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Salvador D. Caacbay Jr.

BSPA 2-2

1. What are the different aspects of Strategy?

Arena, Vehicle, Differentiators, Staging & Pacing, and Economic Logic

2. What are the Levels of Strategy? Explain each level.

Corporate Level address the issue with managing a company, Business Level focus on

achieving goals by competing against other industry while Functional level Monitor day

to day activities to support corporate.

3. Enumerate the 6 main steps in processing Strategy formulation

Establish Organizational Objectives

Analysis of Organizational Environment

Forming Quantitative goals

Objectives in context with the divisional plans

Performance analysis

Selection of Strategy

4. What are the roles of vision and mission to an organization? Give Example.

The roles of mission and vision to an organization is to have a goal or sense of direction

in mind that will motivates them to move forward in order to achieve it. The best

example that I can think of is PSU Mission and Vision that clearly states to become an
internationally recognized university that provides relevant and innovative learning and is

committed to upgrade people's quality of life by providing educational opportunities

5. What is the difference between Internal Environment and External Environment

The difference between internal and external environment is the internal can manage the

situation within the organization, they know what happens or what might happens in the

future that’s why they can come up with a plan and be prepared for it. While on the

external environment, it refers to the situation outside that will still affects the

organization, unlike internal environment, this situations are unexpected, unpredictable

and uncontrollable which makes them even more dangerous.

6. What is the PESTLE analysis?

Pestle analysis defines the most common general environmental factors that are quite

difficult to deal with. The word PESTLE stand for political, economic, socio cultural,

technological, legal, and environmental. The organization itself can't control this factors

and they have no choice but to adapt to it which is why PESTLE analysis is important so

that we can identify those factors immediately to spot emerging Threats.

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