the 0.1 mA stale has a resistance of 2002. It ts connected in series with a |. SV bamery () What i the series resistance required for a full scale deflection? (i) What additional external resistance will produce « hhalf-scale Ww wv sov reading? Figure 2. Q4. In the wheatstone bridge shown in fig. 3, Ry=100 0, R, = 2002, R, is an unknown resistance, and Ry is & known variable resistor. At room temperature, the bridge is balanced with R; = 35.20. When R, only is heated to a temperature 200°C above the room temperature, the bridge is balanced with Ry = 35.302 Calculate the temperature coefficient of resistivity for R, R; Figure 3 € QS. The circuit shown in fig, 4 is set up to*measure the internal resistance r and the emf E of a battery. R is a 20 resistor AB is the potentiometer wire. a 8 (a) With the switch S open, a balancing length /, = $5.2 cm is obtained. When S is closed, the balancing length is /) = 53.4 cm. Calculate the internal resistance r of the battery. (b) When the battery is replaced by a standard cell of emf LOTS6V, dhe balancing length / = 46.8 cm with S open. E ' Pind the value of £. re 4 i j Afrqnak EMR Soluban Metre be ) ot Z gw ebta te balare pe ~* Igso L, = Chm 8 bys 1 ty ne a Ore Rk R | 4% “Vp = i + Whe bedye 8 batanad 2 eh os ee BaP Py oo ORG oe > Rey = BOX Ge = Bee 4. te 7 “Ri hy a ag yx2-4 L = ir rere R= ¢ We, Gan) > . 2 =e > RA Ke e A > Ce a . aa > P- + 0()* 6x 2142 (0.511 x10") 7 O82 xy -<¢ age . 6 £3 fay ) Rs A q, B 2 Vekt meter elicstacacgerend Se etiaedet A— Ve = Te (Ro + Rs) 2 1°0V = Sonic *a (20+ Rs) ? ahd ah Seek de = eo eco x Soxso-*~ = > Ry es 1999980 92 (a Go Awuster Xe G Ar B Ts Rs Rye R (shunt) re SeomA Iga be pa Tse D-Te = Sov wA —SopA oy anas A ‘an¥ R Pacetteh veetter a—Ye = Take = TyRs terete 7 Sox to 8A x QoN = O-HAIISA Re onans & m4 Jenin io > Iss xr-37, 4owmA ren = (0.100-2.0010 DA 9 Ts = o.caea Re Tee (8,4 Refs) Te Va-Ve = > Rox axio? = CR, +R, +83)" 0.048 -t 4 Cae Ra tts) = Meee Co yoe wn Fee 1 A Rowe - Tg Hut Cua my Ry wn hk Ty Fhows Hevngh &% and Re. 57) 20aaeA > Tye T-Te = (41.0 -20x10 Te = (R48) Ts > VAr-Ye = Rete + fs yng = Cay tka zen? > Cue waet) + (2x18 8) + (axte”) [ener — (R4+e 1) > Cuoxro = CRRA ONE d feu €4(4) ? Ce, + ®,) = ho tte “io -(2) -Q@) NB! bam C1) (Ra ths) = OhoR— RK Rte Te fla Gegh 2 and Ponegh Ry. > Tse S—axte’ = RAPA NyrVp = Re Te + CR) Te = & Ts > Cuoxte?) + axte’ (09 oP 8) = & x HAE >t) 40n4: axtexouo? 5 R, Cannes 2xto”) = how -3 we Boe SERIO > he Bema FT CRy+k2) = fo. ete xto Cham f.020) 3 He Rye Ho Met Bt Rt > Ry = 32.8 wR Rg _« 32.8 wo. a + R, s © yot—R, > Ry = ouor—R, —RQ =(o. ot — Bidxio FL ve. &x4o, yn 7 Ry 5 Between. PAY424 Se | bbe. Pl ee a3. : E 7) i * die A OY, Ammeter Ra Citeenmal rebttenu) E= Ty (Rs + Fa) ah, Ntes: APOn, > 45 = CermA) (20 +s) (asx 160) -20 7? Rss & ii) La a gl * mt) = oa o ts E £ R C4 ee 7 (R+h; +&) * 2 (ryt ts) S CR+RS+K) = ARV AAR R= RK, + fy Zeom 14 ARO oo > R= ee Whask Seow biden Rag > workers wn ia : e, Ry eh A S RR TAS bance Rs Ru Ke wom tony :- Be S 7) Jo Ry Caer°c) aeet rm : 7 100 - 25:3 ane aw Re BLL 35.2 Wn ci) Rx 3 | > x 35-3 a Ry» 35.2 Rin = Ryn (1 + &- 200) +. CD La tampered oor Aagedaewa a voritance, > Ne R, 3s.3 rt be ath ee 8 5 Soe Crome (iii) vac [Ser -1) de 7 Aa thx ao* (ey!

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