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This refers to written communication between departments, employees, units, and branches of the
same firm. Internal correspondence might be formal or informal. Regular internal correspondence is
typically less formal, such as the supervisor issuing some directions to the workers. When sending
internal messages, email is commonly used.

Other sorts of internal correspondence include a memorandum, promotion letter, letter of dismissal,
letter of approval, written reprimand, official requests, and notice to explain. Typically, such
communication is printed on paper, which the sender signs and the receivers receive physically.


This type of communication takes place between two firms or between one organization and its clients.
It is textual communication sent by the company to third-party partners.

External communication is mostly sent to creditors, prospective clients, suppliers, vendors, financial
institutions, accounting and law firms, creditors, donors, sponsors, government offices, corporate
affiliates, and other offices that do direct or indirect business with the company.

External correspondence is an important aspect of every business’s activities. It aids in the development
of relationships with customers and other businesses. It also enables businesses to exchange critical
information about their products and services.


This refers to sales-oriented communication. It comprises discussions about the sale of a service or
product, as well as other sales-related activities. Discount letters, marketing letters, invoices, sales
reports, sales proposals, order confirmation, letters of authorization, statement of accounts, collection
letters, purchase orders, and other forms of sales correspondence may be used.

It is critical to understand how quality sales letters are written in order to communicate successfully and
possibly produce sales. Marketing and offer letters must be accurate and free of any deceptive content.
It is critical to communicate effectively in order to avoid financial problems, missing payments, and
debts. Other types of sales letters, such as purchase orders, invoices, and collection letters, should also
contain precise information.


This style of contact is individualized and contains emotional and personal components. While it is
described as individualized, the letter may also be utilized for corporate objectives. Examples include
thank-you cards, letters of gratitude, recommendation letters, favor letters, request letters, and the like.

Personal letters may not be strictly formal. Although it can be sent via email, a handwritten letter is
preferred because it has that personal touch. You can compose the letter on ordinary office paper or
note pads. You might also use a greeting card.

Circulars are notices sent to a large number of people in an organization. They might also be referred to
as announcements or office directions. Circulars are typically used to disseminate general news such as
shareholder meeting dates, new contact information, procedure instructions, and other information.

Because circulars are intended to reach a large number of people, you should create them for a specific
member of your target audience. In other words, keep them generic so that they would appeal to
anyone who receives them.


Routine correspondence refers to the regular, day-to-day communication that occurs in a business or
organization. It typically involves the exchange of information, updates, requests, and responses related
to ongoing operations and administrative matters. Routine correspondence is often repetitive and
follows established procedures and formats. Routine correspondence includes queries, orders,
responses, acknowledgments, invitations, and appointment letters.


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