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Name : Novaliana Rachma Munarisya

NIM : 01071180115
Tutor : Dr. Jennifer A18

Hypothesis : heavy coffee drinking and the risk of suicide

Time Place Person

 31 December 1995  Finland  Male Gender
 mean 14.6 years  Unemployment
 1972, 1977, 1982,  Single, Divorced or
1987, 1992 Widowed
 Current smoking
 Heavy Coffee Drinking

- Heavy Coffee Drinking and the Risk of Suicide
- Excessive Coffee Drinking may be hazardous to Mental Health

Type of Association

1. Chance
 maybe when doing a survey or research, at that time the mortality rate was high so
then it affects the result. If they the research in another country, the result might be
different too because, in Finland, Finland is known as the highest coffee drinker than
other countries.

2. Bias
 Selection bias
There might be a selection bias because of when choosing the subjects they choose it
from the specific group instead of choosing it randomly. So there might some people
who have a specific condition that could affect the result.

 Recall Bias
Recall bias might happen because the subjects don't clearly remember how much
coffee that they drink and the caffeine that is contained in the coffee they drink every
 Misclassification Bias
the researcher get the information from the national death register which takes the
data annually. some of the suicide cases may be not registered correctly.

 Measurement Bias
There might be a measurement bias because we don't know the size of the cups and
how much the caffeine that contained in the coffee they drink.

 Information Bias
When doing the survey, the subjects might not take it seriously and give the
information that they don't sure about the answer.

3. Confounding
 There might be a third factor that can cause suicide which not observed such as :
- Smoking
- Alcohol
- Drugs
- Single or divorced
- Unemployment

4. Reversed Time Order

 I guess no because if someone committed a suicide, they wouldn't drink coffee before
it which coffee contains caffeine. caffeine contains a stimulant. Stimulants are
substances that stimulate the central nervous system so as to accelerate the process of
the body, such as increased heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure. Stimulants
increase the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. they'll feel more awake and
less tired also improves the ability to concentrate.

5. Causal
 Caffeine is an addictive psychoactive substance

6. The Best Association

 Confounding

7. Prevention
 Control the use of Caffeine
 Give a Counseling
 Try to stop working over the limit or pass the maximum hours
 Most suicidal individuals give warning or signals, recognize these warning sign and
give them the best response if spot them.

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